Love in the City, an erotic romance novel (32 page)

BOOK: Love in the City, an erotic romance novel
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His hips pressed upwards, his body automatically pushing into her palm by primal instinct. He let out a long, pained sigh as the pressure between his legs grew, his clothing beginning to bind him. “Anabelle…wait…I’m…I’m going to be in trouble here in a minute…” He pursed his lips. A light sheen of sweat appeared on his forehead and above his lips.

“Oh, but why?” she asked as she brazenly continued to rub him, feeling his hard-on surging in her hand, his wetness, luxuriating in his masculine shape and size.

…please tell me…what you want me to do…please, I can’t…hold on much longer.” He needed to make her understand and fast. “You might just make me cream my pants with what you’re doing to me right now,” he whispered, and then sighed again. His breathing became labored. He squeezed his eyes closed at the embarrassing thought. It was becoming a distinct possibility at this point. He didn’t know what he should do, or if she realized how close he was to coming with her hand down his pants. “The male body can’t always wait until…”

,” she said, “I won’t let that happen, but you’re right, I’m not ready to go all the way with you yet.” She gently slid her hand out of his pants. “But there is something I’ve been wanting to do to you for awhile now.”

Her change in movement bought him some time, as his eyes searched her face for meaning.

She pointed at him. “Shirt. Off. Now.”

He did as she asked.

“Excellent,” she said, smiling seductively. She saw his face was flushed and his nipples were erect. Next, she slid his pants off.

He exhaled slowly as she undressed him, still stunned by how quickly things had changed between them since she let him in and how fast they were moving now.

She took her time admiring his body, his broad, strong chest, his taut stomach, the dark hair accenting his body exquisitely, his muscled thighs, his mile long legs. She then gazed back up between his legs. His black underwear was bulging and stretched tight across him, so sexy across his warm skin tone. She reached up to pull them off.

“You, my gorgeous, perfect Adonis, are going to lay there, relax and just enjoy yourself. Enjoy your body’s sensations
. You don’t have to do anything but let your woman take care of you.”

She pulled his underwear off, then parted his legs so she could see all of him. His
shaft was engorged and fully erect.

He closed his eyes for a moment, feeling slightly self-conscious at how exposed he was and how his body was making his feelings and desires so obvious. But he couldn’t help it.
She had done this to him intentionally. He opened his eyes back up to see her staring between his legs, her hands resting on his parted thighs. He bit his lower lip as he waited silently for her next move, wondering what it would be.

The sight of him took her breath away. She ran her fingers all over his manhood and gently through the thick dark, curly hair between his legs. She took her time caressing his shaft and balls, lifting them and cupping them, feeling their weight, as she explored him. “Your nude body is truly exquisite.” She licked her lips as she gazed
at his erect cock, glistening.

He groaned with the heat of desire as he caught her meaning. “Anabelle…”

She pulled her sweater off, to show off her lacey pink bra delicately covering her full bosom. She leaned over to lie down on top of him, her head at his naked waist, her breasts pressing into his leg. She tucked her long auburn hair to one side and stroked his hard rod, admiring his length and girth up close. “Giorgio, you are so huge, so perfectly built. You put all other men to shame.” She brushed her hand over his scrotum, loving the close-up view and feel of his masculine form.

He smiled shyly, blushing. “I just want to please you. That’s all that matters.”

“Oh you do, you please me alright. Greatly. And now I’m going to please you.” She ran her tongue up the length of his erection as she held him in her hand, sending shudders coursing through his body.

Anabelle…” he said, his voice husky.

“You did say I could have anything I wanted from you, do anything I wanted to your body,” she stated as she raised an eyebrow.

He blinked and nodded. He was completely at her mercy.

“Good, because I want to milk your body…I want to drink from you…taste you…swallow your warm honey.” Her tongue darted out, licking the opening of the wet tip of his cock.

He inhaled sharply at the erotic sensation and hearing her talk so explicitly as she held him and licked him. “
…” he groaned, as he gripped the sides of the sofa cushions.

She continued to watch him, aroused by his responses, his submissiveness, by how he let her be in complete control. His lips parted, now red and s
wollen, his body trembling ever so slightly, as she licked both sides of his cock, then all over the curves of his tip, and finally wrapped her moist lips fully around him. Her tongue danced over his shaft, her mouth wet as she tasted his pre-come.

“You are delicious,” she whispered, licking her lips. She licked his tip again and took his length deeper this time. She then lifted her head. “I must have your body’s sweet masculine cream. I’m going to make you give it to me.
All of it.”

He thought he was going explode with what she was doing to him. His mind and body were sexually electrified. He moaned loudly with pleasure, watching her take him into her mouth. Her hand stroked him as she sucked him, her lips wet, her tongue running over his rock hard cock. She continued to stroke and suck on him as she heard his breathi
ng become more shallow. He throbbed at her touch as his hips gently pumped.

