Lost! (4 page)

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Authors: Bindi Irwin

BOOK: Lost!
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Not much had been said by the group since DJ's awkward confession about being lost. Bindi suggested it was best to rest in the shade until they could come up with some kind of plan. The reality of the situation was beginning to dawn on them. It
was now well into the afternoon and their food supplies were dwindling. Fresh water was scarce in the dry season.

‘Where's that crazy cockatoo when you need it?' muttered DJ.

Bindi looked around and shrugged. They all gazed glumly at their supplies spread out on the ground. Between the three of them, they had a one-litre bottle of water and two muesli bars. It didn't look like much.

Jonas sank his head into his hands. ‘This is hopeless.'

DJ scratched his shoe in the dirt. ‘Come on, we've got to get moving.'

Jonas disagreed. ‘No, we keep walking in circles. We should stay still in one place and wait for the others to find us.'

DJ didn't like Jonas trying to take over. ‘You've got a head injury. I'm not sure you should be making the decisions here.'

Jonas sat down stubbornly on a rock. ‘I've got a bump on my head but my brain works just fine, thanks!'

DJ threw up his hands. ‘Just get lost, why don't you?'

‘I already did,
, thanks to you!'

The two glared at each other. Bindi had had enough of both of
them. ‘Zip it, you two, we have to stick together!'

‘Ouch!' Jonas slapped a gigantic ant that was crawling on his thigh. ‘Oh! Ooh, oh, that stings!' He hopped around on the spot in pain. He didn't know which hurt more: his foot, his thigh or his head! ‘This country is super dangerous!' he gasped.

‘Ssh!' Bindi motioned for Jonas to be quiet. ‘I can hear something.'

DJ stood up, his hands on his hips. ‘Not again. It was you hearing things that got us into trouble in the first place.'

Bindi ignored him and tried
to work out what the noise was.

‘It sounds like an engine of some sort,' observed Jonas.

‘It's a four-wheel drive!' Bindi leapt into action and raced off in the direction of the sound.

‘Wait for me!' cried Jonas as he hopped after Bindi. ‘Don't leave me with this guy.'

‘So much for sticking together!' DJ watched the two disappear into the distance. ‘I'll pack up the supplies then,' he muttered as he quickly gathered their things and hurried after them.

When DJ caught up to the others, Bindi and Jonas looked elated.

‘Why are you looking so happy? We missed the four-wheel drive, didn't we?'

Bindi nodded. ‘Yep. But we found the road it was driving on!'

The dirt road seemed to stretch forever but at least the ground was flat, which made for easier walking for poor Jonas. Bindi felt hopeful. Surely it was just a matter of time before they reached civilisation?

‘My head hurts,' groaned Jonas.
By now they were out of water and Bindi was worried about the risk of dehydration.

DJ pointed to a riverbed that ran alongside the road. ‘There might be some water left in the creek further along.'

Bindi nodded. It was worth a try.

They left the road and made their way down to the riverbed. DJ was right. It was still muddy and, as they continued, it became evident that there was more water the further on they walked. Soon, the bed was full of brown murky water.

DJ began unscrewing one of the bottles they were carrying. ‘We can
try and siphon out most of the silt. It won't taste good but it's better than nothing.'

Just as he was about to dip the bottle into the creek, a loud ‘EERK' rang out in the air. The cockatoo appeared out of nowhere and knocked the bottle from DJ's hand.

‘What the …?' DJ fell backwards onto the ground.

Bindi glanced up at the cocky and grabbed DJ.

‘Quick! Get away from the riverbank.' She grabbed her friend and roughly pulled him back towards the bush. Once the three travellers were a few metres away from the water, Bindi scanned the river.
Almost immediately she noticed a telltale sign. ‘Crocodile at two o'clock!'

What had at casual first glance looked like a submerged log was in fact a crocodile. DJ couldn't believe it. He'd scanned the water and not noticed anything suspicious. ‘That cockatoo is a lifesaver!'

Bindi felt terrible. ‘I'm sorry, DJ! I should have spotted the croc earlier.'

