Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series) (40 page)

BOOK: Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series)
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“When we have the scrolls and find the Holy relic we seek, I will send you to
wherever you wish that is not in England. France? Spain? Even Ireland might do.”

“How about America
? I can pass for a gentleman and live like one in the midst of society there.” It had always been Isaac’s dream to move as a gentleman in society, not on the fringes, lurking in the shadows as he had been doing for the whole of his life. Even though his purse was full and he dressed better than some gentleman did, he was not and would never be considered a member of society in England.

Something flashed in the gentleman’s eyes
. Isaac wondered what the fleeting emotion might have been. He’d never know. The cool mask the man always wore fell once again into place. The Gentleman rarely showed any emotion toward him. The only people he showed emotion to were those in his own inner circle, his family and friends.

“I would
not like to think of you being so far away, but if that is your wish, I will set you up in America. I will make certain you arrive as a gentleman. I will provide you a lineage to carry with you that no one can refute -
this mission is finished. You will be rewarded for your loyalty. I will set plans in motion for you to go to America. As soon as I have the relic in my hand, you will board a ship for New York. Be thinking about exactly where in America you wish to make your new home. I have connections, even across the ocean.”

Isaac actually smiled
. He nodded. “New York. That’s exactly where I want to be.”

New York it is. We’ll change your name. Give you a noble ancestry. I’ll take care of the details. With any luck you can find yourself a wealthy heiress to marry.”

“I will await your instructions when I reach Cornwall,
sir.” Isaac rose. He offered his hand. Oddly enough, the gentleman accepted it this time. He rarely did.

“Godspeed and stay safe, Isaac,” the gentleman
placed his hand on Isaac’s shoulder before he turned to leave. “I have another pressing matter to tend to before the evening is done.”

Isaac tried to swallow the lump in his throat
as he watched the gentleman walk away. It was the first time in his life the man had touched him and looked at him with what was it? Emotion? Gentleness? Kindness? He wasn’t certain what it was. He broke the blank seal and looked at the address written on the letter. A triumphant smile turned up the corners of his mouth. The house was in a relatively fashionable part of Town. He wouldn’t be staying in a hovel at any rate.

Feeling a little better than he had when he came
in, Isaac left the tavern. He pulled the hood up to hide his scarred face. No doubt, he’d be scarred for life.

A wicked smile
teased up the corners of his mouth as he realized that if Senny Penrose wasn’t dead, he would be in Cornwall soon and could see to it himself. He would make her pay for the way she scarred him. He would indeed. No half-witted imbecile would get the best of him. He also had a score to settle with St. Erth and the Duke of Penrose. He smiled and emitted a wicked chuckle. Things were working out quite well. He hailed a hackney.


breakfast, the Avalon Society members gathered in the library once again.

Trevan addressed the gentlemen
. “I received another letter from Deveril Pendarves in London this morning. Lord Buxton was supposedly killed in an impromptu hunting accident at a friend’s lodge in Somerset. He supposedly died from a wound to the left side of his chest on the day
Lyon, August and Marcus ran into the Knights of the Brown Order on their way from London to Templecombe. We believe Lord Buxton to be the Knight that Lyon shot and killed on the road to Templecombe that night.”

Trevan referred to the incident of three weeks before. It was the first time the Grand Knights of the Brown Order had shown themselves to any Avalon Society member.
Although covered in robes that concealed their identities, they made themselves known to Lyon and the Trevelyans after killing three innocent people and blocking the road outside Templecombe with two carriages. They delivered a verbal threat to the women, children and families of the Avalon Society, and proved that they held little, three-year old Alice, the daughter of Owen and his new wife, Grace, as hostage. They wanted the cruets holding the blood and sweat of Jesus, the Glastonbury Sapphire and the scrolls the Avalon Society had found in Glastonbury in exchange for the life of little Alice.

Gabriel looked at his cousin in disbelief
. “Roger Jennings, Lord Buxton, of Hammel Hall in Kent?”

“Yes, do you know him?”

“No. I know who he is, but I have never spoken to him. He was on John Madingly’s list of references. He’s one of the two men whom I received letters of recommendation from for Madingly. Lord Buxton said Madingly had earned the living at St. Anne’s church near Hammel Hall for four years.”

“Who is the other gentleman who responded to your inquiries?” Marrek asked
. Anything about the former vicar of St. Mabyn interested him.

Joshua Slade Currier, Lord Daventry, also of Kent replied. He said he knew John Madingly well and recommended him highly.”

“Who else was on that list of references
?” Marrek queried.

Gabriel shook his head
. “I don’t remember. But I have his references and those two letters in my study at Fairy Cross.”

