Lost Wanderer Awakened - Book One of the Airendell Chronicles (60 page)

Read Lost Wanderer Awakened - Book One of the Airendell Chronicles Online

Authors: Audra Hart

Tags: #vampires, #reincarnation, #curses, #spell weavers, #magical immortal beings

BOOK: Lost Wanderer Awakened - Book One of the Airendell Chronicles
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“Certainly George,” Says Luca. He kisses
Morna on the forehead and says, “I will be with you in a minute
love.” Then he indicates the door into hall to George.

They step out in the hall, and George
suddenly doesn’t know how to say what he feels he must say. Then he
just decides to go ahead and stick his neck out. “Lucian, Brigid
told me you were probably angry at Morna for not staying in the
building until you got there. I know you had a spell on the
building to keep intruders out and all that. You are just trying to
keep her safe, but sir, honestly, that little girl, well she’s not
so little,” he chuckles, “But she honestly could have took those
green newbies all by herself. She’s tough and she’s smart when
she’s in battle. Now maybe I shouldn’t be sticking my nose in here,
but if I was worried about my woman, I think I would appreciate
some assurance she was safe.”

Luca puts his hand on George’s shoulder. To
George’s credit, he barely cringes. “I know George. She has led me
into battle many times, but she is my mate. And I want her to be
careful. If she knows I worry about her, she might think just a
split second longer before she jumps headlong into danger.”

George looks Luca in the eye and says, “Yeah,
but I think her instincts are outstanding. I just hope she doesn’t
think one time when she should be reacting. You know what I

“Good point George. I will take that advice
to heart and not interfere again. I think you probably are a good
man George. I know Montoya was and he said you had a lot of
potential when you were younger,” Luca tells George.

George chuckles, “You knew who I was from the
get go didn’t you?”

“Yes,” admits Luca. “Montoya carried a cord
identical to the one you have. Morna remembered Montoya when you
two were battling the vampires. But she wasn‘t sure until

George scratches his head, puts his hat on,
only to take it right back off. “I better go down stairs and pack,”
he says. “You know last night I traced your scent out into the
lobby, I thought I had a tracker on my tail or something. I sure am
glad you turned out to be a good vampire.” He laughs nervously at
that concept.

George opens the door to the suite and asks
Brigid if she wants to go with him to pack, she happily joins him
in the hall. She reaches up and kisses Luca on the cheek. “Luca, I
won’t come to the airport. But someone can pick me up at Will
Rogers Airport in few days after I tie up a few things here.” she
informs Luca. “Be careful, and look out for this one for me, will
you? He’s already very precious to me.”

“I will do my best,” Luca assures Brigid, and
kisses his dear friend on the forehead.

They turn to walk to the elevator when Breena
comes out of his suite. “I am going up to my room to get my
luggage. Meet you in the lobby in 45 minutes? And no funny business
this time. We all have a plane to catch,” she reminds her brother
in law.

He chuckles and kisses her on the forehead,
“See you in 45 minutes.”

When Luca reenters the suite he can hear
Morna and Aideen in the bedroom packing. “Mama are you really okay?
Ari and Almeda said you are evolving or something. They really
aren’t sure what’s going on with you,” Aideen asks quietly.

“I am great kiddo. Your daddy won’t let
anything happen to me, you know that.” She assures Aideen

“Mama promise me you will watch out for him,
I worry.” Aideen admits in a tiny voice.

“I will Aideen, I promise,” is Morna’s
sincere reply. “Would you get the stuff out of those drawers over
there for me and put them in the suitcase. I am going to get all of
my toiletries out the bathroom.” She’s walking into the bathroom as
she speaks. Aideen opens the top drawer and lets out a loud

“Mama, you hussy! Your underwear is sexier
than mine!” Aideen gushes.

Luca steps into the room quickly, and says,
“I’ll help her pack.” Morna smiles in the bathroom. It is sweet
that Luca is embarrassed about this.

Aideen say, “Cool Daddy, I am going to go
downstairs and eat something. I have been in surgery all day. When
do you want me to meet you guys to drive out to the airport?”

“In the lobby, about 40 minutes,” he says.
She kisses him on the cheek and sails out the room. “Bye Mama!” she
calls over her shoulder.

