Lone Star Heartbreaker (19 page)

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Authors: Anne Marie Novark

BOOK: Lone Star Heartbreaker
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Caitlyn glanced at the faces of al the women who were frowning at their mother-in-law and casting speculative looks her way. Something was going on she wasn't supposed to know about. "What
the men doing today?" she asked in as casual a voice as she could muster.

Ruth smiled. "Nothing to worry your pretty little head about, darlin'. You just keep stirring that chocolate and don't let it boil."

Caitlyn suddenly had a bad feeling about al of this. It was starting to look like the McCades had plotted to keep her busy while Tyler did something.

But what could he do?
He'd already given her the prize money. What else was there? And even though she'd told him not to repeat his marriage proposal, he'd asked her again several times since the air show. Every time it was getting harder and harder to refuse.

He couldn't
her to marry him; so there real y wasn't anything he
do. Except try to wear down her defenses. And if she were honest with herself, she'd have to say he was close to doing just that.

Giving into temptation and sleeping with him again had almost been her undoing. Tyler's lovemaking was like a drug, and she was afraid she needed another fix. Although, she trusted him with her body, she stil couldn't trust her heart to him and commit to forever.

She didn't know how to do forever.

Caitlyn stirred the cocoa mixture and sighed. She couldn't risk her heart again. It would kil her if she built her hopes around Tyler, then have him disappoint her. Better to stick to her guns and move on. It was much safer to depend only on yourself. Not always easier, but definitely safer.

Theresa came up beside her near the stove and took the wooden spoon from her hand. "I'l take care of this. Why don't you and Jessie get some fresh air? I'm sure she'd like to take a walk or sit on the front porch while little Daniel is down for his nap. The sunset is beautiful from there. Take a break. I know we McCades can be pretty overwhelming at times. Even without the menfolk in residence."

they up to?" Caitlyn asked, searching the woman's pretty face.

"Ask Jess. Maybe she'l tel you."


The sun was beginning to set, when Tyler and his crew of volunteers decided to break for dinner. They'd made great progress on the restoration of Caitlyn's plane. Tyler had assigned various jobs to the workers, explaining what was to be done and how.

Dal as walked into the hangar carrying three large bags of burgers and fries. Two ice chests were already stocked and ready with soft drinks and cold beer. Everyone chowed down, ready for the break, preparing for the long night ahead.

Tyler sat with his brothers at one of the workbenches. "Damn, I hope this works, and Caitlyn changes her mind." He bit into his cheeseburger. "If it doesn't, I'm royal y screwed."

"Maybe not," Cameron said. "Caitlyn seems to be a lot like Jess. I knew Jessie loved me--hel , she'd loved me for years--but she was so damned stubborn about actual y marrying me. It took a lot of persuading on my part to cut through her defenses." He pointed a French fry in Tyler's face to emphasize his next point. "So, if this doesn't work, you'l just have to think of something else."

"That's the problem. I'm running out of ideas," Tyler said. "Except I can't quit trying. Failure is
an option."

"Right." Cameron popped the fry into his mouth. "You have to keep believing she'l eventual y come around."

"She'l come around," Dal as said, opening a beer. "I know al about being stubborn. I almost lost Gil ian because I was so pig-headed. I acted like a bastard toward her. Luckily, she loved me enough to forgive me."

Austin nodded. "Same here with Theresa. I can certainly understand Caitlyn being afraid to take the risk. Just don't give up, Ty."

"I won't. I never thought I'd find a woman to love. God knows I dated enough of them." He banged a fist on the table. "
Goddamn it!
to change her mind and marry me. She just has to."


Four Shaker-style rockers sat on the front porch of Ruth's ranch house. Caitlyn sat in one and Jessie in another. They watched the sun set and talked on al manner of topics. Al except the most important one. They careful y skirted the issue of Caitlyn's relationship with Tyler.

They sat in companionable silence for a while until Caitlyn couldn't stand it any longer. "I do love Tyler, you know."

Jessie rocked back and forth. "I know. The McCade men are a unique bunch. I've known them for years. We al went to school together. There's only the one school in Salt Fork."

Caitlyn smiled. "One school with twelve grades?"

