Lord of the Abbey (43 page)

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Authors: K. R. Richards

BOOK: Lord of the Abbey
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Three of Trevan’s relatives were dispatched to fetch the doctor, the apothecary and the Constable.


Rowena was near to tears watching Harry lead Tristan, who still carried Caroline in his arms, up the stairs. A hysterical Lady Glaston, Lady Amesbury and Lady Sarah followed them.


Rowena followed Wyldhurst who still supported the weight of the wounded Micah to Lyon’s sickroom. Aunt Frances sent the servants for supplies needed to treat the wounded until the doctor arrived.


Rowena laid an extra quilt meant for Lyon’s bed over the chaise before Wyldhurst sat Micah upon it.


What in the hell?” Lyon asked as he watched the scene before him.


A marksman was across the road in the damn trees, waiting for us as we returned from the chapel,” Wyldhurst informed him hurriedly.


I thought I heard gunfire. Out front. And out back. Anyone else hurt?” Lyon tried to sit up, managed to only get halfway up and rested on his elbows.


Lady Caroline.”


Bloody Hell! Is she badly wounded?”


I do not know,” Wyldhurst said gravely.


There was blood on her arm,” Micah recalled weakly.


Micah!” Tears rolled down Rowena’s cheeks. She bent and helped Wyldhurst swing Micah’s legs upon the chaise.


I don’t think my wound is serious, Lady Row – er, Lady Glaston. Sorry, I must get used to your being married.” Micah apologized. He grimaced as Wyldhurst tore his trousers away to get a look at his thigh.


Roll over on your side, a minute, would you Micah? I need to make certain the bullet exited,” Wyldhurst commanded.


Micah turned over onto his side. “Did it go through?”


Yes. You were fortunate. It’s clean. I don’t think it hit any bone.”


Rowena realized it was not quite proper for her to be there with Micah’s bare thigh exposed, yet Micah was her dear friend. Hang propriety! She removed her white gloves and grabbed a stack of clean cloths on the table beside Lyon’s bed and held one to the wound on the front of Micah’s thigh, applying pressure. Wyldhurst took another cloth, pressing it to the back of Micah’s thigh.


Mrs. Brimble came in carrying a tray with a bowl of hot water, more towels, and a glass along with a full decanter of brandy. She set down the tray and poured a glass full of the fine brandy and handed it to Micah. “Here, my Lord. Drink this down, why don’t you, and we’ll get that cleaned up before the doctor arrives.”


Micah downed the entire glass.


Rowena,” Micah placed his hand on her arm, “Please do me a favor and go check on Lady Caroline. Please come back and let us know how she fares. Mrs. Brimble can clean my wound.”


When Rowena entered Caroline’s chamber it was to see Harry bending over his sister. “Now, sweeting, this might hurt, but I’ve a need to tear your sleeve away.


Caroline had thankfully recovered from her faint but remained pale, her brown eyes wide and watery. She nodded, did not cry out. Only gasped slightly as the blood-soaked fabric of her white sleeve was ripped away. The hand of her good arm clung to Harry’s sleeve.


Rowena watched as Harry tenderly assessed the damage to her upper arm. “This is good, Caroline. The bullet went through the fleshy part of your arm. Though you’ll be sore, and must be careful for a time, I think you were very lucky.”


Harry, why would someone want to hurt me, or Micah?” Caroline inquired fearfully.


Seeing sweet, young Caroline so filled with fear, angered Rowena. She knew what fear did to a young girl.


I don’t know for certain, Caroline, but I shall find out. You’ll be safe here from now on. I promise.” Harry placed a cloth around Caroline’s upper arm and held it tightly to her wounds.


Betsey entered with a tray containing a bowl of hot water and cloths, and brandy as well as laudanum.


Tristan Chynoweth still stood against the wall, behind Harry and Lyon’s mothers and Lady Sarah. His shirt, waistcoat and jacket were blood stained. “Don’t you worry, Lady Caroline. No one will hurt you again. I’ll make certain of that.”


Thank you, my Lord, for carrying me inside,” Caroline said softly, looking to the handsome Cornishman.


No thanks are necessary, Lady Caroline. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must go find out what happened to my brother and cousins. Last I knew they were giving chase to the shooter.”


Let me know as soon as you know something, Tristan.” Harry turned to regard him.


I will, Harry.” Tristan nodded to the ladies and left.


Rowena couldn’t help but notice how Caroline’s gaze followed the handsome young Viscount from the room. She smiled to herself.


How is Micah?” Harry turned to Rowena.


Lord Wyldhurst says Micah is fortunate also. The bullet went through his thigh. He does not believe any bone was hit.”


Good.” Harry nodded, a sigh of relief escaping him. He rose, allowing his mother and Betsey to take over with Caroline.


Harry came to stand beside Rowena, entwining his fingers in hers. “Come with me, my lovely wife.”


Rowena walked beside him into the hall. Harry stopped, placed his hands on her waist, and pulled her close. “How are you, love?”


I’m fine, Harry. A little in shock perhaps. But I’m fine.” Rowena gave him a weak smile. “Why do you suppose someone shot at Micah and Caroline?”


To frighten us. Throw us off. Cause confusion. Which is the reason I need to go down and check on everything. Like Tristan, I need to find Newt and the others who gave chase. Stay with Micah for me until the doctor comes? The ladies are with Caroline. I just don’t want Micah to feel that he’s alone.”


Rowena nodded.


Harry led her downstairs and gave her a quick peck on the lips before they entered Lyon and Micah’s sick room together. Harry left her after instructing Wyldhurst to not let his wife out of his sight until he returned.




