Losing Control (5 page)

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Authors: Jessica Jarman

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Losing Control
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His breath danced over her folds, and Maggie arched her back, wanting his mouth on her more than anything. She quivered uncontrollably as she waited. When he flicked her clit with the tip of his tongue, she nearly came then and there. He teased the tiny nub mercilessly before moving lower and thrusting his tongue inside her channel.

“Oooooh,” she gasped. Oh dear God, she couldn’t draw in a breath, couldn’t do anything but shake and pulse against him as he fucked her with his mouth. Even as fiery pleasure coursed through her, she ached for more. Her pussy needed to be filled, needed to have his cock buried balls deep inside her.

He shifted slightly and, as he pulled her clit into his mouth, he thrust his fingers inside her. Her back arched, and her choked scream shattered the silence as she fell into her release. Every muscle tensed sweetly as she contracted around his hand. He continued to suck hard on the sensitive bundle of nerves, drawing the orgasm out until she thought she couldn’t take anymore.

After a few moments, Spencer moved her leg from his shoulder and let it rest on the couch. Maggie let out a sigh of pleasure when he laid his head on her stomach. She slid her hand into his hair, stroking slowly as she tried to catch her breath.

God, she felt so…so damned good. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been this satisfied, and they hadn’t even gotten to the main event yet. Excitement and anticipation made her tummy clench even as she stifled a yawn. She let her eyes drift shut as she continued to play with his hair, floating sleepily in the cloud of post-orgasmic contentment. Yeah, it had been too damned long.

Maggie wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but she stirred when she felt her skirt being tugged down. Forcing her eyes open, she tried to focus on Spencer, who was pulling the afghan from the back of the sofa and draping it over her.

“Wait,” she murmured, reaching for him. They hadn’t even… Her hand brushed his jean-clad thigh. When the hell had he gotten dressed? She blinked sleepily and moved to sit up, but Spencer stopped her.

“Shhh.” He cupped her face and pressed a light kiss to her lips. “Rest, darlin’.”

Maggie thought to argue, but exhaustion rolled over her. Spencer’s fingers drifted across her cheek, and vaguely, she heard him walk away.

* * * *

Maggie hummed and stretched her arms over her head as she slowly woke. Then sat up with a start. Son a bitch, she’d fallen asleep on the couch. After she and Spencer…

Oh God. She glanced at her watch and flung the afghan aside in a panic. Kate would be here any minute and she was sprawled on the couch. Rising, she stared in horror at the pair of panties on the floor beside the couch. Not only sprawled on the couch, but sprawled bare ass. How humiliating. She scooped up the scant garment and hurried upstairs to her room. Quickly, she rummaged through her drawers to find clothes for the day.

Opting for jeans and a long sleeved tee since she didn’t have to work and wanted comfort for the drive to get her mother, she went into the bathroom, praying she had enough time for a quick shower before her friend showed up.

Once under the hot spray, she rested her forehead against the tiles a moment as she relived the night before. She barely knew the guy and had been ready to jump his bones. That was not like her. God, if she could only blame her recklessness on the wine. Truth was she’d sobered up pretty quickly and hadn’t been that tipsy to begin with. A groan escaped, and she pressed her thighs together as she remembered Spencer’s mouth on her. At least they hadn’t gone all the way. And that was not disappointment sitting sourly in her tummy, she insisted.

they? She frowned and began to shampoo her hair. It wasn’t like she would have stopped it, and he’d seemed on board.

“Oh, but you’re not disappointed,” she muttered. “Lying hussy.”

A knock echoed through the small, steamy room.


. Maggie popped her head around the shower curtain to see her friend sticking her own head in the doorway.

“Just finishing up. Be out in a minute.”

Kate pursed her lips then smiled. “I’ll make coffee.”

“Bless you,” she said before ducking back under to rinse her hair and finish washing.

Fifteen minutes later, insulated mug in hand, Maggie followed Kate out to the car. She lifted a brow when Kate slid into the driver’s seat. Usually she drove, and it
her car.

After she was seated and closed the door, Kate threw a knowing smile Maggie’s way. “Figured you could use the drive to relax after your rough night last night.”

“What?” Maggie gaped at her. There was no way Kate could know—

“After all the wine.” Kate laughed as she pulled out of the drive. “You had to be feeling it this morning if you were running behind, Ms. Punctual. How’s your head?”

“Oh yeah. I’m fine.” She held up her coffee. “And this will help tons.”

Guilt filled Maggie. Any other time, she’d be sharing everything with Kate, but she didn’t want her friend getting the wrong idea. What had happened with Spencer had been a mistake. One that had felt amazing, but a mistake just the same. And it couldn’t happen again.
happen again. If anything, this just proved that she was ready to settle down, to find someone who would suit her. And Spencer Reed definitely didn’t suit. Her stomach clenched as she thought of how he’d pressed against her, kissed her… Okay, maybe he suited physically but that wasn’t what she was going to base her future on.

“I’m going to give online dating a shot,” she blurted out, then feeling her cheeks flush, took a quick gulp of her coffee. And nearly choked on the hot liquid.

“Really?” Kate shot her a look before focusing back on the road. “Well… I…”

Maggie chuckled at Kate’s stammering. “What?”

“I just never expected you to go that route.” Kate shrugged. “But if it’s what you want, go for it. Just be careful.”

“I will,” she promised. “Honestly, I don’t know why I didn’t think of it before. It’s the perfect way to find someone compatible.” At Kate’s frown, she continued, “I’m tired of going on a first date and realizing five minutes in that we have absolutely nothing in common. At least, by filling out a profile and being able to view theirs, I can see that we do indeed share interests. I know exactly what I’m looking for and can contact men based on that.”

