Louis: The French Prince Who Invaded England (54 page)

BOOK: Louis: The French Prince Who Invaded England
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William d’Aubigny, earl of Arundel,

William de Braose, son of William IV de Braose,

William de Bréauté, baron,

William de Cantelupe, son of William I de Cantelupe,

William de Ferrers, earl of Derby,

William de Forz, earl of Aumale,

William de Joinville, archbishop of Reims,

William de Mandeville, earl of Essex,

William de Warenne, earl of Surrey,

William des Barres, baron,

William des Roches, baron,

William Longsword, earl of Salisbury,

William of Huntingfield, baron,

William of Kensham, guerrilla fighter,

William of Puylaurens, chronicler,

William of Saxony, grandson of Henry II,

William of Tudela, chronicler,

William the Breton, chronicler,

William Whitehands, archbishop of Reims,

William I de Cantelupe, baron,

William I Marshal, earl of Pembroke and regent of England,

life before entering John’s service,
self-interest of,
as supporter of John,
appointed as regent for Henry III,
actions as regent,
breaks terms of truce with Louis,
prepares for engagement at Lincoln,
at the battle of Lincoln (1217),
negotiations with Louis,
at the battle of Sandwich (1217),

William I the Conqueror, king of England,

William II Marshal, earl of Pembroke,

William II Rufus, king of England,

William IV de Braose, baron,








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