Lost Wanderer Awakened - Book One of the Airendell Chronicles (31 page)

Read Lost Wanderer Awakened - Book One of the Airendell Chronicles Online

Authors: Audra Hart

Tags: #vampires, #reincarnation, #curses, #spell weavers, #magical immortal beings

BOOK: Lost Wanderer Awakened - Book One of the Airendell Chronicles
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“Well, we might do some kind of wrestling…”
he hints. “Unless you are too tired.”

“Luca, I am never too tired for that,” she
assures him with more bravado than she really feels. She truly is
utterly exhausted and the encounter with the vampires has left her
aching and pretty shaken. Moe had shoved her up against that trunk
pretty hard before she remembered to weave the damned spell. And on
top of that, she doesn’t want to tell Luca that her head is
throbbing viciously. He worries too damned much about me as it is.
I won’t add any more to his worries.

By now Luca has finished her massage and is
soaping a bath puff with her favorite lavender bath wash. “Stand
up, baby,” he commands gently. She complies, holding his proffered
hand for support. He starts scrubbing at her neck and very slowly
works his way down. Frequently using his bare, rock hard hands
instead of the puff. By the time he gets to her knees they are both
breathing erratically. “Time to rinse off and come to bed, baby.”
Luca nuzzles near her ear and murmurs seductively. She turns to
face him and is delighted to see that his eyes are smoldering with
the same powerful desire that she knows is obvious in her own eyes.
He lowers her into the water, and slowly rinses the body wash from
her body, then reaches out to pull the plug before he helps her up
and wraps her in a fresh bath sheet.

Morna hates to break the spell but; “I need
to moisturize my skin, Luca. This low humidity and all the hot
baths are drying me out. Winter in Oklahoma is hard on a woman‘s
skin,” she says shyly. “I’ll come to bed in a minute or two.”

He laughs huskily, and then tosses the bath
sheet across the tub, scoops her up into his arms, grabs the lotion
off the vanity and plops her in the center of their bed before she
can squeal in surprise. “I can help with that little job,” he
growls as he starts applying the lavender and peppermint scented
lotion to her feet, grinning at her salaciously.

“Luca, you spoil me horribly.” Morna gently
chides him, as she raises up, supporting her weight on her elbows
and forearms. She grins happily and admits, “I am loving every
minute of it.’’

“Me too,” he acknowledges. His pays extra
attention to the left side of her body, massaging it deeply and

Morna is watching him closely and says, “I
know that tune, but can’t place it.”

“Baby, it’s a healing spell.” He looks into
her eyes, willing her to remember it. To remember teaching it to
him. “You taught it to me a very, very long time ago.” He stops
humming and is now actually singing the words very softly. The
words are in a language she doesn’t think she’s has ever heard yet
she understands every word. Soon she is singing with him. “Very
good! I told you, it’s all there.” He says as he taps her chest. He
continues massaging lotion into her body and singing. Morna is
becoming so relaxed that she is struggling to stay awake.

When he is finished, he rolls her over onto
her tummy and gently moistures the backside of her body. He is just
finishing massaging the soles of her feet, when he realizes her
breathing is too even. He chuckles because she has dozed off,
despite her protestations that she would never be too tired for
him. He can’t help himself, he kisses her lovely rounded backside
and trails kisses up her back, but stops when she starts to stir.
He pulls the sheet up to cover her prostrate body and then
stretches out beside her to read a novel he had tossed into the
bedside table last week for just such an occasion. He chuckles
quietly to himself, “Just like old times.”


Luca has just finished chapter 8 in the
novel, when he notices a change in her breathing pattern. She
sleepily reaches out for him. He sets the book down and stretches
out beside her and takes her into his arms. “You forgot something,”
she mumbles in her sleep thicken voice.

“No I didn’t,” he counters with a smirk. “You
went to sleep on me,” he informs her in an amused voice.

“Just a cat nap,” she corrects him as she
crawls on top of him. Morna feels a desperate need to be near him.
“What time is it?”

“Almost ten. You haven’t slept very long.”
Luca says as he pulls her closer and kisses the top of her

“Can you get me some Advil? I took my pain
meds before I took a bath, but my head still really hurts.” Morna
asks groggily.

