Lost and Found (22 page)

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Authors: Lorhainne Eckhart

BOOK: Lost and Found
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“I know
Mom.” He didn’t linger
he hopped in the backseat of the idling car.
waved again as they drove away and hurried back in
the house. Richard
was loading
the breakfast dishes in the dishwasher. She touched his arm
then reached around him for her mug of lukewarm coffee.

“I called Sam. I’m meeting him in Sequim this morning at his new office
next to the state trooper detachment
if it doesn’t go well
I won’t have far to go when I’m arrested.”

Maggie instinctively rubbed his arm. “Sam won’t turn you in. You were railroaded by Dan.”

“No Maggie
it was of my own free will. I chose to help him for money. It may have been his idea to dump the truck in the lake and collect the insurance money. But I went along with it. He owed me the money
and it was only way he was going to pay me. I was in a real bind
all the loans came due.”

She didn’t say anything
. She was grateful he opened up to her last night about the stolen truck and why the
sheriff appeared
doorstep. Dan owed Richard a lot of money for his share of the building materials purchased for the final homes they were building on the Gardiner property.

“You know what I can’t figure out?” Richard closed the dishwasher. “How
he appear to be doing so well. He screams he’s always broke, but then somehow
he suddenly comes up with the money for other things. It’s a game with him. He hoards his money. Lives like a pauper
but then all of sudden
he has cash to throw around.”

“He’s growing dope again. So why hasn’t the
caught him?”
dumped her cold coffee down the sink.

“Because he’s too smart. He shuts it down when he gets a whiff of trouble and moves it. Most likely to some low life friend in the area.” Some of the hardness in his face lifted, maybe because he finally shared his burden.

“I better go.” He hesitated until
stepped toward him,
then he slowly leaned in and kissed
, holding her close for a few seconds before leaving.

She flattened her hand on the counter and tapped her fingers when Richard slipped on his black leather jacket. “Are you sure you don’t want me to go with you?”

“No. Stay here
I’ll leave you the truck so you can pick-up Ryley. I don’t know how long I’ll be.” He went out to the barn
and a few moments later
came out with his Harley. He fired up the engine
pulled on his helmet.
lingered on the porch wearing just a navy sweatshirt and worn blue jeans. She leaned against the smooth porch railing.
didn’t wave, nor did he look back when
drove away. She couldn’t help but be amazed at the mountain he’d appeared to
overcome since last night after he’d finally shared the hook Dan held on him.
She’d been
speechless, but forced herself to listen without
even though she wanted to jump up and down and yell.

He hadn’t told Diane the full story about the truck, only enough for her to realize it was best left alone. Dan couldn’t sell the truck
so he was going to collect the
insurance money on
After they dumped the truck in Buckhorn Lake, Dan filed a report that
truck was stolen outside a Seattle hotel. If you thought about it, what were the chances of a search and rescue team accidently discovering a truck in that deep lake? And when the divers went down and matched the serial number to the stolen truck
one of the biggest questions was how the truck
all the way back here if it was stolen on the mainland. The problem now was, Dan signed the truck registration over to Richard
him, and passed him the registration the day before the
Ownership questions
the wind
that created a very big problem. With no insurance money paid,
the current investigation,
was now unlikely
to be
forthcoming. Because of Dan’s stupidity
Richard would be the registered owner, and Richard’s insurance would technically pay for the truck. The problem was Richard didn’t have insurance on the truck, and registration papers hadn’t been filed at the DMV. When the
spoke with Dan,
story similar to the facts, but didn’t look good for Richard. He played the bad boy, confessing to the officers that they caught him. He owed Richard money, and Richard forced him to sign the truck over to him and
had taken
the truck from Dan. Then Richard demanded cash and forced Dan to file a report
the truck was stolen, which he thought it was
Richard told him the truck was gone. He said he was just trying to help
Richard out
he didn’t have the vehicle insured yet. Richard was his business partner, but
Dan had no idea
what he did with the truck
After Richard took the truck, he’d not seen it again.

question in Maggie’s mind
was if
A brilliant liar. Confess to a smaller crime
, and it
was apparently enough to sway the officers to look harder into Richard’s financials. When Richard spoke to the officers
he told them he never had possession of the truck
did tell them Dan gave him the registration the day before the officers appeared to question him. He urged the
to check with DMV
fact he didn’t register the vehicle in his name or insure it should tell them Dan was not disclosing all the facts. Richard
pointed out he wasn’t the one who filed the stolen vehicle report and then
said nothing further to the officers

This morning
Richard was going to
all of this to Sam
get his help. At this point
it didn’t look as if Richard would see the money from Dan unless he took Dan to court. And Richard wanted to steer clear of court. Too many spotlights
would shine
directly on his own financials
in Dan’s ability to spin a tale
think quickly on his feet
shifting a story to benefit
and it
was enough to make Richard take a step back and reevaluate.

could see Richard was scared. The heat Angie managed to stir up in Dan’s direction had shaken Richard
was focused on Dan and all his properties, including the one he owned with Richard. He didn’t want any investigator looking too closely at the applications, let alone the approving officer who overlooked many of the details.

