Lost & Bound (18 page)

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Authors: Tara Hart

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College

BOOK: Lost & Bound
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Chapter 35



I want her. I’ve never wanted to be with
someone more in my life. Not even when I was a hormone-crazed teen. But as she
kneels on the ground before me and takes my cock in her mouth, I can’t handle
it. Something about the act seems so impersonal, as if our relationship is not
ready for it.

I sit up on the bed and pull her onto my

“Not tonight.”

She looks as though I just stabbed her in
the heart, her lips turning into a frown.

“Not tonight,” she repeats the words as if
she doesn’t understand them.

She stays seated sideways on my lap, her
arm wrapping around my neck. I brush a few stray hairs from her face and tuck
them behind her ear. I can feel her ass grazing against my cock, I want her so
much and yet I need it to be slow, intimate, and so much more than just sex.

“I want to be inside of you,” I tell her,
my thumb brushing against her cheek. “I want to bury myself inside of you as I
look into your eyes.”

“Okay,” she says slowly, unsure of what I’m

I kiss her lips again before reclining back
on the bed. I lie on my side and gently sweep her body under me. With my left
hand out of action it’s more difficult than it should be, but once I have her
body where I want it I rock my hips back and forth, grazing my cock against her

She looks up at me, she trusts me,
written all over her face. She licks her lips as her
fingers trace patterns on my biceps.

“I’m going to make love to you now,” I
tell her.

She nods her head as her hands reach around
my neck and she brings my lips to hers.

“I need you inside me,” she whispers
against my lips. Her warm brown eyes meet mine, before her tongue enters my
mouth, dancing with my own.

My head slowly delves inside her pussy.
She’s wet and my shaft glides in easily enough. When I push in deeper, she
takes in a sharp breath.

“Am I hurting you?” I ask, my lips still on

She shakes her head no. She closes her eyes
like she’s ready for this, as if she’s been waiting for it her whole life.

I push the rest of the way in, filling her
completely. I feel her fingernails dig into the skin of my back.

“Is it too much?” I ask.

She shakes her head. “Please, don’t stop.”

My lips crash against hers as I move my
hips against her body, slowly at first, but as she deepens the kiss I begin to
thrust into her with more force. A moan escapes her lips as I delve inside
again, my cock slick from her wet pussy that I just ate moments ago.

“Callum,” she says into my mouth, her
body flush
against mine. “Callum, you feel so good inside of

She read my mind. We fit together like two
pieces of the same puzzle and as I thrust inside her again, I’m surprised by
how close she has me. My body is just moments away from filling her with all of
the lust that’s grown over the past few weeks, the build up of sexual tension
that I can’t deny any longer. Being inside Leila, our bodies entwined in a
sweaty, heaving mass, I feel like I’m finally where I should be.

As I climax, my whole body shaking, I look
into her eyes and I feel like I’m in heaven, not hell.

Chapter 36



We wake up together, our bodies tangled in
the sheets. When Callum finally opens his eyes, those pure blue eyes that make
my heart beat a little faster, he smiles.

“Hey, you.” He traces a line over my cheek
and down my neck, placing a gentle kiss on the crease of my brow.

“Morning,” I say, covering my face with the

I haven’t put any makeup on and I’m
embarrassed for him to see me, even though the light flowing from the bedside
lamp is dim.

“Don’t cover your face,” he teases. “You’re

Butterflies swarm my stomach.
He thinks I’m beautiful.
I tuck the
comforter loosely under my chin and let my eyes linger on his face. He’s
striking with his perfectly rounded nose, plump pink lips and light blue eyes.
He’s possibly the most handsome man I’ve ever seen.

I hear the door unlock. It takes me a whole
two seconds to tear my eyes away from his face and jump off the bed. I bring
the comforter to cover my body, leaving Callum naked in all his glory.

He chuckles. “Thanks.” He gestures to his
exposed manhood, which is semi-hard and my eyes widen from the sight of him.

I throw him a cushion and he uses it to
cover himself.

When the maid descends the stairs and not
Osborne, I breathe a sigh of relief.

She’s carrying a tray that holds our
breakfast. She slowly approaches, her eyes cast downward as usual.

Callum has tried to talk with her every
day, pleading with her to help us, begging her to remember him, but she hasn’t
said a word. She hasn’t even acknowledged he exists, which hurts him.

Today she walks straight over to the bed
where Callum is sitting, nothing covering his naked body but a small cushion.
She hesitantly places the tray next to him.

Callum eyes the food and then looks up at
the maid. “Thanks,” he says bleakly.

Instead of turning and walking away as she
usually does, she points at the tray, gesturing for Callum to look at

His eyes narrow on her before he turns his
attention to the tray of food. He moves some things around and then his eyes go
wide. I move forward, but can’t see what has piqued his interest.

“Rosa,” he whispers. “Thank you.”

She presses a finger to her lips telling
him not to speak again. Callum nods once as he watches her disappear out of

I walk around the bed, the comforter still
wrapped around my middle. “What is it?” I ask.

