LogansEmpath (15 page)

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Authors: Jenna Castille

BOOK: LogansEmpath
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He gasped, eyes closing then quickly opening again. She
tightened the grip of her hand, letting her fingers roll and massage.

Hissing, his lips thinned out to a line. Watching his
expression, she sucked the spongy cap into her mouth. She twirled her tongue
around and around the ridge of the head, a faint salty taste of pre-cum washing
over her taste buds.

Logan whimpered, his hands clenching and unclenching. But
other than that, he didn’t move beyond rocking his hips ever so slightly. He
let her have him to do with as she wished.

She began sucking just the tip of his cock in time with her
massaging fingers. He gnashed his teeth, his hands opening and closing. She let
go with her hands, gripping his ass. She slid his cock down her throat as far
as she could. She cupped his balls in one palm, gently rolling them as she
pulled her head back, sucking at the same time.

“Stop, I’m going to come.” Logan grabbed at her hair, trying
to move her away.

But she wasn’t having it. She gripped his balls a tiny bit
tighter in warning. Sliding her tongue down the large vein running under the
length of his cock, she took him far enough down her throat that she had to
swallow to take any more.

If her mouth hadn’t been otherwise occupied, she would’ve
grinned and chuckled at the undignified squeak that came out of Logan. Letting
go of his balls, she ran a single finger to the area behind, circling her nail
over the pucker of his anus.

He came with a quickly cut-off shout, pouring himself down
her throat in spurt after spurt. She swallowed as much as she could, refusing
to release him until she’d drained every last drop.

His knees buckled, his hands grabbing her shoulders for

“Damn, Bree,” he managed to say after swallowing several
times and clearing his throat twice. “If that’s how you act with someone you
don’t want to have a relationship with, you’ll kill me if you ever change your

She grinned up at him, tossing a saucy wink she didn’t know
she had in her. “But what a way to go, right?”

Logan laughed, the sound shooting straight to her heart.
no, can’t even think that.
Sex, just sex. Concentrate on the sex. That,
and the hot view
. She watched as he peeled his pants off, revealing his now
half-hardened cock and muscular legs.

He raised an eyebrow and waved a hand in front of her face
to get her attention. “I was hoping this wasn’t going to be a one-man show.”

She stood, fishing behind her back for the hook on her bra.
She let it slide down her arms, watching. His eyes darkened as she pulled down
her pants, kicking them across the room. She put her hands on her hips and
tossed her hair over her shoulder with a quick flick of her head. “This

He smirked for a second, taking his time looking at her.
Finally he wrapped his arms around her waist. “Much better,” he whispered
against her hair.

Running her hands up his back, Bree curled into him and
licked the tattoo over his heart. He closed his eyes again, humming in
pleasure. Taking advantage of the distraction, Bree hooked one leg around his
knees. Pushing and spinning at the same time, she shoved him on the bed. Before
he had a chance to recover, she crawled up his body, took his hands and held
them over his head.

“I agree,” she purred, rubbing her breasts against his
chest. “This is much better.”

He stopped struggling, staring up at her with such naked
desire she didn’t even need her powers to feel it. She traced his tongue’s
movement at he slowly licked his lips. “It looks like I’m yours for the

“Mmm, nice thought. Keep your hands right there.” She sat
up, looking down at the lean, quivering muscles that just begged to be feasted
upon. Leaning forward, letting her hair graze over his skin, she took one of
his nipples between her teeth. She nipped the tip then licked and soothed the
flesh. He tasted so good, salty and male, that she couldn’t help herself.

She licked her way down to his abs, carefully tracing each
line as she moved toward his navel. He twitched as she dipped her tongue in but
he kept his hands where she told him, giving her the control she wanted.

Reaching down, Bree took his already hardening cock in hand.
“Nice recovery time you’ve got there.”

“I’d have to after several lifetimes with my two lovers.” He
sighed, thrusting his pelvis into her grip. “You’ve always been insatiable so I
have to do my best to keep up with you.”

