Love in the City, an erotic romance novel (20 page)

BOOK: Love in the City, an erotic romance novel
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Chapter 20


Giorgio led
Anabelle up to the 17
floor. He had booked an Emperor’s Suite with a view of Central Park.

was suddenly nervous again. She was quiet as they walked to the room.

Giorgio held her hand

“What if I want to run
away and escape?” she teased as they headed down the elegant hallway.

He held her hand tighter. “You won’t get very far.”

“What if I start to struggle?”

He looked down at her, his blue eyes smoldering. Without a word, he scooped her up in his arms

She gasped, feeling a warm thrill at his strength and masculine dominance.
Her heart was pounding in her chest.

“You’re not going anywhere,” he said, his voice a low deep, growl.
He marched them towards the room, her weight feeling like nothing in his arms. He set her down when they got to the room and opened the door. “Inside. Now.”

She did as he said.

He closed the door behind them.

was immediately taken with the spectacular grandeur of the room, but she was also enjoying their playful sparring. “I might scream.”

He gave her a knowing smile. “Yes, when I’m done with you, you just might be screaming.
My name.”

She felt her arousal spiking.
She gave him a coy look. “So, is it too late then to tell you I just want to be friends?”

He laughed. “Much, much too late, I’m afraid.”
He stepped closer, towering over her.

She couldn’t speak.

He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her towards him in a strong grip. He bent down to kiss her, deeply, passionately as he caressed her low back and hips. His tongue found hers, probing, thrusting deep. Everything about him right now was letting her know who could really be in charge in this situation if she wanted to play that game.

She responded
with total femininity, submitting to his greater strength and size. She pressed her breasts and hips into him, subtly swaying her hips into his body. She felt his body respond.

He grunted as his arousal got away
from him.

“Mmmm,” she said, breaking away
. “I’m not sure, but I think you might like me.” She ran her hands down his hips and up again, stopping to grip them.

You’re quite right about that. Still want to just be friends?” he asked, his voice deep and husky.

She shook
her head.

“I didn’t think so.”

She looked down, suddenly realizing their teasing verbal foreplay was quite a ways ahead of what she was ready for. She swallowed hard as her nerves flared. Her grip loosened.

Giorgio watch
ed her, carefully reading her expression and body language. “Would you like to have a look around the room?” he ventured.

She smiled. She was
almost giddy with relief. “Yes, that would be great.”

He smiled to himself. H
e could see the relief wash over her. He decided to take his sexually aggressive overtures down a few notches, realizing that what seemed exciting and playful to a man, could turn quickly and suddenly feel scary or threatening to a woman, knowing she could easily be overpowered.

He held out his hand to her. “
How about we start with the view?”

Wonderful,” she said, taking his hand. His gentle grip felt so big and strong around hers.

“Oh wow, this is amazing,” she
remarked as he led her over to the large windows. “Central Park. Right there. I’ve never been in a place that had a view like this. It’s spectacular.” She was completely taken with the place. She started to relax even more.

stood behind her, gently wrapping his arms around her. “I’m glad you like it,” he said in a soft voice.

“How did you ever get a room like this last minute on Saturday night?”

“We always set aside a block of rooms for guests of this function to use if they choose to stay the night. Some people have too much to drink and just want to crash, some people have a long drive home and are tired.”

“Thoughtful,” she

“And safer for
our guests.” He softly kissed the back of her head.

“I’d like to have a look around
some more,” she said.

“Sounds good,” he replied.

Anabelle then realized he had probably stayed here before, but she wasn’t going to dwell on that.

He turned on some music and lit the fire in the gas fireplace in the sitting room
, while she explored the luxuriously appointed suite.

As she walked around, she admired the paintings, the ornate furnishings, the tall ceilings, and the old-world elegance of the place. The room was immaculate and looked fit for royalty. She peeked in the bedroom. There was a beautiful
, sparkling crystal chandelier over the king-size bed and an antique full-length standing mirror in the corner of the room.

She then checked out the bathroom, which had double French doors.
It had gleaming marble flooring, adorned with an intricate floral design. It was spacious with a large clawfoot bathtub and a huge double shower.

Giorgio peeked his head in. He saw her admiring the features. “The faucets in the sink and tub are actually 24-carat gold, you know.”

“No way!” She walked over to the tub and ran her fingers over the glistening gold fixture. “I don’t believe this place. I feel like I’ve stepped into another world. I must have a soak in that tub later.”

“Good plan. Hey, there’s champagne on ice,” he said. “Shall I pour you a glass?”

“I’d love one,” she said, taking another look around. “I’m just going to freshen up a little. I’ll be right out.”

He took his tuxedo jacket off and waited for her.

A short while later, she walked back out into the sitting room and sat down on the sofa as he poured their glasses.

“Hey,” Anabelle said, “I was thinking, I never got to meet your brother.”

Giorgio handed her a glass of champagne. “You will.”

She took the crystal flute. “Are you sure you’re not hiding me away? Embarrassed to be seen with me?”

He shook his head as he sat down next to her. “You are such a brat, you know.”

She narrowed her eyes at him.

“Hey, you’re the one who was making moves on me all night. Maybe you don’t want to meet anyone else in my life.” He slid over closer to her. “I think you’re only interested in one thing.”

“Oh yeah? Like what? Your access to free champagne?”

