Love in the Air (20 page)

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Authors: Nan Ryan

BOOK: Love in the Air
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Kay rose, stretched her arms over her head and walked across the hot sands to the cool water. She walked out until the emerald waves were slapping at her breasts, kicked off from the bottom and began to swim gracefully out, slicing through the clear water with swanlike strokes. Kay swam alone for a time, pausing now and again to push her hair from her eyes, treading water, paddling lazily with her arms and legs.

Kay, dunking her head over backward to sweep the long, wet tresses to the back of her head, gasped. Something was tugging on a toe. Kicking furiously, Kay quickly identified the pesky creature, laughing deep in her throat and purposely giving a broad brown back a stomp of her bare foot.

Sullivan surfaced in front of her. “How long have you been out here?” A long arm circled her waist.

“Not long. You were sleeping so deeply.” She put her hands atop his wet gleaming shoulders.

“Hmm, well I’m wide awake now and ready for action.” His eyes gleamed.

“Mister,” she said cheerfully, “I’m afraid you’ve come to the wrong island for action.”

“No,” he countered, “the kind of action I’m seeking can only be found here.” His hands were sliding up her rib cage to her breasts. Kay felt a shiver of excitement. His hand went back of her, deftly unhooked the skimpy top and pulled it away from her body while his eyes looked into hers. “Isn’t that more comfortable?”

“Yes,” she admitted, the white mounds of her naked breasts clearly visible in the crystal water.

“Then why not take off the rest?”

“Sul, do you really think…I mean what if…”

Ignoring her weak protests, Sullivan’s hands were already sliding down over the gentle curve of her hips. One hand held the bikini top. Thumbs hooking into the briefs, he said, “I want us to swim together naked. Don’t you want that, too, Kay?”

Kay could only nod. Never in her life had she skinny-dipped, and she was as eager as Sullivan to be completely naked in this beautiful clear water. Kay helped kick out of the wet suit, but looked at Sullivan with slightly frightened eyes when she saw his brown hand go high over his head as he tossed both pieces of her discarded garb onto the beach.

“I’ll have to get out of the water without my—”

“Yes,” he said, grinning wickedly. “You sure will.”

Sullivan released her for a second, rid himself of his swim trunks, tossed them after Kay’s suit and pulled her back into his arms. Despite the coldness of the water, heat emanated from the two eager bodies pressing naked together as Sullivan drew Kay’s slender legs around his waist and kissed her long and lovingly.

“That’s all you get for now,” he teased her. “Don’t want you getting spoiled.”

Kay playfully nipped at a gleaming wet shoulder, pushed him away and swam out toward the green and blue of the horizon, fleetingly deciding that swimsuits should be outlawed. The best and easiest way for a body to slash through the water was quite naturally
clothing of any kind.

Sullivan swam out to her, turned over and backstroked very gracefully along beside her. They swam, they raced, they floated, they had a water fight. They walked naked out of the surf and Kay felt not the slightest twinge of embarrassment. Wasn’t this the way it should be?

They stretched out on their rumpled blanket to rest, lying on their backs, eyes closed against the direct rays of the sun. The water rapidly dried on their bare bodies, and Kay let her hair spread out around her, too lazy to run a comb through it.

She was almost dozing when he said very softly, his breath a warm whisper upon her cheek, “Kay, I love you.”

Kay’s eyes slid open just as his mouth came down on hers, warm and gentle. For a sweet, languid time Sullivan’s lips feathered kisses over her hot face, always returning to her mouth. The kisses grew longer, hotter, sweeter as his mouth ground into hers, making her long for and need what she knew was going to happen here on this hot, sandy beach.

Sullivan’s mouth left hers and went to her soft shoulders. His long, bare body nestled closer to hers and Kay felt her passions rising rapidly. The movements of his mouth upon her skin made her squirm and sigh and murmur his name. Slowly, surely that male mouth was moving down, his tongue gently pressing into the hollow of her throat, then continuing to kiss a wet, warm path to a quivering, anxious breast.

When he reached the crest, Sullivan raised his head for just one instant, admiring with his heated gaze her lush, shimmering breasts with their shy pink peaks pointed toward the sun.

“Sweet,” he murmured, bent his head and took a nipple into his mouth. Gently he sucked, leisurely loving her, pleasuring her, until Kay’s eyes were opening and closing with ecstasy and her hands were twisting in his thick, damp hair. Sullivan groaned as he sucked at the hard little peaks until Kay thought she could surely stand the sweet agony no longer.

