Long Pass Chronicles 02 - Canning the Center (16 page)

BOOK: Long Pass Chronicles 02 - Canning the Center
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“Holy shit. He’s that authentic close up?”


Will’s voice got pretty serious. “This sounds more like my level of deception than yours, buddy.” Will had used Jamal’s sister as his pretend girlfriend to lie to the press when he played for SCU.

“Yeah, I’m not comfortable with it. But with the Shields thing, I can’t go to Coach like I wanted to, and I’m damned if I’ll give up Trevor.”

“That’s his name?”


“So the four of us need to get together, okay? Even if he comes as Trixie.”

“That’d be fun. He’d love you guys.”

“Okay, soon. Text me some dates.”


“Take care. Call us if you need us, okay?”

“Thanks.” Hell, between them and his family, he didn’t feel so alone. “Bye. Love you guys.”

“Back at’cha.”

He hung up. Weird, Jamal had forgotten to ask any more about Lavinda. Stuffing the phone in his pocket, he kept stalking.



grass toward his feet. He should just tell them—tell them everything. He was such a coward. But if he told them, a couple like Edward would freak, and pretty soon the whole fucking college would know, and that meant bye-bye scholarship. Plus, dammit, Trixie was private—except for Bunny. Bunny took care of Trixie. Trevor had to take care of himself. He pulled more grass. The square root of all the stalks of grass in this park was—who the fuck cared.


He glanced up from his spot under the tree at a guy from his string theory class. “Hi.”

The guy squatted down in front of him. “Uh, I’m Lou, from your class.”

Trevor nodded.

“I’m having some problems with the Montonen-Olive duality. Any chance I can get some help?”

“Sure. I’m doing a short tutorial before class. Just show up early and I’ll try to cover what you need.”

“I’m not getting the combination of gauge coupling and theta-angle.”

“We’ll cover it.”

“Thanks. I sure am glad we have you.” He smiled and stood up.

Trevor tried to smile back. Wonder what Lou would think of Trixie? “See ya.”

“Maybe I can buy you a beer sometime to thank you.”

“Sure, I—” His heart skipped, and he blinked. The bunny. Jamal stood about eight feet behind Lou.

What the hell?
He dragged his eyes back to Lou. Too late. The guy had already followed his line of sight and was staring at Jamal. Who wouldn’t? It wasn’t just regular to see somebody that gorgeous or that fucking huge. Somehow here, around regular humans instead of other football players, he seemed even bigger.
Pretend you don’t know him
. Trevor smiled. “So thanks, Lou. I’ll see you in class.”

Lou looked back at him with wide eyes, and Trevor lifted his brow like “yeah, I can’t believe it either.”
Don’t look. Don’t look
. He kept staring at Lou until the guy finally glanced again at Jamal and walked away.

Jamal just stood there.
. Lou was still walking, but he kept looking back. Trevor pulled out his phone and started flipping through messages.
He glanced up. Jamal was staring off as if waiting for someone.
Good. He got the message
. Or at least he understood that people shouldn’t see Jamal with Trevor, probably not the other way around. Why did life have to be so damned complicated? An icosagon of lies.

Trevor turned his head and looked down toward the plaza in front of the student union. He could still see a line of people in front of their alliance table. Jamal took a couple of steps as if walking away.
No, wait! Don’t go. Shit, Landry, you’re so confused.

Jamal glanced back, winked, and started walking. Winked? What did that mean? He sure as hell wanted to find out.

Trevor bounded up and wiped off the seat of his jeans. He let Jamal round the bushes at the edge of the little park before he started to follow.
Look casual
. He walked after Jamal, letting the big body stay far enough ahead that no one would think of them together. A couple of girls he knew from class walked by, and he nodded but didn’t pause. Bunny turned right a block ahead.
The parking lot
. Trevor walked faster. He was breathing hard by the time he got to the parking lot entrance—but only partly because of his speed. The bunny in that big car held multiple fascinations.

