Lost in Barbarian Space (7 page)

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Authors: Anna Hackett

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Military, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Lost in Barbarian Space
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Nik nodded. “Tomorrow, Kavon is taking us to see the wreck of the
. Perhaps we’ll find more clues there.” He eyed the pod. “Or in here.”

Honor stepped forward. “There is another possibility. I’m no astro-archeologist, but I’m good at analyzing the facts. The
was clearly in trouble if they released an escape pod. Markaria has two moons. Could there be a chance the ship crash-landed on one of them?”

Colm’s gaze went up to the night sky. He could see the first of Markaria’s moons—Ansar—hanging in the sky. The smaller, Myrine, would follow shortly.

“With your permission,” Nik said, “we’d like to run scans of the moons from our smaller expedition ship, the

“One moon is rocky with little atmosphere,” Honor said. “It should be quick to scan that. The second moon, however, has an atmosphere, but it’s covered in snow and ice. It might take a little longer to check that one out.”

Kavon nodded thoughtfully. “Very well. Again, Colm will help your team.”

Colm felt his gut harden. “Go in a ship? To the moons?” He’d never once considered stepping foot off Markaria. He wasn’t sure warriors were meant for space. Sure, after he’d met Aurina and her brothers, he’d thought about it, but the reality of it…

“What do you say, barbarian? You up for some flying?”

The challenge in her voice made him straighten. “I think I am, Agent Brandall.”

“All right,” Nik called out. “I need archeologists to stay and open this escape pod. Everyone else, we all have a busy day planned for tomorrow, so get some rest.”

Honor shot Colm a small smile. “Thanks for your help today, warrior.” Then she walked away. But not in the direction of the personal rooms assigned to their visitors. He knew she was headed for the large room Honor had asked for, to use as a training room for her security team.

Colm checked in with his men. The training he’d assigned for Kavon’s warriors had gone well.

“So, how was your mission to the meadows?”

Colm turned and saw a young warrior, Kian, grinning at him. “Fine.”

“I’ve seen the security agent you’re working with.” A look of appreciation crossed the man’s face. “I would trade you for the task in a heartbeat.”

An ugly feeling rose in Colm. “Have you finished work on those breathing exercises I left for you?”

The young warrior’s face cleared. “Uh…not yet, I was planning to—”

“Finish them, Kian. I think you need to hone your control.” And your thoughts.

Colm headed off, planning to go to his rooms.

Instead, pulled by a force he didn’t seem to be able to fight, he found himself in the hallway leading to the security team’s training room.

He reached the doorway and paused. He sucked in a breath.

Honor’s discarded Institute uniform was draped over a chair. All she wore were tight, black leggings, and a tiny top that cupped her breasts and left her toned stomach bare.

She was working with her staff. Lunging, swinging it, moving like she was dancing.

She was gorgeous. And he wanted her. Deep inside he felt a flicker, his nanami buzzing. And today, she’d almost been hurt. The nanami felt like they were ebbing and flowing, pushing at him.

He could have lost the chance to taste her because he hadn’t been fast enough, hadn’t protected her.

He dragged in a deep breath.

She spotted him and paused. “Hi.”

He cleared his throat. “Don’t stop on my account.”

She nodded, and moved her staff again in a long swing above her head. She lunged to the side, dropping low, one leg bent under her and the other out straight. Then she pushed upward, swinging the staff again. Colm found her moves almost hypnotic.

Watching her for a few minutes, he felt the intensity inside him settle. Soothed by her fluid movements.

Suddenly, he disliked the distance between them. He crossed the mat on the floor, moving in behind her until only an inch separated their skin.

He felt her go still.

“Will you show me?” he asked.

“How to use the staff?”


She nodded. He reached around her and wrapped his hands over hers on the staff. She moved and he followed, their bodies brushing together with each slow swing and step.

He scented her arousal and his own surged. He closed the inch between them, pressing his chest against her back. She went still again—like prey scenting a hunter closing in.

But this woman was no prey. She was a warrior in her own right.

He leaned down and pressed his lips to her sweaty throat. “I can sense the blood rushing in you.”

