Long, Lonely Nights (28 page)

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Authors: Marla Monroe

Tags: #Siren Classic, #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Suspense

BOOK: Long, Lonely Nights
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“If he causes a problem up here, they may fire me.”

“They won’t do that. Calm down and forget about him.”

“How can I do that? He won’t leave me alone,” Jenna cried.

“I think we’ve had this conversation before,” Tina reminded her.

“Like a hundred times over the last couple of weeks. If I remember correctly, I didn’t listen too well either.

Tina smiled a watery smile. “No you didn’t.”

They went back to work. Tina thought about calling Logan and Riley to see if one of them could meet them outside when it was time to drive home, but decided she wasn’t going to involve them anymore. She and Jenna could handle Todd themselves. They would call the police if they needed to.

Besides, Tina knew she was just trying to come up with a reason to see Logan again. She needed to get past that, or she was going to be hurting over him the rest of her life. She needed to hurry up and heal so they could go out and have some fun. She and Jenna both needed it.

After work, they met at the entrance to the parking garage and walked to the car. Todd didn’t show up to harass them. Maybe Todd had gotten the message after all. Tina sure hoped so.

The rest of the week flew by without any trouble from Todd. Tina healed enough to get her stitches out on Friday when she went to the doctor. She still would need to take it easy for the next week, but other than that, she was good to go. They assured her she could go dancing the next weekend and even have sex if she wanted to. Tina hadn’t asked about sex, but it was good to know.

The next weekend they decided to go out Saturday night. There had been no sign of Todd. She knew the men were still watching periodically. Tina could feel them watching from next door. Since Tina had received the go ahead from the doctor the previous week, she decided they could both use the fun and dancing was one of their favorite things to do.

“Jenna, you should stay over till Sunday afternoon, and then you can move back to your place if you still want to,” Tina said.

“Sounds good to me. I really appreciate your letting me stay so long, but I’m ready to get back to my own bed and bathroom,” she laughed.

Tina knew she would have to ask Logan where to go to pick up Jenna’s car at some point. Well, she wasn’t afraid of seeing him. She could do it. She was an adult. They would do that Sunday afternoon, after they woke up from their night out. Tina smiled. She couldn’t wait.

* * * *

They made an early night of it on Friday so they would be well rested for Saturday. They planned to work on the housework together then go shopping. Jenna decided they both needed a new outfit.

Tina wasn’t looking forward to shopping. If it would make Jenna happy, she would go along with it. After a quick lunch, they headed for the stores. As they pulled out of the driveway, Tina caught sight of Logan and Riley sitting on the front porch next door drinking a beer. Neither man had on a shirt.

“They look to good to be true, don’t they?” Jenna commented.

“Yeah.” Tina knew it was true.

“Tina, how are you doing with Logan? I know something happened to break you two up.”

“We were never together in the first place.”

“Yes, you were, in a way. Then suddenly, you weren’t speaking to each other,” Jenna said.

“Nothing happened. We don’t really have anything in common.” Tina squirmed.

“I thought for sure once the stalker was caught you would feel better. You haven’t even gained your weight back. You really don’t feel that much better, do you?”

“I’m fine. I guess I get tired very easily. I’m still having nightmares occasionally.” Though now, Logan always saved her.

“Oh, honey, I didn’t realize that. I thought they were gone.”

“For the most part they are. But I dream sometimes.”

She still dreamed of Logan at night, too. She would wake up all hot and sweaty, and wet for him, aching for his touch, wanting to feel him move inside her.

“He really cares for you. He’s always looking over towards your house when he’s outside,” Jenna continued.

“I hadn’t noticed that,” Tina said.

“You’re working hard not to notice is the reason. You make it a point to look anywhere but at his house when we’re outside. You even sit with your back to his yard when we are on the deck. Did he do something to hurt you or upset you?”

“No, we aren’t right for each other, and it’s best to move on. And that is what I’m doing by going out tonight, moving on.” She made an effort to smile for Jenna.

“If you say so, but I think you are wrong about not being right for each other. I think you are trashing yourself.”

“Why in the world would you say that?” she asked.

“Because you act like you’re not good enough for him. Honey, if someone isn’t good enough for anyone, it’s the other way around. He’s not good enough for you.”

“Of course he is. I’m not some debutant or society girl. There’s nothing wrong with him.”

“Then, what is the problem? Why do you think you’re not right for him?” Jenna asked.

Tina sighed and parked the car in the parking garage of the mall. She turned to Jenna and licked her lips. How to explain it to her best friend?

“He’s worldly. He’s been places and done things. He’s use to someone that has more experience sexually than I have. I’ve never been anywhere other than Texas. All I’ve done is go to school and work in the same place for the last twelve years,” Tina took a deep breath and continued.

“I’ve had less than four lovers in my entire life and one of those was in the back seat of Tim’s mother’s car. I can’t possible please a man like Logan sexually.”

