Love Inspired Historical November 2014 (83 page)

Read Love Inspired Historical November 2014 Online

Authors: Danica Favorite,Rhonda Gibson,Winnie Griggs,Regina Scott

BOOK: Love Inspired Historical November 2014
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Chapter Seventeen

nnabelle had never looked so beautiful as when she held the tiny baby while its mother ate. Again, he couldn't help but think she would make an excellent mother. Her care for Nugget had shown that, but now, with such a tiny infant in her arms, it was a beautiful sight.

Why did it have to be so hard?

He tore his eyes off the captivating woman and watched the other woman gobble the biscuits. It had clearly been a long time since she'd had a substantial meal.

“Where are you from, Meg?” he asked the young mother after she'd eaten the last of her food.

“Kansas.” She gave a wry grin. “Isaac wasn't meant to be a farmer, poor man. He tried, he really did.”

Joseph had heard many similar stories since being here. So many people wanting a better life. Of course, he had been a good farmer, that wasn't the problem. But when the bank owned it and demanded higher payments than any reasonable man could afford and still keep food on the table...

He glanced back at Annabelle, who'd handed the baby back to its mother. She wouldn't understand what it was like to do without. Nor would she understand the willingness to do just about anything to make sure loved ones had food to eat.

“What made you come here?” He turned his attention back on Meg.

A dark look crossed Meg's face. “His brother had written, talking about all the money there was to be made. Isaac sold everything we had and sent some of the money ahead for his brother to get us a place. Only...” Meg sighed and cradled her baby tighter.

“When we got here, we found out his brother had gambled it all and then some. There were no houses to be let, and even if there were, we didn't have enough money. One night, some men attacked Isaac, and said that if he didn't come up with the rest of the money his brother owed, they'd harm me and the baby. So he gave them the last of our money. Now we're here, and Isaac is working at the mine in hopes he'll make enough to support us.”

How he hated the look on Annabelle's face. It was as if all this served to prove her theories on the evils of mining true.

He shot a glare at Annabelle, then returned his attention to Meg. “Did you talk to the sheriff?”

“For as much good as it'll do us.” Meg shook her head. “He said he'd look into it, but he said not to hold out much hope.”

Annabelle took the woman's hand. “At least you're all safe. As far as catching those horrible men, you should talk to my father. He's a minister in town, and he knows just about everyone. Sometimes he can find out things the law can't.”

Even though Meg shook her head, a tiny light shone in her eyes. Joseph couldn't help but notice that she squeezed Annabelle's hand back, clinging to it like a lifeline.

“All I want is enough money to get us back home. I know Isaac wasn't cut out for farming, but mining isn't for him, either. Perhaps if we went back to my parents, they'd let us stay with them for a while until Isaac can find other work.”

“We'll do what we can to help,” said Annabelle, a little too cheerful to have fully grasped the situation.

Annabelle stood, then looked around the campsite. “Would it be too forward of me to ask what supplies you have? We keep a number of things for people in your situation, and—”

“We won't be taking charity.”

“I wouldn't dream of offering you charity,” Annabelle said in a gentle voice that spoke of having done this dozens of times. As much as she fought it, she was a natural at caring for others. If only she'd open her heart to see that. “These are the leftover supplies from people who've done just as you're saying you'd like to do. When they leave, they have no use for these things, so they give them to us and ask us to give them to the next family.”

Not only was Meg not appearing convinced, but she'd stiffened even further.

“Truly, Meg. It's what we do here. When someone's done using an item, they leave it for the next person who comes along. No sense in it going to waste.”

Meg softened slightly, and Joseph had to give Annabelle credit for trying. When she wasn't thinking about the pain of her losses, she had such an incredible heart for others.

“I...” Meg's face indicated a debate between practicality and wanting to protect her pride. Joseph knew all about that. Had faced the same debate upon encountering the Lassiter family.

“I know.” Joseph stepped in and gave a smile as he peeked down at the baby. “It was hard for me to accept their help at first, as well, but I've found that they aren't just about giving handouts, but are true friends.”

