London Harmony: Water Gypsy (9 page)

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I opened the cab door for her and she slid in then paused when I didn't slide in. “We can share, I don't bite.” Then she winked. “Unless you want me too.”

My jaw dropped, I didn't know how to respond to that as my body heated in all the right places. She chuckled as she reached out and laid her hand on mine that was holding the door. “I'm sorry, but your reaction was simply priceless.”

I regained my composure and crinkled my nose at her playfully. “I'm just right there.” I indicated offhandedly with a dismissive wave of my hand. “You have a wonderful night Ter.”

She smiled almost shyly and lowered her eyes as she said softly, “I already have.” My returning smile was aborted when I felt her lips on mine in a whisper soft kiss. The cab door shut and it drove off with me standing on the walk in a happy, buzzing, heated daze.

Chapter 8 – Ms. Hyde

I spent the next day just smiling. Paya had called to tease me, of course, I just grinned through my description of the night to her. Then she asked, “So, did she give you her number?” I blinked. No, she hadn't, but that didn't mean anything did it? I hadn't thought of giving her mine either, we were too preoccupied.

I heard snapping on the phone and Paya chirping, “Hey, get out of your head woman. You'll have to start charging yourself rent for the space.” Then she said to catch me off guard, “You remember to eat breakfast?”

When I hesitated, I cringed and squinted when the expected, “Bloody hell woman! You're going to mass with us then we'll brunch.” I opened my mouth to be cut off. “No backtalk. Chop chop, we'll be there in twenty.” I started to open my mouth again and snapped it shut as she added, “The two proper responses here are either 'Yes Paya.' or 'Yes ma'am.' Choose wisely.” I could hear the smile in her teasing voice.

I rolled my eyes and said, “Yes Paya.”

“There's a good girl. Now that wasn't so hard was it?” Then she rang off before I could come up with a cheeky response. I shook my head and chuckled. I didn't belong in a church, I'm always afraid of bursting into flame when I walk inside of one. But my bestie gets dragged to mass at least once a month by her doting parents. This must be the day. Now she was going to torture me with the same just because she can.

I sifted through my things, none of which were really appropriate for church. So I just picked out my longest skirt, which ended just slightly below the knee and a white blouse. Wrinkled. I looked at the time. About five minutes of generator time was left! I plugged in my little travel iron and quickly pressed the blouse the best I could. I was about three quarters done when the light flickered out as I heard the thrumming of the generators sputter out. Bugger all! It would have to do, I used the last of the heat in the iron.

I wore my boots and carried my low black heels with me as I left. I grabbed the small bag of trash by Mrs. Thatcher's door as I passed by. I dumped the trash in a roadside bin and waited patiently.
Oh god, did I brush my hair this morning?
I whipped out my mobile and held it up to catch the grey light of an overcast morning and looked at my reflection.
I exhaled in relief, then Mr. Doshi's dark green Land Rover SUV pulled up beside me.

The back door popped open and I had to restrain my mocking smile. There are some things that just don't fit, and Paya in her Sunday dresses are one such example. They made her look... innocent. I chopped back a snort at the thought. Of course, reading my mind she cocked an eyebrow in challenge and said, “Hey now, at least mine is more suitable for mass than what you're wearing. Honestly woman, we drag you kicking and screaming with us like this often enough, you could at least spring for a decent Sunday dress.”

Mrs. Doshi was grinning as she looked back and slapped her daughter lightly on the shoulder. “Nonsense.” Then she turned her always smiling eyes on me. “I think you look lovely dear.”

I smiled and inclined my head royally as I mocked Paya with my response. “Why thank you Mrs. Doshi, you look lovely as well. And you are handsome as ever Mr. Doshi. Thank you for including me today.” I got the familiar grunt of acknowledgment from the man, he has always been a man of few words. I'm sure you could fit everything he has said to me over the past twenty years onto a single sheet of paper. But the meaning behind those words could fill volumes.