He let
out a long moan. “Anabelle…oh God…Anabelle…” His voice sounded strained.

She took his cue and her motions quickened. His cock was wet and hard.

…I can’t hold back…you’re going to make me come.” His body shook. “Anabelle, I’m…I’m coming…” he called out in his deep voice. His body then spasmed, gripped in the throes of a powerful orgasm. He groaned loudly at the super-heated sensation focused between his legs.

She felt his cock throbbing as
he came, then felt the warm cum shoot into her mouth. She kept her lips pressed firmly around him as she swallowed his load. He came in waves, his body rocked with sexual ecstasy. She kept her mouth on him, swallowing his semen, until finally she felt his body start to relax, his erection throbbing a few last times. She licked the tip of his rod, then licked her lips. “You taste amazing. Everything about you is absolute masculine perfection.”

His face and chest glistened with sweat as he trembled slightly. His blue eyes were
deep pools of emotion and desire, mirroring his potent sensuality and sexuality. “What you did to me… that was so erotic…” he said as he brushed his hair, now damp, from his forehead. “I hadn’t expected that. I only came here to talk to you.”

“I was inspired,” she said, looking down at his nude body, “by how insanely sexy and well-endowed you are.”

He gave a soft laugh, though he was feeling a bit self-conscious again, so he just held her. “You definitely caught me by surprise.” He placed his hand on his chest. “My heart is pounding.”

She rested her head on his chest. She could hear his heart thundering in his chest still. “Oh my, maybe that wasn’t healthy for you, I don’t want to end up harming you,” she teased.

“Oh no, you took excellent care of me, m’lady. I’ve never felt anything like it,” he said in a raspy voice.
He tried to slow his breathing.

“Pleasuring you, my Adonis, was my pleasure,” she said as she kissed his chest, and then rested her head back down. “You’re my man and I love you. I want to take care of you…always.”

He smiled softly and held her tight. “You’ve conquered me.” He kissed the top of her head. “You’ve completely captured me, body and soul,” he said as he held her in his arms. “I love you,” he whispered.







Chapter 27


Giorgio spent the night at Anabelle’s apartment at her invitation. They had lain on the sofa together
for awhile, both having fallen asleep after the emotional turmoil and adrenalin rushes they had experienced with everything that had happened.

When they awoke, they had a quiet dinner in, another delivery from Frankie’s Pizzeria, and spent the rest of the evening talking openly and honestly about what had happened and how they had felt. It was a gentle, trusting, open exchange, something they needed to do to move forward and past their troubles. They went to sleep
later that night, both feeling safer and loved, with Anabelle curled up in Giorgio’s big, warm frame, and Jasper cuddled up near her stomach.


Giorgio offered to drive her into work the next morning, which Anabelle gratefully accepted. After they got ready, she took care of Jasper and made them some coffee and a light breakfast before they left.

As they started the drive into Manhattan in Giorgio’s silver Jaguar, a thought came to him.
“With everything we’ve been through,” he said, taking her hand. “I forgot to mention how happy I was with the ad campaign we decided on.” He kissed her hand.

She looked over at him, frowning. “What? What decision? You went with a different company?”

“What? No, of course not,” he answered, perplexed. He looked over at her. “Remember, I asked you about going ahead with Kinetic, in spite of your boss’…shortcomings. You said it was okay. I wouldn’t go to another firm without consulting you first.”

“Then what are
you talking about?” she asked.

“I called Raquel yesterday, to tell her we were happy with the proposals and which one we wanted to proceed with.”

“Yesterday?” Anabelle whispered. “What time did you talk to her?”

Giorgio shrugged his shoulders, keeping his eye on the road. Rush hour traffic was building. “It was in the morning sometime. A little after 10
a.m., I think. Why?”

“Because she didn’t say anything
to me about it,” Anabelle said, her anger rising. “She barely spoke to me yesterday, and then left early without saying a word.”

“You’re kidding,” he
replied. “I thought you two worked on the proposals together.”

“We did…sort of. I did one option. She did the other. She approved mine though before it was presented to you and Bernard. It’s just that she insisted on presenting it all herself. Being the boss and all.” Anabelle shook her head as she stared out at the seemingly endless traffic. “You know, yesterday was one of the quietest work days I’ve ever had at that place. I was actually grateful at the time, because I wasn’t in a good mood, I didn’t really want to talk to anyone at work…” Her voice trailed off as she processed the implications of what he had told her.

“Ahhh, I see,” he said. “That’s why you didn’t want to talk about the proposals too much. You didn’t want to say that it wasn’t a combined effort in case we didn’t like one of them and it turned out to be yours, right?”

Anabelle nodded. “A little too much pressure for me, with us dating and all. Avoiding work talk was just easier for me. I was kind of stressed about it.”

