Lord of the Grrr's (13 page)

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Authors: Amelia Jade,Terra Wolf,Mercy May,Kit Tunstall,Artemis Wolffe,Lily Marie,Lily Thorn,Emma Alisyn,Claire Ryann,Andie Devaux

BOOK: Lord of the Grrr's
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Several hours later, with the swelling subsiding, a groggy, sore-throated Jean emerged from the room, much to the relief of Chase. The group of shifters all gathered around her, but he shooed them away, approaching on his own.

"I would very much prefer it if you let me carry you to the truck," he began, his voice trailing off toward the end at the look of intense disdain that filled her face.

"The sentiment is sweet, don't get me wrong, but I've been flat on my back for hours now staring at a wall. I'm going to walk to the truck."

At the hurt look on his face she relented slightly, tossing him a soft smile as she took his arm, allowing Chase to help her out.

"I will, however, acquiesce to letting you bring the truck up to the door," she murmured into his ear as she stumbled slightly. "I don't seem to have as much control and stamina as I figured I might."

He didn't say a word, understanding that she hated feeling weak and did not want him to acknowledge her condition at the moment. So he stayed silent, but did not stray from her side as Jean walked herself out of the facility and even down the steps to the truck.

Chase knew he was beaming as she pulled herself slowly into the cab without assistance. She was tough and full of pride, but at the same time she was also smart enough to realize when enough was enough. This was a woman that could keep up with him, he knew.

As did his wolf. It was roiling inside, constantly attempting to surge to the front and take command of his body so that he would mate with her, to claim her as his own. Each time he fought it off it only seemed to gain strength when it came back.

"So, the Doc says I'm not supposed to drive," she said as Chase put the truck in gear as the two of them pulled away from the clinic.

While they had waited, Holden and Ethan had driven back to the event, bringing a secondary truck. Behind them now the silver truck with Ethan at the wheel turned away, heading back to the venue again.

Chase kept going straight, heading up the slightly sloped road toward the apartment on the outskirts of town that he currently rented. It would take them about ten minutes to get there, and he was dreading every minute of the drive after he told Jean what the plan was for the evening.

"Yes, you need to sleep everything off. She said that in the morning you should be fine to go home. But for the night, you're going to stay in town."

He avoided saying exactly where she was staying in town, but something in his voice must have given away the fact that he was nervous about it.

"What are you not telling me Chase?" Her voice was cautious, but relaxed enough that he didn't think she was about to freak out. Wanting to avoid that, he decided to simply tell her his decision instead of having her drag it out of him, which would be infinitely worse, he was sure.

"It makes the most sense if you crash at my place," he managed to get out, speaking at what felt to him to be record speed. It seemed amazing that Jean had not only caught the words themselves, but managed to understand them completely.

"That sounds like a good idea," she said carefully, much to his surprise.

He was careful not to let his jaw hang open at her response. His wolf, on the other hand, began to work other parts of his body as it tried to engage him once more, telling Chase that he now had the perfect opportunity to be alone with his mate and claim her. Focusing on the drive, he gripped the wheel tighter, trying to restrain himself.

Everything about her was making that incredibly difficult for him. Her scent infused the car, expanding to fill every open space, so that with each inhale he was nearly overcome by cinnamon and something else, something he couldn't quite identify, though it drove him wild.

Her voice, despite being quiet and sore, still evoked desire within him unlike any other. His cock was at full attention, straining at the seams of his khakis. His only saving grace was that they were sitting down, or else he would have had to endure being thoroughly embarrassed by the attention his body was showing her.

He tried carefully not to look over for a quick glance down her dress, but even as he tried to think about not doing it, his brain auto-engaged, betraying him once again. Her dress didn't reveal much, but being taller allowed him to see down it, and he bit his lip at the sight of the rounded mounds.

Tightening his grip on the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white, Chase forced his gaze forward as the light turned green, and they headed across town to the small apartment he rented. The sun was long gone and the moon was high in the sky surrounded by uncountable numbers of stars, a tableau only put to shame by the woman next to him.

"Beautiful night," he said awkwardly, trying to avoid talking about anything serious. His genuine concern for Jean told him he should ask at least one more question after she finished mumbling her agreement to his earlier statement.

"Is there anything you want, something in particular to eat or drink? I can stop to pick it up."

"No, water is fine for me, thanks. I'll be out of your hair tomorrow," she said quickly, apologizing for what she believed was a major inconvenience to him. He desperately wanted to tell her that he was, in fact, ecstatic about getting to spend more time with her, but he wasn't sure how that would go over.

The rest of the drive was spent in enjoyable silence. Surprisingly, Chase felt completely at ease just being near Jean, no longer feeling as if small talk was a necessity. It caught him offguard, but he relished the serenity of the moment. That was the way a relationship should be, he thought to himself. Silence could sometimes be just as golden as talking.

Pulling into the driveway, he looked over and noticed that Jean had dozed off at one point. With a smile he moved as quietly as possible to exit the truck and move around to her side. He had her seatbelt off and was just scooping her into his arms when she stirred.