His mouth slid lower still, kissing a path down her middle, pausing at her flat, sun-warmed stomach. His mouth slid lower and he kissed her, Kay’s shocked eyes flew open when his tongue began to stroke silky, sensitive flesh. She began to squirm, trying to pull free, but Sullivan’s hands clung to her hips to hold her to him and his masterful mouth soon had Kay writhing in sweet, undreamed-of torture.

She no longer tried to pull free. Nearer and nearer to the brink Sullivan took her, pulling back just before total fulfillment, pressing soothing, soft caresses to her shimmering thighs until Kay, calming a little, would gasp as that heated mouth again closed over the silken fire to lick and love and drive her higher and higher. When at last total joy burst within her, Kay screamed out in ecstasy and frantically bucked and writhed against him.

Sullivan stayed with her, his hands grasping the naked smooth flesh of her bottom, holding her to him, letting the jerking of her little body subside and finally pass. Only then did his mouth leave her.

She lay limp and listless upon the sand, at peace with the world and herself and her man. Too tired to move, too happy to speak, Kay let Sullivan gently enfold her spent body, pressing it tenderly to his, his lips upon her hair, her face resting on his chest. Beneath her ear, his heartbeat, strong and rapid, told her he was still in an extremely excited state, as did the swollen, heated maleness jerking against her thigh.

Sullivan, the blood pounding in his ears, heat engulfing his body, gratefully eased her onto her back, moved over her, murmured, “I wish I could wait for a while, but I…” A look of torture flashed in his dark, expressive eyes as he entered her, moaning with pleasure.

Slowly he moved within her and to Kay’s complete surprise, she soon began to come alive once again, to enjoy, to feel her body heating, to crave and anticipate an encore of release. Sullivan sensed it, slowed his movements, eager to take her with him to total bliss. Exquisitely he loved her.

Kay responded to his expertise and soon was moving erotically with him, whispering his name, nibbling at his shoulder, feeling that sweet knot of fire building, building until the roaring inferno had to be quenched. The explosion came for them both and they moaned and sighed, tossed and buffeted by a force greater than them.

Slowly the waves of rapture subsided. They lay there on the sand, two sated, happy lovers, naked in paradise, free of clothing or guilt or cares.

Save a jet trail high overhead, there were no reminders of civilization here in their private paradise. The slap of the waves upon the shore was the only sound.

Sullivan finally spoke. “How do you like your adventure?”

Kay’s answer was a shy smile, a soft kiss and a hug so tight Sullivan could feel it gripping his happy heart.


“Are you sorry we’re leaving paradise?” Sullivan’s voice made Kay turn from the plane’s window to smile warmly at him.

Tightening her slender fingers on the long brown ones laced through them, she leaned near his ear and confided, “We’re not leaving it, Sul. Heaven is where you are.”

Sullivan’s dark head turned to hers. His gaze dropped to the soft, parted lips only inches from his own. He swallowed hard. “Damn, I’d like to kiss you,” he said honestly. “Don’t look at me like that, honey.”

“Sorry.” She giggled happily. “I know what you mean. It’s been how long since last we kissed? An hour?”

“Longer.” He nodded decisively. “I’m not sure I can take it much longer.”

Kay felt her stomach fluttering. “You’ll have to. It would never do for the Q102 morning-show team to toss all decorum to the winds and start kissing on an airliner in front of a planeload of loyal listeners.”

“You’re right,” he conceded, tipping his wrist up to look at his watch. “We land back in Denver at noon. Jeff will be there to meet us. With any luck, we can be at my place by one o’clock.”

Kay shook her head. “Yes, but you know Jeff. He’ll insist we join him for lunch so he can hear all about—”

“He can feed himself. What I hunger for is you.”

Kay’s eyes darted around as high color rose in her face. “Sh,” she cautioned. “Suppose someone should hear you.”

Sullivan laughed, crooked a long finger for her to lean closer. Kay cast one more nervous glance at the passengers seated across from them and leaned to him. Sullivan’s lips brushed her hair and his breath was warm against her ear. Very softly he whispered to her, his voice so low she had to strain to hear. Kay listened intently. Her already flushed face grew crimson and she drew away from him, her blue eyes huge.

Sullivan observed her with a wide, teasing grin. “Kay,” he drawled easily, “you’re cute when you’re embarrassed.”

Kay snatched her hand from his and said indignantly, “Sullivan Ward, I am not embarrassed!”

“Good,” he teased, “I’ve got some more ideas for—”

“Hush, and I mean it,” she snapped, her blue eyes flashing fire.

