Love Disguised

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Authors: Lisa Klein

BOOK: Love Disguised
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To R. R.
Thou, Love, art my Muse



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

Chapter 36

Chapter 37

Chapter 38

Chapter 39

Chapter 40

Chapter 41

Chapter 42

Chapter 43

Chapter 44


Author's Note

For Further Reding

Also by Lisa Klein


London, October 15, 1582

Will Shakespeare dashed into the Boar's Head Inn, breathless and disheveled. This was the best day of his life and the worst.

“Meg, I have news. Dreadful news!” he called.

He made straight for the table in the public room where he did his best writing and dug papers and a pen from inside his jerkin. Time was not to be wasted.

“Meg? Come anon.”

There was no reply. Long Meg was neither at the tap as usual nor serving customers.

A fat man looked up from his cup and said, “Long Meg? She's not here. And it's her I came to see.”

“Then begone,” said Will. “She's been known to thrash a man for gaping at her.”

Chewing the end of his pen, he searched his brain for the right words. Writing a court brief was nothing like writing a play, and the law handbook he had stolen was of little help. Will was no more cut out for the role of a lawyer than he was for that of a glovemaker, the trade he had left behind in Stratford along with the bewitching Hathaway sisters. But
in escaping to London, he now saw, he had sailed from one sea of troubles into an even stormier one.

“Will, why do you look so desperate?” It was the serving wench Violetta, small and with a dark cap of hair like an acorn. She placed a cup of ale before him.

“Because my friend Mack is in prison for assaulting and robbing the notorious villain Roger Ruffneck. He'll be hanged unless I can persuade the judge to free him.”

Violetta gave a sharp cry and turned pale. She was a fountain of feeling, able to move the most stoic of playgoers to weep with her.

“Do you know Mack?” asked Will in surprise.

“He is … Meg's brother!”

“Yes. Therefore she must be told. Can you find her?”

The wench shook her head as if dazed.

“Well, look upstairs!” pleaded Will. “By tomorrow I must have another witness who can attest to his good character. Who knows him better than his own sister?”

Violetta nodded and scurried away.

It was fortunate that Will had stumbled upon Thomas Valentine as he was returning to the inn. The young doctor had agreed to testify against Roger Ruffneck, having seen him assault Will. London was a violent place. Why had he been so eager to come here? He was likely to be killed before he published a single play.

But the doctor alone could not prove Will's argument. He needed another witness. Why not the timid Jane Ruffneck, who was now hiding from her cruel husband at this very inn?
, Mack had insisted, wanting to protect her. Mack, hero to the downtrodden, now himself in dire need. Who would save him? It was up to Will.

He propped his forehead on his hands, not caring that the ink staining his fingers now marked his face as well. How unjust that Mack was in prison! Will longed to share Mack's suffering and thereby prove his true friendship. But having narrowly avoided that den of despair himself, he dreaded confinement. What did it lead to but starvation and death?—an early, tragic end to his fledgling dramatic career.

Not to mention his romantic hopes. The world of love was all before him. He thought of Anne Hathaway's soft lips, then of Long Meg, that strong and spirited maid with her nimbus of golden hair.

O brave Meg! What would she think of him scratching with his pen and fumbling in his handbook while Mack languished in jail? She would strap on a sword, a dagger, and a pistol and lay siege to the Tower itself, if her brother were held captive there. She dealt not in words but in deeds. In all of England there was no woman like her.

Will's thoughts were interrupted by the approach of a no longer timid Jane Ruffneck with Violetta trailing her.

“Let me help your friend,” Jane said, her eyes blazing. “I will swear my husband deserved every blow Mack dealt him. I know that monster all too well!”

“I shall be there also to weep for Mack; that must move the entire court to pity him,” said Violetta, wringing her hands.

Will groaned. It was reason, not passion, that must persuade the judge.

“I am gratified by your concern,” he said. “But leave me alone to finish this writ. My friend's fate lies heavy upon me.”

“And upon us as well,” said Violetta.

“Why?” asked Will, puzzled, but Violetta and Jane were already hurrying away.

Alone again, Will bent over his page, which left him unable to see the black-clad figure, narrow as a shadow at sunset, creeping around the edge of the room toward his table.

A wrinkled hand reached out and touched his arm. Will jumped.

“Will Shakespeare?” said an old man's voice.

“And who are you?”

“One who makes his living by night,” he said.

A thief! Will drew back. “Why have you come here?”

“She bade me, but I do it for the sake of my boy.”

Was the old man a lunatic? Will didn't ask him to explain. He hoped he would vanish as suddenly as he appeared, like a ghost from the grave.

“I know something about your friend Mack,” said the thief, his voice like the rustle of dry leaves.

Will's hopes revived. It seemed Providence had sent him a witness! He leaned closer.

