Love Behind Lies (13 page)

BOOK: Love Behind Lies
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I pushed again and this time he stopped. His lips were still less than an inch from mine, though.
“I told you-” Sam cut me off and began kissing me again.
I then realized he was going to keep kissing me until I stopped talking. I pushed him away and didn’t talk.
“You learn fast,” Sam said. I was still pinned up against the door. Sam wasn’t touching me but his arms were on either side of my body.
“Now, I am going to ask you a few questions, and I want you to answer them by nodding your head. That’s it.” I nodded my head. “Did you enjoy the first kiss?” I nodded my head. “What about the second?” I shook my head. “Are you mad at me?” I nodded my head up and down until his hands stopped it.
Sam backed away and reached his hands towards me. I began walking towards him without speaking. Sam was smiling at me.
When I reached him, I gave him a hug. “You can talk now,” Sam said.
I had nothing to say. Sam changed my feelings from mad ones to happy ones with three simple questions and a hug.
“I only have one thing to ask,” I said.
“Anything Katie,” Sam replied. We were still hugging.
“Please don’t make me tell Brent.”
“Katie, I won’t make you tell him. He doesn’t ever have to know.”
“Thank you, Sam.”
“You’re welcome Catherine.” I backed away from Sam. “I should probably go, shouldn’t I?”
“Probably,” I said walked to the bedroom door.
“Okay, well goodnight Katie. Sorry about tonight, I will see you tomorrow morning,” Sam said.
“Goodnight Sam, I’ll see you in the morning. Bye.”
“Bye, Katie,” Sam said as he left my room and walked downstairs.
My mind was racing. I didn’t know what to do. I had never been in this situation. Maybe I should
talk to Margaret, but I won’t see her until I get back. Could I talk to Thomas?
I was convinced that Brent was still hiding something from me. I meant to ask him about it, but he never gave me a chance. I knew for sure that Sam wasn’t hiding something, and I am pretty sure that he hasn’t caught onto Brent. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe Brent wasn’t hiding anything from us.
My mind was going crazy. I couldn’t control it whatsoever. The only way to control my mind was to go to bed. So, I decided to lay down. Tomorrow was going to be crazy too, so it was best that I went to bed. I lay in my room for awhile before I actually fell asleep. My brain still didn’t want to relax.
When I finally did fall asleep, I slept like a rock. I never woke up and I don’t remember dreaming.



















Chapter 26

My alarm was brutal on Wednesday morning. I didn’t pay attention to it, until my phone started ringing too. I looked at my phone. Brent was calling me.
“Hello,” I asked.
“Good morning Cat! How did you sleep,” Brent seemed wide awake.
“Pretty good. You?”
“Good! Are you ready to go?”
“Yup. I just have to get dressed. When are you and Sam going to pick us up?”
“In about 15 minutes.”
I rushed out of bed. I already packed and gave my suitcase to Brent, so I didn’t have to worry about that. The only thing I had to do, was get myself ready.
I got dressed and did my hair. I was walking down the stairs when the door bell rang. Thomas was already downstairs when I got the door. I opened the door and Sam was standing in the doorway.
“Good morning Catherine,” Sam sounded so happy.
“Good morning Sam,” I answered, almost as happy.
“Good morning,” Thomas told Sam.
“Are you guys both ready,” Sam asked me.
“Yeah, I think so,” I replied. I walked over to the stair well and said goodbye to my mom. She was sad to see my go, but knew that I was going to be okay, especially if Thomas was coming with us. She didn’t know the real reason we were going, or even where we were going. My mom thought that we were going to New York to visit some old friends.
We left the house as soon as possible. Thomas and I were very excited and I think that Sam and Brent were too. Our trip could be very dangerous, but it could be fun too.
As we drove to the airport, Brent went over the agenda for the next couple of days. I was sitting in front of the car and Sam and Thomas were in the back. Brent’s black Porsche was the nicest car I have ever been in. I was almost scared to touch it. Whenever I was in the car I just sat; nothing else.
