Read Lord of the Grrr's Online

Authors: Amelia Jade,Terra Wolf,Mercy May,Kit Tunstall,Artemis Wolffe,Lily Marie,Lily Thorn,Emma Alisyn,Claire Ryann,Andie Devaux

Lord of the Grrr's (19 page)

BOOK: Lord of the Grrr's
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"Jean, you don't have to do this. Not if you aren't ready," he tried to say, caught completely offguard by the change in attitude from his mate.

"Chase, I'm never going to be ready," she said, spinning around to face him as the door closed behind them. "I'm never going to be ready to love someone, to commit to someone. I'll never be
to have children. But if I don't try, then I'll never know what I

She sighed, running her hands through her long, luscious hair, locks of it falling to the side in a wonderful display of femininity that set his wolf ablaze. He tried to calm himself down and pay attention, because what she was saying was important to her, he could tell that much.

"All my life, I've been so afraid of failure when it comes to relationships that I've lost the confidence to even try. I hold myself closed off to the world, simply so that I can avoid any pain. That's no way to live," she sneered, the disgust with herself visible on her face.

"Hey, don't knock yourself like that." He spoke up now, not liking the direction the conversation was taking. "Everyone gets lost from time to time, needing a little guidance from the outside. It doesn't matter. You're here now, and we have each other," he said comfortingly, taking her into his arms.

She nuzzled her face into his chest, allowing herself to be held tightly for the first time since the night they had originally met. With her chin tucked perfectly under his, their bodies intertwined tightly on the front porch as they held each other without speaking. Although Chase tried to keep himself calm, the press of her flesh against him eventually won out, his cock hardening beneath his jeans.

Nothing was said, but her hand slid down from his back, coming around to lightly trace the outline of the bulge in his pants, occasionally flicking across his shaft. He gasped each time, much to her delight.

"Chase?" she whispered in his ear a minute later.

"Yes?" His voice was more growl than response as she continued to tease him with her hand.

"Drive fast."


The drive was short, thankfully, so the two of them did not have to wait long to fulfill the raging desires within them. Chase wasn't sure which one of them had to try harder to restrain themselves, and he frankly did not care. His soul was singing with excitement and another feeling, one he had rarely experienced lately.


Hope for the future, hope for the present, for Jean, and lastly, for himself. He wasn't going to lose his mind. He would be able to live out his days with the pack in peace it seemed. Part of him was so happy he wanted to cry, but mostly, he desired his mate. He glanced over at her, the way she was focused on the road ahead, her breasts bouncing ever so slightly as the truck rumbled up the driveway. Every time, she took his breath away.

"Stop staring and get your ass in gear mister," she said, her seatbelt off and door already open as the truck ground to a halt.

"Yes ma'am," he said with a grin, practically flying out the door to chase her through the parking lot.

Jean shrieked with mock terror, running up the stairs as fast as she could, Chase hot on her tail. He cornered her on the concrete patio outside his front door, not giving her anywhere to run. Smoothly, and without hurting her, he flung Jean over his shoulder, holding on tightly while his free hand unlocked the door.

"Put me down you oaf!" she giggled, beating her fists uselessly against his back as he made a beeline for the bedroom.

"With pleasure."

He dropped her carefully onto the bed so that she landed on her back, laughter shaking the two of them as he jumped onto the sheets next to her, locking her up in a tight embrace. They stared into each other's eyes as the chuckles faded away, leaving nothing but lust in the room.

The air thickened with tension as the smile faded from his face, while one hand stroked her cheek as the other slid slowly up her thigh. Chase went slowly, not wanting to break the moment that was settling over them. He paused when she glanced down at his hand, not wanting to push too far too fast, but a shake of the head and a slight opening of her legs silently urged him onward.

Cupping her chin he pulled her close, their lips meeting with a quick snap of static electricity, as if even the elements understood what was happening. A smile tugged at the corner of his lips once more, but he concentrated on kissing his mate instead. She opened her mouth as his tongue quested forward, hungrily exploring while he continued to push toward the sweet spot between her legs.

She gasped, pulling away from him slightly as he found it, his hand applying slow, rhythmic pressure overtop of her shorts and through her underwear. Her breathing began to shorten under his ministrations, the low moans interspersed with gasps driving him wild. He longed to simply rip her clothes off and have his way with her, but that wasn't what needed to happen. This time it needed to be slow and exploratory, the two of them getting to know each other intimately, without distraction.

When he felt fingers begin to tug at his shirt, he lifted his hands, letting Jean peel his polo up and over his head, exposing some of his bare skin to her touch. He shivered as she ran her palms across his firm muscles, exploring each bulge and dip with the utmost of care, her lips slowly following the trail, covering his entire chest with her touch.

Goosebumps prickled his arms as she gently nibbled on his ear, her hand finally pushing below his belt to grasp the bulge of his cock once more. He didn't try to hold back the growl of delight as she stroked him through his pants, stoking the flames into an inferno within him.

"You drive me wild," he murmured in her ear, going back on the attack now. They sat on the bed, bodies pressed against each other. Chase longed to feel her skin on his, and the only way for that to happen was for him to undress Jean. It was a task he went about with precision and pleasure.

His fingers caressed her entire body, not missing an inch as he slid them up her sides and around her back, the clasp to her bra providing no resistance as he continued to bare her creamy smooth skin to his gaze and touch. She swallowed hard as he took one breast into his hand, fingers tracing ever smaller circles around her nipple. His stubble brushed against her chest as he kissed his way down, eager to return the favor to her.

