Lost Property (18 page)

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Authors: Sean O'Kane

BOOK: Lost Property
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When Annie’s blonde fuzz had been dealt with, Mike led them on their leashes back to the little passage outside their cells.

“Now, don’t forget, it’s not just about winning, it’s about putting on a show!” he told them.

Kath couldn’t help feeling a hot surge at her belly at the thought that soon she would be competing and suffering naked for the amusement of decadent crowds; people just like she had been, people who were happy to turn on their screens and watch and enjoy the erotic cruelty. Now all the practice and training would start to pay off. They had spent weeks learning how to fall without hurting themselves.

“You’ll get hurt in plenty of other ways! Believe me!” the Boss had told them. “So there’s no point in getting hurt when you don’t need to!”

They had learned how to grip a nipple so that the recipient of the hold would find it hard to break it. They also learned how to register the pain so that the crowds could see how much it hurt and how to follow the girl applying the hold around the ring, begging for mercy.

They had learned the dreaded crotch hold, which was usually applied towards the end of a bout, when the girl who was on top wanted to move towards finishing her opponent off. When applied from in front, it meant turning the hand upwards, and inserting the thumb into the vagina and the first two fingers into the anus, then hoisting the unfortunate girl high into the air. The first time that Kath had applied it in practice to Annie when they were sparring, she had been amazed at her new found strength as she had held the blonde, teetering in the air, her mouth a horrified ‘O’ as she had desperately clung onto Kath’s wrist to keep herself upright. Then at the command, Kath had clenched her fingers and withdrawn. Annie – and the others who were being hoisted by their sparring sisters – collapsed wailing and curled around their crotches on the ground. It had been some time before they had recovered enough to reverse roles.

Kath had been doubly penetrated by a large variety of objects in her time. But the sensation of having her body hoisted up by the penetration of both passages was as unsettling as finding that unless she clung on to Annie’s wrist between her legs, the prospect of falling forwards or, worse, backwards, from that height and with the hand still in those passages, was terrifying. Then came the clench and snatch and Kath’s yelps joined the others as they all fell in heaps on the gym floor.

Then they had practised the hold from behind, the thumb in the anus and the fingers in the vagina.

The Boss had smiled grimly when he told them; “You will notice that the vaginas are always open and easy to penetrate! That’s because you’re hopeless slavesluts who can’t get enough pain and degradation!” And Kath hadn’t been able to disagree. The whole experience had been wonderfully painful and humiliating.

Now they were going to get a chance to apply those holds – and others – in anger. It wasn’t until much later that she realised that the thought of having them applied to her in anger, hadn’t even occurred to her.

“Now, understand this,” Mike told them. “I’ve got forty quid riding on you. If you lose, you’ll take forty at the post. Win and you can enjoy the Boss’s tarts getting the same!” Then he placed a hand on each of their shoulders and looked them both in the eye. “I meant what I said to the Boss. You can take them! Make me proud of you! And always remember to give ‘em a show!” He smiled, gathered their leashes up and led them back. As Kath followed behind him meekly, watching his broad shoulders, trim waist and muscular, tight buttocks, her mind kept replaying that smile and those words; ‘make me proud’. She was suddenly utterly determined that that was what she would do. For the first time since she had arrived at Proteus, she felt that she hadn’t lost a mistress but gained a master instead. And she wasn’t going to let him down. Beside her she could feel the same stiffening of resolve coming off Annie. They belonged to him and they were going to make him proud.

A proper ring had been set up in the gym. Its floor was about four feet above the gym’s floor, there were three ropes slung between the four posts. The posts themselves had some padding around them but Kath knew from practice that if you were flung against them, it could hurt if you weren’t able to take the impact properly.

Practice. That was all it had been up until now. Gym mats had been spread out around a padded post and moves had been choreographed then rehearsed, each girl working with her sparring sister. Now those moves had to be strung together to avoid a heavy price being paid at the whipping post, but most importantly to avoid the look of disappointment that would inevitably be on Mike’s face.

The rest of the girls had been ranged, kneeling along one wall, their trainers standing guard over them. Mr Holden and their two opponents – the tall black girl and the brunette who was about Kath’s height were waiting for them beside the ring.