“Be right back.” He slips out of bed and is
back in less than a minute. He has a cold coke for her and four
Advil. “I guess you had to absorb a lot of new information

“Carlisle introduced himself. You told me his
rank and lineage. I can’t even imagine Marla as an adult. She was a
feisty little kid. I was really looking forward to training her for
ascension and the Airendell Warriors.” Morna says with a

Luca frowns a little that Morna only
remembers Marla as a kid, but asks; “What else do you

Morna frowns thoughtfully. “Well, I remember
Kylor.” Luca inhales sharply, “He was one tough old bastard. I
remember that he was pestering me to take over all the training so
that he could retire.” Morna chuckles at that thought. “I think he
just wanted to get away from his wife.” Morna chuckles again, “All
that talk about being tired of battle, and wanting to visit the
Nepalese realm.” Morna can’t help it, she scoffs at the idea of her
former mentor as a monk in some distant temple.

“Do you remember anyone else?” Luca asks

“No. Let’s see Carlisle mentioned someone,
but I don’t remember the name….” Morna starts rubbing her head,
it’s really pounding now. “I am going to go get under the hot
shower. Maybe that will help.” She scoots out of bed and heads for
the shower.

When he is sure she can’t hear him he grabs
his phone from the bedside table and calls Carlisle. “Who did you
mention to Morna?”… “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude…Yes I know
it’s kind of late. But this is important, whoever you mentioned to
her is a memory she can’t wrap her head around it’s causing her a
lot of pain. I explained how that works to you.”… “Damn Carlisle!
She doesn’t remember our life together. Her last memories of people
from Airendell are from long before my changing, back when your mom
was a kid. She doesn’t remember training her or delivering you,
being your godmother, training you in Weaver lore, and to be a
warrior… none of it… be careful… I know son, I am sorry I didn’t
mean to come down so hard on you, just be careful, wait until she
mentions people that she remembers, okay?”

Luca puts the phone away and goes into the
bathroom. Only two things help Morna with these kinds of headaches,
sleep and sex. Luca is determined to see that she gets both. When
she shuts the water off and steps out he’s waiting for her with a
towel. She smiles happily at him, but he can tell she’s still
hurting pretty bad. “Feeling better?”

“A little.” She smiles weakly when Luca
starts drying her off. When he is done he tosses the towel over the
hamper and scoops her up and carries her to the bed. “Why don’t you
weave a healing spell for this stupid headache?” Morna asks him as
he lies in the center of their bed.

“I’ll try, but it probably won’t work. This
headache is from trying to process new memories. Trust me baby, you
and I have been through this many times over your life times. Only
two things seem to help, sleep and sex.”

“Two of my favorite things,” Morna says with
a giggle. “Just not in that order.”

He starts to chuckle, but she cuts him off
with a passionate kiss. Morna works her way down his neck to his
chest, planting kisses and trailing her tongue across the ice cold,
perfectly shaped planes of his chest. Her hands are caressing his
shoulders and powerful arms. She trails down his arms until she
entwines her fingers with his. By now she has made it to his
abdomen with her mouth. She releases his hands and splays her
fingers down his ribs as she traces lazy patterns on his rock hard
belly with her hot tongue. She smiles happily because her actions
are definitely having an effect on him. He’s breathing is a little
faster than normal and his hard cock has caused his boxers to tent

She drags her fingers down to the waistband
of the boxers. She loops her fingers under the waistband and slowly
drags the material over his erect shaft, down his legs and off the
tips of his toes, tossing the material over her shoulder. She
positions herself in between his feet, and starts caressing his
feet, now working upwards. She wants to treasure every inch of him.
She very slowly works her way up his legs, caressing every contour
and raining hot kisses in her path.

