Lord of the Abbey (56 page)

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Authors: K. R. Richards

BOOK: Lord of the Abbey
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Who is my benefactor?” Libby asked.


None of your concern.”


Libby tried to catch the eye of the stable lads, then a gentleman exiting the White Hart, and was unsuccessful. No doubt a gentleman would not even concern himself with her, looking as she did in a dirty, crumpled gown, hair a tangle down her back, and in such low company. No doubt she was thought to be a harlot. Was she doomed?
She could not be.
Someone would help her.
She willed it to be so. She prayed.
Archangel Michael, please, please help me!
She needed to think. Libby realized she must find a way to escape. She could not go up those stairs and be given to Mr. Crow.
Help me, Archangel Michael! I need you now!


When they entered the main room, the man beside her roughly took her arm and pulled her along. Libby tried to break free. It was to her advantage there were a few people in the public room.


I told you to get her up the stairs quickly, Cobley! You’re causing a scene. If you can’t control her, I’ll get her up there myself.”


The man called Rawson took her arm roughly.


Get your hand off me!” Libby spat loudly. She realized then there was a man looking directly at her. A gentleman. He looked familiar. He noticed her. Oh my God! She knew him. It was one of Owen’s friends. And he recognized her!
She was saved!




White Hart Inn, Andover, Hampshire May, 1834


Micah Wychcombe, Viscount Wincanton, left his chamber to go down to the public room where he would meet his traveling companion, Jonathan ‘Jack’ Drayton, the Earl of Elveston. They would eat dinner and discuss their plans for the next day’s journey. They would decide if they would detour to Glastonbury for a day before returning to Templecombe to let Harry Bellingham, Lord Glaston, know what information they found on their journey. All in all, they could just as easily send Harry a letter. But it would be good to see Harry and his wife, Rowena.


Micah and Jack were returning from a nearly three week long trip north to try and find the trail of one Percy Davitt. Davitt recently caused a lot of trouble for the Avalon Society in Glastonbury. Alive, he was a danger to them all.


It was a miracle the man still lived after he tried to steal the sacred treasures found in Glastonbury. He received three gunshot wounds and one stab wound. It was still a mystery to the Avalon Society members how Percy Davitt escaped Stonedown Manor with the grave injuries he received. He and Elveston now believed Davitt was holed up somewhere in Scotland.


They completely lost his trail at Newcastle. They spent days there trying to find anyone who might have seen him or the lady he apparently traveled north with when they left The Gray Swan Inn. After searching a dozen towns near Scotland’s border and finding nothing, Jack and Micah returned to London. They spent three nights there and now were on their way back to Micah’s home, Horethorne Hall at Templecombe in Somerset, after one quick stop in Glastonbury for a night. Elveston would then go on to his home in Dorset from Horethorne Hall after taking a couple days of much needed rest.


Micah took a table, after he ordered a pint of the White Hart’s finest ale. He sat waiting for Jack. There were several gentlemen and a couple of some means in the room. It was early afternoon. He took another sip of the ale. It was a good brew.


It was good to sit in a chair and not on a horse. Yes, the brew was fine enough for a weary traveler such as him. He rubbed his thigh. It ached. His wound, a rifle shot he received in Glastonbury last month, hadn’t completely healed. No doubt three weeks on the road on horseback had not helped it.


He was anxious to get back to Horethorne Hall. Not that there was much there for him but his personal research at Cadbury hill fort, and the Greek scrolls found recently in Glastonbury waiting to be interpreted. But, his thigh definitely needed the rest.


Micah decided in Glastonbury he was through being a recluse, having been one for the past seven years since his beloved wife Lucy and their son died during the birth.


He was glad to get home. He was weary of travel. He spent two weeks in Glastonbury in April. And three weeks in May on and off the Great Northern Road, scouring northern England and parts of Scotland for Percy Davitt.


Micah did not mind searching for Davitt. Harry Bellingham’s new wife, Rowena, deserved to be at peace where the threat of Percy Davitt was concerned. Micah grew attached to Rowena in Glastonbury, in fact they became good friends. There was not much Micah would not do for her. Since Harry could not and would not leave his wife, mother and sister at Abbey Grange while they might still be in danger, Micah and Elveston volunteered to see if they could find Davitt.


Micah was privileged to watch Harry and Rowena fall madly in love with one another. Rowena was a scholar, beautiful and the perfect match for Harry. Micah wanted the perfect woman, the perfect match for a wife for himself.


After the seven long years since Lucy died, he wanted the perfect companion. For, as much as he loved Lucy, theirs was not a perfect match. He had loved her nonetheless. Micah prayed to Archangel Michael in the tower of St. Michael atop the mysterious and magical Glastonbury Tor for help to find the perfect woman to fit into his life. The perfect wife for him. Absently he touched his coat pocket where he always carried the snow white feather he found at his feet after praying to the Angel in the tower.


