Looking For Trouble

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Authors: Trice Hickman

BOOK: Looking For Trouble
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Also by Trice Hickman
Unexpected Interruptions
Keeping Secrets & Telling Lies
Playing the Hand You're Dealt
Breaking All My Rules
Published by Dafina Books
Looking for Trouble
Trice Hickman
Kensington Publishing Corp.
All copyrighted material within is Attributor Protected.
In memory of my Grandma Allene. I miss you so much, and I know you're smiling down on me from above.
This book is also dedicated to all the dreamers out there who put their fear aside, stepped up to the mountain's edge, stuck their foot out, leapt forward, and took off soaring!
As always, I give honor and thanks to God for blessing me along this journey. He is truly amazing, and I'm humbled by His grace, mercy, and love.
I have to pinch myself when I think about the fact that this work of literature is my fifth book. For someone who suffered from writer's block for nearly twenty years, this is a dream come true. I know this blessing is straight from God, and is made possible by a wonderful circle of friends and family who support me in all that I do.
There are many people to thank, so let the thanking begin!
Thank you; James, Mom & Dad, Melody & Arthur, Marcus & Velma, James E. & Shirley, you've been there from the beginning, and I love you for loving me.
Thank you to all my aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, and nephews, for your love and support.
Thank you to my girls who are always in my corner; Vickie, Sherraine, Terri, Kimberla, Tiffany, Cerece, Tracy, Kim, Tammi, China, Yolanda, and Downey.
Thank you to my publishing family at Kensington; my editor, Mercedes Fernandez, my publicist, Adeola Saul, and marketing director, Lesleigh Underwood.
Thank you to Janell Walden Agyeman. You are more than a literary agent, you are a valued, trusted, and beloved friend.
Thank you to my Platinum Divas who tirelessly help me promote my books. Your energy and enthusiasm blow me away; Yolanda, Orsayor, Marsha, Jas, Barbara, Demorris, Carmela, Denise, Clarinda, Gail, Tonya, Cheryl, Ernia, Rhea, Kim, Brenda, Debra, Tammi, and Deckquelyn!
Thank you to all the bookstores, specialty shops, and retailers, who have purchased my books and hosted book signings.
And last but certainly not least. Thank you to every single book club member and reader who has supported me by purchasing my books, reading my work, and helping to spread the word. You all are awesome! Words cannot express how much I appreciate you!
Peace and many blessings
Chapter 1
Summertime, several decades in the past
Nedine, South Carolina
llene Small was glad she'd always been an early riser because on a day like today—which she knew held the promise of danger and deception—she was already up, ready for battle while the enemy was still asleep.
Allene sat on her tiny front porch and breathed in the fresh air around her as she looked out at the pink- and lavender-colored hydrangea bushes lining her neatly manicured yard. Slowly she pivoted back and forth in her ancient rocking chair, straining her eyes toward the east so she could take in the early-morning sun, which had started its climb in the distant sky. She blinked, nodding in agreement with the uncomfortable awareness resting in her heart and mind. She could feel the rumblings vibrating deep in her chest—trouble and strife—and, more specifically, the impending presence of a treacherous woman who was up to no good.
Allene knew that most folks would have been slightly set back or even frightened by such an ominous foreboding, but she wasn't deterred and she wasn't afraid. If there was one thing that ninety years of living and praying had taught her, it was that good and bad were always present, and sometimes the two forces tried to occupy the same space at the same time.
Over the years, Allene had encountered plenty of bad, low-down people, who harbored even worse intentions. And, unfortunately, she'd learned the hard way that evil was all around, and that it often disguised itself under the cloak of good. She knew that evil could laugh and smile in your face while viciously twisting a knife in your back. It could soothe and comfort you while killing you slowly. And it could encourage and uplift you while secretly plotting your very demise.
But Allene also knew how to tell the difference between the two, and she could do that because she'd been blessed with the gift of prophesy
and that precious ability allowed her to see what others couldn't.
“The gift,” as it was commonly referred to in the South, allowed Allene to see and predict things accurately before they happened. She could spot liars before they ever opened their mouth to utter a single word. She could discern one's intentions, whether good or bad, simply by looking into the person's eyes. She could forecast events in advance of them coming to pass, and she could foresee blessings, as well as misfortunes, that lay down the road.