“Insatiable, huh? That sounds like fun.” She gave him a
quick pump that left his hips twisting. “Why don’t we see if you can satiate

He started to roll, his hands reaching to the other side of
the bed. He stopped himself, eyes locking on Bree’s stern expression. “Is it
all right for me to move for a moment? The condoms are on the nightstand.”

She smiled in approval. “Only if you hand me one, then
assume the position again.”

Scrambling a bit, he snagged one packet and tossed it to
her. He made a big show of crossing his wrists and placing them on the pillow
above his head.

“Good boy,” she teased, giving him a quick pat on the chest
before she rolled the latex in place. She rose up on her knees, reaching down
to guide his cock deep inside her as she sank down. She put one hand behind to
brace herself before tossing her hair and giving him a saucy look. “Hold on
tight. From here on out, it’s going to be one hell of a ride.”

With that as her only warning to him, Bree set up a brutal
rhythm, taking what she wanted from Logan. Her thigh muscles burned and her
knees ached but she rode him hard.

She could feel his desperation building to the breaking
point, his emotions threatening to drown her in desire. He also tried
desperately to keep his hands where she told him to. But he just couldn’t stand
it. He grabbed her hips, digging his fingers in hard enough to leave bruises as
he struggled to slow her down.

She wasn’t having any of that. She slipped her bracing hand
back farther, sliding between his thighs to finger the area behind his balls.

Fingers twitching, she slowly rose then slammed back down.
She locked eyes with him as she slowly sucked on one of her fingers. Even with
that as a warning, he didn’t seem to expect it when she slid that same finger
in his ass.

Logan’s eyes rolled in the back of his head, a gurgling
sound coming from his throat. His pleasure slammed into her, even harder, purer
than the last time. It was almost as if she could crawl into his skin and be
him, sensations flowing into her along with the emotions. She fought against
losing herself in the vortex.

He let go of her hips, reaching to part her and torment her
clit. “Not going alone.”

She gritted her teeth, colors flashing behind her closed
lids. Her orgasm built, becoming painful in its intensity, before crashing down
on her. She fell forward, biting his shoulder so as not to scream and bring the
wrath of the brothers down on them.

She lay there on his chest, boneless and breathless. Slowly
thought and time came back to her but she stayed there with him.

It was Logan who finally broke the silence.

“I don’t know if I can move or not but we need to take care
of the cleanup.” Logan ran his fingers through her hair, brushing it back from
her face.

She mumbled something even she didn’t understand. With more
strength than she thought she had, Bree rolled off him.

Staring at the ceiling while Logan went to the bathroom,
Bree let her mind go completely, pleasantly blank. Unfortunately the sensation
didn’t last nearly long enough.

When he crawled into bed next to her, pulling her close, she
struggled to pull away. “I shouldn’t stay.”

“I’ll set the alarm.” Logan rubbed a circle on her bare
back, the warm caress easing her tight muscles. “You don’t have to worry about
your brothers catching you sneaking to your room in the morning.”

“That’s not what I’m worried about,” she grumbled but she
burrowed in under his arm.

“I know. But stay anyway.” He curled around her. “Just for a
little while.”

Bree grimaced.
I shouldn’t do this. I really shouldn’t.
It’s just asking for trouble to be this close to him. But I don’t want to go
yet. Just this once, I’ll stay just this once.

As the sound of his breathing evened out, Bree dozed off.

Chapter Eighteen


The sound of pouring rain dragged Bree out of a deep sleep
before the alarm clock had a chance to ring. She slid out of bed, smiling as
Logan grumbled and reached out for her in his sleep, her heart warming despite
herself. Sex had filled her dreams that night. Sex with him and another man,
both dressed like rejects from an eighties barbarian movie. At least, dressed
like that for as long as her subconscious allowed them to have clothes.

It made her wonder if Logan’s powers were increasing enough
to spill over on her, to show her the Three he kept talking about.

But no matter what her past lives might have been like, she
had to concentrate on keeping an emotional distance in this one. And it was
getting harder and harder to do with each moment she spent with Logan. She
liked him and she was attracted to him, a dangerous combination for her guarded

She was starting to fear not falling in love with Logan was
a losing battle.