When she gets to his knees, she raises up and
straddles his right leg, dragging her warmth slowly up his leg. She
leans back in and starts tracing lazy patterns on his right thigh
with her hot tongue. She repeats a similar process on his left
thigh. Her hands move to his hips, splaying behind him to mold to
his powerful buttocks. She sighs in deep satisfaction. She looks up
and meets his eyes and smiles because he is looking at her with so
much love in his eyes that her heart seems to swell in her

Morna returns her full attention to his body
and slowly drags her face up the length of his shaft, trailing her
hot breath against his hardness as she moves. She enjoys the silky
smoothness of the hard member. She circles the head slowly with her
tongue several times, savoring his taste. Finally, she takes him
into her mouth. Takes him in as fully as she can, then eases back
up and slowly repeats the motion several times before he exhales
violently. She realizes belatedly that he had been holding his
breath for many minutes.

He reaches down and takes her face in his
hands and gently draws her face up to his. She sighs because she is
very reluctant to stop, but complies. She wonders, not for the
first time over the centuries, why he never lets her love him with
her mouth like she wants to.

He hungrily seizes her lips; as she turns to
him when she recognizes his intent. Then he reaches down and lifts
her by hips so that she can position herself over his shaft. “Ride
me, baby!” he growls sexily as he slowly eases her down onto his
length. He moans her name as she takes all of him into herself. He
revels in her heat and her wetness. He gently moves her up and down
his shaft several times before she repositions herself. She wants
to control her own rise and descent onto his swollen erection.

Every time she goes down, she rocks her
pelvis into his hips slightly to allow him even deeper penetration
as he thrusts up to meet her. Responding to his increasing sense of
urgency she increases the speed of her movements. She rides him in
wild, forceful, driving abandon; feeling stronger and wilder by the
second. Her climax is building rapidly, her need for him urges her
movements ever forward. Even faster and more forcefully, eager for
the impending release that she knows is coming.

He then takes control of her hips, moving her
up and down with increased speed and power, until she cries out his
name and arches backward as her orgasm rips through her body with
all of the violence of an earthquake. He continues to thrust
upwards, each time he brings her down onto his hard shaft until he
too feels his impending release. He sits up and traps her pliant
body to his stony form as he climaxes as well. She is still
shuddering from her orgasm when she finally collapses completely
onto his hard, cold body. She’s trying to murmur his name but her
breathing is too ragged to allow speech of any kind. He brushes her
sweat dampened hair from her face as she snuggles into his icy hard

He lies back in the bed, holding her body
close to his. He draws the cover up around her body, fearing she
might get chilled against his own ice cold body, but he is totally
unwilling to turn loose of her. He waits until her heartbeat has
finally calmed to a more normal speed and her breathing levels out
before he speaks, “Morna, are you alright? My God baby, you were a
wild thing! You drove me completely out of my mind. Did I hurt

She giggles and raises her head so that she
can look into his perfect face. “You silly man, I told you I
remembered how to weave the iron-lion. I guess I never released the
spell after the encounter with the two stooges. Do you think I have
that much strength to ride you so hard and fast on my own?” She
stretches toward him and kisses him passionately. “Oh God, you were
absolutely glorious! Has our lovemaking always been this… forceful,
wild? So wonderful?” she asks, her voice full of amazement.

“Baby, it’s always been amazing, but I told
you earlier, you are different this time.” he rasps throatily
against her eager lips. “You are more physical, wilder, and more
sensual than ever before.”

She’s quiet for a minute and then says, “You
know how I have often complained that the iron-lion interferes with
my enjoyment of our lovemaking. Well, oddly enough, I didn’t feel
the slight barrier between us I have always detected before. Either
I am getting more sensitive to you or I really didn’t do it right,”
she frets out loud.

“Morna,” he says seriously, “I was not
exaggerating when I said that you drove me out of my mind. I really
do not think that I was controlled enough to hold back. I was
honestly afraid I had hurt you, afterward, you know when my mind
came back to me. I wasn‘t holding back baby, you must have woven
the spell correctly.”

She’s really not sure about that, and pushes
away from him, escaping his hold even though he doesn’t lessen it
to allow her freedom of movement. She darts over to the wardrobe,
she just has to check something out for herself, confirm her
suspicion. She silently mouths the words that release the spell,
and then opens one of the doors, quickly slips her fingers inside
and slams with all her might. The wooden door shatters, but her
fingers are left unmarked. She very quickly returns to him and
straddles his chest and arms between her legs before he can sit up,
effectively pinning him in place. He laughs uproariously, “Darling,
I think you wove the spell correctly!”

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