He had strong Indian features, and a solid jaw, extremely dark skin with a deep caramel tone, and an unwavering moral compass. I can see what Evelyn sees in the man. Evelyn Doshi, a New Zealand transplant, could be a blonde glamour model out of some magazine but is so very down to earth and runs her own accountancy. Paya was blessed with her father's exotic looks and her mother's beauty, and a light caramel skin tone that was just so bloody unfair to the rest of us with pasty complexions.
I hate her for that, in the best possible way, of course.
I giggled internally.

The Doshi's were sort of my surrogate family, much closer than my pseudo-family on the boats. They included me in family things like this often. I always have kind of viewed them as my second set of parents and Paya as my sister since I have known them since I was in primary school. Evelyn looked back with a mischievous smile. “Now why can't you have proper manners like our Tabby here Paypay.”

Mrs. Doshi is the only person I don't mind calling me Tabby. My bestie cringed at her nickname and stuck her tongue out at me. “Is it pick on Paya day?” The three of us replied in unison, “Yes.” Then we shared a chuckle.

Church went well, I didn't burst into flames, nor was an attempt at exorcism performed on me. I took it as a good sign when a bolt of lightning didn't shoot down from the heavens to smite me... that's always a plus right?

The preacher or priest, or minister, or whatever he was called, didn't get too... preachy. I'm not sure what I believe, but until I decide, I have always been uncomfortable with people trying to shove their beliefs down my throat. This guy wasn't that way nor were the Doshi's, so I just enjoyed the 'family' time.

The elder Doshi's went to confession while we waited. Then we were off to brunch. Evelyn is worse than her daughter. She had me going up for seconds and thirds. Telling me, she's worried I don't eat enough. What is their obsession with what I eat? I haven't died of starvation that I know of.

After thanking them when they dropped me off back at home, I spent the rest of the day obsessing over my time with Teresa, fun version, and practicing my lessons. The memory of that delicate kiss kept me distracted.

The next day, after my morning routine and walking Terminator for Mrs. Thatcher, since she was feeling under the weather, I headed to work with a silly smile on my face.

I stutter stepped by the food carts.
Bloody hell!
I hadn't had breakfast that morning nor prepared a lunch, it had slipped my mind since I walked Terminator. Paya would kill me. I cussed at myself and grabbed a breakfast Reuben and a coffee. I'll never get ahead on my savings if I kept that up. Then scurried off to the Conservatoire as I devoured half the food and tucked the rest away for lunch.

I was grinning when my Indian friend let me in the door. I admitted to myself I was excited to see Teri today. My smile got a cocked eyebrow from the evil woman who knows me too well. I rolled my eyes and she gave a delighted chuckle as we punched in.

I spent some extra time making sure I cleaned Teresa's office well, then moved to the break room. This one I dreaded, each week it had been a right mess and took a little extra time for us to put back in order. We just chatted as we worked, we didn't get much chance during the day as we were usually in different parts of the building or couldn't be heard over the cleaning equipment.

Then lunch rolled around and before I darted off to the storage room she stopped me. “You do have lunch right?”

I nodded and said as if it were an insult, “Of course. Do you think I'm daft and would forget?” I held up the little paper sack with my leftovers from breakfast.

She nodded with a smirk on her face as she more stated than asked, “You forgot didn't you?”

I squished my head down to my shoulders and nodded through my smile and gave a conspiratorial, “Quite.” We shared a laugh and parted ways.

I spent my tea listening to the lesson in the room beyond, reading the book and singing along with the group on the other side of the wall. I hopped up when lunch was concluding, placed my things on a shelf and waited. A minute later Teri opened the door. She was breathtaking in a professional lavender dress, white overcoat and lavender headband holding her beautiful hair tight to her scalp.

I smiled hugely at her and said, “Hi Teri.” A little excitement tinging my voice. But her face was a stern mask with no hint of a smile, no hint of the playful woman she had shown me the other night.