“God, you sound like you’re shopping for an appliance.”

“How is it any different?” Maggie argued. “I’m looking for someone to spend my life with, a whole lot longer than I’d have an appliance, so why shouldn’t I have a list of requirements and base my selection on that?”

Kate pressed her lips together a moment before responding. “What about chemistry? How can you possibly know from an online profile whether there will be a spark, an attraction?”

“It’s not like I’m agreeing to marry the person without meeting him.” Maggie rolled her eyes. “I’d still be dating them, for crying out loud. I just see it as avoiding the men who are obviously not what I want in a partner.” She glanced out the window. “Besides, chemistry is overrated.”

Kate snorted. “Are you kidding me? How many times while I was dating Ray did you ride me about the lack of chemistry between us? You told me that a relationship that didn’t have that spark was doomed from the start.”

“Yeah, well, I’m entitled to change my mind. I’m not saying it’s not a factor, but there are other things to consider. And, clearly the two of you weren’t that compatible because you’re marrying my brother.”

“Which only proves what you said before, because we
have chemistry,” Kate drawled. “Can’t keep our hands off each other.”

“Ew, don’t make me visualize that.” Maggie made gagging noises as Kate laughed.

“I just want you to be happy,” Kate said after a few minutes of silence. “And if this is the route to your happiness, so be it.”

“Thanks,” Maggie murmured.

“By the way, your mom wants everyone over for dinner tonight. I know you live there but figured you should have a head’s up that the troops are descending. Sean’s guests are leaving today so he’ll be there. And I think she told Cal to bring Spence too.”

“Spencer?” Maggie said with a squeak.

Kate shot her a quick glance. “Yeah, don’t know why that’s surprising. Your mom would be horrified if Cal came to dinner and left his friend to fend for himself. You know how she is.”

“Of course. I just… Well, I didn’t think…” She trailed off and snapped her mouth shut before she said anything damning. The last thing she needed was Kate suspicious. Again, guilt pricked at her, but telling Kate about what had happened the night before wouldn’t accomplish anything. And she was sure to tell Gabe, and who knew how big brother would react to that. God, what if he told Cal and… No, it was definitely better to keep this mistake to herself.

After a few minutes of silence, Kate spoke. “Spence has been the topic of conversation with the ladies around town. Pam at the post office is already bugging Cal to set her up with him.”

Maggie bit the inside of her cheek to keep from snarling. It wasn’t her business who Spencer saw or didn’t. Though, damn, he could do better than Pam. That woman went through men like water—screwed them, drained them then jumped to the next.

“Cal said she wasn’t his type though,” Kate continued. “I’d imagine he’d go for the arty type. You know, someone he was
compatible with

Maggie looked at her friend and gritted her teeth at the smirk curving Kate’s lips. Damn it, she suspected something.

“I’d imagine you’re right,” Maggie said tightly, praying Kate would just drop it.

No such luck.

“I’d also imagine whoever he was with wouldn’t have
issue with that spark of attraction.” Kate shook her head. “I said it before, he’s a hottie.”

“Says the pregnant woman getting married in a few days,” Maggie snapped.

“I’m not dead. I can appreciate a good-looking man.”

“I’m sure Gabe would love to discuss that with you.” She looked out the window again.

“What’s the matter?” Kate asked quietly. “Did something happen last night when he drove you home?”

“Of course not. You’re right, he’s a hot guy, and he’s very nice.”


Maggie glanced over at the sharp tone and sighed. “All right, you win. I find him very attractive. You happy now?”

“Don’t try to placate me.” Kate cut a hand through the air in a frustrated gesture. “Why don’t you talk to me anymore? Other than wedding plans, we don’t talk. I can’t stand it.”

Tears stung Maggie’s eyes. She knew what Kate said was true, but she’d figured her friend would be so involved and focused on her upcoming marriage—and now, the baby—that she wouldn’t notice.

“Honey, you’re getting married, and it’s stressful,” she began.

“Yeah, and I’m pregnant and a hormonal mess, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t notice when my best friend is pulling away from me. And it doesn’t make it hurt any less.” Kate’s voice broke slightly. “Are you upset that Gabe and I are together? I know you didn’t like the idea of it before and—”

“No! I meant what I said last night—I wasn’t that drunk,” she said with a short laugh. “You two really are perfect for each other. I couldn’t imagine anyone else for you now.”

“Then what is it? Did I say something to piss you off?”

“You didn’t say or do anything, I promise.” She inhaled deeply then sighed. Maybe it was the time for a portion of the truth. “Seeing how happy you guys are makes me realize that I’m not. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not
. I just feel like there is something missing. Someone. I want to have that someone to come home to and share things with.” She shrugged.

“The wedding planning must be driving you nuts.” Kate’s brow furrowed slightly.

“It’s not,” Maggie insisted. “Please don’t worry about me, okay? I want to focus on your wedding and helping you make it the perfect day. After that, I’ll focus on me.”

Kate nodded then glanced over. “And Spence?”

Maggie’s stomach knotted. “What about him?”

“There’s nothing there? Your reaction to what I said… Just seemed like there might be something.”

“Do I find him attractive? Yeah. As you said, I’m not dead, or blind. I can appreciate a good-looking man too. But that’s all there is. A distant appreciation,” Maggie lied. “There would be no compatibility with him. He’s too much like Cal.”

Kate laughed. “I suppose you’re right. You’d be more likely to kill than kiss each other!”

“Exactly,” Maggie said guiltily. She struggled not to think of the man’s kisses as Kate turned the conversation toward family and wedding matters. And failed miserably.






Chapter Four


“Come on, man. Let’s go.”

Spence looked up from his sketchpad, away from yet another drawing of Maggie. Cal crouched by the door tying his shoes.

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