Read Love in the Land of Fire Online

Authors: Rebecca Brochu

Love in the Land of Fire (12 page)

BOOK: Love in the Land of Fire
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He comes back then and his fingers hesitate for a slit second over Josiah’s zipper, once again asking silently for permission to continue. When Josiah nods again, Rafe grasps the tab and slowly draws it down. He goes down on his knees in front of Josiah, wincing slightly at what the other man knows has to be a painful twinge from a sore ass, and hooks his fingers into the sides of Josiah’s pants. Rafe slowly tugs them down his legs.

The loose material goes easily, and Josiah raises first one foot and then the other to step out of them. Rafe rises, gives the pants the same treatment as the shirt before going back down in front of Josiah to do the same with his underwear.

Josiah’s cock bobs with the movement, curving up towards his belly, head flushed and glistening with pre-cum. Rafe eyes it hungrily, tongue flicking out to wet his lips, and Josiah almost snaps at the sight but manages to rein himself in at the last second.

“I want you on all fours on the bed and don’t move until I tell you to.”

Rafe scrambles to comply and Josiah has to wrap his fingers tightly around the base of his own cock at the sight of him. He’s gorgeous, tanned skin glistening with a light sheen of sweat, ass red from Josiah’s hand.

Bruises are already forming, the darkening skin marking him as owned as clearly as any contract.

Josiah rips his eyes away from the sight and rummages through the top drawer of his dresser, coming back with a small pot of oil. He pours a small amount into the palm of his hand before he sets it aside on the bedside table and crawls onto the bed behind Rafe. He tips his hand and lets the oil dribble down onto the flushed and bruised skin of Rafe’s ass, watching almost transfixed as the droplets disappear into his cleft.

Rafe tenses slightly but doesn’t move, mind obviously concentrating on following Josiah’s instructions.

Rafe hisses a quick indrawn breath that’s nearly silent in the next second when Josiah lays a hand on him, but 5it’s a reaction that doesn’t displease Josiah. Josiah prods softly at one of the quickly darkening bruises before he goes about following the oil with his fingertips. He traces his fingers across Rafe’s skin, relishing the feel of it beneath his hands and the knowledge that Rafe is his now and that hopefully very soon no one will ever be able to say otherwise. He doesn’t hesitate to slide a finger down Rafe’s cleft, oil slicking the way as he nudges softly at his tightly furled hole. Rafe is entirely too tense, his muscles clenching in obvious nervousness that Josiah cannot fault him for, so instead he tries to soothe his nerves.

“Relax, Rafe. You belong to me now and I’ll always take care of you. Always.”

He continues stroking his fingertip lightly over Rafe’s bud, spreading the oil around and encouraging him to relax. He reaches around Rafe’s kneeling body with his free hand and grasps his cock, soft from the pain of his punishment and his onslaught of nerves, and gives it a few firm pulls until he feels it begin to thicken in his hand.

“Look at you responding so beautifully to such a simple touch. I’ll teach you how it should be, Rafe, how pain can mix with pleasure until you can’t see straight.” He lowers his voice, makes it that gravelly growl that he knows Rafe likes. “You just have to let me in first, Rafe. Just let me in and I’ll take care of you, of everything.”

Rafe drops his head so that it hangs down between his arms and Josiah feels the shudder that works its way through his body as he struggles to relax his muscles. Josiah continues to prod gently at his hole but releases his hold on the submissive’s cock. He doesn’t want Rafe to get too worked up yet. He wants him to feel everything, every slick push and glide in excruciating detail with every inch of his body. Finally he pushes the tip of his finger past the now slightly loosened ring of muscles and then nearly groans aloud at the feel of Rafe’s heat, at the thought of having it wrapped so tightly around his cock.

He pushes in further, the oil easing his passage as he begins the slow work of stretching Rafe. He’s determined to do it properly, will accept nothing less for their first time and doesn’t want it marred by memories of unnecessary pain. The punishment doesn’t count, is an entirely separate issue that Josiah’s prepared to deal with, but Rafe’s trust in him is still too new, too fragile for anything truly rough when it comes to sex. That is something Josiah will take great pleasure in introducing him to in the future.

Josiah continues working his finger deeper and deeper into Rafe, feeling the way the younger man begins to slowly relax more and more as he seems to realize that Josiah is truly not interested in rushing things. Finally when there’s no more resistance, when there’s only the smooth glide of him working his way into Rafe he adds another finger. Rafe stays relaxed as Josiah thrusts deeper into him, careful of the bruised flesh of his ass, and then begins to scissor his digits to stretch him even wider.