Truly the only young lady whom he felt an attraction to in past years was Lady Elizabeth Darrington, the sister of Lord Fitzlewis, a fellow member of the Avalon Society. He found her lovely, quite sweet and extremely intelligent. He remained unsure how Lady Elizabeth felt about
, however. He only knew
was attracted to her. He would be traveling to Devon within the month for the purpose of finding out if there was any interest in him on Lady Elizabeth’s part.


He took another sip of ale. Where was Elveston?


Slightly raised voices at the entrance to the inn drew his attention.


I told you get her up the stairs quickly, Cobley! You’re causing a scene. If you can’t control her I’ll get her up there myself.” The man roughly grabbed a tall, slender woman’s arm.


Micah was surprised to see two lower class, and rough looking individuals with a pale young woman, her dark hair in a tumble down her back, wearing a wrinkled but finely cut blue gown. It was the gown of a lady, as was her regal bearing. She looked familiar.


He watched as the woman pulled her arm from the man who held on to her. The hair that previously hid her face was thrown back with the movement. “Get your hand off me!” She spoke with the disdain and hauteur of a well bred young lady. Her voice was familiar as well.


Micah watched as the young woman noticed him. Looked at him in desperation. He saw her sapphire eyes widen as she recognized him. At the very same moment, Micah realized who she was. Owen Darrington, Lord Fitzlewis’s sister, Lady Elizabeth!


Lord Wincanton, Help me!


He rose instantly. He knew something was terribly wrong.


Lady Elizabeth! Where is your brother?” He rushed to her, reached out and took the man by the arm who was trying to push her back out the door.


You’ve made a mistake, guv,” the shorter of the two men said.


There has been no mistake.” Micah removed a pistol from his coat and pointed it at the man.


Lord Wincanton, I’ve been kidnapped!” Lady Elizabeth wrenched her arm away from the taller man, slammed the heel of one half boot upon the toe of the other and rushed the few steps to Micah. Unsteady as she was, she literally fell against him. He caught and steadied her with his free arm. Held her to him.


Micah quickly pushed her behind him. “Hold on to me tightly, Lady Elizabeth.” He felt Lady Elizabeth’s hands clinging to his coat at his back.


Innkeeper, sir, send for the constable at once!” Micah commanded.


The two men in brown coats turned and fled.




A Note from the Author


About the Author

A Note from the Author

I will begin by saying that
Lord of the Abbey
is a work of fiction.


It was my love of history that compelled me many years ago to dig deeper into the stories about Joseph of Arimathea and Jesus traveling to Glastonbury and Cornwall. Though there is no written proof from that time period that their visit to southwest England was real, I have found within the layers of history many reasons and later documentation to believe it was highly possible.


Julius Caesar and a few others wrote about the Druidic Colleges in Britain and France where the sons of wealthy Greeks and Romans and other empires studied mathematics, science, philosophy, astronomy and other subjects. It is believed Glastonbury and Avebury were two of those sites.


As far as Jesus being married and having children, I, personally, have no problems with that. I realize that there are people who do. Again, since there is no undeniable written proof from Jesus’ lifetime that Jesus did have a wife and children, please remember
The Lord of the Abbey
is a work of fiction. I like to think that Jesus did experience the love of being a husband and father, for being a parent and a spouse are two elemental and basic components of the human experience.


I realize that there was no Dukedom in Cornwall, other than the Duchy of Cornwall, which has long been held by the Royal family. I took poetic license and made Trevan Chynoweth the Duke of Penrose, who lives in Cornwall, for reasons that are not explained in Book One of the
Lords of Avalon


I understand the proper use of titles in nineteenth century England, but simplified them when possible for those who are not avid readers of the Regency and Victorian period.


Can I prove that angels exist? No. Do I believe they do? Absolutely!


I hope you enjoyed the
Lord of the Abbey


Lords of Avalon
series follows the Avalon society members on their quest for ancient secrets hidden in magical Glastonbury, Cornwall and other locations in South West England. With a rich cast of unforgettable characters, set against the backdrop of late Regency England,
The Lords of Avalon
series is an adventurous romp full of danger and romance.




Coming Soon
Lords of Honor
Lords of Retribution




About the Author


Special Thanks to My Special People:


who read
almost as many times as I did and gave lots of input. She was the first
Lord of the Abbey


who helped with everything - reading, editing and plotting on
Thank you for designing my beautiful cover
! Thanks my dear friend!


Kerry, Sheila, Debbie, Jaci, Shari, Liz, Kia, Kim C., Jenny, Karen, Raven,
Janet and Anna,
wherever you are, my sisters in Spirit, thank you for all your love, support and great energy you have sent my way! Thanks for all the amazing circles, readings, healings, classes, massages, Reiki, sauna nights and amazing conversations! You are all wonderful teachers and healers! Hope to see you all soon! Hugs and kisses! M
y Guides
– a

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