He looked around.
. He walked farther into the dirt and gravel lot, pretty packed with cars. Students stayed parked here most of the day while they walked from building to building, so he didn’t see any people—including his bunny.

That night at the club, Jamal had been parked in the back. Trevor skirted some cars and walked toward the fence. Sure enough, Jamal sat on the front seat of his big car with his legs sticking out on the gravel. His white teeth flashed and he looked around. Trevor did too. Nobody. He hurried over to Jamal. “Why are you here?” Hmm. That’s not exactly what he’d planned to say.

“Came to talk to the football team. Thought I’d stalk you.” He grinned again.

“Stalking implies evil intent.”

“That would be correct.”

Trevor glanced back toward the lot entrance. “Not sure how we can carry that off.”

“You interested?”

He pointed toward the boner rapidly rising in his jeans. “You kidding?”

Jamal stood up, opened the back door of the car, and gave a sweeping bow. “Hop in.”



Trevor crawled across the seat. Jamal slid in beside him and slammed the door. Light tinting on the windows shaded the inside and made it seem even cozier. As if having a three-hundred-pound guy beside you wasn’t enough to close in the space.

Jamal slid a hand behind Trevor’s neck and pulled him gently forward. “I haven’t thought about much but you since you left my place yesterday morning.”

“You’re damned memorable yourself.”

“I’ve never had—anything like that before.”

“Like what? Sex?”

“No, I’ve had plenty of sex. But you made it something new. Special. World-rocking.”

Well, damn, that was sweet. “If we want to have some more, we better get at it. I’ve got a class.”

Jamal laughed. “Such a sentimental guy.”

“Sorry. Math brain.” He touched his forehead. “This computer barely turns off. Except when I’m Trixie on stage. Then it does sometimes. And having sex with you seems to have had an impact.” He grinned.

“Then let’s get at it.” One move from those big paws had Trevor’s button unfastened, zipper down, and the jeans halfway to his knees. Jamal snapped the elastic on Trevor’s boxer briefs and hooked them under his cock, now more than interested. “I’ve been getting a lot of goodies. Your turn.” Jamal dove for his upright penis and had it deep in his throat in a second.

“Sweet Jesus!”

Jamal moaned long and low.
What a great sound
. Then he settled in and explored. His tongue slid up one side and down the other. Every nerve in Trevor’s cock appeared to have a direct line to his hips. Lick. Thrust. Lick. Bounce.
Oh my.
Jamal’s tongue traveled the long nerve along the bottom of Trevor’s dick, shooting sparks into his head and lifting his whole lower body from the seat. Then he bored into the slit.


Jamal surrounded Trevor’s cock with both hands—how to make it vanish—and used his thumbs to drag the little hole open. Then he ground his tongue in again.

“God, Bunny. That feels so good.”

He pulled his tongue back and smiled. “I like that word ‘feels.’ So much better than thinking. Let’s see if we can’t do better.”

Straight into his mouth with suction that could have pulled the insides out of a mongoose.
Sweet Jesus.
Trevor’s hips were auditioning for a puppet show. Hopping and bouncing. Anything to get more, farther. “Yes, please, yes.”

Jamal must have heard because he sucked breath around Trevor’s cock and slowly inserted it deep, deep into his throat.
Vanished into heaven
. Stars danced in front of Trevor’s eyes, and his brain unwired. “Shit! Shit!”

Jamal swallowed, and the action of his throat rivaled the world’s best sex toy, squeezing and releasing and squeezing again. “Shiiiit!”
Gone. Done!
Semen spurted straight down Jamal’s throat, and the big guy swallowed and swallowed over that supersensitive cock, which only sent Trevor farther into outer space. Floating in a sea of champagne.
Nah. Root beer
. He sighed and giggled at the same time.

Jamal rested his head on Trevor’s belly and giggled along with him.

Trevor tried his voice and had to clear his throat. “What are you giggling at? I got all the goodies.”

