Love 'Em: A Bad Boy Romance (25 page)

BOOK: Love 'Em: A Bad Boy Romance
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“Blue balls? Won’t you be miserable if you can’t keep that
thing under control?”

It comes on out of nowhere, and I’m sure it’s the wrong time,
but I laugh.

She props her hands on her hips. “
asked what I
was talking about. Don’t laugh at me.”

I do my best to calm down. It isn’t working. She taps her
foot, arms crossed.

I answer with as straight a face as possible. “Well, I can
do a couple of things. I can get fucked somewhere else, since you
don’t want to help me out. Or I’ll just have to jack-off three or four times a
day. I’ll probably get tendonitis in my good wrist, but it’ll be worth it.”

Her exaggerated eye roll is accompanied by a huge sigh. She
tries to push past me toward the door.

Shit. “No. Wait—can we talk this out?”

She steps away. Her back ramrod straight, her arms tight
over those delicious breasts. “Talk what out? I don’t even know if I want to be
your friend, Danny. And do you really want to be my friend, or do you just want
to get laid? Because I’m not
girl. You’ve got your choice of
girls, pick one of them.”

Suddenly, it’s not funny. Nothing is funny.

I’m going to fucking lose her.

I hold up my injured arm. “See this? You know why this
happened, Mo?”

“You’re a moron who put his fist through a plate glass

“Because I want you so damned bad. Because
I want
is you. I don’t want other girls, Mo. Not now. Fuck—not ever.”

Her eyes close, her chin drops, and she turns her back on

My chest freezes. I step behind her and grasp her hip.

She turns and I slide my arm around her, pulling her to me.

My pulse thumps through every fiber of my being. “Mo?”

Her hands land flat on my pecs, pushing.

But I’m not letting go.

She focuses somewhere over my shoulder. “Danny, you—me—it
just won’t work. I’m sorry.”

I pull her tight against me, whispering in her ear. “Don’t go.

Fuck this shit. Playing nice is for nice guys. And I’m
anything but nice.


I close my eyes. What do I do? As long as he’s touching
me, I’m never going to be able to pull away.

His lips graze my jaw, moving toward my mouth.

Oh, lord. My fingers close on the edges of his open shirt.

His green eyes bore into me, his tone almost angry. “I won’t
give up so easily. You’re not leaving until you know
you’re walking
out on.”

He slides his injured arm around my waist and his good hand
cradles the back of my head as he pulls me closer. His heart hammers against my
chest. Mine answers in kind. His mouth crashes down, his tongue taking full
possession. He tastes of cherries. Sweet and juicy cherries.

My hands move to the smooth skin at his sides, bumping over
the ridges of muscle. His tongue trails a heated path to my neck. When he sucks
at my pulse point, I press my breasts against his hard pecs.

I lean my head back as he plants warm kisses along my collarbone.
His palm slips down my back, cupping my ass cheek in a squeeze that makes my
core throb. Then he’s got his hand under my shirt, sliding up my spine. When he
reaches the place my bra clasp should be, he smoothes a large circle over the bare

A groan sounds from low in the back of his throat. “I love
No Bra Day.”

He takes hold of my bare breasts, tweaking my beaded nipples
one at a time. Once again his tongue masters mine, slipping in and out, coaxing
me to join in. He nibbles at my bottom lip as he kneads my breast. I push my
tit into his palm as though I can get closer to him.

His erection presses into my belly and the image of it in
his hand comes to the forefront of my mind. I want to touch it so bad my palms
itch. My stomach quivers at the thought. I slide my fingers to his waistband,
where they hover above the denim separating them from their goal. God, if I do

As though he can read my thoughts, he deepens our kiss as he
guides my hand to the front of his jeans. I gasp when he flattens my palm over
the huge bulge straining against his zipper. He kisses along my jaw.

He slides his tongue across the shell of my ear and
whispers, “It’s okay. Touch me. I want you to touch.”

Warmth floods through me, sending a stream of liquid to my
entrance. Pressure pulses against my silk panties. With trembling hands I
release his snap and slide the zipper down. His cock pushes out of the V of his
open pants.

Danny hooks his fingers under the hem of my top and pulls it
over my head. The cool air puckers my nipples.

Before I touch his shaft, he pushes the hair out of my eyes
and grins. “Come on. There’s a better place for this.”