“Rules?” Mike said as he brought them to a halt beside the group.

“Nah! No point where they’re going,” Mr Holden said. “All four into the ring from the start. Only knockouts count, once one’s down for ten she’s out. The contest ends when two girls from one team are down. No holds barred and anything goes until then.”

Mike nodded. “Sounds fair enough,” he said.

Their leashes, collars and cuffs were taken off and they were given a hearty smack on the rump to encourage them to clamber up and into the ring. Kath couldn’t help rubbing her neck, it felt very odd not to be collared, just when she had felt like securely owned property once more, her collar was removed! But one look down at Mike, who gave her a knowing wink before he retreated and she knew whose property she was.

She brought her mind to bear on the job in hand and tested the ropes to see how springy they were and prodded the post padding, then jumped up and down on the floor to test its spring. All four of them did the same and the men cheered as their breasts bounced appealingly.

From beside the ring Mr Holden raised a whistle to his lips and blew it. Immediately all four girls advanced. Kath found herself up against the black girl. They tested each other with interlocking finger holds and Kath was surprised that she seemed to be about as strong as the taller girl, she broke the hold and dived for the girl’s ankles, yanking them up towards her and sending her sprawling backwards. Faintly she heard cheering as she launched herself full length onto her opponent. The girl’s body felt delicious beneath her but there was no time to appreciate it as Annie and her foe toppled over on top of them and all four girls squirmed on the canvas, trying to regain their feet. Kath and the brunette were first up and Kath took a forearm to her cheek that sent her back down and then the black girl was onto her, twisting her arm up her back and then reaching over her to grab her nipple and twist it. She yelled in pain and twisted violently, managing to dig an elbow into the girl’s stomach and making her release the hold. Kath scrambled up and grabbed the black girl’s hair, pulled her up, yelling in her turn and thrust her headfirst into a post. Then she spun and delivered a joined fist blow to the back of the brunette’s neck, dropping her in front of Annie, who screamed in joy as she dropped onto the prone body on her knees. Kath was grabbed by the hair from behind, whirled round and found herself thrown clean through the ropes. The hammered-in lessons saved her and she rolled safely as she landed on the wooden floor but was still dazed for a second as she staggered up and found that the black girl had followed her out and now delivered a forearm blow right across both breasts and before Kath could fall backwards, grabbed her hair again and threw her back under the bottom rope. She got onto all fours as soon as she could but the black girl vaulted over the ropes behind her and delivered a kick that landed squarely between her legs. It was no worse than a heavy lash with a single tail whip but they had rehearsed this. Mr Holden had told them that it was arena crowd’s favourite move.

Kath threw herself forward, curled around her crotch and sure enough the girl came for her, forgetting their training. Kath rolled onto her back and lifted both feet as the girl leapt, taking her in the stomach and hoisting her clear over the top rope. Then she was up on her feet and diving after her prey. The girl’s breasts were not as big as Kath’s but the nipples were deep red and invitingly long. Kath got both of them and pulled the girl up, twisting them hard and lifting so that it was difficult to break the hold. The girl screamed and waved her hands, begging for mercy as Kath relentlessly pulled her back towards the ring. Clearly now she could hear male and female voices cheering her on and her blood sang through her entire body. For the first time she experienced the joy of fighting naked for others’ pleasure, being the crowd’s plaything, and she knew with cunt-wetting excitement that it didn’t matter to the crowd whether she dealt out the suffering or was on the receiving end. But it mattered to her master.