“Tell my cock that. I just came in my jeans like I was fourteen.” He giggled again. A very baritone giggle.

“No kidding?”

“You can’t imagine how sexy that dick of yours is when it’s pumping like a gas station hose. Fortunately I don’t have to see anybody before I go home and change.”

Trevor lifted his head to look.
Too much effort
. He flopped it back against the door.

“Hey, I’ve got you all squashed against the doorjamb. I’m sorry. I just take up too much room.”

“Just the right amount.”

Jamal somehow slipped an arm under Trevor’s legs and another around his back and pulled him right onto his lap.

Trevor nuzzled. “Very tricky. You got me sitting on the wet spot.”

“I’m a giver.”

He might be joking but still probably true.

Jamal rocked him a little, and he drifted. The car was too damned hot, but he didn’t really care.

“So you didn’t want anyone to see us together, huh?”

Don’t tense
. “Yeah. Since people have seen you with Trixie, I thought it’d be safer to not be seen with me.”

“I guess.”

He tried to relax.
. Why didn’t he tell him? Just say,
I’m in charge of the
You Come Out for Us
campaign, and if people see us together they’re going to know you’re gay
and you’re going to know I’m a liar.

Simple. He didn’t tell him because the bunny would be pissed and disappointed. He might ask Trevor to stop the campaign, which would be very hard to explain to the committee, or much worse, Jamal might go away, and in Trevor’s screwed up, dual-personality life, the bunny was one solid thing.
Dear God, what a coward.

Chapter 11


buzzed in Jamal’s pocket, and Trevor laughed. Jamal lifted Trevor’s cute butt from his lap and grabbed the phone. “It’s a little damp.”


Trev snuggled against his neck. Jamal glanced at the screen. “Holy shit.”

Trevor pulled back and looked at him. “What?”

“It’s Arondel.”

“The weird guy?”



“You gonna answer?”

“I guess.” His finger hit the key by itself. “This is Jamal.”

“Hello, Jamal. This is Lex.”

“Hi, Mr. Arondel.” He raised his brows at Trevor.

Arondel chuckled. “Your family did raise you to be polite. So, I was wondering if you would be available after the game this Saturday for a little get-together at my home?”

“Wow.” Okay, that wasn’t cool. “Thank you, sir. I’d be honored.”

“It’s just a small gathering of some of my favorite players and their significant others. I hope you’ll be able to bring that charming young lady I met at the party?”

He frowned. “Uh, I don’t know, sir.” He looked at Trevor, who was sitting up and fully alert now, also frowning. “I would have to ask, uh, her.” He widened his eyes at Trev.

“Tell her to consider it a command performance.” Arondel chuckled again. “I’m sure she’s interested in advancing your career.”

What the hell did he mean? Jamal laughed a little. Did that sound too phony? “She’s pretty busy, sir. I’ll see.”

Trevor pointed at himself, and Jamal nodded. He mouthed, “Holy shit.”

“I’ll put you both down as a yes, shall I? I look forward to seeing you. I’ll have my assistant e-mail you the address.”

“Okay, uh, thank you.”

Arondel hung up. Jamal stared at the phone. “What the hell?”

“What’s going on?”

“He’s having a small party for some of his—” He made quotes with one hand. “—favorite players and their significant others. He’s so sure my lovely friend will want to support my career that he’ll put us both down as a yes.” He held Trevor close. “I’m so sorry. You don’t have to come. I’ll tell him my lovely friend doesn’t give a fuck what he thinks, and he’ll have to take me by myself.”

Trevor sighed and wriggled off his lap. “Your lovely friend is gonna be late for class.” He lifted his hips and scooted his jeans and briefs up over his relaxed cock.

Jamal smiled. “I have a better idea than messing around with rich old men. Would you like to meet my best friends?”

“The guys who brought you to the club?”

“Yeah. I told them we’d, uh, met and they were so excited.”

He zipped his fly. “Is Trixie going to meet them or Trevor?”

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