Glancing up, he noticed her giving him the strangest look, but there was no resistance to his actions. She simply wrapped her arms around his shoulders to help lift herself, making his job easier as he negotiated the steps up to his second floor walk-up. This time, instead of her head lolling around, she kept it nuzzled against his neck. He kept hoping she would kiss his exposed skin, but she never did.

By the time he was inside, she was once again fast asleep in his arms. He laid her down on his bed, removing her shoes and letting her hair out as gently as he could manage. Standing up, he frowned down at her, unsure of how to proceed next. He knew that she would sleep far better without the dress on, but he didn't feel comfortable taking it off while she was asleep.

"I can take it off myself," she mumbled quietly into the silence, once again staring up at him with an unreadable look upon her face. There was no malice or sarcasm within her voice, just a simple statement. Nodding, he turned and headed to the closet in the hallway, fetching some blankets and spare pillows from it while she undressed and slid back into bed.

"What are you doing?" she inquired softly as he began to shake the blankets out on the floor next to the bed.

"Sleeping nearby just in case something goes wrong."

There was what sounded suspiciously like a contented sigh from the bed above him, but when he looked up at her, she was already back in dreamland. Smiling up at her, he reached up to pull the blanket a little higher.

He set a quiet alarm and leaned back, his brain replaying the crazy events of the day as he marveled at just how quickly things can change.

He glanced up at her once last time before sleep claimed him. The last thing he saw was the small smile upon her face as she clutched the sheets closer to her.



Sitting up and rubbing sleep from her eyes, Jean stretched and looked around at her surroundings. In a flash the frightening memories of the night before came back in a tumbled mess. Hands flew to her throat as she recalled being nearly unable to breathe due to the swelling, but now she encountered nothing but her own skin. The swelling was gone and she could breathe just fine.

There was just the hint of a rasp at the back of her throat from the breathing tube, but she had a feeling that would subside with a glass of water. Feeling parched, she glanced around carefully before getting out of bed, grabbing her dress and making a beeline for the ensuite washroom.

Splashing water on her face, she tried to calm her jitters. Last night Jean had faced the threat of possible death. Now this morning she was feeling more alive than she had in a long time. Her nerves were tingling and her heart raced, pumping blood quickly throughout her entire body.

As her breaths shortened, she realized that her nipples were hard. She was becoming aroused at the idea of being alive! Dimly she recalled reading something about this, how survivors of near-death situations often turned to anything exhilarating that reminded them of how alive they were. For many, this meant sex.

For Jean, this meant sex.

She looked into the mirror and began primping herself, doing her best to spruce up her look for Chase. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail, running her hands through it several times to untangle it. A tug on her dress pulled it down, exposing more of her soft, creamy skin. After a look in the mirror she tugged on it again, trying to achieve that perfect amount of cleavage for him to feast his eyes upon.

Jean was halfway back through the bedroom before it even clicked in to her what she was doing. Her steps slowed but did not stop as she walked down the hallway from the bedroom toward the open area, where she could hear Chase moving around. A heartbeat later the smell of bacon and eggs hit her, evoking a loud rumble from her stomach. A wry grin crossed her face as she realized that perhaps sex might have to be put on hold while she ate.

As she rounded the corner into the brightly lit kitchen, the sharp, witty remark died on her tongue. Chase was cooking breakfast for her without a shirt on. A steadying hand shot out to the wall on her right, catching her as she wobbled, taken aback by the sight. Between her legs thick, warm honey flowed as she took in the muscles clearly outlined on his back. They flexed and bulged as he lifted the pans, scraping the food onto two separate plates.

Every fiber in her body screamed out to her, shouting that she should simply walk up behind him and reach her hands around to the front. Touch him, caress him, feel just how alive he was, the flow of blood through his veins, the heat that she could practically see radiating off his body. It was an intoxicating blend that she only barely resisted, using all of her incredible willpower to do so.

"Good morning," she said slowly as he turned around, not appearing at all startled to see her there.

He did, however, take an extra eyeful of her exposed skin, his eyes lingering for an extra second before snapping back up to hers. She enjoyed the way the vibrant green of his eyes seemed to sparkle each time he checked her out.

They sat down to eat, though it quickly became obvious that neither one of them was thinking about food. She finished her portion quickly, complimenting him on his skills in the kitchen. When he got up to clean the table she got her next surprise. He was only wearing shorts, and it was clearly evident that he was turned on, the fabric clearly showing the outline of his cock.

"Can I shower?" she asked, adding a touch of spice to her voice, hoping that he might get the hint.

"I'll get you a towel," he growled back, his deep, bass voice indicating that he too was struggling to keep control.

She followed him back to the bedroom and beyond, enjoying the way his cute butt moved in the shorts. He was quite the specimen, very muscular and athletic looking, but as she knew from the night before, he was also
. Far stronger than she would have expected.

"You know," she began as he handed her a towel. "I never did thank you for saving my life last night."

She continued to walk toward the shower as she spoke, letting her hips talk. He stood at the door, his hand tightly gripping the frame. She turned around, facing away from him again to hang the towel up. She waited there for a moment before turning her head back to him.

