Love Is Louder (30 page)

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Authors: Antoinette Candela,Paige Maroney

BOOK: Love Is Louder
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I remember to breathe, and with a shy grin spreading over my lips, I reply, “Well, I don’t know how she’d feel if we were late.”

His deep laugh sends a warm feeling through my veins. I swear my over-stimulated body will disintegrate any minute now if I don’t put some space between us. The attraction is undeniable. From the first time I saw him, I’ve been pulled into his orbit. The situations lately seem to align perfectly for us.

“Yeah…good point. Let’s pick this stuff up,” he answers, bringing me back to the moment.


He bends down, reaching forward the same time I do, and when our hands brush against each other, a tingle races up my arm.

Here I go again.

Mason takes a small intake of air, almost a gasp, like he felt the spark, too, but maybe I’m just imagining things in my weirdly overemotional, oversensitive state. But then he freezes, wrapping his hand around something he picks up from the floor. He lifts his eyes to mine in what feels like slow motion, and my heart skips in my chest when I see the look in his eyes.

“Where did you find this?” His voice is barely a whisper as he opens his hand, revealing the gold band I found under the washer.

I fidget under his stare and reply, “I’m...sorry. I meant to ask you, but it slipped my mind. So, it’s yours?”

He slips the gold band onto his finger, and it fits perfectly. “Yes, I’ve been looking all over for it.”

“I found it under the washer you fixed,” I say as I toss everything into my purse, avoiding his gaze for a moment. He’s one of those people who has a stare that is a little too intense for me to handle. Seconds pass before I turn my head slightly to see relief etched on his face, and it brings a small smile to my lips. He touches the ring around his finger like it’s the most treasured thing to him. “That ring is really precious to you.”

“ sister gave it to me before she died.”

“I’m glad I found it, knowing how much it means to you.”

Our gazes lock, and I swear I can feel the warmth radiating in unrelenting waves from him in the small space we are sharing.

“I could kiss you. I’ve been kicking myself for losing it.”

A crooked smile plays on his full, sensual lips that look both punishing and soothing. I shove away the inappropriate and tantalizing thoughts filling my head and zip up my wallet and purse. Clearing my throat, I can’t think of what to say. I square off my shoulder and lift my head and look straight at the sensuous man standing near me. Right before he looks like he’s about to say something, a tiny voice carries through the air.


I turn my head as Lily skips down the front lawn wearing a pink dress with her hair in pigtails. “Hurry up! Evan is here. I want you to meet him.”

“I think we’re a little late.” Mason winks, his eyes smiling.

“You always said you’re never late. Big fail today.”

“Good memory,” he whispers, eyeing me with an arresting look, another look that makes me smile and my insides melt.

Smirking and without another word, Mason straightens up and rounds the front of the car so he can catch Lily in his arms. Just the sight of him with her sends my pulse racing. Dressed in black jeans, black boots, and a white T-shirt, he looks casual and ruggedly male. My knees wobble when I step out of the car and grab my camera bag from the backseat. Being around him for the next two hours is going to be a problem.

“Happy birthday, Lily.” I smooth away the hair that falls over her eyes. “You look like a princess today.”

“Thank you, Ms. Brie.” She giggles. “You can meet Evan, too. He’s my Prince Charming. He looks like my daddy, but he has blue eyes.”

“Oh, boy.” Mason rolls his eyes playfully at his niece. “We need to go see about this Prince Charming.”

Brie is lying to me about being okay. I saw the shadows in her eyes and the way her delicate hands trembled. I don’t know why she feels like she has to hide from me, though. I’m her friend, and I’ve mentioned it to her a few times that I’m all ears if she wants to talk about anything. I’d love to get inside her head to understand what makes her tick and smash down the walls she has built around her. It tore at my heart watching her in the car those few moments before I approached her. I swear she was about to cry, and I didn’t want to see that. That’s when I knew I had to rescue her.

Why does she stay with him? Is she so broken she doesn’t know how to fix herself?

I glance at my watch; the party is over in an hour. I’ll make sure to catch her before she leaves.

Sipping my beer, I scan the large backyard decorated in pink balloons and streamers with kids running everywhere when my skin breaks out in goose flesh.

What the fuck are they doing here?

My gaze flies to Micah who’s supervising a little boy as he swats at the butterfly-shaped piñata filled with candy. Micah’s eyes are fixed on mine. He’s not fucking happy about this. He wasn’t too happy about it when I told him what I did. He waves Cindy over, telling her he needs a break from piñata swatting duty and stalks over to me.

I open my mouth to say something, but Micah doesn’t give me a chance.

“I take it you see what I see?” He glances back over his shoulder where Cole and a friend are standing off on the fringes of the backyard, looking out of place among the kids and parents. Cole did dress up for the occasion, wearing a blue polo shirt and jeans that aren’t wrinkled like the night he showed up to throw my world into chaos.

“Yeah, you didn’t tell me about the other dude.”

“Well, the invitation didn’t say to bring a fucking guest. The asshole took it upon himself.” Micah pauses for a moment, clenching his teeth and looking me in the eye.

“I don’t know about this.”

“I’ll clear this shit up.” I swallow my temper before casting a glance across the yard, making eye contact with Cole. “Alone,” I clarify as my brother takes a step in Cole’s direction.

“Fine. This is your fucking mess to fix anyway.”

“I think you’re getting ahead of yourself. It’s not a fucking mess yet.” I finish off my beer and hand it to Micah. “Take care of this while I take care of him and his buddy.”

“Just remember there are kids around here. You tend to lose your mind.”

“Can you let me take care of the situation and stop running your mouth?” I shake my head as I turn to leave, but Micah grabs my arm. “What now?” I hiss, looking over my shoulder.