Some of the wariness left Meg's face. “They helped you?”

“Are helping. I came looking for my pa, and found that I had a sister.” He relayed his tale and as he shared his family's need, Meg continued to soften. True, he did not share the most private details, such as how bad things were for his family back home, but at least she would understand that Annabelle meant to be her friend.

Which clearly Annabelle did, because as he relayed his tale, she'd once again taken the baby into her arms and was playing with it quietly.

“Emma is the sweetest thing,” Annabelle said, wrapping the baby snugly in her own shawl. “I can't believe how chilly it's gotten.”

Annabelle's smile at the young mother melted his heart. If he was to keep his promises to both her and his pa, he needed to find a way to maintain his distance.

Joseph looked up and noticed clouds rolling in over the mountains. The sky was already darkening, which meant a storm would hit before afternoon.

He tried not to groan at what would be an inevitable delay in his mission.

“I'm not used to this weather,” Meg said. “Back home, summers were so hot. I thought Isaac's brother was funning us when he told us to bring our winter things. But one of the women in town said that they've had snow in June here. June! Can you imagine!”

Annabelle nodded. “I remember it well myself. It wasn't much snow, of course, and it melted right away, but it was still quite the surprise.”

Why did her smile have to be so engaging? Even though she was talking to Meg, and not him, he felt just as drawn in by the woman as Meg clearly was. Her face was animated, and her smile crinkled her eyes.

Joseph turned away, unable to continue watching Annabelle. He couldn't afford to be given one more reason to like her.

As he turned, he noticed Slade riding in. Though they would be unable to visit the sites until after the storm passed, this would give them a chance to discuss their plan.

Annabelle must have noticed his change in attention, and she followed his gaze, then stood. “Slade.” She looked at Meg. “We must talk to him about what happened to your husband. Perhaps he can be of service where the sheriff was not.”

She didn't wait for Meg's answer, but held the baby tighter to her as she moved in Slade's direction and waved.


He dismounted and came toward them, handing his reins to a boy before arriving at the camp. “Good morning, Annabelle. Joseph.” He nodded in his direction before approaching the ladies.

“Slade, this is my new friend, Meg. Her husband was attacked by some ruffians, and I'm hoping you can help find these horrible men.”

Annabelle relayed the story with such passion that any doubt he'd ever had about her character and willingness to engage with others was wiped away. She had been listening, with all her heart, and was acting upon it.

Stop it, Joseph.
She wasn't his to be thinking this way about. He knew better. Had warned himself multiple times to avoid doing so.

He turned his attention to Meg, who was engaging in the conversation with Annabelle and Slade.

No, that wasn't good. Because her engagement only reminded him of how Annabelle's warmth had drawn her out. Even as the baby gave a slight cry and Annabelle handed her back to her ma, he couldn't help but think of how wonderful Annabelle was with a baby.

He gave a small cough. “Since you have it all in hand here, I think I should go check on Nugget.”

Without waiting for an answer, he retreated to their own camp, where he could find at least a moment's peace from his thoughts of Annabelle.

* * *

Annabelle watched Joseph retreat, feeling the chill in the air more acutely in his absence. She'd given up her shawl for the baby, and now her arms were starting to prickle against the coming storm.

“I'll make some inquiries,” Slade said, as he, too, watched Joseph leave. “Now if you'll excuse me, I need to catch up to Joseph to tell him our plans.”

“Of course.” She gave him a smile, the kind she hoped Joseph would be proud of. “I appreciate you taking the time.”

He nodded, then left, leaving her alone with Meg and the baby.

“Thank you,” Meg said when they were alone. “I am so glad the Lord brought you to us. He's clearly watching over our family.”

Annabelle held out her arms for the baby. “Do let me hold Emma again. She's such a dear. I'll take you to breakfast with Gertie, who will want to hold her, then I'll never get to hold her again. She does love babies so.”

That warm memory, and the sweet baby placed in her arms, put a tiny crack in Annabelle's heart. Gertie did love the little ones. How could Annabelle have shut her out for so long?