She pulled in a shaky breath. “You know I’m attracted to you. There’s no point in me lying about it.” She shivered. “But I don’t think involvement with you is wise. And I’m not interested in a one-night stand. I’m told no woman shares your bed more than once.”

It was true. He could never risk feeling more for a woman and the truth was, he’d never felt any desire to keep a woman longer.

But something told him one night with Honor wouldn’t be enough.

“I’ll show you how to use the staff, Colm, but that’s all.”

Okay, so his little warrior needed some more coaxing. He could be patient. He placed his hands on hers again and pulled the staff in to her chest. It nestled between her breasts.

He moved it, the slick surface sliding against her.

She let out a breath with a hiss. “Colm.” She pulled away. “I think you’ve had enough of this lesson. Let’s move onto sparring.” She strode across to some large bags against the wall. She rummaged around for a moment, then moved back to him.

She handed him a retracted staff.

He mimicked the way he’d seen her shake the weapon and it extended.

She raised her staff in front of her, holding it with both hands. “You showed me some sword-fighting, it’s only fair I show you some staff fighting.”

“Why do I get the impression you plan to leave bruises?” he said.

She gave him a sharp smile. “Are you afraid, barbarian?”

He lifted his staff. “Never.”

She took him through some basic moves. It wasn’t complicated, but it was different, compared to using a sword.

“Good.” She brushed her damp hair from her face. “Not bad.”

Colm pressed his tongue to his teeth. “How about a challenge? The winner can demand a boon from the other.”

She looked uncertain.

“If you’re afraid—” He shrugged and lowered his staff.

She put her hands on her hips. “I’m not six years old, Colm. That won’t work on me.”

He smiled.

“Damn you.” She shook her head “Fine. If you win, what do you want?”

“A kiss.”

Her eyes narrowed. “That’s it?”

“Yes, but you have to kiss me with no inhibitions, no holding back.”

She looked away, nibbling on her lower lip, which made Colm’s cock twitch.

She looked up. “Fine.” She swung her staff up, tightening her grip on it and widening her stance. “Do you want to know what I want if I win?”

He lifted his staff. “No. Because I’m going to win.”

She bristled like a darken beast. “Because you’re a big, bad barbarian and I’m just a woman?”

“No. Because I
want that kiss.”

He saw a blush of heat in her cheeks.

With a growl, she stepped toward him, and slammed her staff against his. He moved, and they circled around. She came at him again. She was packing her hits with all her strength.

And dammit, she was making him work for it.

They parried a bit longer, staffs smacking together, feet shuffling across the mats. Finally, Colm saw his chance.

He stepped back, leaving himself open. An invitation she couldn’t ignore. As soon as she lunged at him, he brought his staff up and knocked hers from her grip.

He saw her grit her teeth for a second. “You tricked me!”

“Did you think warriors were all just power and brawn?”

“No. But I didn’t think you were quite so cunning.”

“Ah, but with the right incentive…”

She released a long breath, then she strode forward. Without a word, she pressed her hands to his chest and leaned up on her toes.

Then she pressed her mouth against his.

It was like electricity through his body. She moved her lips softly, almost delicately over his.

“More,” he growled. His hands clamped on her hips.

Then the kiss ignited.

Colm groaned and wrapped his arms around her. She made a husky sound in her throat, and then she was practically trying to climb up his body. The kiss deepened, tongues tangling.

He dropped to his knees, pulling her close against him until they were plastered together. He wanted to devour every inch of her, strip her naked, spread her thighs, and plunge inside her. He felt like a rutting beast with the scent of a female in heat. The urges pounded inside him like nothing he’d ever felt before.

Then she tore her mouth from his, panting. She pulled away, falling back on the mat. His own chest was rising and falling very fast.

She cursed under her breath, pressing a hand to her lips.

Colm fought for control. He’d perfected control during his warrior training, made it his life’s work to never, ever let his nanami get out of control.

To not be what his father had been.

And right now, he was riding the edge of it.

“Not the usual response I get from a woman,” he said, managing to keep his tone light.

She stood. “You’re a problem, barbarian. One I don’t need. I have to go.” She hesitated.