Greatly daring, she released the right nipple and dropped her hand, then brought it up between the girl’s spread-open legs. Kath laughed in delight as the girl’s eyes opened wide in horror as she felt the double penetration; thumb in the wide open and so moist vagina, finger in the rectum. Then, keeping the nipple hold she hoisted with all her strength and lifted the wailing girl over her head and threw her back towards the ring. For a moment the effort unbalanced her and she took a second before leaping back up to find her opponent had fallen face down across the ropes and hadn’t untangled herself, leaving her delicious buttocks high in the air in front of her when she sprang back onto the apron. Kath got in three or four satisfyingly hard smacks before the girl managed to wriggle back into the ring and turn on Kath, who ducked through the ropes, intent on finishing the job. But disaster struck as Annie’s opponent threw her bodily across the ring and straight into Kath. Both girls landed in a heap in one corner, Annie’s body between Kath’s legs making her head hit the post hard. Dazed, they tried to untangle themselves and get up but Annie was still groggy and the brunette closed in, putting one arm between her straddled legs and lifting, to body slam her onto the canvas. Almost in slow motion, Kath watched Annie crash down, shock waves making her buttocks and breasts ripple. But then everything speeded up again as reality returned and she felt her hair grabbed again. This time she was in her turn thrust head first into the post, twice and then spun round, making her stagger giddily. A forearm hit her across her face. She reeled again. Her arm was grabbed and twisted. Something hit her between her legs again, but now she was genuinely dazed and didn’t make any show apart from a shocked yelp. Then she was tripped and the canvas was suddenly under her face as the black girl landed full on her back, pressing both her shoulders down. From somewhere outside the ring, she heard Mr Holden begin to count.


From deep inside her a furious denial bubbled up and with all her strength she managed to twist and throw the girl off. But as she staggered back to her feet, the, metallic taste of blood in her mouth, her opponent was straight back on her. This time it was Kath’s turn to suffer the nipple hold. It stung unbearably but as she dimly heard the cheering, she knew exactly where the lancing pains were earthing themselves. With a shocking suddenness that left her gasping, the hold was released, then another forearm smash caught her, she fell backwards but was caught by the ropes and bounced back into a crotch hold. She screamed in genuine fear as she was lofted high up and her whole weight bore down on both her passages. Then she felt the fingers clench and snatch away. She yelled as she fell, instinctively trying to curl forwards and crashed onto the canvas with no pretence of any science. Once again her hair was pulled and this time her face was slapped back and forth. The girl was playing with her! But Kath knew she had nothing left and had to take it. Then she was pulled up, an arm went between her legs and she was hurled out over the top rope. She just had enough wits left to remember how to fall and then as she lay face down, gasping for breath, she felt the black girl’s foot on her neck and heard Mr Holden counting again. This time there was nothing she could do.

When the count finished, she was turned over and the girl settled herself on her knees above her face and then settled down onto her face. Kath knew what was required and happily pushed her tongue up into the hot, wet sheath of the girl’s cunt, knowing she herself was spreadeagled on her back in complete submission, showing everything to an eager and appreciative audience.

Somewhere above her she heard some thumping and shouting and then there was more counting. When the black girl stood up and acknowledged the applause, Kath could see Annie, the top half of her torso lying over the edge of the apron, her bedraggled blonde hair hanging down. All she could do was brace herself for Mike’s wrath. But instead of fury, he knelt beside her with a towel and wiped the blood from her lip then towelled her down briskly as she staggered upright again.

“That was a good show! You lost, but you lost well. That’s ok. You’ll take them next time.”

Then while she braced her arms against the apron and bent to get her breath back he tended to the dazed Annie, whose left eye was nearly closed. They grinned sheepishly at each other. Their opponents slapped their backs as they went back to Mr Holden and from over by the wall, the trainers and the slave girls all applauded.

“Now, as you know,” Mr Holden announced as the noise subsided, “in an arena when you lose, the ref. will count upwards until the tally of lashes to be taken gets the thumbs up. But on this occasion the tally was set at forty. Sentence to be carried out immediately!”

Outside, it was a fine late summer day, Kath and Annie were tied to either side of the T bar, facing each other. Mike delivered Annie’s lashes and Mr Holden attended to Kath. Kath felt a deep affinity with Annie now. They had been through something together and she could see from the girl’s one good eye that she felt the same. They looked steadily at each other as they jerked under each lash, refusing to make so much as a moan. The two flagellators stepped forwards when the sentence had been carried out and both reached between their respective girl’s legs. Kath had to bite her already swollen lip to stifle the groan of pleasure she so wanted to give when she felt Mr Holden’s fingers enter her with complete ease. She knew she was on the edge of orgasm and was now, battered and bruised but unbowed, an arena slavegirl.

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