She stated simply, “Miss McClellan.” Then she added, “Now then, the first lesson please.” I blinked at her. This was the same woman right? Where had the open and exciting girl gone?

I stuttered out something unintelligible. My heart sank and I looked down, feeling almost ashamed and I didn't understand why. Had she just been playing with me Saturday night? Was this a game? But... the kiss. I said hoarsely, “Yes Miss.” Then grabbed the sheet music and began. I felt tears threatening, and doubled my efforts in determination and fought them off. I wouldn't give Ms. Hyde the satisfaction of knowing she had hurt me so much.

I finished the piece flawlessly to spite her. Then moved to the second. With the exception of one slight waver, it was the best I had done on the piece.

She stopped me just near the end at the waver, hissing, “No. You're still relaxing your diaphragm near the end, anticipating the conclusion. That is unprofessional. Each note is just as important as the one before it and the one after it. Apply yourself equally to each as if it were the only one in the passage. That is where the waver came from, as you relaxed your diaphragm. Do it again.”

I gritted my teeth and started over. I have to admit, no matter how cross I was at her at that moment, she was right. I concentrated on breath control and maintaining consistent use of my diaphragm. It was my best rendition yet. And for some reason I seethed at her because of it.

Then I was going to gather my things, tea was over and I would be late punching in, but she said, like she was bored, “The final piece.”

I started to explain that I was going to be late at the time clock. “But Miss...”

She cut me off, her tone the same. “The final piece.”

I exhaled in frustration, then grabbed the music for the punishing piece. I stumbled and wavered my way through it, I was improving, but I knew there was no way anyone could possibly sing this piece. Well, except for one person apparently, but I was not Marjorie, and this hurt as I sang. My vocal chords were punished and my chest ached.

I finished on a strong note. I could probably do this if I had maybe fifty or sixty years to practice. At least this was the best I had done on it to date, just to spite this woman who was playing with my emotions.

She tilted her head and then smiled at me. All my anger dissolved at her bloody beautiful smile that filled me with warmth. She said, “You're improving. Keep at it, we'll try tomorrow again. Check out chapter eighteen to help with your vibrato.”

Then she turned and left. I called after her, but she didn't slow, “Teri... umm Miss McClellan?”

I growled and stomped my foot in frustration like a little girl. Then I grabbed my things and ran down the hall to the time clock, muttering every cuss word I knew and a few Hungarian cuss words I had learned from Mr. Illes.

Paya was holding my punched time card in her fingers, but her shit eating grin faded when she saw my face. “What is it?”

I hissed out, “Nothing!” Then stopped, closed my eyes, and took a deep breath. “Terribly sorry. She's just... I... I'm fine.” Then added, “I just need some sweet caramel.” She hugged me instantly. I hugged back, then pulled away, and took a deep breath. “Sorry, I got bloody girly there.” Then I nudged my eyes at my time card. “Thanks for that.”

She chuckled and put my card into the rack. “That's what best friends are for.”

She didn't ask, she was good that way, knowing I needed space. I punished the walls and floors with a good scrubbing to work out my frustration. The predominate thought in my head being, “Is Teresa just playing with me?”

At the end of the day, I was beat and my chest ached from singing that third piece. I think I was working muscles there I didn't know I had. We said our goodbyes and headed home.

I sat for an hour just listening to the barge groaning and feeling the gentle sway of the water moving around us in its march to the sea. The light flicked on as the sounds of the river were drowned out by the generators firing up.

I absently plugged my devices in to charge on autopilot. Then grabbed the music. I don't know why I cared. I still didn't know why she was doing this, or why she was apparently playing with me, but a part of me still wanted to please her. And I practiced.

Chapter 9 – Dr. Jekyll

The rest of the week went that way. I made small improvements on the music. She showed me more tricks to accomplish parts of it. She seemed to ignore the previous night like it had never happened.