I didn’t realize that we were at the airport until Brent’s car turned off. I hopped out of the car and grabbed by bag.
“You ready to go?” Brent asked me.
“Yeah, I think so,” I replied.
We all walked towards the elevator. No one was talking. I don’t know why, but I guess there was nothing to talk about.
The airport was actually very busy. We had to wait in line for 30 minutes before we even got through security. We chatted in line, and finalized our plan for the next couple of days.
We made it through security and we were now waiting by our gate. The plane was supposed to
be here any minute. Brent and Thomas just left to go to the bathroom leaving Sam and I alone.
“So, how did u sleep last night?” Sam asked me, breaking the silence.
“Good, I guess, you?” I didn’t really want to talk to Sam about last night.
“Pretty good. I missed you though.”
“Katie? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. I guess I just feel bad about last night.”
“Kate, you don’t need to feel bad. There is nothing wrong with what happened.”
“Sam, are you blind? I kissed you, twice, and I have a boyfriend! And that boyfriend is definitely not you!”
“Katie, I thought we talked about this.”
“That was before you made me kiss you. I think you brain washed me or something.”
“No, I talked some sense into you. The only thing that you did wrong last night was lie to yourself. You knew that you wanted to kiss me, but you just kept on denying it!”
“I still knew it was wrong! I should have been smarter.” I slouched in my chair. I didn’t want to talk about last night anymore. The only thing it did, was stress me out, and there was no good in doing that.
I could sense Sam staring at me. He wanted talk to me some more, but that wasn’t going to happen. He put his hand on my thigh, trying to comfort me. I liked it there, but suddenly Sam’s head snapped up and his hand disappeared.
Brent and Thomas were back from the bathroom. Thank God. I was for sure done talking about last night, for the moment at least. But I really liked Sam’s hand there.
“Everything okay here?” Brent asked Sam and me.
I gave a stern look to Sam who smile back at me.
“Yeah, everything is fine,” I grumbled.
A few minutes later the plane pulled into the gate. The plane was small. It was one of those special planes that spies got just for being a spy. We needed a direct flight to Rome, Italy. No stops. That would just be wasted time. This was the only plane that offered us that.
I then realized that we were the only ones waiting for this plane at this gate. The rest of the people were waiting for the plane at the next gate over.
The four of us stood up and gave the check in lady our tickets and then began to make our way to the plane.
The plane was amazing. There were leather seats in the front for the passengers and a lounge area in the back. There was a mini fridge, and a T.V. I had never been in plane like this before.
The food was amazing, and it never ended. Even the drinks tasted better than what I usually got.
The plane trip was long. I slept for most of it. When I wasn’t sleeping I was talking to Brent. He sat right next to me and never took his eyes off of me.
When the plane finally landed in Rome, I was wide awake. Go figure. We were going to go back to the hotel and sleep, because Brent was right. It was about 1:45 A.M. on Thursday in Italy.
There was nothing we could do at that hour.
We all got into a nice car that Brent set up for us to use on our trip. It was a black BMW. Where does he get all these nice cars?
We drove to our hotel and checked in. We were sharing a suite. When I walked in the door I was speechless. I had walked into a full kitchen. Nicer than the one I had at home. I walked through the kitchen and into the living room. The view was amazing. The whole back of the suite was one huge window. The room had two big couches and a couple of chairs. There was also a humongous T.V. on the main wall. There was a mini fridge that was already stacked with drinks for us. My stomach was in butterflies just being in the room.
I turned to my left and kept walking and found myself in a bed room. It had two big fluffy beds and a walk out porch. The bathroom, that was attached, had a Jacuzzi and a shower with two heads. It was the nicest bathroom that I had ever been in.
I went back into the living room, leaving my suitcase on the bed.
“I’ll sleep in that room over there,” I pointed to the room that I had just come from.
“Okay, sounds good. There are two more bedrooms on the other side of the suite.” Brent was talking over everyone. “Either two of us can share a room or one of us can sleep on the couch. Catherine gets her own room no matter what.”