He laughed. “Free?” He waved a finger at her. “You are going to be in so much trouble, Miss Sassy Pants.”

She giggled. “What should we toast to?”

He thought for a moment. “To stolen moments.”

She lifted her glass. “And to making the most of them.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Indeed.” He clinked her glass and they each took a long sip of the bubbly.

“Oh, is that ever nice,” she said.

“They do things well here.”

“I’ll say,” she replied, feeling the champagne go straight to her head. She took a deep breath
as she felt the remaining tension of the evening start to melt away. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back.

“Are you tired?” he asked

“No, just unwinding. I think this night had my adrenalin pumping pretty hard. I’m coming down from it now.”

He understood. He looked towards the bathroom. “I think I have just the remedy for you. I’ll be right back.” He came back a minute later holding a robe, slippers and a small bottle.

“What’s that?”

“A few things to help you relax.” He grinned and handed her the bottle.

She took it and read the label out loud. “Romance in a Bottle.” It was massage oil,
containing exotic Polynesian and Tahitian essential oils, said to have aphrodisiac effects. She looked up at him with a curious expression.

He was holding up the bathrobe and slippers. “Care to change into something more comfortable, m’lady? I believe your room comes with a complimentary masseuse.” His blue eyes sparkled in the soft light of the room.

“Wow, really?”

He nodded.

“They sure do know how to keep their guests happy here, don’t they?” She set her glass down and stood up. “I hope he’s good looking.”

He shook his head at her. “You are seriously in need of a good spanking.” He put the bottle in the pocket of the bathrobe and tossed the items on the sofa next to them.

“Will the masseuse provide that, too?”

“Oh, he’s going to provide you with all kinds of things.”

She smiled seductively as she reached up and started to undo the bow tie on his tux. “I can’t wait until he gets here.” He watched her as she slipped his tie off and began undoing the buttons on his shirt. She undid them all the way and then opened it wide.

He took a deep breath as she slid her hands up his bare chest, under his
shirt and around his shoulders.

She slipped his shirt off, tossing it on the sofa. “Oh my, he is good-looking,” she said with a big smile. She took in his rugged good looks, broad shoulders, and perfectly sculpted chest. He was intoxicatingly handsome standing there bare-chested in his tuxedo pants. She let out a low whistle. “Remind me to tip the concierge for sending him up here.”

“Oh, you can tip him alright,” he said as he bent down to kiss her. It was a long, lingering kiss as he slipped the spaghetti straps of her dress off her shoulders. His arms wrapped around her, one hand on her low back, while the other found her zipper. He unzipped her dress. His hand caressed her bare back, slipping lower, finding her G-string. His fingers traced the top edge of it.

She shuddered at his sensual touch. “Giorgio, the way you make me feel…it’s…”

“I know,” he said as he felt her press her body into his. He gently hooked his fingers under her spaghetti straps. He held her gaze as he slowly pulled the ball gown down.

She stood before him as he took his time. He lowered the dress
to her waist, exposing her bare breasts, her bosom accented by the diamond heart he had given her.

“That looks beautiful on you,” he said, as stroked her skin all around the pendant.

Her body responded, her nipples erect. He traced his fingers
lightly over her breasts, around her nipples. “So beautiful…” His lips were full and half-parted.

Anabelle felt waves of arousal coursing through her body as he took her dress off
to reveal her lacey red panties.

“Mmmm…” he said,
“you are dressed for the party in your diamonds and red lace.”  He helped her step out of the dress, then picked it up and laid it on the sofa, quickly turning back to her.

She smiled as his hands caressed her hips, her
nearly bare backside, and back up to cup her breasts.

Then, he grabbed the bathrobe and scooped her up in his arms.

His strength again took her breath away. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, loving the feeling of his naked skin against hers.

He carried her into the bedroom and gently laid her down on the luxuriously soft king-size bed. He had already pulled back the duvet and sheets. He tossed the bathrobe on top of
a second one that was draped across the end of the bed.

“You are so strong,” she said, feeling her femininity bloom with his masculine strength and form.

He gave her a broad smile. “I need to be able to take care of my woman.”

“You know,” she said, looking up at him standing
before her bare-chested in his black tuxedo pants, “you look like my own personal Chippendales dancer.” She let her gaze drift slowly over his broad shoulders, muscular chest and arms, his tan-colored skin and thick, dark hair. Then she dropped her gaze lower. “Magnificent.”

He gave her a shy smile and winked at her, “I’m glad you like what you see.” He took the massage oil out of the bathrobe pocket and held it up. “M’lady, it’s time for your full-body massage.”

“Ohhh,” she said, raising her eyebrows, “I do like the service in this hotel.” She giggled as she turned over on her stomach and adjusted the pillow beneath her head.

admired her nearly naked body, the feminine curves of her hips and backside, the way her red G-string dared him to touch her in her most intimate places. “Just you wait,” he said as he poured some of the fragrant oil in his hands and rubbed them together to warm them. He then spread his warm, massage oil-covered palms over her back in long, smooth strokes. His hands were large enough that it didn’t take many to cover her whole back. “Such a beautiful girl,” he said.

“Mmmm, that feels so good,” she said. “Th
e massage oil smells heavenly.”

BOOK: Love in the City, an erotic romance novel
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