Then I see it. My mouth falls open. In
place of our usual plastic cutlery is a long bone-handled knife. It’s not a
kitchen knife. Its blade is much longer, the sharp tip glistening in the light.

I look to Callum and he offers me a smile.
He thought the maid wasn’t hearing his pleas, but as it turns out, she was
listening all along.

I take the bone handle in my hand. It’s
cold to touch and the knife is heavier than I expected. I swallow roughly, an
uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.

“What now?” I ask.

Callum takes a piece of toast from the
tray, downing it in two mouthfuls. He looks at me for a long, drawn out moment,
the fight appearing in his eyes. “Now we wait.”

Chapter 37



Have you ever
woken up and thought,
today is the day I’m going to die?
This morning
that was the first thing to cross my mind and since then, I can’t shake that

I don’t hear him open the door or descend
the stairs. He does so silently, his steps light and effortless, as if he’s

“Good morning.” He startles me, his gruff
voice filling my ears before I see him.

He places his hands on his hips and walks
over to Leila who is huddled at the top of the bed. “And good morning to you,

He reaches out, his finger trailing down
Leila’s cheek. Instinctively, I clench my fists, pulling against the rope as I
try to get closer to him.

“You’re not going to touch her again,” I
shout. “No fucking way.”

He laughs and it rumbles through his chest.
“Callum, you think you have any say in what I do. You have none. You have no power
over me.”

He takes one look at me before he reaches
for the zip of his pants. He toys with the metal clasp, before slowly pulling
it over the metal teeth. The sound grates on my nerves.

He looks at her, his hands on his hips, the
air whistling out of his nose. “Blow me.”

Leila’s eyes go wide as she looks at me,
begging me to save her.

I fight against the rope, the bed budges a
little, but there’s not enough slack for me to reach them—to reach her.

“Don’t touch her,” I say again. My voice is
strong, unwavering and I hold his gaze as if it’s a challenge. “Don’t even
think about touching her.”

He stops unbuttoning his pants, his
attention turning to me. He’s never been one to shy away from a challenge. He
walks in my direction while Leila hurries behind him, heading for the sofa a
safe distance away from us.

My father doesn’t notice. His gaze is fixed
on my face, his eyes wild and his fists clenched at his sides. “Where do you
get off telling me what to do?”

“Your limp dick will never go near her
again.” I offer him a crooked grin. It’s like rubbing salt in the wound.

The veins protrude in his forehead. He’s
angry. “What did you say, boy?”

“You heard me.”

I square my face with his. When we’re
standing I’m an inch taller and two inches wider, but I only have one arm and I
don’t know if I’m in any condition to fight.

“You don’t speak to me in that way,

He stretches his fingers as if readying
himself to punch me. That’s exactly what I want. I want him to
into me and leave Leila the hell alone.

“I learned it from you, prick.”

I don’t see him raise his hand, the slap
surprising me, the loud clap making Leila jump on the spot. It stings for a
moment, but then I want more.

I laugh, the feeling finally coming back to
my face. “That’s all you’ve got?” I challenge.

With my free hand I swing and punch him
square in the jaw. He looks shocked for a moment, as if he never expected me to
challenge him, but then he smiles. Spitting out a clot of blood he finally
meets my eyes.

“Big mistake.”

“Oh yeah?” I hit him again, this time in
the nose. Blood instantly trickles down his face. I think it’s broken, the
bridge instantly tingeing purple.

His eyes lock with mine, the rage on his
face intensifying with each second that ticks by. His jaw works overtime as he
steps forward. He’s so close I can smell his blood.

“You are spoiled, you’ve always been
spoiled,” he shouts, spittle shooting from his mouth and hitting my face.

“Yeah, I’m so spoiled,” I bite out
sarcastically. “And I’m so lucky to have had a father like you.”

A look crosses his face, it’s not anger,
but sadness that’s quickly replaced by the same look of rage that I’ve grown
accustomed to seeing.

He grabs the collar of my shirt in one hand
while he raises the other. I think he’s going to hit my face, but he surprises

Punch. He hits my stomach. Once. Twice.
Three times.

The pain causes me to surge forward,
keeling over in pain.

“Stop it,” I hear Leila shout from the
other side of the room. “Stop hitting him.”

My father stops punching long enough to
look at her.

“Your English is good enough now, you
little whore.”

He strides over to her, reaching out he
tugs on her hair hard. She flinches, her face turned away from him. He grabs
her by the crook of the neck and forces her to look at him. “This whole time you
could understand everything?”

She squeezes her eyes closed and shakes her
head violently.

“Slut,” he bites out.

He pushes Leila forward, her knees hitting
the concrete floor with a thud. I watch as she cradles her face in her hands,
as if she knows what’s coming next.

“Don’t touch her,” I yell. “Leave her the
fuck alone.”

He laughs as he pushes Leila in the back,
her body now splayed against the floor. He turns and walks in my direction.