The food for the wedding celebration was to be held until later to give the Manor and its occupants and guests the chance to calm down and regroup.


The Doctor proclaimed that both Lady Caroline and Lord Wincanton were fortunate indeed. He cleaned and stitched their wounds closed, left the women with strict instructions for them both. He was also very happy with Lyon’s progress. The apothecary appeared and left poultices and teas.


The Constable arrived just as Trevan Chynoweth met his brothers, his cousins, Harry, Newt and Charlie at the Tudor gate house. Charlie pulled a brown horse draped with a brown-coated body behind him. The man’s hands and feet were bound. Tremayne Chynoweth pulled a brown horse with the body of a brown-coated man thrown over it, the lifeless limbs dangling limply.


Newt, the marksman of the group, killed the shooter who was perched in a tree across the road. He and the rest of his party chased down the second man, and along with Harry and Tristan, very effectively extracted information from him before returning to Stonedown. They turned the bleeding and beaten man, along with the body, over to the Constable.


The Constable agreed to hold the man for several days for further questioning before putting him before a judge. Newt was the one to give him a full accounting of what had been going on at Stonedown, of course leaving out the part about the Abbey treasure. He stuck with the Society meeting and thieves trying to steal important documents that Wyldhurst gave the Constable on a previous occasion.


The gentlemen, save Micah, Lyon and those on guard, retreated to the library for a few minutes before the celebration was to begin.


Though it was suggested by the society members they cancel the celebration, Harry’s mother and Rowena’s aunt would not hear it. There was to be celebration for Harry and Rowena’s wedding, regardless of the shooting of Caroline and Micah. And that was quite simply that.


The Duke of Penrose began their meeting. “From what the buggar we caught said, I think the shooting was intended as a distraction to come in through the back of the house. My cousin, Jago, and his brother feel the same. They were at the back door leading from the garden into the drawing room. They were fired on at the same time we were in the front. However, some of my other cousins watching the side of the house came to their aid. They drove those two particular scoundrels off,” Trevan recounted. “It’s just a pity the man we caught was a hired thug from London and didn’t know anymore. No one has named Davitt yet, but this man also named Whitely, as did the one who shot Lyon.”


They wanted to come in and get at the treasure, no doubt,” Wyldhurst said with a grimace.


Or your wife.” Newt looked to Harry.


Harry nodded grimly. “Dalworth is after Rowena. But, I feel Davitt and Whitely are after something more. With Caroline being shot, we must realize that none of the ladies are safe. It is imperative they are constantly watched and guarded well.”


Yes, we realize that. Of course, we’ll regret it soon enough, for they’ll be kept virtual prisoners here inside the Manor,” Charlie mentioned as he rolled his eyes.


Hell or not, it’s far too dangerous to send them away now,” Elveston commented with a wry grin.


The ladies must stay here then. I think we are all in agreement on that. None are safe to leave us, and these men could use any one of them to get to us, especially Lyon and I, if they captured them en route to London or some other location.” Harry paused, sighed heavily.


He continued on, “Woollard will be left to cover the guard duty at the Abbey with men from the Grange, and perhaps a couple of your relatives, Trevan. The rest we shall have to keep on guard here. We need an outside guard, as well as inside now. Around the clock.” Harry shook his head. Took a long draught of brandy. “Any word from John Michelmore at the George and Pilgrim?” Harry looked to Trevan.


Yes, a note came while we were at the chapel. I hadn’t gotten around to reading it until an hour ago, what with all the commotion. Dalworth is here in Glastonbury. He arrived late morning, just before your wedding. He checked in at the George under his own name. Cousin John saw him speaking with George Whitely and Percy Davitt in a far corner of the taproom about noon. Dalworth did not seem pleased. He went back upstairs. Davitt and Whitely stayed huddled in the corner, talking lowly amongst themselves for some time.” Trevan looked to Harry. “I know we’ve the ladies’ safety to think about, Harry. But we’ve been on the defensive. I think it’s time to go on the offensive.”


I already decided the same this afternoon, Trevan. What we need to do is meet again after the wedding celebration, and construct a foolproof trap to lure them in. I no longer think the Faire and Ball shall be as effective as we once thought. Too many things have changed. It’s dangerous now, due to all of the people in attendance. I don’t want to take those kinds of chances in that kind of crowd. A whole lot can go wrong that way.”


We need to lure them to take the treasure perhaps, or lure Dalworth to try and steal Rowena without of course putting her in harm’s way.” Harry frowned deeply. “The Ball and Faire will take place just days from now. I would like to finish this before that if at all possible. We need to end this as soon as can be.”


Agreed. Then we’ll meet tonight after our meal when the ladies aren’t apt to intrude upon us. In the meantime, everyone must think hard on this matter. What trap can we lay that is certain to bring Dalworth, Davitt and Whitely to us rather than us going after them?” Trevan proposed.


We’ll not meet too late tonight, I hope?” Harry raised a meaningful brow toward Trevan.


Trevan grinned, his eyes twinkling mischievously. He lowered his lilting voice so only Harry and Micah could hear him. “No. Of course not, Harry. We don’t want you to miss your wedding night. You’ve been practicing so hard at it these past few nights!” A highly amused laugh escaped the Cornishman when Harry glowered at him.


Keep that to yourself.” Harry warned as he walked past him.


I will. And every little moan and grunt I heard outside the bedchamber as well,” Trevan whispered to Harry as he clapped him on the back.


Micah shook his head, but the corners of his mouth turned upward.


Harry rolled his eyes and grinned. Shook his head. Then his expression grew serious. “Trevan, do you think we should question Whitely? I think we should.”

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