Love and Splendor: The Coltrane Saga, Book 5 (3 page)

BOOK: Love and Splendor: The Coltrane Saga, Book 5
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Dani and Kitty had found the Queen Anne bureau bookcase at an estate auction only a few months ago. Enriched by ornamentation of hand-molded brass, it opened to reveal a leather writing surface and numerous shelves and pigeonholes within.

At one end of the room was a white Bechstein piano and a Regency loveseat covered in imported Spanish velvet with a hand-embroidered design of swans and geese.

There was hand-rubbed mahogany molding around the walls, with rich beechwood paneling below and wallpaper of Flemish design above.

Dani’s favorite in the room, however, was the wall opposite her bed, which displayed paintings from France, England, and Austria, representing four centuries of European landscape.

Dani bathed. Then, with Lurline’s help, brushed her hair back into a chignon, which was the quickest style. She adorned the coif with a scarf of chiffon the same lavender as her dress.

She looked among the many crystal atomizers which were displayed on a gilt-edged mirror tray on her dressing table, and selected the one her father had brought her from a trip to Austria in the spring. She’ misted herself lavishly, then rose to scrutinize herself in the large, oval mirror above the table.

Lurline, hovering nearby, pressed her hands together in delight. “Oh,
, you are lovely, as always, like a breath of fresh air on a spring morning.”

Dani thanked her for such a dramatic compliment and continued to stare at her reflection thoughtfully. She had but one photograph of her mother, and that was in the tiny gold locket she wore about her neck. Her Grandfather Barbeau had given it to her when she was a child, and it was her most cherished possession. But back in Kentucky, in the short time she lived there before Aunt Alaina married and they moved away, she had spent long hours standing before the huge life-size painting of her mother which had hung in the parlor, memorizing every detail.

Her mother, she recalled, had been tall, as was she. Her hair was also chestnut, and her eyes brown. Yet, she could also see a part of her father in the reflection before her, in the thick lashes, the curve of her jaw.

Men said she was beautiful. She wondered if she truly was, then laughed to herself with a touch of vanity and decided maybe she was attractive after all.

There was a knock on the door, and Lurline hurried to respond.

She returned with a dozen long-stemmed red roses cradled in her arms and, smiling knowingly, declared, “They are from
Perrine Ribaudt. Shall I read the card?”

Dani’s retort was sharp, almost angry. “No! I’ll read it later. I’m late for breakfast.”

With a swish of her skirts, she moved by Lurline, who stared after her in bewilderment.

Glass doors opened from the dining room onto a sprawling terrace of marble. Overhead, the roof was camouflaged by a canopy of entwining vines and fragrant jasmine blossoms. Beyond the terrace, streams of buttery-gold sunshine made their way through leafy trees to tease and tantalize the bubbling diamonds birthed by the ornate fountain, situated amid Kitty’s prize lilies.

A narrow, shrub-lined path led from the fountain into the beauteous interior of the gardens. Melodious song rose from the variety of birds attracted to the meticulously cared-for landscaping. Butterflies of every kind and color flitted among the numerous flowers, oblivious to the humming of civilization just beyond the thick, protective hedge lining the busy Rue de Bordeaux.

The mansion afforded the Coltranes by the government was conveniently, and attractively, situated on a knoll that bestowed a splendorous view of the Porte de la Tournelle to the northeast.

Dani loved the scene before her but most of all, she reflected with a gentle skip of her heart, she loved the man seated at the round glass table on the terrace.

Maturity of years had not robbed Travis Coltrane of his build or stature. He was still ramrod straight and tall, with broad shoulders and firm, corded muscles in his arms and thighs. His steel-gray eyes glowed with the mysterious fires of a man keenly intelligent, attuned to adversary and admirer alike. And the touch of silver at his temples merely added to his allure.

Travis Coltrane was still a strikingly handsome man, who turned the appreciative eye of every woman he passed. And he was her father, Dani thought with glowing pride.