“You really do have quite the temper on you
when it comes to this girl.” He has an unsettling smirk on his lips that makes
my stomach turn. “Don’t tell me you actually like her?” He chokes out the

I look at Leila’s face. She bites the
corner of her lip as her gaze meets mine. She knows the truth. She knows how I
feel no matter how long I’ve tried to deny it.

“You have a thing for your father’s sex
toy?” He laughs. “I’m not sure what that says about you. It’s quite disgusting
really, fucking your father’s sloppy seconds.”

My fists clench, my nails digging deep into
my palms.

“Don’t kid yourself, Dad,” I say. “The only
way you could ever get close to Leila is by raping her.”

He looks surprised. “Leila, you say?” His
mouth lifts up at the side.

I shake my head. “You never even cared to
ask her name.”

“Callum, she is mine. I bought the little
whore years ago. Paid top dollar for her too.”

He paid for her. He bought her and he
thought it was acceptable to rape her as he pleased. I fight against the rope,
the fibers digging into my wrist with each tug of my arm. The post of the bed
strains from the struggle, but the bind only tightens around my wrist. “Fuck,”
I let out, causing Leila to flinch.

He bends down, grabbing my face roughly in
his hand. “And who do you think introduced me to her—to the auctions?”

His eyes are dark, so much anger in their
depths. “Your Italian in-laws that’s who. So in a way, this is your fault,” he
seethes between clenched teeth. “This is all your fault.”

“Stop this insanity, Dad. I’m your son.”
It’s my last attempt at finding some compassion within this man.

He licks his lips, blood merging with spit.
my son,” he bites out.

That’s when I know there is no reasoning
with this man. Any remnants of the father I once knew are gone.

“You need help, Dad.” My voice sounds small
when I finally say the unspoken truth. He needs help.

He considers my words for a moment before
shaking his head. He looks down at me, raising his fist once again. I shield my
face with my hands as I wait for the next blow.

“You just proved you are not my son,” he
says. “I didn’t raise a coward.”

He lays into me again. Fist meets flesh
until I can no longer feel, my whole body now numb. I close my eyes and dream
of another place. I don’t fight back. I don’t have the energy. He beats me to
the point where I’m sure death is close.

Leila’s deafening cries bring me back to
the here and now.

It’s time.

I reach under the bed, my hand feeling
around for the knife’s handle. My fingers are slow to react, but eventually
they grasp the smooth bone end of the knife. He grabs me by the cuff of my
shirt, my body lurches forward and my hand flies out from underneath me causing
the knife to slide against the floor.


He doesn’t notice. He doesn’t hear the
metal and bone skidding across the concrete. He’s blinded by rage and can’t see
anything other than me. I spot the knife, it’s near the foot of the stairs and
no longer within my reach. My ticket out of here just slipped from my
hands—literally. The hope I felt diminishes, and my body succumbs to the

He lays into my face again and again.

“Stop! Stop!” I hear the voice of the
angels shouting—or maybe it’s Leila—I can’t tell. “Stop,” the voice
shouts again.

It only spurs him on more. His hands clench
around my neck like a vice. He’s going to strangle me. I never imagined this is
how it would end. Being strangled by the man who gave me life, but as I look
into his eyes, my vision blurs and I know this is it. It’s over.

I’m close, so close. My vision is a mass of
stars and darkness. Death is coming. I can feel it drawing me closer, enticing
me with promises of no more pain.

I pull my focus back to my father’s face
one last time. My eyes slowly drift closed as I wait for the next
blow—but it doesn’t come. I peek through my lashes and watch my father’s
face distort, his eyes are wide and his mouth falls open. Blood pours from his
mouth and hits my face. The warmth runs over my skin and I smell that familiar
metallic scent. Is this what death feels like?

His body collapses on top of me like a dead
weight. I’m pinned beneath him and struggling to breathe, fighting to keep my
eyes open.

And then I hear her scream, a loud,
ear-piercing scream that forces my eyes open. I roll out from underneath his
body, shock causing my pulse to race. I look down at his body and that’s when I
see it. The bone edged knife protruding from my father’s back.

I look to Leila. Her hands are stained red
and her body shakes violently, her eyes locked on my father’s lifeless
Her bottom lip begins to
tremble before she lets out another deafening scream.

“Ohmigod, Ohmigod, Ohmigod. What have I

I want to stand and walk over to her, but I
can’t. My arm is still tied to the bed. “Leila, shhh,” I whisper. “Come here.”

She stands in place. Her gaze fixed on my
father’s body.

“Come here,” I say again.

She looks at me through tear glazed eyes.

“What have I done?”

“You saved me, Leila,” I say. “You hear?
You saved me.”

“Callum,” she squeals. “What have I done?”

Tears streak her face. She’s in shock.

“Come here,” I say again as gently as

Her feet are immobile beneath her, she
can’t move. She looks down at her hand that is soaked by my father’s blood. Her
body shakes as she watches the blood drip down her arm and trickle to the

“Leila, look at me,” I say calmly.

“What did I do?”

“It’s okay. Shhh,” I soften. “Leila, walk
over to me now.”

Her eyes flash to mine. The realization of
what just happened hits her. She just killed a man.

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