Love (14 page)

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Authors: Beth Boyd

BOOK: Love
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He’s not. I over-reacted when he made a pass at me. I jumped out of the car in a temper. He did try and talk me back into the car,” said Karen ruefully.

He obviously didn’t try hard enough,” Adam responded angrily, his blue eyes flashed. “He must have been out of his mind to let you go off into the night. I would have made damn sure you got home safely.”

Karen did not really want to analyse her evening with Nick in any greater depth. Nor did she want Adam
’s keen scrutiny focusing on her own silly behaviour. She felt enough of an idiot already. She changed the subject by telling him to sit still, as he kept changing position while she was trying to draw him.

Karen was pleased with her drawing of Adam and made a number of sketches. The view of the cliffs behind through the window made a dramatic composition. She wondered whether it would be worth d
oing something full-size in oil paint for her show. She would need some photographs as well to get the colours right. Adam was delighted at the prospect and was pleased to see her enthusiastic again. He fetched his digital Leica and Karen took some photographic studies.

Let me take one of you,” he said. “Come and sit in the chair.”

I must look hideous,” Karen protested.

Adam, however, simply came over to the bed, picked her up and placed her in the chair in front of the window.
‘my turn now,” he said triumphantly and proceeded to finish the roll of film.

Once she was safely tucked back in the big bed, Adam said
“Well, I had better see about some dinner for us.”

I don’t know why you are taking so much trouble over me. You hardly know me.”

I’ve known you for ages, off and on. Anyway, I happen to like you,” replied Adam. “So, why shouldn’t I?”

Well, I like lots of people but that doesn’t mean that I rescue them from storms and take them home with me to nurse them better.”

You’re fishing, Karen. I like you because you don’t want anything from me and you don’t expect anything from me. Except the odd rescue from wind and rain and that makes me feel good. So there.” He bent over her to kiss her on the cheek.

As he did so Karen turned to meet his lips with her own. His lips were soft
but strong. She felt as though her fever had returned but she knew it was nothing to do with her illness. Her whole being melted and her heart sang.

Abruptly, Adam pulled away patting her on the cheek
avuncularly, “We won’t get any food at this rate.”

He left the room. Karen felt bereft. Did he just like her as a sort of honorary niece? Had he not felt the
incredible sexual charge in their kiss? She hated him for leaving her in this state. She was devastated.



were no more kisses that night. Adam had brought their dinner and then had retired to his study to work leaving Karen to watch TV with Humphrey. When came back to take Humphrey out Karen was asleep with the television on.


Karen woke up thinking this is my last day here and my last night. It was not a happy thought. She felt that she could very easily get used to this life of luxury, not that she wanted to be sick of course. But yesterday she had even done some work and enjoyed herself with Adam. They didn’t restrict each other in the way that so many couples she knew did. In fact, if anything, he enhanced her life. Did she mean the same to him? She was lost in reverie when, regular as clockwork, Adam appeared with her breakfast tray.

I was just thinking I could get used to this - breakfast in bed every day. Perhaps I should get up and get back to my grandmother’s before I get too spoiled.”

Adam smiled,
“Certainly not. I will take your temperature but Doctor Palmer was adamant that you should stay in bed until your temperature had been normal for at least a day. If you’re okay today then I may tell your sister to allow you to stay out of bed tomorrow. Of course, there is a way for you to continue in this life of luxury, you only have to marry me.”

Karen nearly choked on a piece of toast. She wasn
’t sure if he was joking. She didn’t want to say anything in case he was. She had made enough of a fool of herself already without looking totally naive. She took a big gulp of coffee. Adam had a way of saying things of importance in a dead-pan way which was more than a bit confusing.

I have to mail some stuff to the States at the post office. So, after breakfast I’ll take Humphrey for a drive into town and I’ll get the film developed.” Adam reeled off his list. “And is there anything you want?”

Karen asked him if he could pick up some drawing charcoal for her at the art shop.

“Okay. Oh, and Mrs Maybury will be in for a couple of hours but I’ll be back before lunch. So don’t worry about a thing.” Adam dropped a kiss on her head, “Bye for now, pet.” He whistled to Humphrey and left.


By the time Mrs Maybury popped her head around the door to see if it was all right to hoover, Karen had taken her bath and was sitting up in bed in one of Adam’s towelling dressing gowns, drawing the beautiful irises while listening to the radio.

Feeling better love?” asked Mrs Maybury with obvious concern. “When I came on Wednesday, Doctor had just left and you wasn’t to be disturbed. Flu is it?”

Karen explained that she had a bad case of tonsillitis but that she was feeling much better.
“Of course, you can come in and clean. I’m just doing some drawing. Don’t mind me.”

Oh, it’s lovely,” cried Mrs Maybury coming up to look at Karen’s drawing board. “You’re as good as your Gran. You must have inherited her talent.” She fussed about, vacuumed the carpet and brought Karen some fresh water even though Adam had refilled it at breakfast.

When she could clean no more, she said,
“Oh, he’s a lovely man, Adam. Couldn’t ask for better. You’re a lucky girl,” and she was gone.


What did she mean by that one? wondered Karen. The gossips were obviously having a field day. When Adam came back from town she told him that Mrs Maybury was his number one fan.

I can’t imagine what they’re all saying about us in the village. It’s such a small community. We must be the big gossip of the week.”

Adam looked unperturbed,
“I don’t mind what they say. We’re doing nothing wrong. I’ve told people at the shop that you’re staying here while you’re sick. Now, presents.” He placed a packet on her lap.