On Friday, I was pretty down. It was the last day of our temp job. I wouldn't have the benefit of eavesdropping on Marjorie's classes anymore. I had learned so much from proxy and my own music had benefited from it. The last rave showed that.

When we went to punch out the final time, there was a slip of paper attached to my time card. I slid it out from under the paperclip and in loopy, flowery writing, was a simple message. “The Darby, eight o'clock. Teri” With a cute little heart over the I in her name. She was asking me to karaoke? I looked around to see if it were some sort of joke and stuffed the paper into my pocket for fear it would vanish.

I smiled to myself as I punched out. Paya squinted at me in question and I shrugged, asking, “The Darby tonight?”

She grinned and nodded. “Brill! Harry will hate it!” I chuckled. True, he couldn't sing his way out of a wet paper bag if his life depended on it and he had an auto-tune device in his pocket.

I chuckled. “You Miss Doshi are quite evil. Grab me at seven thirty?”

She grinned like I had given her a supreme compliment.
See? My bestie is evil.
Then she nodded. “Ok, see you then. I'll let you know if I can snag another temp that needs a crew.”

I nodded my thanks and we kissed cheeks and I headed to the coach, pulling the paper out of my pocket and re-reading it about a thousand times on the way home. The little heart over the I just made me grin. That was Teresa, playful mode. The Dr. Jekyll to that frustrating Ms. Hyde. I just needed to understand it.
I grinned.
This did seem like a good intrigue I was living!

Mrs. T was still feeling under the weather so I walked Terminator for her then made her some nice hot tea and some porridge on her hotplate during power-up. She said as I left to get ready in my cabin, “You are the heart of the Persephone, Tabitha. Thanks for bringing joy into our little family here.” I had just blushed and bid her a good night, making sure she had all of her covers tucked around her.

I sat down on my mattress, smiled wistfully, and made a note for a new personal song, Heart of the Persephone. I checked my mobile, I still had a little time, so I started writing lyrics as I hummed a new melody.

At seven, when the generators powered down, I lit my lamp and got dressed for a night of karaoke in the flickering light. Then as an afterthought reached into my almost empty cooler for a banana so that Paya wouldn't kill me. I'd have to hit the grocery tomorrow.

I ate quickly and washed it down with a bottle of water. Then stuffed the waste into my overflowing plastic bag. I grabbed the bag and took it with me when I disembarked, finding a refuse bin at the road.

I stuffed my hands into my pockets to keep the chill away when my mobile buzzed. I didn't look as I answered, “Hiya Paya!”

“Five minutes Brat.”

Then she rang off before I could defend my non-bratty honor. I just grinned and rolled my eyes.

Five minutes later I was sliding into Harry's silver truck and buckling up. My bestie slapped a golden arches bag to my chest. I cocked an eyebrow imperiously at her as she took a huge bite from her own hamburger. “I had supper but thank you, I am still a bit peckish.” My mouth was watering over the smell of the food as I opened the bag and munched on some chips as I unwrapped the burger.

Harry spoke up before Paya could, “Oh yeah? So tell us Tabs, what did your grand supper consist of.” I blushed and opened my mouth to say just how little, but he just chuckled as he kept his eyes on the road as he cut me off, “That's what we thought.”

I spoke through a mouthful of burger to my grinning best friend, “You training this tosser to pick on me?”

She leaned into him and hugged his arm and blinked innocently. “No at all, this one trains himself.”

I chuckled at her but then said, half in jest, half in all seriousness, “He's a keeper.” I really did think that she had found herself a good bloke on this go around. I counted him among my few friends. Then I added, “You two spoil me.”

Paya detached from Harry and comically flopped over against me to latch onto my arm similarly and gave it a hug. “You're totally worth it Tabby Cat.” I blushed again and stuffed a couple chips into her mouth for the evil Tabby Cat utterance. She just grinned as she chewed.

