Love Earned (Flash Fiction Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: Love Earned (Flash Fiction Romance)
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“hrrruummpphh”  She attempted to talk, but she was just done.


He pushed the door open, picked her up and carried her inside.  He maneuverer her around the furniture and walked her down the hall.  She pointed to the door that led to her bedroom and mumbled some more.  He laid her down on the bed and took off her shoes. 


When he moved up to take off her jacket she reached up and kissed him.  She wasn’t sure why, but she knew it felt amazing and he kissed her back.  It was brief and he pulled away from her, but she knew he liked it. 


“I’m sorry.”  She looked at him, slightly embarrassed at her behavior.


“No I am, I should be going.”  He stood up and turned away.  “I’m still on duty for about 15 more minutes so I really need to go.”


He looked back at her she had pulled her jacket off, as well as her pants and tank top.


“Please don’t go Robert, please stay with me.”  She walked up behind him and pressed herself into him.  He smelled so good, he was warm and solid against her.


“CC I want you, I do, but I have to finish my shift and you are still drunk.  I don’t want you to regret this.”  He turned completely around to face her.  “I will have you in more ways than you can imagine, but not like this.”  He kissed her forehead and walked out of the room.


              The next morning she woke up with a ragging headache.  She slowly got out of bed and headed to the kitchen for coffee.  She hardly even remembered what happened last night.  They all went out and she remembered Denny’s vaguely and the cop, Robert. 


He brought her home, she was so drunk she was struggling to recall exactly what had happened.  Damn it, she still had to get her car back today too.  Well hopefully whatever she did last night wasn’t enough to get her landed in any trouble.


              She sat down at the breakfast table and sipped her coffee.  She would have to call someone to take her to get her car.  She started looking for her phone and realized it was probably in her purse in the mud room. 


She made her way through the house feeling pleased the coffee was kicking in.  She was already starting to feel better.  Her purse was hanging just where she expected it to be, but she didn’t expect to see her car through the window.


She knew she didn’t drive and she knew Robert didn’t use her car so how the heck did it get here?  She went outside to investigate the situation.  There was a note on the driver’s seat along with a Gatorade and some aspirin.


I thought you’d be needing all of these items today.  I’m sorry I couldn’t stay, but if you want me to come by here’s my number.


So he was sorry he couldn’t stay, but what exactly had gone down?  She couldn’t decide if she wanted to call or wait when her phone went off in her hand.  She jumped about 2 feet in the air and nearly dropped it.  It was Chuck.

Hey chick, just wanted to make sure you made it home in one piece.  Not everyone got a police escort


She laughed, it was because of those crazies that she even had to get the ride.

I’m good, he dropped me off and headed out


K, wanna grab breakfast?


Naw, I’m pretty hung over.  I think I’m gonna skip food for a bit


What she really wanted was to give Robert a call.

Cool, TTYL


              She grabbed the Gatorade and aspirin and headed back inside.  She tossed a few aspirin in her mouth and chugged the drink.  She flopped down on the couch and pulled her phone out.  She started to dial his number and stopped.  Was this a good idea? What happened last night?  Should she be ready to apologize?  Ah screw it, she hit call. 


Almost to her relief he didn’t answer.  She left a quick VM thanking him for bringing her car home as well as the hangover remedy.  She casually mentioned she’d be home all day before she hung up.  She halfheartedly hoped he would call her back or come over.  He was very good looking and she liked the way he smelled when he was near her.


              The day dragged a little bit, but her headache subsided and she was able to get some work around the house accomplished.  Her front room was still a mess from the last time she and Chuck worked on her car.  They had a tendency to leave the dirty clothes they were wearing in that room so they could get cleaned up quick. 


She also needed to get her butt out to the flower gardens so they could be weeded before the next rain.  Round about four she got outside and started on the garden.  She felt a hundred percent better and she enjoyed the late sun on her back.  She was bent over the irises weeding around them on her hands and knees when she heard the car pull up.  She bent even lower and popped her ass out a bit. If it was chuck he’d just tease her, if it was Robert, well she could hope. 


“Ah-hm, uh CC?”  He stepped closer to her, she could smell his cologne and leather.  He was in uniform.


She slowly leaned back on her heals and looked over her shoulder.  Her hair had fallen over her face and the breeze tossed it back and forth.  She gazed up at him, he stood over her tall and masculine. 


At that moment she knew full well that she wanted him, she wanted to be with him.   She felt like she could easily give herself over to a man like him and she didn’t know what it was about him that made her feel that way either.


“It is you.”  He smiled at her as she shielded the late sun from her eyes. “I got your message and thought I’d swing by.  I’m on a weird shift so I thought I’d swing by and see how you were doing.”