“I get that,” he said, again kissing her hand. “But I’m glad it happened. It helped me make contact with you.”

She nodded, smiling. “I’m grateful for that, too.”

Giorgio put his brakes on as a red Mercedes coupe cut in front of him. “Man, I guess signaling is a lost art.”

Anabelle was quiet.

“Maybe she was planning on telling you today?” Giorgio offered.

Anabelle scoffed at the suggestion. “So, which option did you go with?” She didn’t look at him as she asked the question. Discussing her work with her boyfriend who was hiring her company for a job was aw
kward for her to say the least.

The traffic slowed to a standstill. Giorgio looked at her. “The second one she presented, the one with the two different, alternating messages. The first has the tall building and blue skies and the message that said: The sky’s the limit with Tsar Enterprises. The second one had the young, happy family at the beach. I think the message was: Tsar Enterprises – a company you can put your trust and faith in to help protect your family’s future.”

The traffic started moving again.

Anabelle was deep in thought.

“I loved it right away,” he continued, hoping to cheer her up. “Bernard did, too. He had whispered to me during the presentation that he thought it was the stronger of the two. It was weird though, Raquel seemed to put a lot more emphasis on the first one.”

“Yeah, I noticed that, too,” Anabelle said.

“I mean the one with the blurred image of the NYC sidewalk, packed with pedestrians, and a walk sign looked cool, very professional and polished. The tagline was good, too.”

Anabelle jumped in. “The one that went: We ensure you cross over to a wealthy future
safely and on your timeline?”

“Yeah, that’s it,” he said. “Was that yours? Is that why you’re so quiet? If it was, don’t feel bad or anything…”

“It wasn’t,” she said.

“So, we picked yours?”

“Yeah,” she said. She should be feeling elated, ecstatic, on top of the world right now. But she wasn’t.

“Anabelle, that’s great, congratulations!” he said, beaming. “You are really talented.
I’m impressed.”

She looked over at him, mustering a smile. “Thanks, I really appreciate that. You’re my first big client. The first bid we won on my work alone.”

“You have a lot to be proud of, my beautiful, talented, smart girl,” he said, kissing her hand again.

you,” she said. “I was so nervous about the whole thing.”

“Listen,” he said, “why don’t you call me at work once she tells yo
u the news. Let me know how it goes, what she says. You deserve a lot of credit for this.”

Sure. I will.”

He regarded her. He could see she was upset. “You know, this success is yours. Don’t let her take it from you. Be proud of what you’ve accomplished, in spite of what shallow, petty, jealous people do. Ok

She smiled and squeezed his hand. He made her feel better. “You’re an amazing guy, you know. I’m a lucky girl.”

He beamed at that. “I’m the lucky one,” he replied, squeezing her hand back. “I’d like to celebrate with you. Would you be interested in coming over after work on Friday? You can see my place finally and I’ll cook you one of my mom’s favorite Greek recipes.”

She gave him a big smile, cheering up considerably, and leaned closer to him. “You would cook for me? You’re gorgeous, sexy, successful and you cook as well?”

He laughed. “Yeah, my mom taught both my brother and I to cook when we were young. She thought it was important for us to be able to take care of ourselves.”

“Wow, you are too good to be true,” she said. “It’s like I’ve won some kind of man lottery or something.”

“Kind of you to say, but I can’t take credit for most of it. My parents were good to us. They raised us well, plus, we’ve had a lot of advantages and help along the way.”

“And modest,” she added, admiring his handsome features and attractive physique. “Definitely too good to be true.”

“Except I’m not. I’m real. This,” he said, looking down at her small hand in his, “this is real.”




Giorgio dropped her off at work. He reminded her to call him once Raquel had spoken to her about the Tsar campaign. He also said that he’d be hanging out with Nikolas tonight, helping him to sort things out and offering moral support, but that she was welcome to call him anytime.


Anabelle headed into the office on pins and needles. She said good morning to Jennifer and then went to her desk, waiting for some news.

Finally, around 10:30
a.m., Raquel called her into her office.

“Anabelle,” she said, not bothering to offer her a seat, “I wanted to let you know that we won the Tsar Enterprises deal. It’s a great opportunity for Kinetic.”

“Great,” Anabelle replied flatly, just looking at her. She’d wait and see what Raquel would say next.

Raquel paused for a moment. She looked almost queasy, but she managed an obviously fake smile. “In fact, they chose your ad campaign. Congratulations. I’ll see to it that you get a bonus for winning this job.”

“Thanks,” Anabelle replied, not showing any emotion.

Raquel regarded her carefully. No surprise. No reaction. She knew. Giorgio. They were still together. She cleared her throat and looked down at her desk. “Well, that’ll be all then. Good work.”

Anabelle gave her a half smile in response and left. She spent the rest of the workday updating her resume and searching for headhunters and other marketing agencies that had openings. She wouldn’t be staying any longer than she had to.

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