DJ blushed. ‘Ah, you've already saved me from falling down a rocky embankment, Bindi. I should have checked the area more carefully before I went down to the water's edge.' He shook his head sheepishly.
‘I can't believe I've made such a mess of today. I wanted to show you that I could be as good with animals and as understanding of the outback as you are.'

Bindi gave him a quick hug. ‘You're funny, DJ. We all have different things we're good at. And we're both to blame for wandering off and not telling the others.'

‘ERK!' The cocky squawked in agreement.

‘Keep it down, cocky. If you hadn't led us astray, we wouldn't have got lost in the first place,' said DJ.

‘And you wouldn't have found me,' Jonas added, smiling at Bindi
and DJ. He looked closely at the cockatoo and pulled out his camera. ‘This bird is amazing. It's so full of personality!'

Bindi and DJ groaned. Jonas positioned his camera and took a photo of their feathered friend, who really did appear to pose, before resuming its jumping up and down on the branch.

DJ nodded to Jonas. ‘Now you have a picture of your real rescuer. Let's follow. I think the cocky's ready to take us home.'

The cockatoo led them away from the road and once more through the long grasses. Bindi noticed a yellow marker that she recognised from earlier that morning. It seemed like an age since they had last been here.

‘I think we're close!'

Sure enough, as they rounded a corner they came across Robert. He was darting through the bush going this way and that at a hectic pace. His energy was impressive after such a long hot day.

Bindi cleared her throat. ‘Ahem.'

Her brother nearly jumped out of his skin with surprise when he
realised Bindi, DJ and another man were standing in the bush just in front of him.

‘What are you doing, Robert?' Bindi asked.

Her brother blushed. ‘Ahhh …' He searched for the words to explain but then his face brightened as an idea came to him. ‘I was looking for you guys and a Yellow-Spotted Bob Frog!'

Bindi giggled. ‘Of course you were!'

Robert scrutinised the man in the red shirt. ‘Are you Jonas?'

Jonas nodded.

‘Well, everyone's been looking for you. Come on!' Robert grabbed
his hand and began leading the limping man through the bush.

Jonas turned back to Bindi and DJ. ‘Does this small boy know where to go?'

Robert continued walking, dragging the backpacker with him. ‘I think you'll find I'm the only one here who didn't get lost today!'

Bindi and DJ followed behind, chuckling. Robert had a point!

The next day, having reunited the German tourists, Bindi's and DJ's families made their way along the rough dirt path towards the plunge pool at the base of Jim Jim Falls. The last part of the walk was rough going and they needed to carefully
pick their way over boulder after boulder. The difficult journey was worth it, as the closer they got to the end of the gorge, the more impressive the view ahead became.

DJ, Bindi and Robert walked side by side. After the stress of the day before, it was wonderful to take in the beauty of the park without worrying about Jonas. He and Ines were resting up after Jonas got the all clear from the doctor.

‘Wow!' exclaimed Bindi. ‘This place is awesome!'

‘Pretty cool, huh?' DJ agreed.

They turned to look at Robert, who was peering into some nearby bushes.

‘What are you looking for, little buddy?' asked Bindi.

DJ smiled. ‘Trying to find another yellow-spotted what's-a-ma-call-it?'

Robert looked smug. ‘Nope. Not interested in frogs today. I'm determined to find a Tassie tiger before we leave Kakadu tomorrow.'

Bindi and DJ laughed. ‘Good luck with that, mate!' they both called out as they ran towards the beautiful clear blue pool at the bottom of the falls.

Bindi felt fantastic lying on her back in the cool water. The stress from the day before melted away. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the tranquillity. That is, until it was broken by a loud screech from a familiar cockatoo.

Bindi opened her eyes and looked up at her majestic friend as he swooped down the gorge and landed in a nearby tree. She looked over at DJ, who winked back at her. It made them feel special to think they were still being watched over by their feathered friend.

A woman sunning herself nearby on the rocks shook her fist at the
noisy creature. ‘Stupid bird! I can't hear myself think.'

Bindi smiled. They were definitely noisy. But cockatoos were also intelligent, mischievous and had heaps of personality. She wouldn't want to silence them for anything. After all, this one had proved over and over again that he was indeed a guardian of the bush.

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