Love at Large (26 page)

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Authors: Jaffarian;others

BOOK: Love at Large
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“Another diet tip?” she asked.

“Never. You’re beautiful as you are.” He lifted her hand to his lips and pressed a soft kiss against her knuckles.

He took her in his arms, and they whirled around the ballroom as if they’d been dancing together for years instead of hours. She was lost in his eyes when they locked onto hers. She melted into his strong arms, wanting nothing more than to lay her head on his chest. Jake smiled, a warm gleam in his green eyes. She smiled back, and lowered her gaze. He tightened his right arm around her back and pulled her closer to him.

When the music ended, they were standing on the garden patio with only a few other couples.

“You look perfect tonight, Fran,” he whispered. “Just the way I always thought a Colonial lady of means should look. But—”

“But what?”

He grinned. “Those poor Colonial men must have had a devil of a job to imagine just what assets their ladies held secret under all that fabric.”

She laughed. “Leaves more to the imagination that way.”

“Which is why us modern gentlemen let you ladies get into cars, and go in through doors before us. That way we get to enjoy the view our forefathers were denied.”

“Like when we go up the steps?”

“Mmmm, curvy legs and well-padded derrieres are among my favorite views.”

“Well.” Fran took a deep breath and ignored the complaint from her corset. “Maybe sometime I’ll let you get a better look at them.”

Suddenly, his face turned serious, and he led her into the shadows of a lilac bush. “Does that mean I can ask you out?”

Fireworks exploded in her head, but she kept her cool. “Sure. But I never thought you were interested in me for anything more than just a friend.”

“The thoughts I have of you go way beyond friendship.”

“Oh,” was all Fran could think to say.

He brushed a gentle finger against the satin of her mask. Fran quivered as it glided slow and sure, with devastating effect on her insides, from her cheek, down her neck and came to rest against her breasts. Her chest rose and fell with increased speed as her heartbeat began to race.

He pressed his lips against the fluttering pulse at the base of her throat, and then continued his onslaught by trailing kisses down it to her bosom.

Her eyes drifted shut, and her hands grabbed his arms for support as the velvet edge of his tongue replaced his soft lips and flicked in and out of the shadowy cleft between her breasts.

“I’ve wanted to do that for so long,” Jake said, then released a ragged sigh against her neck.

His warm breath against her throat sent a thrill through Fran. His hand cupped her breast, and his thumb caressed the satin that encased it, sending shivers of longing throughout her body.

“I’ve wanted you to do it too,” she whispered, letting her hand travel over his chest. “And more.”

His eyes twinkled. “So I’m not overstepping my bounds here,

She shook her head, lifted up on her toes, and pressed her lips against his. “Hardly,
.” Fran drew back and grinned encouragement at him.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and held her. “Do you know,” he said, breathing into her ear, “that I have a wicked time concentrating when you’re anywhere near me? When I hear your voice or get a whiff of your perfume, I start daydreaming about the two of us being alone on a beach somewhere ”

She raised a quizzical eyebrow. “Hmmmm. I picture us stuck in a cabin in the woods, snowed in and unable to leave for a month, and we’re cuddled up on a sofa in front of a warm fire, surrounded by soft, slow music,” she replied.

Jake cocked his head at the coincidental timing as the fluid melody of a soft waltz wafted through the patio doors. Releasing his hold on her, he bowed and took her hand.

“Another dance, milady?”

He danced her back into the ballroom and toward their table. And this time, her head
resting on his chest. She listened to his heart beating under her ear and couldn’t believe that her wish for the night had come true.

“It’s midnight,” a voice boomed from the corner, near the band. “Masks off.”

They stopped in front of the company table as everyone in the room who’d worn a mask began to remove theirs. Fran reached back to untie hers, but Jake beat her to it. He pulled at the ribbon and let the golden mask fall to the marble floor.

“Oh,” he said, acting as if he were surprised to see who was behind the disguise. “It’s you, Fran.”

He then pushed his mask up without letting his eyes leave hers.

“Jake,” she gasped, reaching up to touch his cheek. “I never would’ve guessed that was you under there.”

Laughter filled the room as the others enjoyed the unmasking. Jake chuckled too, then bent down and planted a gentle kiss on her lips.

“Now, if you’ll excuse me,” he said, straightening. “I have a couple people I need to schmooze with before I can spend the rest of the evening catering to your every whim.”

“Okay.” Fran squeezed his hand. “I’ll wait.”

He winked, bowed, and walked away.

Tiffany was slouched low in her chair with a napkin covering a portion of the huge stain on her lap, sulking like a petulant preschooler as she watched Fran resume her seat. Her other officemates were staring as well. Fran decided she couldn’t care less, and gave Tiffany the sweetest smile she had in her arsenal. Tiffany returned it with a hostile glare that proved all too well what the score was, and that she knew she’d lost this battle.

you that you look beautiful tonight?” Jake asked as he crept up behind her a little while later. “And that I am the luckiest man in the room?”

“No,” she lied. “You haven’t.”

“Then,” he said as he took her arm and helped her to her feet, “let me say, you look beautiful tonight, and I’m the luckiest man in the room.”

“I didn’t do so bad myself, Captain McCabe,” she added.

“I hope you don’t mind if we move this negotiation of a McCabe-D’Amore merger to somewhere a bit more private?”

“Not at all. I only live two blocks from here.”

“How convenient.” He tucked her arm into the crook of his, nodded at Winters and company, and walked her out of the ballroom.

The doorman was busy at the sidewalk, waiting beside a black-cloaked woman for the black limo to pull to a stop. Jake held the door open for her, and Fran slid sideways into the warm night. As they stepped off the granite stairs onto the sidewalk, the woman turned and Fran saw that it was Lady Peacock.

“Hello again.” The woman smiled as they stopped in front of her. Her eyes traveled from her face to his. “Is this the one?”

“Yes,” Fran replied as she took Jake’s hand.

“You look good together.” The corner of her elegant mouth tipped up in an amused smile. “Would you like a ride to your next adventure?”

“No, thank you,” Fran replied. “We’ll walk.”

“Very well. Goodnight, my dear.” The woman slipped into the back seat of the car, and allowed the doorman to settle her voluminous skirts before closing the door.

“Who was that?” Jake watched the limo disappear into the flood of traffic in front of the hotel.

“Just a friend.” She nudged him in the direction of her apartment, and looked up at the church tower to check the time. Fran saw that the star was still in place and still twinkling at her as it had been hours ago.

“Make a wish, Fran,” he whispered. “It might just come true.”

“I don’t need to.” She snuggled up beside him. “It already has.”

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Our supportive group is made up of members from a wide variety of backgrounds and work in many different subgenres of fiction, but we are banded together with one goal in mind: to put quality stories about capable and lovable big beautiful people in the hands of readers who are tired of only seeing Madison Avenue’s slender “ideal” heroes and heroines depicted in novels.

We are more than just authors, we are champions for change!

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Table of Contents

Love At Large


With Many Thanks


The Illustrated Woman

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four

A Work of Art

Dirty Laundry

Love Bytes

A Change in Direction

An Unforgettable Kiss

Passion Unmasked

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