"Thirteen if you count Kindergarten," Jessie said with a grin.

"Wow. Y'al must have known each other pretty wel then."

"Yes, considering there were only ten or twelve students in each grade."

"I can't even imagine that kind of school." Caitlyn shook her head in wonder. "I never stayed anywhere long enough to make close friends at the schools I attended. We were always moving wherever my dad got stationed."

Jessie stopped rocking. "Is that why you're afraid to marry Tyler?"

Caitlyn felt her cheeks heat up. "You don't beat around the bush, do you?"

"Sorry. You don't have to tel me if you don't want. I just thought you might need to talk about it. Would it help to know I refused Cameron's proposal at first, too?"

"Did you?" Caitlyn said, surprised. "Why? You seem so happy now."

Jessie shrugged a shoulder. "It's a long story. Suffice it to say, I was scared. And stubborn. Sometimes, I wondered why he didn't just find someone else. He didn't give up, though. Thank God. We al have issues, Caitlyn. We al have to learn to trust. Austin nearly lost Theresa because he was so afraid to trust again, to love again."

"Austin? It's hard to believe that big strong man was ever scared of anything."

"Wel , believe it. It's true."

"So, al of your stories have happy endings." Caitlyn sighed. "I don't see how mine can."

Jessie stared at her. "But you said you love him."

"Yes." Caitlyn's voice was barely a whisper; she felt tears gather in her eyes.

Jessie stopped rocking and leaned forward in the chair. "Listen, I've known Tyler McCade my whole life. Yes, he was a lady-kil er. Al the brothers were to one extent or another. I don't know how many hearts Tyler broke, but I'l tel you a little secret--I've never seen him this serious about a woman before. I've never seen him ready to commit.

She started rocking again. "When the McCades final y fal in love, they fal hard. They're responsible men and they love their women deeply. They had a good example set by their parents. Ruth and Daniel McCade adored each other. They were the kind of couple who held hands wherever they went even after being married thirty years. They weren't afraid to show their love for one another. That's the example Tyler and his brothers
his sister grew up with."

Caitlyn looked out at the mesquite trees standing in the pasture; the cool evening breeze swished the branches back and forth. "So you're saying I should give Tyler a chance? I should take that risk? I should just do it?"

"I'm saying you ought to think long and hard before you throw away his love. If you open your heart to Tyler, he'l always be there for you. That streak of goodness and commitment runs deep in al the McCades. You'l never find another man like Tyler."

"I know. I want to believe, but it's hard," she said with a sigh. "It's not easy to let go of my fears."

"Actual y, it's easier than you think," Jessie said. "Al you need to do is imagine how your life wil be without Tyler in it. Which is the greater risk?

Leaving or staying?"

Caitlyn thought a minute. "I'm not sure."

"Wel , nothing's for sure in this life." Jessie reached over and covered Caitlyn's hand with her own. "You've been given the chance to choose what kind of life you want to live. With Tyler or without. You have to take that first step if you want your chance for happiness. The McCades are worth it, Caitlyn. Bury your past and welcome the future with Tyler."

"I don't know. I'l have to think about al you've said.
Seriously think about it
." Caitlyn sighed again and shook away the despair. She squeezed Jessie's hand then let go and forced a smile. "So . . . I notice you
told me what the men are real y up to today. Why are y'al keeping me out of Tyler's way? I feel like there's been a McCade conspiracy launched against me."

"It's a secret. I don't want to spoil Tyler's gift." Jessie's eyes twinkled. "You'l love it, I promise. I hope you can accept it graciously."

Caitlyn bit her lip. "As opposed to how I accepted the prize money, his love and his proposal of marriage?"

"I didn't mean it like that," Jessie said with a groan.

"Don't worry about it. I know I have issues with intimacy and commitment." Caitlyn watched a chaparral bird run swiftly across the yard into the pasture where it disappeared. She turned back to Jessie. "You see, I've been let down so often, I guess I've come to expect it."

"Tyler loves you, Caitlyn. He's ready to give up his freedom and settle down with you. Give him a chance. You'l be glad you did."