They walked to Gertie's, Meg chattering about life in Kansas. Annabelle had no idea how hard farm work was. It certainly sounded just as difficult and desolate a life as these miners faced. Getting up with the sun to work in the fields all day, laboring for a crop that could be wiped out by drought, fire, animals, disease and a host of other problems.

How was mining any different?

Annabelle shook her head. Farmers weren't risking their lives and putting families in danger. They didn't spend their earnings on whiskey, women and gambling.

Joseph didn't, either, a small voice told her.

Nonsense, she told herself right back. There were plenty of reasons to dismiss Joseph.

He was leaving.

Which was why she would put him completely out of her mind.

Fortunately, it was easy enough to do when they arrived at Gertie's because Joseph wasn't there. Nugget was, and she immediately launched herself at Annabelle.

“Annabelle! You were gone ever so long!”

She smiled and wrapped her free arm around the little girl. “I was visiting my new friend, Meg. And this is her baby, Emma. Isn't she a dear little thing?”

Gertie swooped upon them. “I love babies. Let me have a look.”

Just like that, the baby was taken from her arms, and Annabelle gave Meg an “I told you so” look.

Meg smiled shyly, but was immediately engaged in Gertie's enthusiastic banter as she placed a dish of food in front of the woman. Though Annabelle was pleased to see her so well taken care of, it was almost a shame to give up her job. For a few moments, it had felt like she belonged again. Back before everything in her life had become so hard.

For Nugget, though, it was a welcome change. The little girl hadn't let go of her hand. Again, Annabelle's conscience panged at the thought of this little girl leaving her. Nugget had lost so much already. Was it fair to make her lose someone else?

“What have you been doing while I was gone?”

Nugget scowled. “We had to go wash dishes with Polly. Only she got mad at us and chased us away.”

That didn't sound like the Polly she'd once been friends with. Had Annabelle's attitude soured her old friend so much? Then Joseph's words came back to her. Polly was jealous. Over nothing.

“How about I go talk to her?” Annabelle ruffled the top of the little girl's head, then withdrew her hand. “And when I get back, we're going to do something with that hair of yours.”

A comment that earned her another scowl, but that was fine. She didn't want to push Nugget away exactly, but if a few hair brushings was all it took to diminish Annabelle's popularity, she'd take it.

“I'm going to the creek to talk to Polly,” Annabelle said over her shoulder at Gertie and Meg. “I'll be back shortly.”

She avoided the path that she'd taken yesterday where she'd run into those men. Her ankle was now throbbing again. But she couldn't put off this errand. Polly's attitude was affecting everyone else.

Her trip to the creek was quieter than it had been the last time, and she easily found Polly, clean dishes in one pile, and already beginning the wash for the day.

“Hi, Polly.”

The other girl didn't turn and look at her. “Go away. I don't need you slowing me down again. You tell Ma—”

“What? Something that you'll contradict later?”

Polly spun, her face red. “So what? You're going to tell on me now?”

Annabelle took a deep breath. “No. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you.” This making up was harder business than the idea had originally sounded.

“Look.” She took another step in Polly's direction. “I know I said some awful things. I deeply regret them. But what I regret even more is that I've lost a good friend. So if we can talk about whatever else is bothering you, I'd like to clear the air. Even if you don't want to be friends again, at least we could be—”

“Nothing.” Polly's stare was full of pure hate. “You are nothing to me, and never will be. You think you're better than everyone else, and you don't give a whit for anyone other than you.”

The backs of Annabelle's eyes and throat stung. She could own a certain amount of selfishness, but surely Polly knew that there was more to her than that.

And if Joseph hadn't spoken to her about Polly earlier, she might have walked away. But this wasn't about Annabelle's behavior, not really.

“Joseph said he heard you and Tom fighting this morning. Something about you thinking he and I were engaged in a flirtation?”

Annabelle stared at Polly, ready for her to spew more venom in her direction. But Polly didn't say anything, not even as Annabelle could see the steam practically rising out of Polly's head. When she blew, it wasn't going to be pretty. But better here than with the little girls again.

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