Morna comes out of the bathroom and embraces
Luca. They start to kiss passionately, and begin hurriedly trying
to remove each other’s clothes. They are so caught up in their
passion for each other that they don’t even try to make it to the
bed. Luca’s impatience to have her naked gets the best of him and
he tears the dress from her body, “Oh, I liked that dress,” she
murmurs into his open mouth.

“I’ll buy you another,” he promises.

“Don’t worry, that won‘t be necessary,” she
assures him as she lets his khakis drop to the floor and he steps
out of them.

In another second her bra falls to the same
fate as her dress. He lowers her to the floor and takes her right
breast into his mouth and sucks gently at first, gradually becoming
more enthusiastic. They are both moaning so loudly, Morna vaguely
wonders if anyone can hear them. He moves to her left breast. He is
much more aggressive with this one. “Morna, I have dreamed about
being able to do this.” Luca breathes into her ear, and then
quickly goes back to her breasts. Morna can’t reply because she
feels a climax building already…

It is amazing to her how much she has missed
this too. She has missed his hands feeling warm and the feeling of
her breast inside his mouth. “Oh Luca,” she moans when he lightly
chews on her nipple. She goes rigid and then begins to quiver after
the climax ravages her body. Luca chuckles around her breast in his
mouth and says, “That’s my girl! That felt like a pretty good

She moans, “Uh-huh.” And twists her fingers
into his hair and pulls his head downward, none too gently. He
chuckles against her breast, nipping at her willing flesh. She
moans and thrashes with each nip as the lovely burn and sting are
still present. She was afraid she had lost that.

Luca indulges himself for a few more seconds
with her breasts, and then he starts to work his way down. Dragging
his now seemingly hot, open mouth down her generous but much more
resilient tummy. When he gets to her panties, he shreds that
offending garment with his teeth. He raises his head upwards, just
to tease her, and nips around her navel. Morna savors the sweet
fire and tingle his teeth leave on her skin. He is dragging out the
sweet torture for both of them, but especially for himself.

Morna laughs in pure joy at his enthusiasm as
he finally parts her legs and raises them, bending them at the knee
to allow him full access. She laughs again when he actually growls
after inhaling her scent of her arousal. Luca gently pulls the
swollen outer lips of her labia back and just savors the sight of
her engorged flesh. He can see the wetness glisten on her dark red
flesh. He laps around the clitoris a few times before he actually
sucks it into his mouth. Morna has never felt anything like that
before and gasps in delight. He nips it, oh so gently, with his
venomous teeth. She shivers as the sweet heat and tingle settles
in. She moans loudly and thrashes her head back and forth on the
carpeted floor as she climaxes the second time. He lowers his mouth
and savors the flood of hot wetness.

Luca moves his mouth back to her clitoris,
and sucks gently on it again. As he raises his left hand up her
belly until he reaches her right breast. He starts to knead it
firmly and tweaks the nipple between his thumb and forefinger. At
the same time he inserts the thumb of his right hand into her
vagina. He rhythmically moves it in and out, swirling it around
gently when inside, as he continues to suck gently on her swollen
clit and tenderly nip it with his teeth, she tenses and he moves
his teeth as she starts to softly buck into the movements of his
hand. Morna’s third orgasm when it comes is nearly overwhelming for
her; it lasts many seconds longer than the previous two. She
quivers wildly as the waves of sensation wash over her.

Luca laughs as he revels in her climax, but
then he worries this might be too much for her newly heightened
senses. He rises up over her body and hovers over her just touching
her. He kisses her gently, sweetly. He looks into her smoldering
eyes, they are glassy and look as though she’s been drugged. Morna
smiles at him with so much love he is almost undone on the spot.
She entwines her fingers in his hair as he kisses her again, and
asks, “Are you up for more? My love, we can stop if you need to.”
he assures her.

“Please don‘t stop!” She whispers
emphatically. He kisses her again and smiles. He had a feeling that
she would say that.

Morna wraps her arms around his shoulders,
and encircles his hips with her legs as he enters her slowly. She
moans loudly as he penetrates deeply. She revels in the warmth and
the new ‘fleshy’ feel of him as she slides her hands down his back
toward his buttocks. She lets her legs slide off his hips and fall
open wide. He puts his hand on the back side of her right thigh and
gently pulls her leg upward, allowing him more open access. She
meets every powerful thrust wholeheartedly, and moans loudly each
time, stretching her arms above her head trying to grip the low
pile carpet with her fingers.

