Love comes softly (21 page)

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Authors: Janette Oke

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themselves in her stitching. The one pair was so much fun to work. The other made even her fingers feel clumsy and heavy.

The days ticked off quickly and the big day arrived. The sun was up and promised a warm spring day as Marty bustled about readying the pots of food that she would be taking and getting Missie and Clare dressed in their finest.

She would wear her yet unworn blue-grey dress. She finally knew that she would feel "right" in it. Clark did look at her with admiration and she flushed under his gaze. At last they were all packed up and on their way.

Marty's eyes shone as she faced the bright morning, noticing each new sign of spring around her. The fields were now bare, with only patches of dirty snow left in hidden places. The first flowers were slowly lifting their heads to the sun. Returning birds occasionally made an appearance on a fence post or tree limb. But the surest sign of spring was the feeling within her as she breathed in deep draughts of the warm, fragrant air. It was so good just to be alive.

They were one of the first families to reach the Grahams, and Marty hurried in to help Ma with the last of the preparations. Clark assured her that Missie and Clare would be fine left with him; the fresh air would do them all good. As Marty turned to hurry into the house, she heard Ben's comments on what a fine looking son Clare was becoming and Clark's light boasts of his already apparent strength and awareness. Marty smiled to herself.

Make-shift benches had been placed for the church service, and long tables had been arranged for the dinner meal.

Ma's house was a hive of activity, for a visit from the preacher and two weddings on the same day were cause for any amount of flurry.

The Sterns arrived, causing Sally Anne to flush a becoming shade. Jason looked at her with pride in his eyes.

Just before the service was to begin, Milt Conners appeared, looking as sullen and troublesome as ever. He was welcomed by the men who made room for him on the bench, but Marty again felt the stirrings of alarm within her. She could not feel at ease about this man.


After all were seated on the benches, Ben Graham stood to his feet and welcomed the neighbors to his farm on this "fine spring day." He trusted that they would find the Easter service a "real blessin' "and welcomed them to share in the weddings of his two eldest daughters, and thanked them kindly "fer all the good food appearin' on the tables."

He then welcomed the visiting preacher, Parson Simmons, and expressed how "fine it is to have 'im here on Easter Sunday mornin', an' I know we's all lookin' forward to sharin' in the mornin' meetin'."

The preacher took over then and commented on the "beautiful day that the Lord hath made," expressed his delight at seeing them all in attendance and led the group in prayer. They then sang a few hymns from memory, not having any hymnals. Marty didn't know the words to any of the hymns, but she enjoyed listening to the others sing. She must get Clark to teach her some of the words to the songs, she decided.

When Parson Simmons began to speak to the people, Marty listened intently. It was the simple story of Easter that he related, beginning with Christ's ministry to the people of His day, His arrest and the false accusations that sentenced Him to die. The preacher told of the surface reasons for His death and then explained the real purpose in the Father allowing, yea, planning for it to be so.

Marty's heart was torn as she listened to the words. She had heard before how cruel men of Christ's day had put Him to death with no just cause, but never before had she realized that it had anything at all to do with her. Now, the fact that He personally took the punishment for her sins, as well as for the sins of all mankind, was a startling and sobering discovery.

"I didn't know-- I jest didn't know thet ya died fer me," her heart cried. "I'm sorry-- truly I am. Lord, I asks ya to be a doin' what yer intendin' in my heart." Big tears slipped from her eyes and down her cheeks. She didn't even bother to wipe them away. Clark's eyes filled with concern as he glanced her way.

But the preacher did not stop there. He went on with the


story of that first Easter morning when the women went early to the tomb and found that the Lord had risen.

"He lives," said the preacher, "and because He is victor over sin and death, we too can be."

Marty's heart filled with such a surge of joy that she felt like shouting-- but not here-- not now, she cautioned herself. She would though. She had to tell someone that now she understood. She had given herself to be a knowin' Clark's God.

She reached down and slipped her small hand into his strong one. Clark looked at her, reading the difference in her face, and the big hand firmly clasped the small one. Marty knew that he shared her joy, as she now shared his God. It was enough.