Karen found her hands
trembled as she tore open the wrapping. It was a wooden box of water colours and a set of sable water colour brushes. “This must have cost you a fortune,” she said.

I know you don’t normally paint in water colours, but they are a lot easier to use in bed and I didn’t want you to be bored.” He looked at her sketch of the irises, “Could you do me a water colour of these?”

It has been ages since I’ve used water colours. Not since school, I don’t think. I don’t know if it will be much good. Did you manage to get the photos developed?”

Yes. I’m having some larger prints made. They’ll be ready next week. You’ll just have to wait until then.”

Karen found that she had not forgotten her old
skill with water colours and afternoon passed quickly as she found new pleasure in an old pastime. She was pleased with the results and Adam took away a painting of the irises saying he would have it framed for his study. Karen was touched. It was such a small gesture after all he had done for her.

She had begun to look forward to sharing her meals with Adam and this evening was no exception. He still managed to surprise
her, he had bought two large pizzas at the pizza place in town and brought them home to warm up.

How did you guess? It’s exactly what I felt like! Junk food, not that this is junk,” Karen said looking down at her plate. The thin crispy pizza was dripping in mozzarella cheese, a rich spicy tomato sauce and tangy circles of pepperoni. “And what’s more, it’s my favourite kind.”

ine too,” replied Adam. “I guess I’m psychic. When I get back from weeks in the jungle the first thing I feel like is pizza.”

Karen laughed. She was making an awful mess of herself trying to eat pizza daintily in bed. She looked at Adam. He might not be psychic but he had an
uncanny knack of anticipating her every need - well, almost. She qualified the statement. The needs of her body were unfulfilled.

Humphrey thought eating in bed an extremely sensible practice. He was delighted to clear up all the dropped bits of pepperoni and any unwanted crusts. Des
sert was a winner too. Adam had managed to find, in January, some fresh strawberries which tasted of summertime.

After dinner they settled on the bed to watch another
film. It was another classic from his collection, Brief Encounter.

He said,
“I know it’s supposed to be terribly sad, a real matinee weepy, but I’ve always found it terribly funny.”

I saw it years ago on TV,” said Karen. “It’s so stiff and those BBC accents! I think it has all the ingredients to become a cult classic.”

Humphrey settled himself down between them on the duvet.

“This dog will have to go,” Adam said. “He keeps coming between us.” He reached over and took Karen’s hand. “No, this is nonsense.” He took Humphrey and placed him firmly at the end of the bed. He sat back next to Karen and put an arm around her shoulders, “That’s better.”

The film didn
’t excite any great passion in its watchers but their mutual proximity was too much for them. Adam leaned over and looked at Karen, “You’re looking much better. Even if the thermometer didn’t tell me, your cheeks are pink again and your eyes are clear.” He brushed a finger across her lips.

Karen put her hand out and touched his face. Adam drew in his breath sharply.

“God, Karen you drive me wild,” he whispered hoarsely. He pressed his mouth to hers. Her mouth opened under the force of his gently probing tongue.

Karen let her hands roam over him. She ran her fingers through his hair and then she felt the broad strength of his shoulders. Adam moved across her so that he was
nearly on top of her. He ran his hand the length of her body caressing every contour. Karen could feel the strength of his ardour through the flannel of her pyjamas and she responded.

Adam lifted his mouth from hers and pushed himself up away from her. With a sure and gentle hand he began unbuttoning
her pyjama top, kissing the sensitive skin he revealed with each movement. When he ran out of buttons he pushed the jacket aside to reveal her rounded breasts. He took each nipple in turn between his lips and then circled them with his tongue.

Karen felt her body catch fire beneath his touch. She
tugged his shirt free from his jeans. He shivered with pleasure as she ran her fingernails gently down his spine. Her fingers found his belt and she slid her hand down under it to the muscular curve of his buttocks. She rubbed her face softly across his strong chest, and then stroked the inside of his thighs with the whole of her hand.

’s mouth returned to her face where he rained light kisses over her face, covering her eyes, her nose, her cheeks, and finally with infinite gentleness, her eyelids. Karen groaned. She had never realised that just kisses could drive her to such a plateau of shivering desire. She wanted him as she had never wanted anyone before. Her whole being ached for him to make love to her.

She opened her eyes. Adam
’s eyes were shut and his cheeks were flushed, the skin stretched tautly over his cheekbones in a mask of longing. He opened his eyes. He rolled back onto the pillow away from her.

What’s the matter?” asked Karen. “Don’t you want me?” She hadn’t meant to be so frank but the words were jerked from her inner self before she could stop them.

Good God, Karen! I’ve never wanted anyone more but I can’t take advantage of you like this.”

You’re not taking advantage of me. Don’t I have any say in this? You’re treating me like a child again.” She felt devastated.

Yes, of course, you have a say in this. But you are at a disadvantage. You’ve just been fairly sick and I have been looking after you,” Adam explained gently. “It’s the old doctor-patient syndrome.”

Well, Doctor Freud!” snapped Karen buttoning up her top. “I can assure you that I’m not some hysterical woman who’s fallen in love with my analyst. Give me some credit for knowing my own bloody mind.”

I’m not trying to patronise you. I just don’t want you to turn around in a week or so and blame me for pushing you into something. We’ve got lots of time. What’s the hurry? I want you to be absolutely sure that this is what you want.” Adam continued, “Jump into bed in haste, repent at leisure.” He made a prissy school teacher face and Karen had to smile despite her frustration.

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