“All right,” he said, good-naturedly, the mischief fleeing his dark eyes. “Love me?”

Kay sighed, leaned her head back against the tall seat and nodded. “I do,” she breathed. “Oh, I do.”

Jeff Kerns stood at the airport gate waiting. His eyes twinkled when he saw Kay coming toward him, smiling. Sullivan was right behind her. He, too, was smiling. It was a brand of smile Jeff had not seen on Sullivan Ward’s face in years.

“So it’s Adam and Eve with their clothes back on.” Jeff stepped forward to greet them and saw the quick flash of shame on Kay’s pretty face while Sullivan shot him a silencing look from over her head. “My little attempt at humor.” Jeff directed his speech to Kay. “I mean you’ve been down to Paradise Island, you see, and so—”

“Ever considered a simple greeting, like ‘Hello, glad you’re back’?” Sullivan asked, his arm going possessively around the blushing Kay to pull her to his side.

Jeff shoved the navy watch cap he wore a little nearer to his eyebrows. Grinning knowingly, he lifted his shoulders. “Hello. Glad you’re back.”

Kay, relaxing, laughed, reached out a small hand, slid her fingers up the lapel of Jeff’s heavy wool jacket and pulled his face close to hers. She gave his jaw a peck and whispered, “Does it show that much, Jeff?”

Jeff laughed, cast a glance up at Sullivan’s dark face, saw that he, too, was smiling easily and said, “Honey, my old-maid aunt could see through you two. You might as well have rubber-stamped your foreheads.”

Too much in love to care that he was wise to their changed relationship, Kay said, “You’re probably right, Jeff, but on the off chance that it’s not all that evident to the rest of the world, think you could keep it to yourself?”

“Me?” He jammed a thumb into his chest, his blue eyes wide and innocent. “Do I look like the kind of guy who’d go around—”

“Jeffrey,” Sullivan interrupted, “let’s see to the bags; we’re tired and we want to get home.”

“Too bad, buddy,” Jeff informed him. “The gang’s waiting at Leo’s and I told them you’d be there.”

“I don’t care what you told them, we are not going.”

“Now, Sul,” Kay gently interrupted, “it’s sweet of them to want to see us. We can hardly let them down.”

Sullivan made a face. “But we…”

“Come on, man,” Jeff scolded. “They want to buy your lunch. It would be rude if you didn’t show up.”

Sullivan glared at Jeff. “Rude? Who are you to tell me about rudeness?”

“Sul.” Kay’s voice was no more than a whisper.

“Yeah, honey?” She had Sullivan’s undivided attention.

“I think we should join them.”

“All right.”

Jeff Kerns laughed at Sullivan’s hasty acquiescence, but Sullivan was much too happy a man to care.

The whole crew, including Sam Shults, did indeed await them at Leo’s place, warmly welcoming the pair back to Denver where the frozen ground was still covered with snow from the heavy storm of a week earlier. Sullivan, shaking hands with all his jocks, never released his hold on Kay.

Kay felt a thrill of pleasure from his easy display of affection. Sullivan, his eyes warming each time they rested on her, chatted easily with everyone there. All the while, Kay felt loved and cherished and gloriously happy.

Her toes curled inside her shoes when Sullivan, heatedly debating the chances of K105 radio, Q102’s biggest competitor picked up one of her hands from the white table-cloth, raised it to his lips and pressed warm, loving kisses to her fingertips while he spoke.

“How can you sit there and tell me you think their afternoon drive man can touch Jeff?” His question was directed at Dale Kitrell. “Eight to five says Jeff will beat him by at least five share points.”

“Oh, man, you’re not listening.” Dale Kitrell reached for a pretzel. “That’s not what I meant. Their afternoon man can’t beat Jeff, I know that.”

“Please, fellas.” Jeff raised his voice to a falsetto and wrung his hands. “Don’t fight over me.”

Ignoring Jeff, Sullivan said, “Then what, Dale?” He lowered Kay’s hand slowly from his lips, studying it as though he’d never seen it before. Tenderly he wrapped her fingers around his biceps, his hand resting atop hers. “You think—”

“I think their numbers will be better than their last book, Ward. Their new program director is a talented guy.”

Kay barely listened. She was tired and content. She let the men argue and discuss the upcoming ratings; they were the furthest thing from her mind at the moment. She listened to the deep, pleasing timbre of Sullivan’s voice and silently planned for the evening before them. Tingles of expectation causing her to smile, Kay looked up and saw Janelle Davis’s eyes on her.

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