We had to circle the block a couple times before we parked just down from the Darby. The club was a little downscale, but our kind of people frequented it since it was also one of the hottest karaoke scenes in the city, which accounts for the difficulty in finding parking. Its car park was always full.

I checked my mobile, seven fifty. A lilting chuckle beside me made me shoot Paya the stink eye as she said, “You're as nervous as when you're dating.” Then her eyes shot wide and she beamed. “Is this a double date Tabs? Who is it?”

I just blushed and she got a teasing look on her face, “It's her? Oh, I thought we were hating her this week?” She said it in a question. I shrugged and handed her the note I had in my bag by way of explanation. She smiled almost sadly at the note then looked up at me and said with a tinge of concern in her voice, “Be careful Tabs. This one seems conflicted. Just look at the emotional wreck she's had you in the past couple weeks and you aren't even seeing her.”

I said without conviction, “She's just asked me to karaoke. It's not like it's a bloody date you know.”

Her face softened as we found the only empty table off near the loos, and she asked, “Then why are you wringing your hands Tabs?” Harry went off in search of liquid refreshment for us.

A couple was at the mic singing a Thompson Twins cover. They were mostly on key and it was evident they did this a lot by the sheer amount of fun they were having. We clapped with the crowd when they hit the power note at the end of the bridge. On key, sort of. I grinned. The crowd didn't care, we were all here to have fun and support each other for having the courage to stand up there in front of each other.

Paya hopped up and yelled, “Big Round Bunnies!” Then she darted toward the stage. That was her version of 'BRB'. I saw her signing up with the DJ. She came back looking all smug, why did that scare me? She said as she sat, “Sprinkled the night with a solo for each of us, one for Harry and I and a group outing. Free mic is at midnight.”

I nodded and grinned, apparently we were going to shut the club down tonight. I shook my head as I smiled and asked, “You do remember that we are both out of a job today right?”

She shrugged. “I'll be temping Tuesday at the latest again, I'm looking for another that needs a crew. The agency likes me. I think the supervisor there is sweet on me.” Then she stood. “Let's dance!”

I nodded and stood and someone behind me put their soft, hot hands over my eyes. Heat bloomed inside me as Teri's voice was warm in my ear. “Guess who?”

I spun around to see Teresa with a super silly smile on her face, and then I was pulled into a hug that was doing all kinds of naughty things to me. She released me and then waved cutely with one hand to Paya. I was pretty much a smile on legs at that point as I took her in. Torn jeans, Sketchers, and an old Miranda Keys tour shirt. The oversize silver belt she wore cocked at her hip turned the classic rocker gear into something chic.

Her emerald eyes were hiding deep in her now tightly curled mop of chocolate brown hair she had pooled around her shoulders. I thought I was catching chestnut highlights in this light. Her smile was what held me though. It was so genuine, I could see it originated deep in her eyes.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her down into a chair as we all sat again. She glanced over at Paya with something like hurt or confusion in her eyes until Harry set two beers down in front of Paya and I then looked at the third in his hand then Teresa and set it in front of her then spun to go back to the bar.

We all chuckled and my goddess seemed to relax. I saw my bestie doing her bloody multi-faceted assessment of the situation with her sharp eyes then she cocked her head and said, “Harry and I thought we'd double? You don't mind do you?”

What?! This isn't a date.
I looked around realizing that Teri wasn't with her cousin tonight, she was alone.
This wasn't... was this a date?
I melted into a sodding puddle when she said, “No, I don't mind.” Then she scooted slightly closer to me in her chair. I could have slapped Paya with a wet fish as she gawked at us, glancing at us with an evil glee fluttering around in her eyes.

Then the traitorous bird said, “Tabs was just saying she wanted to dance. You two go on ahead, I'll wait for Harry to get back.”