Marrek rose from his chair
. “Let’s you and I ride to St. Mabyn and get his references, shall we. My guess is they are all members of the Knights of the Brown Order. I now feel certain that
John Madingly is involved with our brown-coated knights.”

Gabriel rose
. “I agree.”

Trevan nodded
. “When you get back, I’ll send a list of those names to Pendarves and Carlyon in London and have those gentlemen watched as well. Take ten men with you. We are not certain it is safe to move about in small groups at this time.”

Marrek motioned for Creed to join

After the three men left, Micah asked, “Can August and I ride to Priory Place and check the pictographs on the arch at St. Anthony’s

“It does seem to be a necessary thing.”
Trevan sighed heavily. He looked to Harry.

It does. Select fifteen men, leave tomorrow morning, make your rubbings and drawings, stay the night at the Place and leave at dawn the next day to come back. We can’t leave ourselves for too long with any less than we have already,” Harry nodded his agreement.

flashed a triumphant grin. “We will make haste.”

“Let us get
back to the scrolls,” Harry said.


Ruan Menwinnick, the Earl of Ince, took the steps leading to the unmarked building that was known to only a few as The Department. To everyone else in the neighborhood, the building was known as a private, unnamed gentlemen’s club.

Once admitted
, he crossed the foyer and ascended the ornately carved staircase up to the first floor, then took another flight to the second floor. He entered the head of the Department’s offices.

Lord Lyn
dhurst’s secretary, David Sheffield, looked up from his ledgers. “Ah, Lord Ince. Lord Lyndhurst is expecting you today. I am to show you right in, sir.”

“Thank you, Mr. Sheffield.” Ruan nodded
. He followed the short, thin, young man down a corridor. Sheffield knocked and announced, “Lord Ince, sir.”

nd him in, Mr. Sheffield.” An all too familiar voice sounded from behind the door.

Lord Ince entered as the secretary opened the door
. He smiled as he saw his friend and superior behind his desk.

Stephen Johnstone, Lord Lyn
dhurst, removed the wire-rimmed spectacles he used when reading the massive amounts of documents he received on a daily basis. Though he had grown daughters, Lyndhurst was trim and fit. All knew he had married and started a family quite young. Ruan knew his physical strength to be quite formidable. Lyndhurst grinned, showing a mouthful of white teeth. His dark eyes always sparkled. For a man holding such a stressful position, he was always in a fine humor.

“I apologize for being out when you stopped in
yesterday. I had a pressing matter to tend to. So you’ve lost Isaac Slaughter’s trail?”

Ruan nodded
. “I did. Once he reached London, he vanished.”

“I’ve put some men on it
. They’ve turned up nothing thus far. Isaac Slaughter is good. In truth, he’s better than most. My guess is he’s left London. I would, were I him.” Lord Lyndhurst motioned for his friend to sit. He leaned back in his high backed, over-stuffed leather chair.

Ruan spoke
, “Marrek doesn’t believe his real name to be Isaac Slaughter or John Madingly for that matter. Do you have any idea what his true name is, or know any other names he might use?”

Stephen L
yndhurst shook his head. “No. He used only the name Isaac Slaughter when he was with us. He had references when he came to the Department. One of his Highness’ second cousins recommended him to me. He had no family living that I know of. I checked out the second cousin of His Majesty quite thoroughly back then. It appears he owed a gentleman a favor and made a recommendation for Isaac at said gentleman’s request. The gentleman, who made the request of his majesty’s cousin, is no longer living. My man discovered that information this morning. He died several years ago of the natural causes associated with old age.”

Stephen sighed. “
The entire incident regarding Isaac Slaughter still baffles me. He came to us knowing some things and we taught him the rest. Until he was caught in acts of treason against the Crown, he was one of our top five men. Now, he’s back in England, on the loose.” He pounded his fist upon the desk. “If he’s still in England, we need to find him.”

“Where did he live
when he was with our Department? I forgot to ask Marrek.”

“He kept a
small house in a decent, if not fashionable, part of town. Several bachelors lived in the same area. He had a mistress, the lesser-known actress Jane Darvey. She left London for Paris two years ago,” Stephen provided. “We know very little about the man, I’m ashamed to say. I’ll have Mr. Sheffield get the address for you if you wish to observe the neighborhood.”

Yes, thank you. He had us all fooled,” Ruan remarked with a scowl.

Lord Lyndhurst nodded
. “He did. I’d like to catch him. Why do you suppose he was posing as a vicar in Cornwall and at St. Mabyn of all places?” Stephen asked.

“I suppose it
may have something to do with the recent Avalon Society discoveries in Glastonbury. Marrek and I believe he was watching either St. Mabyn or the Duke of Penrose. It seems more likely it was St. Mabyn, since Madingly was the vicar of the village. He went to a great deal of trouble to pose as a reverend.”

