Locked Together (In Chains) (14 page)

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Authors: Michelle Abbott

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Locked Together (In Chains)
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As we stay there, her legs around me, catching our breath, I start to think what a shitbag I am. I was rough with her, there was no foreplay and I already know I ain’t good enough for her. What sort of man am I, having rough sex with her, knowing I’m gonna leave her? But I don’t wanna leave her, I wanna stay, I wanna be good enough.

Her legs slip from my hips and her hands reach up for my face, pulling me down to her. “What are you thinking about darling?” she asks.

I frown, she’s smiling up at me, she looks happy. I can’t tell her everything. “I was thinking I was too rough.”

“No,” she shakes her head, “I loved every second of it.” She presses her lips against mine. “There’s plenty of time for gentle,” she says as she reaches up to turn on the water. I gasp as a stream of ice cold water sprays down on us. Giggling, she quickly reaches for the knob that controls the temperature. “Bloody hotel showers,” she says, laughing. I’m now cold and shivering but I can’t help laughing along with her, she always makes me happy.










Even though I’ve been blasted with cold water, I’m grateful for the hotel shower, it seems like a luxury to me now. Simon didn’t think to bring any toiletries, but luckily the hotel has provided some sachets of shower gel and shampoo, I use my teeth to tear one open. I know Kayden has something on his mind but I won’t push him, he’ll tell me when he’s ready. I guess we’re all a little strung out.

I squeeze some gel into my palm and stroke it across Kayden’s smooth chest; I’ve never been into men with hairy chests. I feel his nipples stiffen as my hand brushes against them. I stare up into his eyes, they’re dark and intense. My hands glide down to his hard stomach, there’s not an ounce of fat on him and I can feel his muscles beneath my hands, it turns me on. I deliberately avoid his cock, which is already hard and slide my hands towards his armpits. “Lift your arms,” I whisper to him. He places his hands behind his head and I draw in a breath, he’s so perfect. I massage the gel under his armpits; there are just a few tufts of hair there. Squeezing more gel into my palm, I ask him to turn around. I gently stroke my hands across his scarred back. I swallow, knowing that he got some of those scars because he fell in love with me. I smooth my hands down to his hips and his tight butt; I knead his butt cheeks with my fingers. Then I move closer. As I rub my breasts against his back I slide my hands around and I hear him gasp as my fingers encircle his cock. His head falls back as I glide my soapy hand along his length. His hands reach around to grab my butt as he tries to pull me even closer to him. He’s breathing heavily as I lean in and swirl my tongue around his ear. “You’re gorgeous Kayden, perfect, I love you.” He moans softly and his hand moves to cover mine.

“Stop,” he breathes. “Dammit, stop, I don’t wanna come yet.” He removes my hand from him and turns around to face me, he’s biting down on his lip and I can feel wetness between my legs, it thrills me to know that I excite him so much, I want him to lose control with me. He reaches for the gel. “It’s my turn to clean you, baby.”

I shiver as his large, rough hands gently move across my skin. He soaps every inch of me, his touch makes my nerve endings tingle. He turns on the shower; I wrap my arms around him and melt into his body. Our lips meet, his tongue dances around mine. His head dips and he kisses and sucks at my neck, then he moves lower and takes my nipple between his teeth, I shiver as he soft tongue flicks across my nipple. His tongue makes a trail down my stomach and Kayden kneels on the shower floor, between my legs. I grip the back of his head as his tongue works its magic. I shudder and moan as I climax into his waiting mouth. He stands and rubs his thumb across my lip. “You look so beautiful when you come, baby.”

I turn us around so that his back is against the shower wall and keeping my eyes locked with his I kneel and take his cock into my mouth. I pump the base of his cock as my lips stretch to take as much of him as I can into my mouth. He’s biting his lip and his gaze remains locked with mine, he doesn’t even blink. I suck and stoke him; I can feel his legs beginning to shake. He leans his head back against the wall and closes his eyes as his body tenses and he comes. I gag as I swallow, but I want him inside me.

He slides down the wall until his face is level with mine. His hands are trembling as he cups my cheeks. “You mean everything to me, Savannah. I’m gonna love you for the rest of my life.” He closes his eyes and presses his lips against mine.