Luca is reveling in her reactions to him, and
he savoring his new found freedom with her body. His thrusts become
faster, more forceful, and deeper until he feels his own climax
coming. “Now baby, now!” He whispers into her ear and he keeps on
thrusting until she joins him just a few seconds later.

Her arms that had been outstretched over her
head now wrap around his neck. She kisses him with intense passion.
They gently rock into each other again and again as they ride out
the last ebbing waves of their mutual orgasm. They are both
breathing very hard. He shifts all of his weight to his left side
and slowly caresses her bare left breast as he tenderly kisses her
swollen lips. He is delighting in the way her eyes appear glassy,
like she is intoxicated. When he notices they are starting to
clear, he kisses her again, and says, “Love we have fifteen minutes
before we said we would meet everyone in the lobby.”

She laughs and says, “Who cares? They can
wait five minutes.”

“You are right,” he agrees. “We will not move
until you want to.”

She laughs and says, “But then we would spend
eternity on this floor, caressing and kissing. Too bad! I guess we
had better get dressed.” She kisses him fiercely and whispers,
“That was wonderful, Luca!”

“It was much like the old days, I didn‘t have
to worry about hurting you,” he agrees. And kisses her again
gently. And stands up fluidly. He offers her hand to her. She takes
it and stands up lithely, effortlessly. He leans in and kisses her
again, and run his hand up and down her hips, splaying out on to
her buttocks. He bends down and kisses her neck and then licks the
skin before taking her tender flesh into his mouth and nibbling.
She sighs at the sensations he is creating with his mouth, “Luca,
please stop before I throw you down to mount you, and we miss the
damn plane. I want you again, very, very badly.”

He laughs and pulls away regretfully. “Four
times in twenty-five minutes. That’s a record for even you my love.
You are amazing.” He walks into the bathroom to quickly shower

Morna stands in the middle of the bedroom
astounded by what she just experienced. “Yeah, I’m amazing. Sure
Luca, I was on the receiving end.” She hears him laugh in the
shower. “Smart ass!” she hisses. He laughs again.

She grabs a soft cotton knit pullover in a
lovely warm rust color from the suit case and a sleek two tone
brown checked pencil skirt, and finally a lightweight jacket in a
rich forest green color. She leans against the dresser, waiting for
him to come out of the bathroom. She doesn’t trust herself to go in
there with him. When he comes out fully dressed and looking every
inch the perfect gentleman in his dark gray v-neck pull over and
dark navy slacks. She moans because he is so beautiful and he
groans when he sees her still standing there naked and flushed from
their lovemaking, with her hair tousled, and her eyes still
slightly glassy.

She groans when their eyes meet, and darts
around him and into the shower before she can change her mind. She
hops in the shower and washes very quickly then hops out to dry
off. She applies her deodorant and brushes her teeth then realizes
she didn’t get any undergarments. “Oh to hell with it,” she thinks
and just pulls the soft cotton top on without a bra. She slides the
skirt up her legs over her hips, and fastens it with shaking hands
and zips it up. “Damn, she thinks to herself he has me in such a
state I am turning myself on just putting my clothes on. This is
insane!” She runs her fingers through her hair, and decides it
looks pretty good. She hurriedly tosses all of her junk into the
toiletries bag and zips it up. She dons the green jacket and stalks
out into the bedroom to find her shoes.

She hears the front door click as the bell
man leaves with their luggage. She looks around the room until she
spots her brown pumps. She picks them up and examines them closely.
“Luca, you picked out good shoes. I didn’t even break a heel
kicking those stoneys.” She chuckles and bends to slip them on one
at a time. He comes over and takes her toiletries bag from her
hands, very careful not to make contact with her skin. She picks up
her monster purse and puts the strap on her shoulder and follows
him through the door into the sitting room. He stops before he
opens the main door.

He doesn’t turn around to look at her, but
says, “I love you Morna, but if I look at you right now I will not
allow you to leave this room,” he whispers vehemently.

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