Lock and Load (8 page)

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Authors: Desiree Holt

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Lock and Load
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“Don’t move,” he commanded. “Stay just as you are.”

He glanced around the room again.
, he reminded himself. Any woman he’d ever gone home with for a night always had interesting things stashed in their nightstand, though he didn’t think Megan fell into that category. But when he opened the drawer in the one next to Megan’s bed, his eyes widened. Nestled next to a velvet cradle holding two different vibrators was a pair of handcuffs lined with pink fleece and—yes!—a tube of gel.

Alrighty then!

The handcuffs gave him pause. Surely she hadn’t just bought them for herself. Dangling them from his fingers, he turned to the bed and swung them back and forth in front of Megan’s gaze.

“Saving these for something special, were you? I thought you said you never brought anyone here. So how come you have these?”

Tears stained her cheeks and she flexed her fingers that had to be stiffening by now, but she managed a smile for him.

“They’re special handcuffs, Sir. If you would untie me, I can show you how they work.”

“Is that right? This better not be a trick or I’ll have to apply my hand to your ass. Or apply the belt again.”

She swallowed hard and found another smile. The impudent gleam was back in her eyes.

“No tricks. Although…” She wiggled her ass.

Holy shit!
She wanted more already even though her skin had to be still on fire.

He undid his tie from her wrists and eased her over to her back, helping her to sit up, gently rubbing her wrists where the tie had constricted them. Wiping the tears from her cheeks with the back of one hand, she took the cuffs from him. He watched in amazement as she pushed a button to open them, slipped them over both wrists and pushed a center lock into place. Then, maneuvering her fingers, she depressed the button again and the cuffs sprang open.

She laughed at the look on his face. “Sometimes I like to play ‘Captive’ when I’m home by myself.” She glanced away from him, suddenly almost shy, a very becoming blush creeping up her cheeks. “It helps me when I—” She bit her lower lip.

The sight of her teeth sinking into that plump flesh made him even harder, if that was possible. The thought of what she did when she cuffed herself sent a jolt of electricity through his balls

“When you get yourself off with your toys?” He nodded at the drawer.

“That’s right.”

“And exactly how do you do that if you’ve got yourself all cuffed up?” he asked.

“I—” She swallowed and tried again. “I—put the toy inside me first, then lie down, and…you know.”

Yes, he did. With sudden clarity. And hadn’t the night just gotten even more interesting.

Holy fuck!

The image he conjured up almost made him come just standing there.

“Well.” He drawled the word. “That opens up even more possibilities.” He massaged her arms for a moment, easing the discomfort she had to be feeling from being restrained before. Then he took a step away from the bed. “I want you to do it for me. Right now.”

“Okay.” She nearly whispered the word. The self-confident sub was suddenly replaced by one with an attack of nerves.

Nerves? Sassy Megan

For a brief second, with acute clarity, he glimpsed the real woman behind the façade she wore both for the public and at The Edge. She had obviously had two sides of herself she allowed her different publics to see, but he realized the real woman was hiding beneath both of them. And that was the one he wanted.

He tried to kick himself mentally, telling himself that could get complicated and he didn’t do complicated. At the same time, he was painfully aware this was different than anything he’d experienced before. A different kind of trust was at issue here, a trust involving emotion, not sex. While it scared him, he couldn’t stop wanting it. And wondering if Megan was wrestling with the same feelings.

She shifted herself until she was in position on the edge of the bed, grimacing slightly when her very sore ass rubbed against the comforter. Beau would have been more bothered by it if he didn’t see the gleam of desire in her eyes, or the way it sparkled as she deliberately moved her ass back and forth to increase her discomfort.

He watched avidly as she took one of the dildos and slowly inserted it in her cunt. No lubrication needed here. She was plenty wet. She pressed the button at the bottom and at once the toy began to emit a hum. Her body jerked in response, but she clenched her jaw while she struggled with the cuffs. When she had the cuffs locked around her wrists she lay back on the bed and closed her eyes.