I’m wearing Kayden’s scrubs shirt, which comes down to my knees. Kayden is wearing the pants. As I open the bathroom door, I hear Bailey’s voice. “Get off me, you animal.” Bailey is still tied up at the base of the bed and Reece is kneeling in front of her, her pants have been pulled down to her calves and Reece’s hand is between her legs, his other hand is gripping his cock. Bailey is struggling against her bonds and scowling at Reece. Kayden shoves Reece. “What the hell d’ya think you’re doing?” He glances down at Reece’s cock and frowns. “Put that away.”

Reece pulls up his pants and stands toe to toe with Kayden. “I was planning on doing the same thing you been doing in the bathroom,” Reece says. “It’s none of your damn business. You said I could bring her.”

“I didn’t say you could rape her,” Kayden replies.

Reece smirks. “She loves it.”

“She didn’t look like she was enjoying it. Lay off her,” Kayden says.

Bailey is looking up at both of them, she isn’t saying anything. Reece scowls as he kneels down and tugs up Bailey’s pants. He flops down on the bed and stares at the ceiling. I lie down on the bed and Kayden lies down behind me, his arm snakes around my waist, I can feel his hot breath on my neck. “I bet you two had fun in the shower,” Bailey says. I glance across at her, she’s smirking at me. “You’ve had his hands all over your body, bet you wouldn’t find it so hot if you knew where his hands had been.”

Kayden’s body stiffens and he jerks around to glare at her. “Shut your fucking mouth,” he growls, “or I’ll shut it for you.”

I reach up and cup his face, pulling his gaze back to me. “Ignore her Kayden.” I turn my head to Bailey. “I know where his hands haven’t been, they haven’t been on you.” I smile sweetly at her.

Bailey laughs humourlessly. “That’s where you’re wrong, his hands have been all over me, he tried to rape me.”

Still smiling, I shake my head at her. “I doubt that. Wishful thinking on your part maybe.”

She scowls at me, then her face breaks into a malicious grin. “Those hands have been in other people’s shit. Did you know he cleaned shitty toilets with his bare hands? He’s disgusting, who knows what diseases he’s given you.”

Kayden gasps, then he closes his eyes, his face is screwed up, he looks like he’s in pain. He leaps off the bed, heads to the bathroom and slams the door closed behind him. Bailey is wearing a smug smile and I want to wipe it off but I content myself with replacing her gag and tying it tightly.

I head to the bathroom, open the door a crack and peek through. Kayden’s standing at the wash basin, scrubbing furiously at his hands. I go in and close the door behind me. I turn off the tap and place my hand on his. “Kayden, stop. Your hands aren’t dirty.”

He’s refusing to look at me; I see his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows. We stand in silence for a few minutes until finally, he looks at me. “Why are you with me?” he asks. “You can do better.”

“Better?” I frown. “In what way?”

He looks down at his feet. “You could have someone with money and nice clothes, a man who could take you out places and buy you things.” He wrings his hands together. “Someone who could marry you and give you kids.” He closes his eyes. “I love you but I don’t deserve you, I never have.”

I take a deep breath before I reply. I don’t bother trying to stop the tears that are now rolling down my cheeks. It breaks my heart that he thinks so little of himself, that other people have made him feel so worthless. I reach up and stroke my fingers along his cheek; he’s still staring at the floor. “Kayden, I don’t want a man for money, there are other ways to get money and it doesn’t buy you anything that’s really worth having.” I place my finger under his chin and tilt his head up so I can look into his eyes. “We can get you nice clothes but I’m going to want to take them off you most of the time.” I smile at him and he reaches across and wipes the tears from my cheeks with his thumb.

“Baby, don’t cry, I’m sorry,” he says.

I peck him on the lips. “I’m crying because when you hurt, I hurt, because I love you.” I kiss him a second time. “Marriage is just a piece of paper, it doesn’t stop us wearing each other’s rings or committing to each other.” I slide my arms around his waist and lean my head against his chest. “You’re thoughtful, loving and gentle. You’re fun to be with and hot as hell. And children, unless you’ve had surgery I don’t know about, there’s nothing to stop us having children.”