Colm fought the urge to grab her and pull her back in for a kiss.

But maybe she was right. With his nanami going crazy the way they were, it might be best to limit his exposure to Honor Brandall.

She tightened the tail of her hair. “Be ready for your first trip into space, warrior. I’ll see you in the morning.”

She left him there, and Colm remained on his knees for a long time, his body buzzing and agitated.


Colm walked toward the large ship sitting out in the field.

By the Great Warrior.
Its silver hull gleamed dully in the sunlight. It was called the
, named for some long ago Earth explorer. Colm hefted his leather bag onto his shoulder and tried to find his adventurous spirit.

He’d much prefer his hargon beast beneath him and his sword in his hand.

Kavon, along with a small group of warriors, Niklas Phoenix, Nera Darc, and their team, had already left for the Darken Wilds. After their mission to the shipwreck, they were planning to transfer to the larger ship—the
—that was still in orbit to scan the northern reaches of Markaria. Nik still believed a starship wreck could be hidden under the snow.

That left Colm to work with Honor on scanning the moons.

Inside, he wasn’t feeling his usual warrior calm. He was equal parts unsettled and eager about a trip to the stars.

And it wasn’t just about going into space. It was because of the woman he’d be with.

She’d haunted his dreams. A golden-haired, warrior-woman riding him, loving him with a wild passion.

There was heat in her. He sensed it. Felt it. She’d given him a taste of it, and then locked it up tight. He wasn’t sure why his little warrior denied it so hard.

His steps slowed and he heaved out a breath. But he wasn’t sure if dancing with Honor was a good thing anymore. He wanted her, but he was worried she could be the one thing that threatened his control.

And if his control broke…

. He was a warrior. His jaw tightened. And right now, he had a job to do for his warlord.

When he reached the bottom of a ramp at the side of the ship, the door at the top slid open.

Honor was waiting for him. She was wearing another neatly pressed uniform.

“Good morning,” she said.

He nodded, letting one fist curl. He wanted to touch that golden hair, stroke her soft cheek. “Good morning, Agent Brandall.” He paused beside her, the inch of space between them filling with tension. “Did you sleep well?”

“Yes. Like a baby.”

The little liar. He could see the shadows under her eyes. “Really? I didn’t.”

Her gaze flicked up.

He leaned his head a little closer. “I dreamed of you, sitting astride me, riding me hard.”

She sucked in a breath. “Warrior Mal Kor, we have work to do.”

“And we’ll do it. Me telling you the truth won’t stop that.”

“You are so stubborn.”


She stepped back and waved him inside. “No argument there. Come on, I’ll show you the cabin where you can leave your bag, and then give you a quick tour.”

As they navigated a sleek corridor, Colm noted the gleaming metal, sharp edges, and slick feel to the ship. It was nothing like the ragged furs, rough stone and open spaces of Markaria.

They passed some more uniformed people. He recognized Dr. Lev’nan and Agent Wu. Honor introduced him to the others. More astro-archeologists and different types of scientists. Scholars. He was interested to see a few with scale-like skin, and another with skin of a pale blue.

“This is our library.” She waved her hand to the doorway. Colm saw a compact room with many books lined on shelves, several flat screens he guessed were computers, and a large flat table.

“You enjoy history?” he asked.

She nodded. “I’ve always studied combat, but I minored in astro-archeology at the academy where I studied. I’ve always been fascinated by history, I guess because of my homeworld.”

He detected something wistful and a little sad in her voice. “I cannot imagine losing my world. My people are connected to Markaria, for all its harsh landscapes and wild beasts.”

She smiled. “It’s silly, really. I don’t even remember Predia.” She stopped at a door. “Here you go.” She pressed a palm to a plate on the wall and the door slid open.

Inside, was a small room with a large bed, built-in desk and an adjoining room he guessed was for washing. He set his bag down. The cabin smelled of cleaning products and steel. He fought a grimace.

When he turned, he breathed in and smelled Honor’s spicy scent.

As they stepped back into the corridor, Colm detected a faint trace of Honor’s scent farther down the corridor. Without thinking, he followed it.

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