“Look at me,” Beau commanded. “Don’t close your eyes.”

He’d seen a lot during his years of play at dungeons and in strange beds, but nothing had turned him on quite like the vision of Megan bucking on the bed under the vibration of the dildo, unable to touch herself as her body strained toward completion. He could see she was right on the edge, nearly ready to explode.


Her eyes widened.

“Right now.” He reached down, turned off the vibrator and slipped it from her body.


“You’ll come when I’m ready for you to come.” Which needed to be damn soon or he’d be having a party all by himself.

Beau wrapped his fingers around his cock again. Jesus, it throbbed like a bitch and his balls ached unmercifully. If he didn’t fuck her soon, he’d implode.

“Off the bed and onto your knees.”

Megan was breathing heavily, obviously trying to control herself as her body begged for the release it needed, but she wasn’t going to disobey him. He saw that in her eyes. Her movements were awkward with her hands behind her back so Beau guided her until she was kneeling directly in front of him. Then he ordered her to open her mouth and tilt her head back. When he had her at the proper angle, he rested the head of his shaft on her bottom lip, idly stroking.

The touch of her tongue nearly made him lose it right then. Without any urging from him she closed her lips around his thick shaft and pulled him deeper into her mouth, swirling her tongue around him. Then, as she’d done the first night they were together, she moved her head back and forth, sucking on his rod, pulling with her lips, nipping with her teeth when only the head remained enclosed then sucking him deep again.

His mind flashed back to that first night at The Edge, and the image of her like this that he’d carried with him in Afghanistan. They’d been so busy with other things the past two nights at The Edge that having her suck him like this hadn’t made it to the top of the list. But Jesus! He’d wanted it so badly. And now the reality was better than the memory of that night.

He wanted to prolong the sensations, the wet clasp of her mouth, the gentle scrape of her teeth, the soft touch of her tongue. But his body was already screaming at him, ready to explode. He needed to fuck her now. Before one. More. Minute. Passed.


She looked at him, a question in her eyes, when he gripped her jaw and slid his shaft from her mouth. His hands shook with need as he lifted her back to the bed, sliding against the thin sheen of perspiration covering her skin. The pulse at the hollow of her throat beat erratically at a rapid pace and the heat from her eyes alone threatened to burn him. Reaching for some fleeting thread of control he arranged her on her hands and knees, head resting on the comforter, and reached for the tube of gel and a condom. In seconds he was sheathed and had spread a generous amount on his cock and one finger, pressing the digit against the tight pink ring of her anus.

“Breathe,” he told her. “Deep, deep breathes. I want my cock in here almost more than I want my next breath. You’re aroused enough to take me now. Remember how this was when I fucked you here before? This will be even better.”

And she was. The moan from her lips was one of lust not of objection.

He worked the lube into her hot rectum until he was sure the tissues were well greased before pressing the head of his dick to the opening. Slowly, gritting his teeth at the erotic sensations that whipped through his body, he eased himself inside until she had taken him in completely. He closed his eyes for a moment, sucking in a breath and hoping he could last more than two seconds. Then, gripping her hips, he drove into her again and again, the walls of her dark channel gripping him like an electric glove.

She pushed back against him, thrusting her hips at him as cries of pleasure ripped from her throat. Beau knew his own body was covered with sweat, his balls nearly bursting as he plunged into her body over and over. The muscles at the base of his spine tightened and the ache in his balls intensified.

“Now,” he shouted. “Come now. Right now.”

And she did, exploding with him in a kaleidoscope of light, a tidal wave of spasms that shook them both and tossed them into a black velvet whirlwind. She clenched around him until he was sure the walls of her rectum would squeeze his cock into nothing and still the tremors shook them as if they were in the grip of a giant fist.

At the point when he was sure they would both die from the intensity of the orgasm, the spasms slowly subsided, leaving him weak as a kitten. He had presence of mind enough to release the button on the cuffs and to catch himself on his forearms as he fell forward over Megan’s body. But that was all he could do for a long time.

Holy shit! What just happened here?