He leans over Rafe’s back and licks a stripe up his spine, tongue dragging through the droplet of sweat on his skin as he works his way up so that he can lay teasing kisses on the back of his neck. Rafe moans, a low sound of pleasure that drags a smile out of Josiah even as he pulls back so that he can watch his fingers as they disappear into Rafe’s body.

“You’re so beautiful like this, Rafe. You take me so perfectly, like you were made for it, made for me.”

He crooks his fingers on an in stroke and watches the way Rafe’s entire body twitches in pleasure when he rubs against his prostate. He massages that spot for a moment, sees the way a new coat of sweat is slowly starting to form on Rafe’s skin as he struggles to stay still, to not buck back into Josiah’s touch. He keeps it up until Rafe begins to tremble, his arms growing weaker from the heightened pleasure, and then he reaches around Rafe’s hips and clamps his fingers tightly around the base of his cock again. Rafe keens, hips jerking, and Josiah twists the fingers that are still working their way deeper into his body and suddenly adds a third.

5Josiah works them in deep, twisting and curling his fingers on every odd stroke to send stars bursting behind Rafe’s eyelids again. He lets Rafe’s cock go and slides back across the mattress, lowering his upper body to the mattress and using his free hand to spread Rafe open in front of him. Rafe groans again at the slight pressure on his bruised skin but the sound is choked in his throat when Josiah leans forward and runs his tongue lightly around his stretched rim. Josiah inhales the musky scent of Rafe, mixed with the slightly pungent smell and taste of the oil that’s coating his skin before he licks him again.

He sets to work on Rafe in earnest then, tracing his tongue around the fingers still buried in his body and occasionally slipping it past the ring of muscle alongside them. Rafe’s arms buckle underneath him, sending his upper body crashing to the mattress and Josiah’s fingers even deeper inside of him. Josiah pulls back and swats him lightly on the ass in punishment and Rafe immediately tries to scramble back into place, struggling to get his arms to hold him up. Josiah takes no pity on him, bending back to his task with single-minded focus.

A few more minutes pass like this, Josiah’s fingers and tongue tormenting Rafe as he struggles to maintain the position he’d been ordered to before he finally pulls away completely. His fingers make a sloppy, wet sound when he pulls them free that sends a bolt of sheer lust through him and makes his own cock jump in want. He arches himself over Rafe’s back, laying another kiss on the nape of his neck, and whispers hotly in his ear.

“I’m going to fuck you now, Rafe, and it’s going to erase the memory of every other touch you’ve ever had.

You’ll never forget the way this feels. It’ll be so good that you’ll crave it, feel it, feel me, every time you close your eyes.”

Rafe trembles beneath him and hisses slightly when Josiah’s cock prods at the cleft of his ass. Josiah nips sharply at the side of his neck before rearing back up and wrapping a hand still slick with oil around his own cock. He slicks his shaft from base to tip with a few strokes, shuddering at the feeling, before he guides himself closer to Rafe’s entrance. He rubs his tip across the loose muscle, spellbound by the feel of it catching on Rafe’s rim before he pushes forward slowly, feeling Rafe’s body give way to his and welcome him inside.

Josiah can’t bite back his own groan; the heat of Rafe’s body is just as glorious as he thought it would be. He pushes in slowly, inch by inch, and Rafe takes him perfectly until Josiah settles deep inside of him, his hips pressing against the bruises of his ass. Rafe inhales sharply and his body clenches around Josiah’s cock, and Josiah’s hips thrust forward hard almost of their own accord. Rafe cries out, a choked off sound that makes Josiah’s eyes drift shut even as he thrusts forward again, slower this time but still deep.

“Does it hurt?”

“Y-Yes.” Rafe whimpers.

“It’s supposed to. This is a good hurt, Rafe, pain at its sweetest. You’ll love every second of it and when it’s over every twinge, every ache will be a reminder.”

Josiah doesn’t give him a chance to respond, just pushes his hips tighter against Rafe’s ass, pressing on the bruises even as he bottoms out inside of him. He pulls back until only the tip of his cock is still inside and then he pushes back inside, angling his thrust so that he hits that spot inside Rafe, sending a rush of pleasure through him even as the bruises ache.