"Can you unzip me?"

"Yes," he practically whispered, his voice hoarse from the tension that was rapidly filling the air between them. She took a deep breath as her dress fell away, hoping that she hadn't guessed wrong about his interest in her. If she had, things were about to get very, very embarrassing and awkward.

His hands continued to peel the dress off her down to the floor, however, abolishing any remaining doubt as he dragged them slowly back up her body, exploring every curve and extra bit along the way. He didn't shy away, touching and caressing her everywhere. The low growl that echoed off the tiles in the still-empty shower was more than enough to let her know how he felt.

When the bra fell away she turned around swiftly, eyes closing as she tilted her head to match his. Their lips met with a burst of fire, igniting the inferno within her body. Chase stoked the flames as one of his hands slid down her soft, ample stomach and between her legs, gently rubbing her throbbing clit through her underwear. Her legs parted slightly under his touch, while higher up he continued to kiss her fiercely, not letting go with his other hand.

She practically melted into him, the body heat he exuded acting like a magnet to her body. As he drew her in he made her wetter, preparing her to take him. Wondering what she was in store for, Jean let a hand drop between his legs, using her index finger to slowly trace the outline of his hard cock. It was as hard as steel by that point, but still trapped within the confines of his clothes.

"We need to fix this," she purred at him, hooking her fingers under the elastic waistband of both his shorts and boxers. Pulling them forward she took a peek down at his cock, biting her lip at the sight before she pulled them out and over it, yanking them down past his knees until they fell to the floor on their own.

"You don't need -" he began, but she pressed a finger to his lips before he could say another word. Jean intended to let him take control shortly, but for now, she was in command and they were going to do what she wanted.

Slipping to her knees, she licked her lips, looking back up at him as she wrapped a hand around the thick base of his shaft. His eyes were intense, focused upon her. She watched as they followed her tongue as she ran it around the tip of his cock, leaving a glistening trail behind. The lust visible within his stare was palpable, overwhelming her desire to tease him to the point that she simply took him deep into her mouth in one smooth motion.

He was so large she couldn't take him all the way into her throat, but she worked at him enthusiastically for several minutes as Chase began to groan above her, his noises spurring her on to further attempts to take him all. Eventually she gave up, letting him slide from her mouth, trails of saliva hanging off of it as evidence of her work.

Standing up, she pulled her underwear off and turned around, bending over the countertop. Chase stepped up behind her without hesitation, his hand gently spreading her cheeks as he pressed the tip of his cock up against the swollen folds of flesh between her legs. Her cunt was dripping wet and ready for him, her warmth combining with the wetness on his cock to allow him to slide right in.

Jean gasped the instant he entered her, unprepared for just how widely he would stretch her. Now that he was firmly inside, his hands moved up to her hips, holding her still as he pushed inside, burying himself within her in a long, slow, aching process that left her quivering and on the edge.

"Are you okay?" he asked after a minute, making sure she had had time to adjust to his size. She nodded with a moan and a whimper, barely able to contain herself. When he pulled out and thrust back inside in one smooth motion she lost it. Pleasure exploded out from between her thighs, lighting her nerves on fire as it spread out to her core and behind, leaving a tingling sensation behind. Jean moaned loudly, grabbing her breasts with one hand and squeezing her nipples in time with the waves that rushed over her.

She was gasping for breath, savoring the sensation when he began to move again, this time in a slow, rhythmic pattern. It was unbelievable the way he made her feel.

"You're incredible," she managed to force out between rushed breaths as he fucked her. She was looking back at him in the mirror, the focus in his face causing her pussy to pulsate as he buried the entire length of his cock within her canal time after time. He seemed so intent on pleasuring her, it was unbelievable how sexy it made her feel.

She wanted more.

Pushing a hand out behind her, she stopped his motions, turning around to face him. She kissed him roughly, not wanting to waste any opportunity to do so. Faint shocks of electricity roved across her skin as their lips met again, surprising her with the intensity after everything else she had felt already.

"What did you have in mind now?" he growled at her, a faint smile curving his lovely lips upward.

"Well, first I thought I would hop up on here," she said, putting movement to word as she jumped onto the counter."Next, you come closer, like that." She hooked her legs around his waist and pulled him toward her."Now, I'll grab this."

She grabbed his cock and positioned it at her opening. Although she had meant to say more, the words were taken from her as he slammed his hips into hers roughly.

"That's what I was supposed to do, right?" he whispered, mock innocence filling his voice.

"Yes," she said, the word turning into a moan of pleasure as she reveled in being filled completely, the sensation new to her. Never before had she taken a man of his size. Even the sex toy she had bought a few years back wasn't as large as Chase. Nor was it as warm or enjoyable, she thought to herself as he began to grind his hips into hers over and over again.

As his pace increased, she reached out her arms, pulling his face down to hers. They kissed for some time, until he quickened his movements once more. She needed to breathe then, so she pulled his head against her neck, nuzzling him in close as he fucked her harder.

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