He drags me from the theater. His smile is wide when he gets
me to his room.

Again he pulls me to him, his hand at the nape of my neck.
“This is better.”

Oh God. The bed.

His lips find mine and his tongue teases. I pull back,
searching his eyes. They crinkle at the corners. It’s that little boy smile
that does me in. He looks so damned happy.

Probably because he’s going to get laid.

Fling. Just a fling. Oat sowing—that’s all.

My gaze finds his dick, straining toward me, awaiting my touch.
My forefinger traces the edge of its head.

Danny’s lids lower and he pushes his hips forward moans.
“Oh, yeah. That’s perfect.”

It’s so hard. When I graze the end of it, it moves like it’s
got a mind of its own. I take hold of his cock, but my fingers can’t touch, its
girth is too big. He lets out a heavy breath when I slide to its root. He licks
his lips as I pull to the tip again.

Then he grabs my wrist and pulls my hand away. “Okay. Enough
of that. My turn.”

Even one handed he has my shorts at my ankles in two
seconds, his palm flat over my navel as he pushes me onto the bed. “I’ve been
dreaming about licking this pussy for far too long. It’s time I get to taste

“Taste?” My mouth goes dry as all the moisture in my body
slips to my slit.

He nods. “Hell, yeah. I’m going to suck it, lick it, slip my
tongue inside, and then do it again.”

My gut hollows and my belly trembles. All I can do is stare
at his lips as he licks them again.

He strips off his shirt and pushes his jeans down, shedding
them. Then he takes my ankles and pulls me to the edge of the mattress as
though his wrist isn’t stitched and bandaged. I bite my bottom lip. He falls
onto the bed next to me.

His good hand goes to my breast. He massages one as his
mouth finds the other. His tongue circles my areola and flicks my pebbled
nipple. Each time he bumps it, there’s a direct pull on my womb.

My pulse quickens and centers at my pussy. He cups my mound
over my panties, rubbing my clit through the fabric. He moves south, leaving a
fiery trail to my belly button. My fingers go to his crown, threading in his
long hair.

He slides his tongue around the rim of my navel, so softly,
it almost tickles. Then he sucks there, slipping the tip of his tongue inside
and back out only to do it again. I let out a shaky breath as his finger
wriggles under the elastic at the edge of my curls. He pulls the fabric away,
and moves his head further down.

I squeeze my knees together. “Danny.”

He kisses the skin just above my curls and feathers his
tongue down into the exposed area. “Hmm?”

I tighten my legs, but he moves so his chin pushes between


He pulls the waist band of my underwear further down, and his
tongue flicks over my clit. A jolt of electricity shoots through me. I arch my
back, and my legs open just a bit. Danny moves so his elbow is wedged between my
legs, but doesn’t let go of my panties.

Again the tip of his tongue glides over my bud, slower this
time. Another flash of energy zips through me.

Then he latches on to that small, exposed part of my pussy
and sucks my nub. My hips move to tilt my pelvis forward. I don’t even mean to,
but it happens anyway. Danny yanks and my lace panties rip loose. He throws
them over his shoulder as he shoves his elbow further between my thighs,
shouldering his way in, separating my legs.

My hand goes to his crown. It’s just sowing wild oats, right?
Oats are all right—a good thing even. I tighten my fingers in his hair when he
flattens his tongue and swipes it from the bottom to the top of my slit as his
hot mouth convinces me.

“Oh, God, Danny.”

His chuckle vibrates through my pussy. His warm breath on my
clit heats me to my core. His fingers dance along the edge of my thigh. He
moves his lips to the skin he’s just touched. Kissing from one side across my
nub to the other thigh, he spreads my legs even more with his shoulders.

He slides his finger across my bud, circling lightly. “Did
you want to tell me something, Mo?”

Did I? I don’t remember? A little sound emits from the back
of my throat, but I can’t pull any words from my mind to answer.

He slips his finger between my folds. He lets out another
breath over my bud. “You’re good and wet, Sweets.”

He covers my slit and sucks my pussy lips into his mouth,
then he wiggles his tongue between them, dipping into my entrance. “You’re
delicious. Anyone ever tell you that? Absolutely delectable.”

Still I can’t answer, not with his tongue delving deep into
my folds, his finger circling my clit.

