Longing for Love (44 page)

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Authors: Marie Force

BOOK: Longing for Love
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“It must’ve been terrifying.”

“Luckily, I don’t remember much past the moment of impact. I was pretty out of it. Grant saved my life about fifty times yesterday. He was amazing.”

“I’ll have to remember to thank him.”

“How come?”

“Because now I’ve got the chance to apologize.”

“For what?”

“For acting so badly yesterday morning, for letting you leave thinking I didn’t like you or enjoy being with you or—”

He squeezed her hand. “Stop. I know all that. It was your first time after a bad breakup, and you had a little freak-out. I get it.”

“You do?”

“Sure.” He tried to move and groaned from the pain. “I didn’t like leaving things that way, either. Thinking about you…about our night together…it got me through yesterday, so thanks for that.”

“Glad I could help,” she said, smiling for the first time since she heard he was missing.

“You did help.”

“I’ll be there for you while you recover. I promise.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“Hush. After you ingratiated your way into my life, it’s the least I can do for you.”

“I like to think I
my way in.”

Bantering with him the way they always did made her heart feel lighter and less burdened. Finally, she could breathe again. “

David returned with the ointment.

“Thank you,” Kara said as she took it from him and applied it gently to Dan’s tortured lips.

“No kissing for a while,” he said mournfully when she was done.

Always happy for an excuse to argue with him, she bent over the bed to kiss his cheek, the tip of his nose and each lid as he sighed and closed his eyes. “Sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up.”

His eyes remained closed when he gave her hand another squeeze.


The next few days were frantically busy for Tiffany. When she wasn’t working at the store, she was taking care of Ashleigh and Thomas and helping out with Hailey as much as she could so Maddie could tend to her cantankerous husband, who was already sick of everyone fussing over him.

After David released Mac with orders to stay quiet for a few days, Maddie flatly refused to allow him to leave the house until he’d had forty-eight hours of total rest.

Tiffany wondered if they’d all be driven mad before the time was up.

The activity helped to keep her mind off the fact that she hadn’t heard a word from Blaine in two days. Not that she thought she’d hear from him after their argument, but still… She missed him. Terribly. And she couldn’t help but wonder what he was thinking about and why it was taking so long.

Maddie came to take Hailey from her. “Feeding time,” she said. “Would you mind keeping an eye on
while I take care of her?”

Tiffany eyed her brother-in-law, who was fuming on the sofa as he had for almost two days now. “Do I have to?”

Laughing, Maddie said, “Yes, you have to. It’s in the sisterly handbook.”

“I must’ve missed that. What page is it on?”

, I beg of you. If I wasn’t so grateful he survived the accident, I might be tempted to kill him.”

Tiffany let out a dramatic sigh. “I suppose if it means keeping you from committing murder, I could take a turn. But just remember, I don’t love him the way you do, so I might not be so merciful.”

“I can hear you two,” Mac growled.

“Hi, honey,” Maddie said in the endlessly cheerful voice that hid her true aggravation with her husband—and her true feelings about the close call that had nearly taken him from her. “Can I get you anything?”

“Yeah, the keys to my truck.”

“No can do, but Tiffany is going to keep you company while I feed Hailey and get her down for her nap.” Maddie went over to the sofa and bent to kiss his forehead. “If you give her a hard time, I’ll withhold sex for a month. You got me?”

He glowered at her. “You’re a terrible nurse.”

“You’re a horrible patient, but I love you anyway.”

“Yeah, yeah. If you really loved me, you’d give me my goddamned keys.”

“You’re not getting your goddamned keys until you sit your goddamned ass on that sofa for forty-eight goddamned hours the way David told you to.”

“You’re my wife, not my mother.”

Maddie raised that famous eyebrow. “Want me to get your mother back over here?”

“Good God, no.”

Tiffany held back a laugh that she knew Mac wouldn’t appreciate. Watching Maddie manage her husband was about as entertaining as it got. Since the accident, Linda had been hovering over her sons and generally driving them all to drink.

“Then behave, or I’ll call her and tell her you need her,” Maddie said as she headed for the stairs with Hailey. “Tiffany, he’s all yours.”

“Oh, joy.” In truth, she was filled with joy to see Mac alive and well and full of beans. At some point, she’d come to love the pain in the ass.

She flopped down in the chair next to the sofa and stared at him.

“What’re you looking at?”

“It’s funny.”

“What is?”

Had she ever seen him quite so grumpy? Not that she could recall. Usually his boundless cheerfulness and optimism got on her nerves. “It’s hard to believe Thomas isn’t your biological son. You’ve got the same pout.”

“I am

“What would you call it?”

“Don’t you have your own house and your own people to bother?”

The reminder that she hadn’t seen Blaine in a couple of days stole the smile from her face.

“Sorry,” he grumbled. “That was kinda mean, since you just got divorced.”

“I’m not thinking about him. He’s ancient history.”

“Then who are you thinking about?”

Tiffany bit her lip, debating whether or not she should tell the ultimate busybody that she’d been seeing his good friend on the sly. “Someone else.”

“Anyone I know?”


“Come on, Tiffany. We’re both grown-ups here.”

“Well, I am. The jury’s still out on you.”

“Very funny. You’re supposed to be entertaining me.” He folded his hands behind his head and settled in. “So entertain me.”