"Oh Chase," she moaned as he took a nipple into his mouth, swirling it around with his tongue all while gently sucking on it. He swore that he heard the seams on his pants splitting as she continued to moan and writhe under his touch, the reactions he was drawing heightening his own pleasure.

The air in the room grew heated as they continued to strip each other slowly, one piece of clothing at a time, until the two of them lay naked, their legs intertwined. Licking his lips, he began to gently push himself down toward the gap between her legs, eager to explore her some more.

"No, not today."

Her finger hooked under his chin, pulling him back up and on top of her as Jean rolled over onto her back. Her legs spread wide, wrapping around his waist, pulling his rigid cock towards her wet opening.

"Are you sure?" he asked, not wanting her to sacrifice anything on his part. He had waited long enough; he could wait that extra bit if he needed to.

"I'm positive. I want you. Now." Her eyes were wide, staring directly at him as she waited.

Nodding, Chase grasped the base of his shaft, using the tip to gently push aside the swollen folds of flesh until he slipped the first few inches inside of her. Jean gasped, her eyes flying open wider than before as he once more began to stretch her to accommodate him. Nails left red marks across the muscles of his back as Chase slowly buried himself within her completely, growling his pleasure as their hipbones met.

"Go slowly," she begged as he began to slide back out. He looked down as his shaft emerged from within her, light reflecting from the wetness that coated him. The sight of it aroused both of them. As if seeing her body's reaction to his touch, Jean pulled his face to hers, kissing him hard as he thrust back inside of her firmly.

"Oh," she gasped, breaking the seal between them to give voice to her pleasure.

Sitting back, Chase turned her slowly so that she lay on her side, her bottom leg stretched between his knees and the other one bent up towards her chest. Grasping her leg and her ass, he pulled her towards him as he thrust into her.

"Holy shit." The cry was loud and echoed in the room, but Chase wasn't stopping, picking up the pace as he slammed into her hard, ripping screams of ecstasy from her throat with his relentless approach.

"Do it! Take me now!" she begged as she rolled onto her back again, hips arched into the air, allowing him to go much deeper than before. His cock lunged forward almost as if it had a mind of its own, seeking to sink every inch far into her dripping cunt.

With a growl of glee, he let his wolf's fangs slip out as he bent over Jean, holding her tight when he sank them into the soft flesh of her neck, in the same place he had done it before. This time she didn't flinch, but simply grabbed tightly onto his neck to help ward off the pain.

The image of clarity and pleasure that snapped into focus as the bond was completed was too much for Chase. His entire body tensed within Jean, his cock swelling even larger, causing Jean to orgasm at the same time that he began to shake and empty streams of molten liquid deep within her.

The two of them voiced their pleasure together, core muscles shaking as the overwhelming sensation hit them both like a runaway train. He heard Jean inhale sharply as the incessant pressure of his wolf dissipated from both of their minds as they continued to climax. It was as if a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

"Do you feel that?" he asked, afraid to do more than whisper.

"It's gone, but…but I can feel you?" She sounded confused, as if she wasn't exactly sure
the feeling she was experiencing was.

"That's a true bond, a complete one. You'll be able to feel me anytime I'm near, to know me truer than anyone else, as I will with you."

He smiled at her. The joy he felt coming through the link reassured him that she truly was his mate, and wanted to be with him. Words could not describe the feeling of completion that enveloped the two then as they lay together, exhausted from the events that had just occurred. In short order sleep claimed them both, Jean first, though Chase followed swiftly after as his eyelids fell closed.


In the morning he stretched and yawned, thinking it was time to wake up and begin breakfast for the two of them.

However, when he felt next to him, the bed was cold and empty. Snapping awake, Chase looked around. Jean was nowhere to be seen. His heart began to race as his mind panicked, wondering where she might have gone.

Then the smell of bacon, eggs, and other deliciousness assaulted his awakening senses, as did the sounds of Jean moving about in the kitchen.

He lay back into bed with the feeling of relief forcing a bout of laughter from him.

"What are you laughing about sleepyhead?" Jean poked her head through the door, wearing nothing but one of his white shirts. His cock immediately stirred to life in a way that she could not miss.

"You are insatiable!"

The two of them had made love money times throughout the night, but even now, the sight of her in his clothes awoke his desire once more.

"I can't help it. I love you Jean Taylor."

"I love you too Chase Hewitt, but that…" she said with an evil wink in the direction of his groin, "that is going to have to wait until

He gave up and joined in the laughter with his mate. The new world they were discovering together seemed to starting out just perfectly.

The End


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Click here to read:
Rogue Bear
(Bluff Bears #1)

From the Author

Thank you for purchasing my book. It's that sort of support that allows me to continue doing something that I love every day. If you liked the read, please consider leaving a review so more people can find and enjoy my books.


Terra Wolf

About the Author - Terra Wolf

I love to write about all things billionaire and shifter. My books allow my imagination to run free and explore every possible idea I have. That makes writing less like a job and more like a fantasy come to life.

Visit My Amazon Page to learn more about all my books!

Terra's Amazon Page






Also By Terra Wolf


Bluff Bears
(With Amelia Jade)

(Stand-Alone Romance Novella's)

Rogue Bear
(Book 1)

Outlaw Bear
(Book 2)


Stand-Alone Romance Novella's

Cinder Wolf

Feral Wolf



(With Alannah Blacke)

(Stand-Alone Romance Novellas)

Bear In Mind
(Book 1)

Mine to Bear
(Book 2)

Bear Down
(Book 3)





BOOK: Lord of the Grrr's
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