Tyler crashed in bed around five that next morning. It had been years since he'd pul ed an al -nighter. Staying up until dawn wasn't as easy to do at thirty-two as it had been at eighteen. He must be getting old. Just one more reason he needed to convince Caitlyn to take a chance on their relationship. He didn't want to live the rest of his days alone. He'd had enough of that.

The weeks he'd spent with Caitlyn in and out of the bedroom had been pure nirvana. He'd final y seen why his brothers had settled down into happy domesticity. He wanted what they had. What his parents had shared.

Now, if only he could make Caitlyn see reason.

As he drifted off to sleep, Tyler had to smile. The irony of the situation wasn't lost on him. After al these years, after al the women he'd dated, how ironic that when he'd final y fal en in love and was ready to commit himself forever, the woman of his dreams adamantly refused to marry him.

Oh yeah.
The gods in the heavens were surely looking down and laughing. He'd been hoisted by his own petard.


Every time Caitlyn tried to return to the airfield the next morning, one or another of the McCade women found reason after reason to postpone her departure. It was funny how quickly they dredged up excuses to prevent Caitlyn from leaving.

What was Tyler up to?
Her curiosity was thoroughly aroused. She knew it had to be something big, and it most probably had something to do with wearing down her last defenses against accepting his proposal.

Never in her life had anyone gone to so much trouble on her behalf. It wasn't only Tyler; it was his family, too.

She thought about the talk she'd had with Jessie last evening. The woman was right. Caitlyn was going to have to decide which was riskier: leaving Tyler and living without him, or staying and sharing their life together?

It shouldn't be that difficult to choose. She loved Tyler with her whole heart. He
Scott. Tyler was . . .
Everything she'd ever wanted.

He'd been there for her from the very beginning, even when he'd stil been in pain and recuperating from the crash. He'd helped her learn the ropes of flying the applications; he'd offered her the use of his Sukhoi for the competition; he'd coached her through the contest routines. Who had nursed her when she'd been so sick? Who'd taken her place in the competition and won the money she'd so desperately needed? Who had hunted for Reba in the middle of the cold dark night?

And the lovemaking? Her body trembled just thinking about Tyler's touch. His care and patience and generosity, his exquisite attention to detail that made her feel special and cherished.

No one had ever made her feel like that . . . in bed or out.

A feeling of warmth and contentment settled in Caitlyn's heart. She hugged herself and smiled dreamily.

It didn't matter what Tyler's surprise was, she final y knew what she wanted. She wanted to share her life with Mr. Do or Die McCade. Happily and forever after.

Okay, then. She'd just sit back, relax and let the day play out like Tyler had obviously gone to such lengths to arrange. She'd go with the flow and wait to see what Tyler had in store for her.

She smiled when she thought of al the possibilities.


Tyler woke up a little past noon after sleeping soundly al morning. He grabbed a bite to eat, then hurried to the hangar. He wanted to test-fly the Pitts before he presented it to Caitlyn.

The afternoon was clear and bright and cool. The sky was blue with fluffy white clouds floating above the western horizon. A good day for flying.

He fil ed the fuel tank, walked through the pre-flight inspection, then grabbed his gear. As he climbed into the cockpit, adrenaline started pumping through his veins. Thank God he was able to fly again. He didn't know how he would've lived if he'd been permanently grounded.

He didn't know how he'd live if Caitlyn left him. He'd dated enough women to know that what he felt for Caitlyn was extraordinary. Amazing.


Living his life without Caitlyn would be a thousand times worse than being grounded. A mil ion times worse. If he had to choose . . . hel , there would be no choosing; Caitlyn would win hands down every time.

Taxiing across the tarmac, Tyler maneuvered down the runway, accelerating into a perfect lift-off that made his heart soar.

Holy shit!
No wonder so many pilots loved their Pitts Specials. The plane handled like the gem it was. Damn, he might just have to buy a Pitts for himself.

Circling around the airfield, Tyler did a few loops and barrel rol s just for the hel of it. Oh, yeah. As soon as he was able, he was definitely getting a Pitts.

He brought the plane down for a perfect three-point landing. His gift to Caitlyn was nearly ready. A text to his mom and he'd be good to go.

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