She hurried onto the terrace and went to stand behind him, wrapping her arms around him in a fond embrace. Bestowing a kiss on the top of his head, she said, “
, Poppa.”

Travis reached up to wrap his fingers around her wrist in a returning embrace. “Poppa, indeed,” he scoffed. “That sounds like one of those old men wool-gathering in front of the Square du Vert-Galant. Do I remind you of them?”

She shook her head merrily. “Of course not.” She gave a mock sigh. “Very well, then—
, Father!”

“That’s more like it.” Then softly, fondly, he murmured, “Good morning, lovely daughter.” He was warmly grateful for the closeness spawned between them in the past year.

She sat down next to him, waving away his offer of the silver tray of warm, flaky croissants, glistening with butter. “I must watch my figure”—she saucily quoted Kitty’s fond saying—“so the men will watch me.”

Travis raised a teasing eyebrow. “Like young Perrine Ribaudt? I hear roses arrived first thing this morning.”

Dani made a face. “I’m afraid roses won’t smooth over his accusation that I’m trifling with him merely because I won’t marry him.”

Gone was the twinkle in his eye, and Travis’s voice took on a serious note as he covered her hand with his. “Kitty told me about your conversation last night, Dani, and I agree with you he had no right to make such an insinuation. Would you like for me to speak with him?”

She shook her head. “I’m not going to think about it anymore,” she announced. “If he wants to be ridiculous, then, sad though it be, I can live without his friendship.”

Travis nodded his approval. “Good girl,” he said, then added with fondness, “but I can’t blame him for trying. You are lovely, Dani, just like your mother. You have the same charm and grace, though I suspect sometimes you inherited a bit of vinegar from your ‘Poppa’.” He winked.

“Well, that’s just fine and dandy if I did,” she said. “I just wish I’d inherited it sooner, like years ago, when Aunt Alaina started her evil…”

She allowed her voice to trail off, deciding not to bring up such an unpleasant subject. They had already spent long hours talking about it when she had first come to Paris to live. They had decided it best, then, to get it all out in the open, discuss it, then put it away and try to forget. Yet, here she was, allowing the ugliness to surface once more.

She attempted to change the subject abruptly and asked, “Will you be away long? The ballet opens at the Théâtre National de l’Opéra in just three weeks, and Kitty and I are looking forward to having you escort us and make us the envy of every woman in Paris.”

Travis apologetically explained that in all likelihood he would be away much longer than three weeks, perhaps a month or more. “I’m leaving by train this afternoon for Cherbourg, and the ship leaves from there. Quite frankly,” he added, pouring himself another cup of tea, “I dread the trip. I wish Kitty were going with me.”

“Oh, do take her, please,” Dani said quickly, realizing her presence was probably preventing Kitty from going. “I’ll be just fine here alone, really. The two of you could have a nice vacation together.”

Travis shook his head and assured her she was certainly not the reason Kitty was staying behind. “The climate down there isn’t that appealing, and neither is the political atmosphere at this time. Besides that, she wants to be here for the ballet, as well as to start new classes at the Sorbonne.”

Dani remembered Kitty having mentioned taking a course there, had even thought about attending with her. She found the history of the college fascinating. Located off the little square called Place de la Sorbonne, the name of the university was taken from Robert de Sorbonne, who founded it in 1253. Near the main entrance the Church of the Sorbonne was situated, and it was there that Cardinal Richelieu was entombed. As a powerful cardinal and head of the Sorbonne, he decreed that the faculty should owe allegiance neither to Paris nor to France, only to the Council of the Sorbonne. This had permitted teachers wide freedom, which accounted for the independent spirit of the university.

Suddenly Travis flashed her a probing gaze and bluntly asked, “Why don’t you take Kitty’s advice and do some traveling yourself? You’re young. Intelligent. Beautiful. Financially independent. Why are you doing nothing with your life?”

Dani was at once hurt by his words. “I don’t call learning to know and love my family doing nothing with my life.”