Sam was right
the innocent people buying these homes didn’t know if they pissed
off, he could
evict them with little notice,
they would be required to move their home, which they’d discover was not as
a task as when
to them.
be forced to walk away, lose their home because it was on Dan
and Richard

s property
. And
Dan and Richard would once again own the house. Richard was unsettled with the sloppy homework done by the property lawyers and the realtors who did not pick up on this minor detail. Nobody appeared to look at all the pitfalls anymore. A good lawyer could make a case for fraud if they put the time and effort into it. Why Richard had ever gone along with this scheme to begin with was problematic.
the polished version of
land deal
was looked at
. Two guys own a piece of land, have it rezoned as a mobile home park, apply to the community
zoning board
for approval for 25 manufactured homes with a twist, built on site to spec
and get
an edge on the market.

For a moment
wondered if it
not be better to just walk away from everything and start over fresh
ties to Dan
But it would mean
no money, bankrupt
. Say goodbye to
home where her children were born
raised, and where Lily died. As she breathed in the ache, the reality of the situation sunk in.
wondered for a moment
about the choices Richard made for them and
if she too would be able to sacrifice what they had left.

Chapter Thirty-four

“Nice digs. Don’t you find it a little unnerving parked this close to the
?” Richard lounged in one of the worn second hand office chairs in front of Sam’s desk in
dingy tiny office with outdated brown
and one small window.

Sam wore a five o’clock shadow, obviously
he had
no time to shave this morning.

“It has its perks.” Sam watched him meticulously
failed to loose
even a little.

couldn’t remember the last time someone made him squirm. “You’re not going to give me a break are you?”

Sam twirled a pen between his thumb and index finger. “You called me

“I need to know something Sam, before I tell you anything. Will you use it against me?” Sam appeared to soften when he dumped his pen on the desk and leaned forward
resting his forearms on the pile of papers scattered across his desk. His eyes lightened with sympathy.

I told you last night I’m trying to help you. I’m pretty sure you didn’t kill anyone and need my help to relocate a body. Or do you?”

I didn’t kill anyone.”

Sam opened his hands

an invitation to start talking. “Well
fill me in.”

“You need to know first
what I did…I did to protect my family. When you’re in partnership with Dan
like making a pact with the
. Try breaking that tie
it’s damn near impossible. He’s got me over a barrel
Sam. He’s slick, and I was so wound up in my grief, and Maggie…”
stopped and looked away.

“I know what you went through and why your head was out of the game. There’s no
from me. Talk, so we have a place to start.”

nodded. “Okay. Three months ago. The line of credit was pulled by the bank. I exceeded the limit too many times, and I was late with the payments. Dan stopped paying the subcontractors
. He
stuck me with all the bills
over the last year
amounted to $350,000. I tried to not pay
for a bit
then to pay my half. Except no one could find Dan to make him pay his half. And since I’m the partner who’s here, legal action was threatened solely against me. They only needed to make one of us pay. Whatever I’m out, I need to take legal action against Dan. But you need to serve him, and he’s such a cagey bastard
he won’t give out his address. He has no land line, only a prepaid cell phone, no internet,
no permanent
residence, so find him first. He’s almost invisible. He knows how to live off the grid. He knew I’d be stuck. So I made the payments myself. I took out a second mortgage on my property. I’ve no equity left anywhere. The five houses that sold last year, I only got half the money. The lawyer handling the proceeds from the beginning set up two accounts to divide half of each sale. One half
placed in my account
the other in Dan’s. And because we shared our land lawyer
he couldn’t represent me and take action against Dan to get my money back. I had to get another lawyer, which went nowhere
we were unable to find Dan and serve him. Until three months ago,
and then
he shows up
the blues
The lawyer I hired did a quick check on his bank accounts
has no cash floating around, and his equity in his rental property is minimal. My lawyer

s advice was to negotiate and work out a deal. That was after I couldn’t come up with another $50,000 for his retainer.”

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