“That’s a bunch of bull, Tina. Of course, you can. You’re selling yourself short Did he say anything?” Jenna shook her head. “Of course he didn’t, because it wouldn’t be true. You’re like saving him from yourself. That’s pure bull.”

“Jenna, he isn’t interested. He hasn’t approached me, and he has had plenty of opportunities.”

“Well, since you haven’t approached him, I think it’s a draw. You need to let him know you are still interested. You can do that when we go over to see about picking up my car.”

“I didn’t think you would need me for that,” Tina said.

“You’re not going to leave me to go to some strange man’s motel by myself are you?”

“You’ll be with Logan. And Riley isn’t a strange man. They’ve both helped us.”

“I still don’t want to go to his place alone,” Jenna complained.

“Okay, okay. I’ll go. I still don’t think it will do any good with Logan. I’m telling you he doesn’t see me like that. I was someone who needed help, and he helped me. Same as he is helping you.”

“Humor me and then I’ll leave you alone if he doesn’t ask you out or at least come over to see you.”

“Fine.” Tina rolled her eyes.

They shopped for several hours before finding the perfect outfits. Jenna chose a pale pink baby doll dress that looked adorable on her. It set off her long blond hair. She bought pink pumps that matched and weren’t too high for dancing. Not that anything was too tall for her to dance in. It amazed Tina how she could walk in them much less dance in some of the heels she wore.

Tina chose a princes cut that gave her even more curves than she already had. It made her waist seam slimmer and her legs longer. The sky blue color complimented her eyes. She chose a pair of low heels that she hoped wouldn’t trip her up. All in all, she hadn’t had too bad a day. If she hadn’t disliked shopping so much, she would have said she actually had fun.

Both of them returned to the house by six and divided their bounty. They showered and dressed, deciding to eat a light dinner at a sandwich shop downtown before heading to the club. By nine, they were waiting in line for their turn to go inside. They hadn’t gotten passes this time, but it wasn’t long before they made it inside. Once inside they were swallowed up in the crowd and music.

They held onto each other to keep from getting separated. The throb of the base stamped out a tempo inside Tina’s chest. It threatened to explode within her.

Jenna laughed and raised her hands over her head to indicate she wanted to hit the dance floor. It was fine with Tina. She doubted they could find a table to sit at anyway. The place was packed. They kept close to each other as they slipped through the crowd to the edge of the dance floor.

They started to dance together, but were soon part of a larger group of maybe five, three men and two other women. Several times someone tried to cut in and pull the women out, but the guys mostly kept them safe as long as they said no. After the third dance, Jenna grabbed Tina’s hand and motioned that she wanted something to drink. Talking was pretty much impossible in the den. They held onto each other and made their way towards the bar.

Tina ordered a strawberry daiquiri, and Jenna had a margarita. They stood by the bar and drank, then one of the men got off his bar stool, picked Tina up, and put her on the stool.

“There you go. If you want down, just ask me and I’ll get you down.”

He growled at one of the men next to Tina and the man got off the stool. Their prince charming set Jenna on that stool.

“Thanks,” they said together.

“Pretty ladies shouldn’t have to stand at the bar,” he said. “My name’s Randy.”

They introduced themselves. They talked with Randy until they finished their drinks. He helped them down from the stools, and then danced with them the rest of the night. He didn’t make advances and wasn’t pushy. They had a ball. Finally, around one in the morning, they agreed it was time to call it a night. Randy insisted on seeing them to their car and made sure no one bothered them.

“He was really nice,” Tina commented.

“Wonder why he doesn’t have a steady girlfriend?” Jenna said.

“He’s too nice. I mean neither one of us was overly attracted to him, were we?”

“No, I guess not. I wish I liked him,” Jenna said.

“Can’t make yourself like someone you don’t though.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Jenna agreed.

“Believe me, I wish you could,” Tina said thinking about Logan.

“So, how are you feeling?”

“I’m okay. I’m going to be sore tomorrow, though. I haven’t done that much dancing in over a year,” Tina said laughing.

“Me either. I don’t go out much without you. Just wasn’t as much fun,” Jenna said.

“I’m sorry I was such as stick in the mud.”

“Hey, I don’t blame you. I would have been scared out of my wits too.”

When they arrived at the house, both Logan and Riley stepped off the porch and walked over to the car as they got out.

“Where in the hell have you two been?” Logan demanded.

“We went out. Why?” Tina asked.

“It’s nearly two in the fucking morning,” he said.

“So…we’re grown. We can go out and stay out all night if we want to,” Tina argued.

“Not when we didn’t know what had happened to you.”

“Chill,” Jenna said. “What’s going on?”

“Todd was over here earlier looking for you,” Riley said.

“Todd? Why?” Jenna blanched.

“When you didn’t show back up after awhile, we started wondering if he had found you.”

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