She pulled on her clothes and eased out of the room, closing
the door slowly so the sound wouldn’t disturb him. Her mind was too full to try
to get back to sleep and the house was silent, except for the constant pounding
of rain.

With not a single brother awake to talk to, Bree poured
herself a glass of tea and stepped out onto the front porch.

Rain slammed down outside, unnatural and vicious. She could
feel the negativity of it swirling around her, trying to cover her, suffocate
her like a thick blanket pulled tight over her head. She shivered, wrapping her
free arm around herself.

It was beyond not right.

Watching the torrents of water coming down, a shot of worry
slammed through her. This had been going on nonstop, without even slowing down.
Worrying so much about magic and demon involvement in the storm, she hadn’t
even considered the natural result of that much rain.

Bree hurried back in the house and turned on the radio. It
didn’t take long for her to hear the report she feared.

Flooding in Browningsville and the surrounding areas.

The Collier home was well out of the flood zone, built on
the side of the mountain by her grandparents. But many of their neighbors lived
near the riverbanks. Her family always opened their home to those who needed a
safe place to wait out a flood. If they weren’t already watching the river,
those neighbors needed to be warned.

Looked like her brothers weren’t getting any more sleep

It didn’t take long to get everyone up and moving, even
though Matt growled and threw a pillow at her when she got him. Each brother
got on his cell phone and they started the call tree, checking with everyone
they knew.

Logan pitched in as well. He couldn’t call anyone but he
moved furniture out of the way in the living room to make space for the coming

Once the people started arriving, everyone went about their
normal emergency tasks.

Cooking for a horde of people being familiar territory, Ty
and Bree manned the kitchen, making an extremely early breakfast for the mass
of evacuees already starting to camp out in their living room. The smells of
bacon grease, eggs, pancakes, biscuits, gravy and coffee filled the whole

It wasn’t enough to get the people’s thoughts off the
downpour still raging outside but the home cooking still had a slight comforting

Her other brothers and Logan did what they could to help.
Blankets were pulled out of storage, along with crayons, old coloring books and
Jordan’s prized game system for the children. Platters of food and carafes of
coffee were moved into the dining room as quickly as Ty and Bree loaded them.
Off-color stories and laughter echoed through the house as the adults tried to
entertain each other.

While Bree couldn’t block out the rage, fear and general
negativity that seemed to be feeding the storm, she also couldn’t help but
appreciate the small oasis of positive energy they managed to fill the Collier
home with.

“Anything else ready to go out or is there something I can
help with?” Logan asked as he carried some empty dishes back in from the feast
set out in the dining room.

“Bree’s got coffee handled and I’m not done with the bacon
and eggs yet.” Ty nodded toward a full paper grocery bag. “Why don’t you slice
some of the cantaloupe Mrs. Williams brought with her?”

“Just hand me a knife and I’m on it.”

Bree kept her eyes on the coffeepot, unable to face Logan
just yet. She knew he was a kind, responsible person. It didn’t take an Empath
to read that in him. But he’d surprised her with how quickly he pitched in and
how well he fit into the groove of her family. It gave her a strange sense of
pride, which didn’t bode well for her decision to keep her emotional distance.

“Well isn’t this cozy?” a familiar voice said, raising the
hair on the back of Bree’s neck.

Great, the one person I really don’t want to talk to. Why
did she have to live so close anyway?

“What can we do for you, Crystal?” Ty spoke, saving Bree
from having to talk to the woman.

Bree watched out of the corner of her eye as the blonde
strutted over to lean against the counter next to Logan, reaching out to pop a
piece of freshly cut melon into her mouth. “What, I can’t just be here to offer
help? I mean, if our rough-and-tumble stranger here can pitch in, why can’t I?”

“You’d be more useful if you helped the others keep their
minds off everything.” Bree poured the last bit of coffee out of the pot and
into a carafe, turned and tried to hand it to Crystal. “Go ahead and take this
out to them.”

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