The marriages followed the worship service. Laura and Milt were first. Sally Anne wanted it that way. Milt looked down at his feet, which shifted back and forth with regularity. His clothing looked unkept, though he had trimmed his beard and had a haircut. Laura looked shyly at him in a way that made Marty hope that maybe with the help of a good woman's love, this man could indeed change. She hoped with all her heart that the two could find happiness together.

Jason and Sally Anne were next and Marty felt that the joy and love that showed on their faces was reflected in her own heart. How easy it was to share in their happiness.

As soon as the ceremonies were over, the neighbors began merry-making, throwing rice, ringing cowbells and lining up to kiss the brides. The two couples were finally allowed to sit down at the table piled with gifts, and while the womenfolk made preparations for the noon meal, the brides unwrapped the presents.

The meal was a plentiful one and each person there was feeling especially joyous. Spring was here, they had just heard again the story of Easter, they had witnessed two marriages, they could enjoy a feast with good neighbors-- life was full. As the good-natured talk and laughter carried on, the Larsons arrived. Jedd did not bother to tether his team. Mrs. Larson placed a pan of cornbread on the heavy-laden table and then


with eyes to the ground ushered her youngsters to a safe-looking far table. Marty rose from her place and with a pretense of refilling the water pitcher, passed by close, hoping to share a smidgen of the new-found concern she felt.

"Ya all be welcome. So glad ta see ya agin." The woman did not lift her eyes, but a small spot of color appeared in each cheek as she answered the greeting. "The good Lord 'as done so much fer all of us," Marty continued, reaching out to tossle each child's hair. "Preacher talk'd 'bout it this mornin', how's God can clean up folks' hearts and change their ways. Jest sets ya ta bubblin'."

Marty's feelings soared with satisfaction as she noticed Mrs. Larson's upward glance. Wasn't that an expression of hope? Meanwhile, Jedd just loaded his plate and settled down to eat. The talk could come later.

When the tables had been cleared away and the two young couples had loaded their wagons and kissed Ma good-bye, Clark and Marty lingered for a while, sensing just how difficult the time was for Ma and Ben.

Ma bore up bravely but there was a longing look in her eyes as she kissed Sally Anne good-bye, and a look of deep concern as she pulled Laura close to her, holding her long before she released her. Marty turned away lest her own tears spill over.


Chapter 29


The sun seemed to carry more warmth each day. Clark had finished his work on the new bedrooms and was busy tilling the fields. Each day saw more land prepared for the seed that would be sown.

There was enough grass now for the three cows to find fair grazing. A young calf was in the weaning pen, the second cow was still to calf, the third would be much later.

One of the sows had piglets at her side. She had not given them as good a litter as they had hoped for, having only six and losing two, but they hoped that the second sow would do better. Marty had three of her eight hens on settings of eggs. She hoped to replenish the chicken coop again.

The barn stood straight and strong where it had been rebuilt. It was a bit larger than its predecessor. As yet it was still unchinked, but that could be done in a slack time. The roof was on, the floor in, and it would do as it was until after the crop was in the ground.

Marty hummed as she made the breakfast pancakes. It had been several mornings since they had had pancakes, and Missie had asked for them. As Marty stirred her batter she wondered how the two-week old brides were making out with their cooking. She was sure that they would do much better than what she had done. Ma would have prepared them well.


She heard that Sally Anne was well settled-in. She and Jason had driven over one evening to return the saddle horse. Jason's eyes shone with pride as he boasted of how Sally Anne had hung the curtains, spread the rugs and set her little kitchen in order. She was a right fine cook too, he went on, and Sally Anne's cheeks had flushed with pleasure at the boasting. Clark and Marty spoke of it later with amusement. Marty smiled now at the thought of the young couple so content in their love for one another.

Then her thoughts shifted to Laura. How was Laura really doing, she wondered? Clark had seen her on the road once as he came from town. He had driven up over the brow of a sharp hill and there was Laura walking down the road. She had seemed startled at his sudden appearance, he said, and had turned sharply away. When he stopped the team to offer her a lift, she looked back at him to say a "no thanks, walkin' be right good for me." But her eyes looked troubled and there was a bruise on her cheek. He had gone on his way, but as he related his story to Marty that evening she could tell that he was deeply troubled by it all. Poor Laura, Marty thought, shaking her head. To be expecting a child with this man and seeming so unhappy and alone. Her heart ached for her.