The old thief spoke only briefly. He would not let Will question him. Nor would he be stayed. He finished his tale and slipped away. And when he had gone Will sat motionless, his brow furrowed and his jaw slack with amazement. The pen dropped from his fingers forgotten, and the handbook fell closed.

“By Jove, he speaks the truth,” Will murmured. “I was a fool not to see it before!”

Chapter 1

London 1579

Before she became the celebrated Long Meg and the muse of Will Shakespeare, little Meg Macdougall lived in a narrow house on Addle Street between Aldersgate and Cripplegate in London. Her mother, Jane, was a long, thin broomstick of a woman with strong, ropy arms. Meg's father, Jack, was a giant of a man who could lay a thousand or more bricks a day and drink a kilderkin of ale by night. Meg hardly seemed to belong to them. Her arms were puny, her knees knobby, her legs wayward as a baby fawn's. At mealtime her parents ate great quantities of meat as if filling the hollowness within their long bodies, while Meg was content to nibble a leg of a peahen or a crust of bread. But though she looked too frail to thrive, her eyes shone brightly in her thin face surrounded by hair the color of spun gold.

It was a happy household except when it was not. Jack Macdougall drank too much and Jane begrudged the waste of their meager resources. Their boisterous quarrels sent Meg scurrying to avoid the hurled brick or hot iron. Plaster crumbled from the walls and the very beams creaked and shifted.
All that kept the house from collapsing were the houses abutting it on either side, whose occupants shouted for quiet, only adding to the uproar. One night the constable came, and he would have arrested Meg's parents were it not for her earnest promise: “I will put them into their bed anon.” When they had fallen asleep Meg poured out the rest of her father's ale and hid her mother's iron.

But Meg could no more cure her parents' failings than she could prevent the sun from shining or misfortune from striking. One night Jack was staggering home from an alehouse when he fell asleep in the street, and the next morning a cart rolled over his legs. Cruelly, the cart was filled with bricks. Lame and unable to work, he became a beggar, hobbling away every morning on crutches and returning with a few pennies, barely enough for bread. Jane worked day and night, bending over a boiling vat. All Meg saw of her was a cloud of frizzled hair and a pair of dye-stained arms. She ceased her labors only when the priest from St. Alphage came to bring a few coins of charity and teach her the scriptures. In his black robe, with his sharp, tiny eyes, he reminded Meg of a rat. She was glad her mother sent her away on those days with a bundle of wet laundry. In the fields outside the city gates, she would spread the clothes out to dry and play leapfrog with the other children or chase stray dogs. When the sun had bleached the linen to a blinding whiteness, she folded it and brought it home again.

On one such day it began to rain, and Meg gathered up the linens and ran home early. On the way she met her father leaning heavily on his crutches, a bloody bruise on his head. His cloak and every coin in his pocket had been stolen.
They turned onto Addle Street and Meg followed him into the house, clutching the mud-spattered linens, afraid of her mother's scolding. It was her father, roaring with rage, who thrust her out of doors again, but not before she caught a glimpse of the priest's hairy buttocks and her mother's surprised face.

“Harlot!” shouted Jack.

The priest scurried past Meg, clutching his black robe to hide his nakedness. A Bible flew out after him and struck his head.

“What was I to do?” Meg heard her mother cry. “He would not give me a penny of charity otherwise. O Jack, forgive me!”

Meg did not know what her mother had done, only that it was something wicked that shamed her father too. He left the house and did not return that night. Meg lay awake hoping he would forgive her mother, for surely whatever had happened was the priest's fault, not hers. But her father did not return the next day, and on the third day they learned he was in the Wood Street jail. He had been arrested for vagrancy because he could not produce a begging license.

Meg's mother stood outside the church and shouted at the priest, “You whited sepulchre! I'll never take your charity again!” The parishioners stared at her in alarm while Meg pleaded with her to return home.

“What is a sepulchre?” Meg asked her mother that night.

“A sheet that wraps a dead man,” Jane replied dully. She heated up her iron and pounded the wrinkles out of a piece of linen until it became scorched. “A pox upon my boozing beggar of a husband and that skanderbag priest!”

Meg feared her mother was preparing a whited sepulchre
and that the priest was as good as dead. But he did not come to Addle Street again, and Meg and her mother no longer attended services at St. Alphage.

As Jane would not relent toward Jack, it was Meg who took her father scraps of food in prison. Because she lacked the penny to bribe the jailer, she could only thrust the food through the iron grate at street level and try in vain to touch her father's hand. She could dimly see how gaunt and begrimed he was. He shivered, for someone had taken his only blanket. But he was ever hopeful that his release would come soon.

A week later, on a morning after a night when the ditches and puddles turned to ice, Meg arrived at the prison with a cake, a blanket, and a penny for the jailer, only to learn that her father was dead.

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