Teresa could have been on springs, she was on her feet in an instant and was offering a hand to me. I looked down shyly and accepted her hand and stood. As she led me to the dance floor in front of the little stage, I looked back at my friend with a promise of great pain for her in the future. I swiped my hand at her arm as I passed. She dodged it as she cackled in glee. Remind me why I hang out with such a terrible person? Teri adjusted her grip on my hand, slipping her fingers through mine. Oh yeah, that's why.

We started dancing to a bloke who was destroying a Harper Cross cover. Teri was just as graceful and fun as last week. I still didn't understand her Ice Queen personality at the music Conservatoire. It was like she was two different people.

Halfway through the number, I was bumped from behind. I looked back and burst out laughing at Paya, who was dancing with Harry. She was bobbing her head around like it wasn't attached and her tongue was lolling out of her mouth as she nudged her eyes toward Teri. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention to the woman who was heating the place up.

She shot me a playful wink and shouted, “She's having far too much fun with your discomfort. Shall we shut her up?” I tilted my head in question. She turned the upbeat song into a slow dance as she draped her arms over my shoulders and just swayed with me, our eyes holding each other captive, our faces inches apart.

I was so aroused by this sexy creature. She just smiled sweetly and then looked down bashfully. Her eyes returning to my lips. Then she gave me the gift of another one of those whisper-soft kisses. I finished the dance in a happy daze.

Three of us made our way back to the table. My exotic best friend abandoned us as she made her way back up to the DJ. She looked across the club at us with a wicked gleam in her eyes, then she smiled and wrote something on the pad. Bloody hell! Now what was she on about?

She joined us at the table, looking all sweet and innocent, so you know just how suspicious that was. I opened my mouth, but she interrupted as she motioned both of her hands palms up to the drinks on the table. “Oh look, beer!” Then grabbed her glass and just took a swallow.

I gave her a playful glare as I picked mine up.
I swear by the holy platypus, I will be her doom.
Teri chirped out a laugh and grabbed her glass and we all drank. Then set her glass down, wiped her mouth on her sleeve then grinned at Paya. “Subtly isn't in your vocabulary is it?”

My bestie just fluttered her eyelashes at her innocently. “I'm sure I have no clue what you are talking about.” We all chuckled and then Harry's name was called out before the next song started.

He blanched and looked at his girl with an accusatory squint. She shrugged and asked in false consternation, “Now how did that happen?” He stood, still looking at her and then leaned in and gave her a quick peck on the lips and headed off toward the stage with his head down, like a man heading to a funeral. Paya was just clapping her hands in glee.

Teri shot me a questioning look and I just shook my head, grinning as I nudged my eyes toward the poor bloke. “Tone deaf that one is.” The squinty ooh face she put on was priceless. I added, “I'm quite sure my bestie is a devil spawn, but I keep her around because she keeps life interesting.”

Paya deadpanned, “And I'm your sweet caramel.”

I nodded and looked directly into Teri's eyes and admitted, “And she's my sweet caramel.” After a long heartbeat, getting lost in her eyes, the three of us burst out laughing. Teresa was a bloody riot in her fun mode.

As the woman on stage was finishing. Paya was standing, grabbing our hands, and dragging us up to the stage at the dance floor yelling, “Come on ladies, we're fangirling out here.”

When we reached the stage, the DJ announced Harry and I almost died laughing when I Touch Myself by the Divinyls started playing. We all screamed like we were watching a heartthrob in concert, as the poor bloke butchered the song but had a right good time with it. The crowd was into it, Harry was nothing but smiles and campy moves on stage. Every time he monotoned out, “When I think about you, I touch myself.” We'd scream and raise our hands to him, grasping at the air. Teresa would throw googly eyes at him and make a heartbeat with her hands over her chest.

I must say, Harry got the loudest cheers of the night so far. He grinned like a wally and took a couple bows then jumped off the stage. He finally blushed as he looked at his girlfriend. “God woman! You are bound and determined to embarrass me!”

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