I pull my legs up and lay them open until my knees are flat
on the bed. Every breath I take trembles as Danny explores my body. He does
things I’ve never experienced, sliding his tongue and fingers into places that
have never been touched by another human being. And it’s hellish, because it’s
so perfect.

Oats. That’s all.

My lower belly fills with heated pressure as he pushes a finger
into my entrance. I shift, and he caresses a spot just inside at the top. My
hips move with his hand, rubbing against him as though my body has a mind of
its own. He pulls down on the bottom of my slit as his tongue tickles my nub.

When he covers me with his mouth again, he sucks hard as he
slips another finger in with the first, stretching me. The coil of pressure
tightens inside, until my feet push at the edge of the bed and I lift my pussy
to his mouth, my ass off the mattress.

He sucks harder and I moan. He answers with his own short
“hmm”, which vibrates through my body. I grab the sheets at my sides. Danny
moves his fingers in and out, pumping them the way he told me to do the other
day. Two of them—filling me.

The wet noises as he licks and sucks my pussy along with his
hand thrusting deep inside—together they drive me crazy. It’s the sexiest sound
I’ve ever heard. So moist because he’s pleasuring me. My head turns side to side
as he suckles my clit again, cranking the coil in my lower belly even tighter.

Heat floods my pussy and I twist the sheets in my fingers
while I push harder against Danny’s mouth. He slows his movements—excruciatingly
so. His tongue tickles my bud, but barely touches it, pulling back until I’m
desperate for the return of that pressure on my entrance.

I want it harder. I want—I want more. “Danny?”

He blows cool air over my pussy. “Yeah, babe?”

“Are you stopping?”

“Yes, Sweets.”


He kisses me hard on my clit, but just a peck, no tongue. Disappointment
rages through me. I push against his lips. He stands, leaving me burning.

Again, I say, “But—”

“But what, Mo? This was just a taste. To let you know what
you’re walking away from. Remember? You wanted to leave. So go—if you can.”

I’ll never be in control again, not now that Danny’s touched

I let out a huff of air. My fingers move to my pussy. I
shake my head.

He strokes his cock, his eyes boring into mine. “What’s
that? I can’t hear you, Mo.”

“I don’t want to leave.” My voice is small.

He tilts his ear to me. “Say again? I want to make sure I
heard you right. Are you telling me you want

I lick my lips and let out another shaky breath, my pussy
pulses under my fingers. “Yes.”

He lays next to me, his cock hard against my thigh. “Tell me
what you want from me, Mo. What do you want me to do?”

My body demands I give him the words he wants. I glare for a
moment, hoping he won’t make me say it out loud.

He traces my collarbone with the tip of the finger he just
had buried inside me. The moisture spreads over my skin. “I’m sorry, Mo. I
can’t do anything until you tell me exactly what you want.”

I swallow the last vestige of pride I may ever own. “I want
you, Danny. I want you to make me come.”

“Is that all? Make you come. Just once?”

I close my eyes. “No. Not just once.”

He takes my jaw, turning my face to his. “Open your eyes, Sweets.
Talk to me. Tell me you want me to fuck you. Tell me you want me inside you
until your pussy quivers with every stroke. Tell me how you want me to make you
come. Do you want me to lick your cunt? Do you want me to finger your pussy? Do
you want me to bury my cock so deep I touch your heart?”

His eyes search mine as I gather the syllables he wants.

My fingers cup my mound. It’s wet and waiting. I can do
this. It’s just words. Words that will bring me untold pleasures.

“I want you to do all of that, Danny. Everything. Lick me,
eat me, suck me until I come, then bury your dick in my—my pussy and thrust until
you come.”

He kisses me, quick and hard. “You want my cock inside you?
You sure?”

His fingers trail to my breast, circling my hardened nipple.
His cock pushes harder against my thigh.

“God, yes. I want you right now. Please, Danny.”

In less than a blink he’s over me, his mouth latches onto mine,
his tongue thrusting in. His hands are everywhere—both of them, as though he’s
not injured at all. He strokes my breasts with one and the other pushes the
hair away from my face. His eyes find mine again.

“Mona Lisa Clark, I’m going to give you all of that and more.”
His cock rubs along the ridge of my pubic bone, sliding between my pussy lips.
Hard and long.

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