She could hear Clark's whistling as he came from the barn, so hurried with the finishing of the breakfast preparations. "I wonder," she thought, "if spring plantin' always makes a man so happy like."

Spring was getting into her blood, too, and she was anxious to get her own hands into the soil. It was so wonderful to feel light and slim again. She felt that she could fairly glide as she moved about, airy and sure-footed, not weighted down and clumsy with the carryin' of a young 'un. She was once again thankful to have baby Clare out where she could hug him close or lay him down at will, rather than carrying the heavy little burden with her everywhere.

During morning reading and prayer Marty understood in a new way the meaning of Jesus' words, "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

"I thank ye, Lord, that ye be learnin' me how to rest in


you," she prayed. "Ya be a comfortin' me and I be grateful fo' that." After Clark had finished praying Marty spoke. "Be it about time to plant the garden?"

"Some of the seeds should go in now. I be thinkin' this mornin' thet I best put the plow to work on the turnin' of the ground. Should be ready fer ya in short order. Ya wantin' to plant it today?"

"Oh, yes," Marty answered with enthusiasm. "Me, I'm right eager to get a goin' on it. Only-- "

"Only what?"

Marty flushed.

"Well-- I never planted afore."

"Planted what?"

"Well-- planted anythin'."

"Didn't yer folks have 'em a garden?"

"My ma said 'twas a nuisance, thet she'd as leave buy off a neighbor or from the store. She didn't care none fer the soil, I reckon."

"An' you?"

"I think thet I'd love to git into makin' somethin' grow. I can hardly wait to try. Only-- "

Clark looked across at her evenly.


"Well," Marty gulped, "I know thet the garden be a woman's work, but I was wonderin'," she hesitated, "jest this one time, could ya show me how to plant the seeds an' all?"

Clark smiled to himself. He really should have volunteered rather than making her ask for his help, but it was the first time that Marty had ever asked him for anything and he took pleasure in it. He hid his smile and answered slowly, "I reckon I could this once."

Marty looked at him, relief showing on her face. "The best time be right after dinner while the young 'uns be havin' their nap. Will the ground be plowed an' ready by then?"

Clark nodded and got up for the coffee pot to pour them a second cup of coffee. Marty nearly choked on her bite of pancake. It was the first time that she had missed getting his second cup of coffee for some months. Clark seemed unperturbed


as he pushed back his plate and sat sipping slowly. When he had finished the steaming cup he left the table, reaching for his hat. "Thet be good coffee," he said, and was gone.

After the dinner dishes were done and the children were put down for their nap, Clark and Marty spread their garden seeds out on the kitchen table to decide what was to be put in at first planting and what left until later. Clark patiently showed her the different seeds, telling her what they were and the peculiarity of their growing habits. Marty listened wide- eyed. He knew so much, Clark did, and as he talked about the seeds, they took on personalities right before her eyes-- like children, needing special care and attention.

Together they gathered up the seeds that were to be planted and headed for the garden. The warm sun beat down and the ground sent up a delightful warmth to meet it.

Marty reached down and let a handful of the soil trickle through her fingers. It's beautiful, she wanted to say, but it seemed such a foolish word to use to describe dirt. She had scarcely taken two steps when she realized that the temptation was too great, and turning her back to Clark, she slipped off her shoes. Then, hoisting her skirt, she peeled off her stockings. She tucked them carefully into the toes and stood barefoot, feeling the luxury of the warm earth as she dug her toes deeply into its richness. She felt like a child again-- young and free, with the burdens of adulthood stripped away for the moment.

No wonder the horses like to lie down and roll when their harness is removed, she thought. Me, I'd love to be a doin' the same thing.

Clark had already busied himself preparing rows for her to place the seeds in. She went down on her knees and began to drop the tiny bits of potential life into the fertile ground.

"Someday soon, I will watch ya grow," she spoke silently to them.

Clark returned to cover the row after she had placed the seed.

"He looks to be enjoyin' it most as much as I am," thought Marty. "Oh, I wisht thet I could jest run an' skip like the calf

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