He steps out of my embrace and backs away, shaking his head vehemently. “No. They’d be slaves.”

I hear loud tapping and the bathroom door opens, Reece pokes his head around it. “I need to take a piss,” he says.


We’ll have to continue this conversation later because I don’t want to discuss it in front of Bailey. I sit down on the bed and turn the TV on to the news channel. Kayden sits behind me; he picks up my comb and runs it through my hair. They’re talking about government cutbacks, a murder in London and hospital closures but there’s nothing about our escape. “Why isn’t there any media coverage?” I ask to no one in particular. “That’s strange, aren’t they looking for us?”

“They’ll be looking for us,” Kayden says.

“Bailey, why isn’t there any news coverage?” I ask her.

She mumbles something incoherent and I remember that she’s gagged. I pull the gag away from her mouth. “How the hell should I know,” she snaps.

“You should know because you work there, you must know the procedure for dealing with an escape.”

“We’ve never had an escape; I haven’t a clue what the procedure is.”

I put the gag back around her mouth. Reece comes out of the bathroom and throws himself onto the bed. I switch the TV off and lie back down with Kayden. I rest my head on his chest and he wraps his arms around me. Maybe they aren’t looking for us. I’m mentally and physically exhausted; I can feel my eyelids getting heavy. Kayden kisses me on the head. “Go to sleep baby, you looked tired,” he whispers. I listen to the steady beat of his heart, I feel secure in his arms and I can feel the tension slipping from my body. I close my eyes.










I gently stroke Savannah’s hair, she looks so peaceful asleep. I badly want to snuggle but I slide out from under her, I need to be able to move quickly in case something happens. My eyes flick around the room, searching for something I can use as a weapon, but there’s nothing. Fuck. I look in the bathroom, wet towels; I guess I could strangle someone with a towel. I grab it and take it back into the bedroom with me. I hear a noise outside and my head jerks towards the window. I stand there, tense, listening, I hear voices but they fade away. No way am I gonna be able to sleep, I need to keep watch, to make sure Savannah’s safe. Reece is sitting on the edge of his bed, rubbing his hands over his face and yawning. I kick his leg to get him to look at me. “We need a plan,” I tell him. I look across at Bailey, “And we should leave her here.”

Reece scowls at me. “Hell no, I didn’t carry that bitch all the way here for nothing, besides, she might be useful.”

“Yeah,” I glare at her, “maybe we can sell her body to get some money, she’d enjoy that.” Reece laughs while Bailey glares back at me. I hear the sound of a car engine and I move to the window, pull the curtain aside and peek out. The driver turns the engine off and gets out. I hold my breath and let it out again when he heads towards another room and lets himself in. “I’ve got an idea of somewhere we can go,” I say to Reece.

“Where?” he asks.

I look over at Bailey, I don’t trust her. “I’ll tell you later.”

“Yeah, whatever,” he shrugs. “Do you know how to get there?”

I shake my head. “I’m hoping Savannah knows, I’ll ask her in the morning.” Reece lies back on his bed and shuts his eyes. I guess I could tell him that we’ll take turns keeping watch so that I can get some sleep too but I don’t trust him. Savannah’s too important to me, if he falls asleep when he’s supposed to be keeping watch and we get caught, I’ll never forgive myself.


I’ve been sitting on the floor with my back leaning against the door for what feels like a lifetime but is most likely just a couple of hours because it’s still dark. I’ve been jumping at every little noise; my nerves are shot to shit and my head aches. Savannah’s words keep running through my mind, she thinks it’s strange we’re not on the news. She’s clever, she knows things, she thinks we should be on the news, so why ain’t we? I know they’ll be looking for us; we kidnapped a guard for fucks sake. The chip. My heart stops beating and I feel cold. They don’t need the news because they can track us by our chips. Shit, they could be coming for us right now. I shake Reece awake. “Get up. I’m going out; I need you to keep watch. Stay awake. If anything happens to Savannah, I’ll break your fucking neck.”

I shake Bailey awake and and untie her gag. “Have you got money?” I ask her.

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