Having the gift had been both Allene's blessing and her curse. She'd seen things in her lifetime that she wished she hadn't, and she'd been right when she had wanted to be wrong. But this morning was one of those times that Allene was thankful she'd been blessed with such a unique ability. Because while she sat on her porch, wrapped in the peaceful quiet of a bright new day, she wasn't fooled by its seeming calm. A manipulative woman who was hell-bent on causing trouble was on her way to Allene's small town of Nedine, South Carolina, and Allene knew the chaos that the attractive stranger was bringing was headed straight for her family's doorstep.
“Don't worry, John. I'm ready for the fight, and I'm here to protect and guide you, baby,” Allene whispered as she continued to rock back and forth, thinking about her enterprising young grandson. She knew that the danger brewing was directly connected to him, in the form of his girlfriend, and that he didn't have a clue about the mess he'd unknowingly gotten himself into.
Just then, a chill swept against Allene's arm, causing her to pull her thin blue gingham shawl tight around her shoulders. At that moment, she knew that the woman was already in town with her grandson, laying a sneaky trap for him. “It's gonna be all right, John. I'ma guide you, and I know you gonna make the right decision,” she whispered into the air.
Allene slowly rose from her chair and walked the short distance to the edge of the porch. She stood impressively tall for a woman of her advanced years—solid and straight. She shielded her eyes with her right hand as she looked out at the beaming sun, which was steadily rising in the cloudless sky. “Life's long, but short,” she said aloud as she shook her head. She knew that unlike the slow patience it took to watch a sunrise, people could quickly lose everything they'd worked for in the blink of an eye based on one bad decision. The sudden chill on her arm let her know that mischief was already brewing, because trouble was an early riser, too. “I'm ready for the fight,” she whispered.
Allene also knew that a lot was riding on the next forty-eight hours. She lowered her hand to her mouth, stretching her long, wrinkled fingers across her full lips as she continued to think about her grandson. She had to protect John from what he couldn't see—a beguiling woman who could derail his life's dreams if he wasn't careful. Allene's gift had revealed the woman for who she really was. Despite the woman's sweet words, sophistication, and enthusiastic gestures, she was as slick as a serpent and as cunning as a fox. This jezebel was just as determined to destroy John as Allene was to save him.
“I have faith and I know everything's gonna be all right,” Allene said with conviction as she continued her talk with the sky. She knew the woman was dangerous in ways that could either ruin a man, get him killed, or both. But again, she wasn't deterred because she knew her family's survival was at stake, and she'd do whatever it took to make sure the Smalls were safe and prospered for future generations to come. As she thought about her family's legacy and the promise it held, her mind shifted to Alexandria.
“I'm gonna help you, too, baby girl,” Allene said with a smile.
Alexandria was the hope and the future. She was the vision Allene had seen a month ago when she got her first glimpse of her great-great-granddaughter, who would not be born for several decades to come. Ever since that eye-opening day, Allene had been using all the powers and abilities she'd cultivated over the years to reach across time and bridge the past with the present in order to connect with the young woman who shared her same gift.
Allene could see that Alexandria was standing at a crossroads, and that she was frightened and confused by what was happening to her. She reminded Allene a lot of herself at that age, when she didn't understand her gift, and had been afraid of its repercussions. And just as she'd done, her beautiful great-great-granddaughter was running from who she was. Allene knew it was time for Alexandria to discover the purpose of what she'd been blessed to have, and learn how to use it. It was Allene's new mission to guide Alexandria, just as she intended to guide John now.
“Find what's right for you and open your heart, baby girl. Listen to what I'm sayin' to you, Alexandria,” Allene said in a low, sweet whisper. “Listen and learn.”
Allene closed her eyes as another vision flashed behind her lids. A warm feeling replaced the chill that had come over her only moments ago, and a sense of peace spread through her body. She saw an image, and it was enough to let her know that she'd just witnessed the answer to Alexandria's quandary. “Look for the diamond, 'cause the one who has that is the one who's gonna help save you.” Allene whispered the last part of her appeal with conviction, hoping and praying that Alexandria would hear her plea, pay attention, and recognize the sign when she saw it.

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