Travis immediately apologized. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be so critical.” His eyes searched hers then with affection, and he said, “I think we do know each other now, Dani, as well as love each other, so perhaps it’s time you experienced other things in life, met new people, educated yourself by learning more about the world around you.”

She nodded thoughtfully. “Perhaps you’re right.”

He reached into the pocket of his coat and brought out a long white envelope and held it out to her. It was addressed to him, in care of the embassy, and had been opened. “Perhaps you can start by making one last trip to Monaco.”

She blinked, puzzled, took the envelope and withdrew the folded letter inside. As she scanned the pages, Travis explained, “As you know, when Alaina died, she was nearly destitute. The Count had lost the family fortune due to his gambling compulsion. Alaina had begun to sell off her jewels and the valuable furnishings. That was what motivated her to back Gavin Mason’s scheme to take your money and Colt’s in a swindle that almost worked.”

Dani closed her eyes in painful remembrance. “I really don’t want to go back over all that. It makes me think of the convent, and all that happened, and how I nearly lost you forever.”

He murmured in agreement, then continued. “Well, I made a trip down there to close out her estate, what, there was of it, and that’s when I discovered I could hang on to the château for you by paying the delinquent taxes.”

“I never wanted it,” Dani reminded him quietly.

“True. You said so at the time. But I also pointed out that when Alaina moved to France, she took what was left of value from the Barbeau estate in Kentucky. I figured the château represented all that was left of your mother and her family, and you had it coming to you.”

Dani shook her head. “I still don’t want it. I never want to go there again. I certainly don’t intend to live there.”

“That letter,” Travis said, “is from a lawyer in Toulon who says he has a buyer for the property. You will see that the amount offered is not that great, but it will add a nice sum to your bank account.”

Dani laid the letter aside as Kitty walked onto the terrace. “Then sell it,” she said simply. “As I’ve said before, it only holds sad memories for me, and I never want to go back there.”

Kitty bade them good morning, then Dani told her about the letter.

“I’ll get a letter off to the lawyer before I leave and tell him you’ll accept the offer,” Travis said.

Dani shrugged. “Fine. I’ll be glad to know it’s sold and gone.”

Kitty had been listening thoughtfully. Then she said, “Dani, let’s go down there.”

Dani shook her head. “Why on Earth would I want to, Kitty? To stir up old memories of what it was like having Aunt Alaina dictate my every thought, word, and deed…or how miserable it was to grow up with a lecherous little monster like Gavin? No, thank you. I’ve lost nothing in Monaco and have no reason to return.”

“I disagree,” Travis declared.

Dani turned to stare at him incredulously.

He and Kitty exchanged understanding smiles, and then he turned to Dani and said, “I know why she thinks you should go, kitten. There are still some things in the house, things that might have belonged to your mother’s family that you might possibly like to keep. I don’t know what might be there since at Alaina’s death I instructed the attorney to seal up the château and to let us know if anyone was interested in buying it. You don’t know what’s stored there.”

Dani really did not want to go, yet she knew they were probably right, that there might be some articles there of sentimental value, things no one else would want. Anything of any real worth had no doubt been sold by Alaina before her death.

“Well?” Kitty prompted, a hopeful smile spreading across her lovely face. “Just say the word, and I’ll begin making arrangements for the trip. We’ll go by carriage so we can bring things back.”

Dani was still not convinced it was the right thing to do. Still, a change would be nice. Maybe it would whet her appetite for taking Kitty’s advice and traveling.

Just then Cletus, the butler, appeared in the doorway of the terrace.

Kitty acknowledged his presence. “Yes, Cletus. What is it?’’

He nodded to Dani. “
Perrine Ribaudt to see you,

Dani felt the nerves in her jaw tighten, her spine stiffen. How dare he just come to the door, uninvited, so early in the day, especially after insulting her the night before?

“Tell him I do not wish to see him,” she curtly directed Cletus.

BOOK: Love and Splendor: The Coltrane Saga, Book 5
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