Whatever it was he’d never experienced it before. Not with any sub. Anywhere. Ever.

Calling on every bit of self-discipline he could muster, he lifted himself and eased his shaft from the grip of her body. On shaky legs he stumbled to the bathroom to dispose of the condom and managed to turn on the taps for the bathtub. A jar of pink bath salts sat on one corner of the ledge and he dumped some into the steaming water.

He gave silent thanks for his training as a member of Delta Force that gave him the strength he needed now. Time to take very good care of his sub.
His sub?
Oh, yeah. His indeed. And she deserved the very best aftercare he could reward her with.

Chapter Four

Megan moved as if her bones were made of jelly and her entire body would collapse in a pile at any moment. She managed to make scrambled eggs and toast without dropping everything on the floor, but gave thanks for her Keurig, which meant making coffee required little more than pressing a button. Then she dropped into the chair opposite Beau and let out a sigh. She had no protocol for this, the morning after with a man in her home. Because she’d never brought one home before, and certainly never thought of an overnighter.

She forced herself to lift her head and look at Beau who was sitting across from her. She was startled to see a smile on his face, one filled something that seemed like…affection. Affection? She wasn’t used to being on the receiving end of that from men. And now she wondered how much of that was her fault. How much the result of the ‘I don’t give a shit’ attitude she’d so carefully cultivated.

“Looks like some mighty heavy thoughts on your brain for so early in the day,” he said in his rich, deep voice.

She couldn’t help returning his smile. “Just wondering if your breakfast is okay.”

He chuckled then reached across the table to take one of her hands in his. “After last night, I think you could feed me ground glass and I’d think it was a gourmet meal.”

Heat crept up her cheeks as memories of those long hours in her bedroom crashed in her brain. She was still sore everywhere, but not nearly as much as she would have been if Beau hadn’t taken such very good care of her. The bath had been beyond wonderful, the massage with warm oil afterwards even better. But the best had been falling asleep in his arms, his body curled around her in a posture of possession.

It was great. Wonderful. But could she trust it? When she told him what she did for a living, would he forget every bit of her femininity, as most men did when she met them? What would he think about the professional Megan, a definitely take-no-shit woman? And how would he react to the fact she spent ninety percent of her work in the company of alpha males? Her job had complicated her life in so many ways. Men either assumed she slept with every one of them so why not just hop right into bed with them? Or else became insanely jealous and thought she should change careers.

Which was why her social life was basically confined to The Edge and an occasional friends-with-benefits semi-sleepover.

”I have a feeling there’s more going on in that brain than breakfast,” he commented. “Take a sip of that coffee and then tell me what it is?”

The words came out as a command more than a request, but strangely, from Beau, it didn’t bother her.

“This will sound stupid,” she began.

“Stupid?” He shook his head. “I’m pretty sure it won’t, but why don’t you let me decide.”

“I really was thinking about breakfast,” she told him. “Remember I said I’ve never invited a man to spend the night here?”

He squeezed her hand with a gentle pressure. “Yes. And I’m damn glad when you decided to do it you picked me.”

“Well, I’m not used to cooking for anyone but myself.” She laughed. “It’s just scrambled eggs and toast, but I wanted it to be just right for you.”

He leaned forward in his chair. “Megan, whatever you do pleases me.
please me. Inside the bedroom and out.” He paused. “And you’re the first woman I’ve ever said that to.”

Her heart gave a funny little hitch. “Surely not,” she teased. “I’ll bet you’ve got women stashed in every corner of the world.”

The smile disappeared from his face. “As long as we’re telling secrets here, sure, I’ve had a lot of women in a lot of different places. But none of them were anything more than a way to pass the night. Relieve tension. And they knew it going in.”

“Even at the dungeons where you’ve played?” she asked.

“I could ask the same of you. What about the other Doms you’ve been with?”

She dropped her gaze. “Good partners but nothing more.”

“Megan, I have a high stress job with Delta Force. I’ve been locking my feelings and emotions away for so long I wondered if they’d ever come out to play. But…”

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