Mac’s mouth fell open. “So you two
got together? It’s about damned time. He drove me crazy asking when your divorce would be final.”

Tiffany was speechless. “He

Mac nodded. “Every time I saw him, for months all he wanted to talk about was you.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because he told me not to. He said he didn’t want you to know how much he was suffering, waiting for you to be free of what’s his name.”

“How come he can tell you that, but he can’t tell me?”

“Guys are weird that way.”

“No kidding. He doesn’t tell me much of anything about himself.”

“He’s had a tough go of it with women.”

“So I’ve heard—from everyone but him.”

Mac seemed to be debating whether or not he should say more.

“Will you please just tell me what you know? I can tell you’re dying to.”

“You should probably hear it from him.”

“Probably, but I’ve given him so many chances to tell me. He clams up every time.”

Mac scrubbed at the stubble on his chin. “The first one he was in love with cheated on him.”

“Oh jeez.”

“Took him totally by surprise. He found out after she cleared out his bank account and left town with the other guy.”

Tiffany ached for Blaine. No wonder he didn’t want to talk about it.

“Have you heard about Eden?”

“He’s mentioned her name, and I heard his mother ranting about how she caused him to lose his last job, but he won’t tell me how.”

“Probably because he’s still embarrassed about what happened.”

Tiffany was literally on the edge of her seat as she waited for Mac to proceed.

“He was a cop in a small Massachusetts town. He’d done quite well and had just been promoted to sergeant when Eden was busted for dealing drugs while he was working nights.”

Tiffany gasped. Even her vivid imagination couldn’t have come up with that scenario.

“No one believed he didn’t know about it, so they put him on administrative leave and set out to prove he’d been complicit. The local paper had a field day with the biggest story to hit the town in years. Basically, by the time he was able to prove he’d had nothing to do with it, his reputation was in tatters, and he had no choice but to resign.”

“God, what a nightmare.”

“Seriously. He lost the girlfriend he’d loved and trusted, and the job he’d loved, too. It was a tough time for him. We all worried about him for a long time, but then he seemed to land on his feet when he got this job.”

“Does the mayor and the council know about his past?”

Mac nodded. “That’s why they made him serve a probation period before they gave him a long-term contract.”

A lot of things suddenly made sense. This was why he was so angry about what she’d been doing at the store. He’d already had one girlfriend derail his career. He could hardly afford another similar incident. And she could see now why his mother was so upset. The realizations, one on top of the other, had her reeling. She’d never forgive herself if she caused him to lose his hard-won second chance.

“Tiffany? What’s wrong?”


A knock on the sliding door that led to the deck drew her attention as Blaine came in. Her heart leapt at the sight of him, and she noticed right away that he looked tired and stressed and surprised to see her—and maybe a tad bit happy? It took all the fortitude she could muster not to go to him and throw herself into his arms. In that moment, she knew with absolute certainty that she would never love another man the way she loved him. And after what Mac had told her, she also knew with the same certainty that she should probably stay away from him.

“I’ll leave you two alone,” she said, brushing past Blaine on her way upstairs to find her sister.

Maddie was in the bedroom, nursing Hailey.

Tiffany’s composure broke the minute she made eye contact with her sister.

“Oh, honey, what is it?” Maddie held out a hand to her.

Tiffany crawled into bed next to her sister and covered her face with her hands. “I love him.”

“Of course you do.”

Tiffany raised her hands and looked at Maddie. “Why do you say it like that? Like you’ve known all along?”

“Because you’ve been in love with him for more than a year. You’ve only recently gotten the chance to act on it.”

“That’s not true!”

“Tiffany,” Maddie said in her best chastising mother voice, “it’s absolutely true.” Maddie ran her free hand over Tiffany’s hair. “If you love him—and he clearly loves you—why are you so miserable?”

“He doesn’t love me. He likes having sex with me.”

Maddie laughed hard enough to dislodge Hailey from her nipple. She switched the baby to the other side and got her settled.

“Why’re you laughing at me?” Tiffany asked.

“Because you’re so silly. Of course he loves you. Anyone can see that. Did you see him with Ashleigh the other night? He loves her, too.”

“He’s mad at me—and I’m mad at him. He actually wrote me a
for wearing a sexy sailor suit on the sidewalk.”

Maddie’s mouth fell open, and her eyes danced with mirth. “Did he really? How funny is that?”

“It’s not funny! I don’t want him thinking he can tell me what to do or throwing his badge around whenever I refuse to obey him.”

“I want you to know that I’m absolutely on your side—always—but if I pranced around town in my underwear, Mac would lose his freaking mind and do a lot worse than write me a ticket. He’d lock me to the bed and keep me there until I agreed to never do it again.”

“That’s sort of what Blaine threatened to do, too,” Tiffany grumbled.

“Because he loves you, and he doesn’t want you showing off your body to other men.”

“Why does it sound so ridiculously rational when you say it, but when he says it, I want to clobber him?”

“I have a feeling he’s a little less diplomatic about it than I am. The ticket would be Exhibit A.”

Tiffany thought about what Maddie had said. “The whole time I was married to Jim, I let him call the shots. I let him be in charge and never thought to speak up for myself until it was too late. I don’t want to make that mistake again.”

“Then find a way to compromise. Maybe you can give him what he wants without feeling like you’ve rolled over and played dead, you know?”

“I’ll think about it as soon as I get past the town council meeting on Monday.”

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