Rafe’s arms give out on him again but Josiah pushes him back down when he tries to get back up, and wraps one of his palms around the back of his neck and squeezes. Rafe’s hips shove back to meet him at the gesture and Josiah doesn’t try to gentle his pace at all after that. He pushes as deep into Rafe as he can with each thrust, setting up a rhythm that’s both hard and exquisitely slow.

5Rafe keens beneath him and his hips are trying to match Josiah’s pace, but he’s unable to because of the way he’s pinned. Josiah tightens his hold on Rafe’s neck, the silver of his collar warm beneath his palm as he works himself in and out of his body. It’s exquisite, pleasure arching through his veins at the feel of Rafe’s damp heat tightening rhythmically around his cock. And the sight of Rafe, his back arched and ass bruised as he takes Josiah’s cock like he was crafted for it, is enough to make Josiah’s head spin all on its own.

“So perfect, Rafe, keeping you forever.” Josiah pants the words out, sweat beading on his forehead.

He reaches around Rafe and wraps a hand around his weeping cock, and this time instead of squeezing he strokes him from base to tip. Rafe tries to thrust down and back at the same time, caught in the duel sensations of Josiah moving deep inside him and stroking his cock with a matching rhythm.

He groans in frustrated pleasure laced with pain and Josiah chuckles at him lowly.

“Shh, pretty. I’ll take care of you. Just relax and feel.”

Josiah strokes him in time with the thrusts of his hips at first and then he changes it. He runs feather light fingers across Rafe’s cock as he pushes into his ass hard and deep and then grips him with tight fingers as he goes soft and shallow. He can feel his own orgasm building, can feel the sparks of it dancing up his sweat-soaked spine as Rafe’s body fights to keep him inside. Rafe’s not far behind him either, cock thickening and muscles fluttering as he shivers and shakes in Josiah’s hold.

“Come for me, Rafe. Come.” His voice is deep and dark and filled with an irresistible command.

Rafe’s hips buck and he cries out, a harsh ringing sound, and spills over Josiah’s hand. Josiah continues to pump him for a moment, before he lets go and raises his cum-soaked hand to his face. He flicks his tongue out to get a taste and hums appreciatively in the back of his throat before he rubs the rest of it into the skin at the small of Rafe’s back. Rafe’s still beneath him, a faint trembling in his muscles the only exception as Josiah continues moving inside of him.

“Do you want me to come inside you, Rafe? Do you think you deserve that gift?”

Rafe nods his head as best he can in answer.

“I want to hear it, Rafe. I want to hear you beg for my cum.”

“P-Please, Josiah, please come. Please.”

Rafe slips into begging effortlessly, and Josiah feels his cock twitch before he finally lets himself go, thrusting hard and fast for a few moments before letting himself spill into the willing body beneath him.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Rafe is muttering the words over and over again, his voice filled with what sounds like sincere gratitude at the feel of Josiah spilling deep inside of him, marking him from the inside out as owned, possessed.

Josiah’s hips stutter a few more times before he moves the hand that’s still on Rafe’s neck to his waist and tips them both over sideways. They lay tangled in the sheets together for a moment, Josiah still inside of Rafe, and simply breathe. Josiah shifts and they both groan when he slowly slips free of Rafe’s body and then crawls off of the bed. He pads silently into the bathroom and returns with a damp cloth and a small tube of ointment.

Rafe watches his every move from heavy lidded eyes as Josiah sits down beside his hip and slowly begins to clean off his front. He wipes away the sweat and cum with gentle strokes of the cloth, careful to get every 5inch of Rafe that he can reach.

“On your stomach.”

Rafe rolls over and Josiah goes back to washing him. When he’s finished he tosses the cloth to the side and uncaps the tube of ointment and squirts a bit onto the sensitive skin of Rafe’s ass. Rafe hisses when the cold paste makes contact but sighs in contentment when Josiah carefully rubs it into his skin. The ointment will take some of the stinging pain away from the bruises. It’ll also leave enough that Rafe will be able to feel them just like Josiah promised, but it’ll numb the pain a bit so that he can sleep comfortably. When he’s done he returns everything to its proper place and slides back onto the bed beside Rafe’s prone figure.

He runs a hand down the line of Rafe’s back and then back up again, tangling his fingers in his hair and leaning down to kiss him sweetly just beneath his ear.

“I told you I’d take care of you, Rafe, that I’d hurt you but never damage you. I meant it.”

BOOK: Love in the Land of Fire
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