He thought St. Erth to still be in India, I’m certain. You and Creed divided your time between Bath, London and Cornwall. The others who knew him have been out of the country on missions for four months or longer. I’m always in London, behind this desk for at least seven hours a day. Lately it’s been ten. Aside from Mr. Sheffield who spends nearly as much time as I do here at the Department on a daily basis, there was no one else who could have recognized him in Cornwall. I think you would agree with me, that Slaughter would not return to England unless he was hired and being paid very well. Most likely he was being paid to locate something or kill someone.”

“We have deduced the same,” Ruan nodded grimly

“So, if it has to do with this Avalon Society business, he must be after the treasures or the scrolls.” At Ruan’s look of surprise, Stephen added, “Remember, I was called to Wychcombe
House to act on behalf of the King after Crowhurst, Mr. Crow and Percy Davitt were killed. I spoke often with Sir John Nunn while he was in London. He is in Cornwall now, I believe?”

“Yes, he is.”

Stephen nodded. He absently tapped the end of his pen upon the leather top of his desk. “And how is the former Lady Burrow?”

“You mean Lady St. Erth?” Ruan asked.

“No. Catherine, the former wife of the Marquess of Burrow,” Stephen clarified. He gave Ruan a puzzled look.

is the new Lady St. Erth.”

“Marrek did not tell me
. He married her?” Stephen asked in surprise. He grinned after he spoke.

Ruan grinned, “He did
. He said it was his duty to care for her and he would give her the protection of his name.”

Stephen smiled
. “That’s what he told you, but I’ve a sneaking suspicion there is more to it than that. My guess is St. Erth has a tendre for Catherine.” He grinned broadly then laughed. “I’m certain that is it. I never thought I’d see the day St. Erth fell for a woman.”

Ruan shrugged
. “She is a special woman. Marrek, Creed and I all think so after working to protect her for these past four years. Charlie felt the same.” Ruan would not mention the child. That was for Marrek, and Marrek alone to tell their superior.

“Ah, that was a sad affair regarding
Lord Silverley and Lord Gryfe also. I hear he may always walk with difficulty.”

Yes, I called upon Lachlan yesterday after I left the offices. He’s getting around quite well. He told me he was working on gaining his strength back so he can join us in Cornwall. He’s convinced Charlie died trying to save him and he wishes to be there to help avenge his death.”

“Of course he does
. It’s no doubt true. I can understand Gryfe’s loyalty to Silverley,” Stephen commented.

A knock sounded on the door.

“Lord Lyndhurst, Lady Anna is here.”

“Send her in.
” Stephen looked at Ruan, “You don’t mind if my darling Anna joins us for a bit. A more loyal child I have never known. She was shopping today. If she’s flitting about in Town, she always pays me a call,” he grinned proudly, “even though I breakfast and dine with her daily. We read together in the drawing room most nights. She is a devoted daughter.”


It had been some years since Ruan had seen Stephen’s youngest daughter, Anna. He
rose from his chair and turned to greet her. He was stunned. The gangly, coltish girl had matured into a beautiful woman. She was stunning. Quite lovely, in fact.

rose and walked around his massive desk. He embraced his daughter and accepted her kiss to his cheek with a proud father’s smile. “You remember Lord Ince don’t you, Anna?”

“I do
. How do you do, my Lord?”

“I am very well, thank you
. And yourself, Lady Anna?”

Ruan took in her appearance.
Anna was tall and slender, but well formed. Her beautiful heart-shaped face appeared to be flawless from where he viewed her. She had large brown eyes and sculpted cheekbones. Her dark brown curls that he had always thought unruly in her younger years were tamed into an elegant coiffure, though a few errant curls trailed down near her nape. Her smile revealed a dimple in her cheek. Her lips were full and rosy. There was something about her stubborn chin that drew him in. He imagined kissing that chin. He shook off such thoughts and gave the lady a bow.

She was
his superior’s daughter for heaven’s sake. Lord Lyndhurst, as head of The Department, was one of the most powerful men in England. He could not allow himself to lust after Stephen’s daughter, not unless he was looking to marry her, which he definitely was not. He cringed just at the thought of getting leg-shackled.

“I am very well, my Lord.

Ruan could not argue with her
. She looked very well indeed.

“To what do I owe this pleasure,
my darling daughter?” Stephen asked.

“Papa, you’ve forgotten
? You promised to take me for a drive through the park this afternoon.” Her lips formed into a pout and she looked up to her father expectantly.

“So I did.” Stephen clapped
his hands together. “Why don’t you go into the front office and tell Mr. Sheffield to order some tea for us. Lord Ince and I shall join you the parlour in a few minutes after we conclude our business.”

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