“I will take the couch,” Sam announced.
“Okay, thank you Sam. We will be staying here for the whole time that we are in Italy. So, make yourselves at home.” Brent smiled and then went into the kitchen.
It was still dark out in Rome. There weren’t that many people on the roads either. Rome was a big city. Many people live here, and knowing that my dad is somewhere nearby was kind of scary to know. He could be in the same hotel as me right now, for all we knew.
Thomas and Brent had disappeared into their rooms, and I was stuck with Sam in the living room.
“I am mad at you,” I told Sam, breaking the silence.
“I figured,” Sam sounded sad.
We stayed silent. I didn’t want to say anything else to him.
“So, is this going to be how this whole trip goes?” Sam asked me.
“I don’t want it to be this way,” I replied. I walked towards him and sat down next to him on the couch.
“Why did you come and sit next to me?”
“Fine, I’ll leave.” I started to stand up, but Sam grabbed my hand, pulling me back towards the couch.
“What can I do to make you not mad at me?” Sam asked. He was serious too.
“I don’t know. I feel like I can’t be too close to you anymore because I’m still in a relationship with Brent. But who knows how that will turn out.”
“Fine.” Sam sounded mad now. He stood up and left the room. Now I was the sad one. I got up and walked to the kitchen. I was getting something out of the refrigerator when someone knocked on the door. I looked at the door surprised that someone would be knocking on the hotel
door at this hour. I began walking towards it. I was sweating and shaking.
I was a few feet from the door when someone put their hand over my mouth and their arm around me.
“Be very quiet,” the voice was a whisper. I think it was Sam.
The hand came off my mouth and grabbed my hand. Yes, it was Sam. Thank God. Sam led me towards my bed room very quickly and quietly.
Someone began pounding on the door again. It scared me and I clung to Sam.
“Who’s going to get the door?” I whispered.
“Brent is.” Sam’s voice was very quiet.
“I’m so scared.”
“It’s okay, come over here.”
I tiptoed over to Sam who was sitting in a chair in the corner of the room. I sat on his lap and he put his arms around me. I felt much safer now.
“How you doing?” Sam asked me.
“Better, thank you,” I replied.
“You’re always welcome.”
We were silent for awhile then. The pounding stopped, but I never figured out if Brent answered the door or not. I don’t think that he did. I wonder who it was.
Someone knocked on my bedroom door and I jumped.
“Can I come in?” Brent’s voice had no emotion.
“Yeah, come on in,” Sam replied.
Brent opened the door and walked over to where I was sitting with Sam. I got off of Sam’s lap and rushed over to Brent. He gave me a big hug that never seemed to end.
“Are you okay?” Brent asked me.
“Yeah, thanks to Sam. I was scared and he kept me safe.” I replied.
“Thank you, Sam,” Brent told Sam.
“Anytime,” Sam mumbled.
“Where is Thomas?”I asked.
“He’s out in the living room. He’s okay.” Brent said. He was still holding me.
Sam stood up and left the room. Brent and I followed him. We all sat down on the couch.
“Okay, so I put a camera outside the door when we came in the first time. I was just looking over the film and I didn’t recognize the man. He didn’t leave a note either, so I would try not to remember him,” Brent shared with all of us.
“Catherine, we need to keep you safe. If you don’t know the person don’t even try to talk to them,” Sam sounded mad again.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know what to do.” I replied.
“Just stay away from the door, okay?” Thomas’s voice was serious.
I nodded my head and stayed quiet.
The next couple of hours were silent. We decided that we should probably get some sleep. Everyone slept in their own room. By the time that everyone woke up from their nap, the sun
was out and it was time to eat.
“Okay, is anyone hungry?” Brent asked the group.
“I’m hungry,” Sam said.
“Should we order room service, or what?” I asked.
“I could go get something from somewhere,” Thomas offered.
“That sounds like a good idea! I could go with you,” Sam agreed.
“Yeah, that works,” Brent said.
Brent and I gave Sam and Thomas our orders and the two boys left.

BOOK: Love Behind Lies
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