“Make sure you’re with them when they talk to Lily. Something doesn’t seem right with this shit.”

“Yeah…Bro, I got this,” I say as I shake off his hand

I’ve had that same feeling since the day Cole showed up on my mom’s front porch, but I didn’t tell Micah that.


Cole’s eyes are pinned on me as I rush toward him with my fists clenched at my side. I nod, fuming that this dude brought an unsolicited guest and the fact he actually had the balls to show up. I was hoping that perhaps he wasn’t quite ready yet. Fucking wishful thinking on my part.

“I thought I made it fucking crystal clear that I only invited you,” I seethe, glancing between Cole and his companion. I don’t even ask who it is; I’m too fucking pissed to care.

“No, you didn’t say I couldn’t bring anyone.”

“Fuck, man. Don’t make me regret this decision, because I’ve been kicking myself since that night.”

“I won’t. Shit, we won’t stay long. We just want to see her. I give you my word that I won’t fuck up or do anything stupid.”

“We?” I narrow my eyes in irritation.

“Well, yeah, Caleb is my older brother…Lily’s uncle.” He forces a smile at his brother who stands beside him with his hands shoved inside his pockets.”We’re not complete idiots.”

“I beg to differ on that one.”

“Listen, we’ll say hi, tell her we’re friends of yours, give her this gift, and be out of your hair in like fifteen minutes, tops,” He pulls out a yellow envelope from his pocket.

“The gift isn’t necessary, and I don’t think I can stomach you staying her more than fucking five minutes. Fucking baby steps.”

“Why are you being so damn difficult?”

“You think this is being difficult, asshole?” I growl under my breath as a couple of kids run by screaming with a handful of candy. “If I were difficult, your sorry ass wouldn’t be here. You’re fucking lucky. So, let’s make this visit short and sweet, all right? And just to be safe, I’m going to be there when you talk to my niece.”

“Fine. I can fucking play by your rules.” He smirks, his eyes flare and his voice is strained. “As long as I get to see her.”

“Thanks, man,” Caleb speaks for the first time, nodding his head in greeting. “We appreciate it. We don’t want any trouble.” Caleb looks at me blankly, clearly trying hard not to say something wrong.

Cole looks over at his brother, and a look passes between them. “We appreciate this more than you know.”Caleb smiles the kind of smile that’s created by hurt and shame.

“Cool...nothing about knowing Meadow. She’ll ask questions. Keep it simple. It’s her birthday, and I want her happy.”


They both flinch. An arrogant grin slowly spreads over my lips as both of their eyebrows shoot up in shock. For the first time since the motherfucker got here, he’s finally speechless. I bet I know what they’re thinking right now, and I’m fucking glad. Daddy is me, the way it’s been for four years. Cole’s gaze darts from Lily and back up to me. His eyes are cold and hard like fucking ice. I don’t give two shits how he feels about the situation. He gave up everything four years ago, and I’m not about to hand anything over without a fucking fight.

Lily skips up next to me, tugging at the leg of my jeans and holding up a bag of peanut M&M’s. “I got these for you because I know they’re your favorite, and I got Uncle Micah his favorite, Kit Kats!” she exclaims, her voice light and pure like a petal of a lily.

“Thank you, sweetie.” Taking the bag of chocolates, I shove them into my pocket. I scoop her up into my arms, not wanting to let her go. “I want you to meet a couple of friends of mine.” I cringe at the word “friends”.

I gaze between Cole and Caleb and notice she has the same bluish-green eyes, picking up the green in Cole’s eyes and the blue in Caleb’s along with the dark hair. It fucking makes my gut twist. Cole swallows hard and rakes his hand through his hair, and Caleb just smiles, entranced by Lily.

“How do you know my daddy?” Lily’s eyes travel from Cole to Caleb as if she’s trying to decipher a riddle.

“From school a long time ago.”

He’s quick on his feet. Good lie. I wonder how many lies he told my sister.

“Did you play sports? I love basketball. Uncle Micah plays basketball.”

“Yes, we play basketball.” Cole smiles.

“What’s your name?”

“My name is Cole, and this is my brother Caleb.”

“Hi, Lily.” Caleb winks, his eyes filled with equal parts confusion and happiness.

“Hi! I’m four today!” Her voice floats above us like a fluffy cloud as some early fireworks pop in the distance and Disney princess music fills the backyard.

“I know. Happy birthday, pretty girl. We came to give you this.” Cole hands her the envelope, and her little finger wraps around it as she peers up at him through her long lashes.

I’ve had enough of this shit. This was more than enough time for him to talk to her. I’ll never like the idea of Cole hanging around Lily. I hope his ass returns to Florida. I know it’s a selfish thing to wish for, since Lily gets to meet her father, but I can’t help how I feel about this. If anything, Cole is being the asshole for showing up after all this time.

“I’ll take that, baby.” I pry the envelope from her hand and slip it into my back pocket. “We’ll open it later.” I give her a kiss and set her down in front of me. “My friends have to go. Right, guys?”

Cole’s eyes fly to mine, and there’s a flicker of rage in them.

“Yeah, sorry,” he forces out. I can see the muscle in his jaw tick. “We have another party to go to, but I’ll be in town for a little while,” he states as he kneels down in front of her.

“Okay,” she murmurs.”Thank you for the present.”

Lily gives me a look that fractures my heart to pieces, and then she wraps her arms around his neck. The warm summer wind whips her hair into a mess of chaos that tickles Cole’s face and makes him laugh. I’m dying inside watching all of this. All I want to do is snatch her away from him so that he can never see her again, but I know it’s wrong.

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