She stood up, “well thanks to your remedy I’m doing well.”  She brushed the dirt off her legs and stepped closer to him.  “Now that you are here, I’m doing even better.” She smiled and blushed all at once. 


              They spent the next few weeks seeing each other as much as possible.  His schedule was always changing and it made their time together even more intense and important to both of them.  Her schedule was pretty normal, she was at the doctor’s office from 9 to 5 Monday through Thursday. 


She did almost all of her blogs on Friday.  She tried very hard to have her schedule open for when he was available.  Tonight she expected him after his shift.  She was finally ready to take the next step with him.  Up to this point they’d made out for hours on end and it was spectacular, but she wanted more. 


He had never pressured her for anything more and she loved that about him.  She’d loved him since the first day.  She hadn’t told him, she wanted to but she knew it wasn’t the time for that. 


              It was late when he arrived, after midnight and she was asleep in her bed.  She woke when he opened the bedroom door.  He was quiet enough, but he still made sound.  She watched him slowly take off his utility belt and set it on her dresser. 


Next he unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off.  He laid it on the dresser.  He stood in a white t-shirt and his blue pants.  She admired his form and she watched him move like a jungle cat around the room.  He slide his pants off next to the bed and pulled the t-shirt off as well. 


The last thing she saw of him in he light was his hard muscular form clad only in boxer briefs slipping under the covers.  Normally she would be in a cammy and panties but tonight she was naked. She felt his hand skim across her hip and his breath caught in his throat.  He slide closer and she could feel him pressed against her, his cock hard on her ass.  She pushed into him letting him know what she wanted.  She felt him remove his shorts and his heat pressed into her.  She rolled over to face him and he smiled at her in the dark. 


“Are you sure you are ready?”  She felt his hand brush her cheek.  Their eyes had adjusted to the darkness and she could see him in the faint light.


“Yes Robert, I’ve waited and I know it’s you I want to be with.”  She leaned up and kissed him full on the mouth.  His hand reached down and massaged her breasts, one at a time. She moaned against mouth and he covered her with his kiss.  They moved together like they were made for one another.  His hand slipped between them and stroked her wetness.  She bucked against him and nibbled his ear. 


“Robert, I’m ready now, please please.”  He moved on top of her and easily slide inside.  He was larger than she anticipated inside of her and she cried out.  He pulled her against him and he grabbed a handful of her hair.  She arched into it and rocked her hips so she could take him as deep as possible.  He drove into her and she came hard.  He pulled her head to the side gently using her hair to do so.


“Now that you’ve given yourself to me I need to tell you more.”  He continued to push inside her, holding her against him.  “I’ve got to have you, all of you, now.”   She felt him pulse inside, his body tightened and relaxed, but he didn’t stop.


“I need to know if you can give yourself completely to me, to submit to me.”  He came again, filling her deep. She could feel his seed leaving her between them.  “Can you do that Cecilia?  Will you be mine in every possible way?”


He had slipped a hand between them and was working her clit, she was on the edge of another orgasm and she squeezed him hard drawing his as well.


“Yes oh Yes I will be all you want me to be, anything and everything.”  She cried out as she came.  He did one last time and they collapsed together.  Arms and legs tangled together, sweat covered them.


“I love you Robert.”  She whispered.  “I want to be yours forever.”


              After that night he explained what it meant for her to submit to him and that it would take time and trust from both of them to get the relationship to a point where he knew she was truly his. 


When they got to that point she would know as she would be rewarded.  He’d taught her how to please him in so many ways.  They did things she didn’t even know men liked.  As time went by she learned more and she did all that he asked.  She was his for always and forever.


She never once disobeyed him, she never once refused to do the things he asked.  Even the day he gave her the strap on and asked her to take him.  It ended up being one of the hottest nights ever.  While she gently rocked against him, taking him he stroked himself. 


She loved to watch him jack off, his cock was long and thick, almost too much for her to take.  The strap on had an end for her and as he got closer she did too.  When he swelled and came she came with him.  She enjoyed this game, it let her feel like she was the one in charge of his pleasure.


              Now here they were all those months later.  He had moved in with her and they had all they needed together.  The only thing missing was the proof that she was his for the world to see.  She knew something special was coming when he had called to tell her he was coming home and that she needed to be ready for an evening out. 


He indicated the outfit, underclothes and jewelry she was to wear and when she was to be ready.  She knew better than to ask what for and why.  When he arrived home she was exactly where she was supposed to be and in the red dress, black heels and no jewelry.


She waited patiently for him to take care of his weapon, his utility belt and his uniform.  When he came back to the living room he was dressed in his suit and he had showered.  She still loved his scent and she became wet when she smelled him as he approached.  He took her hand and she stood up facing him.


“I know you’ve been waiting for this and you have earned it my love.”  He kissed her and held out a box. 



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