Love, Laughter, and Happily Ever Afters Collection (114 page)

Read Love, Laughter, and Happily Ever Afters Collection Online

Authors: Violet Duke

Tags: #Fiction, #Contemporary, #General, #Collections & Anthologies, #Romance

BOOK: Love, Laughter, and Happily Ever Afters Collection
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THIS WEEK HAS flown by, and it’s been the best week I’ve had in a long time. It’s Friday, and I know that for two reasons. One, I’m seeing Brad this evening, and two, I saw the pink lilies courtesy of Kyle’s Friday delivery sitting on the coffee table this morning.

First though, I have to get through the day. My annoying red light is blinking, but I only have thirty-two voicemail messages, and nobody needs anything yesterday. Robby has completed a couple of penthouse redesigns and has two very satisfied clients. Needless to say, he’s in a very good mood, which is precisely why I choose this time to talk with him about Dane.

I walk nervously over to his office door and then hesitate, biting on my lip. “Hey Robby, can I talk to you?”

“Sure, dahling, come on in. Have a seat, sweetheart.” Robby says absentmindedly. He’s concentrating heavily, typing away at his computer while he eyes design plans on his desk.

I sit down, cross my legs, and begin playing with the fabric on the chair. “Well, I’m not sure how to say this, but…”

He continues to type without looking up. “Gabby, if you’re handing me your resignation, you can forget it. I won’t accept. You’re my most valuable asset here, dahling.”

Pausing, I’m even hesitant to say his name. “No, it’s nothing like that. It’s actually about Dane Rhodes.”

Now he stops and meets my gaze. “Yes, what about Dane?”

“Well, I’m wondering if there’s any way Valerie can take over his project? We had a…”

He lets out a knowing smile. “Dahling. Say no more. You think I don’t know what happens with these hot, rich types. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard it. If I had a dollar…well, anyway…I’ll put Valerie on the account. I’m sure she’d
to get on board with that.” He leans back in his chair and lets out a rich laugh.

“Really?” I ask with both surprise and relief.

“Listen, sweetheart. If that’s the most difficult issue I’ll come across today, I’m in heaven. You’re now officially off the hook.”

Wow, that was easy. I love Robby.


* * * * *


THE DAY IS flying by and my mind is wandering to thoughts of tonight. I can barely contain the excitement bubbling up inside. Brad told me he’d pick me up at seven and to make sure I’d eaten beforehand. His wish is my command.

I’m sitting in the last of our client meetings with John Roche, picking at my fingernails and staring at the clock. It’s 5:45 and I need to get home. Paying attention should be my first priority, and John’s lips are moving, but I don’t hear anything. The only thing I do hear are the freaking seconds ticking by loudly in my ears. Come on, people. After fifteen more minutes and practically wearing the point down on my pencil, thankfully the meeting ends. I run back to my desk, grab my purse, slam my drawer closed, and head out the door. Running for the elevator, I hear my phone buzz and smile. It must be Brad. My face falls instantly; it’s a text from Dane.


Dane: I have to see you. We need to talk


Me: We’ve been through this. I don’t have anything to say to you


Dane: Please give me a chance to explain


Me: No. I told you. We’re done Dane


I turn my phone off. He’s the last person I want to be thinking about right now.

I’m tearing through my closet, pulling clothes off hangers. I don’t like anything I see. Before I know it, my bed is covered in a heap of fabrics and I’m still standing there in my matching blue lace bra and panties. I let out a burst of air, and throw myself on top of my bed. Now I know what the princess felt like in
The Princess and the Pea
. I’m on top of sixteen outfits and I swear, there’s an earring digging into my ass. After five more minutes of sheer frustration, I finally decide on black jeans and a green silk blouse. I put on a little pink blush to make my cheeks look rosy, a drop more lip gloss, and a bit of mascara. I dab perfume behind my ears, on the back of my neck, and in between my breasts. Heading to the bathroom, I brush my hair for the fourth time, and my teeth for the second, then go out to the living room and sit on the couch. Crap! I forgot to floss. Running back in the bathroom, I pull the floss from the cabinet and have at it as particles of food fly around the bathroom. Good thing I remembered. When I come back out, I notice a
magazine on the coffee table, so I sit down to read it, but it doesn’t hold my attention. I turn the television on and flip the channels, but can’t focus on that either. The pillow cushions look like they need fluffing, so I snag one…and hear a knock.

Finally! I feel like I’ve been waiting forever. I glance at my watch. Forty minutes is an eternity when you’re anxious. Taking a deep breath, I straighten my blouse, fluff my hair, and open the door. The minute the door opens, I do what I’ve been wanting to do all day. I grab Brad, tangle my hands in his hair, and pull his mouth to mine. Parting his lips with my tongue, I slip inside and am welcomed by his sweet warmth. I explore him, softly at first, then with more intensity. Pulling back with a breathy voice, I whisper, “I missed you like crazy today.”

“Me too, baby,” he says breathlessly, trailing wet kisses from the corner of my lips to the nape of my neck.

My skin tingles all over. We may not make it out of my apartment. But we have to, so I pull away. “So, where are going?” I ask with a smile larger than life.

“I can’t tell you that.” He shakes his head and taps his finger against his temple.

I put my hand on my hip, my hair bouncing off my shoulders. “I have ways of finding these things out, you know.”

“Tell me more,” he encourages, winking. “I might be persuaded.”

Brad has a habit of keeping me in the dark, and I kind of like it. I’ve loved surprises since I was a kid. But surprises with Brad far surpass any of those childhood memories.

We take the subway to our destination. Typically, I’m grossed out being on here. Dirt-filled seats, the smell of urine and booze wafting through the air, and endless stares from strangers when all you want to do is look away. Tonight though, nothing bothers me. Brad pulls me close beside him, and I lay my head in the crook of his neck, relishing his warmth and breathing in his scent.

We make it to street level, strolling hand in hand. Brad swings my arm as we walk and I feel very much like a teenager on a first date; excited and just a little terrified. We don’t go far before I see a gleam in his eye, and realize we must be getting closer. I feel the excitement rippling off of him in waves and rolling straight on to me. Our fingers toy with each other’s and Brad gives me little squeezes periodically. I marvel at the soft, gentle quality of his hands. I love when he touches me.

The horse-drawn carriage sitting near the path to Central Park comes into view. I immediately let out a squeal and jump into his arms. “This is on my list, too!” I shout.

“I remember,” he says as he kisses my earlobe, sending little shocks to my toes. There’s a glow in his eyes. “Do you have any idea how adorable you are when you’re excited?”

I can barely contain myself. “I can’t believe we’re doing this!”

Brad raises my chin to meet his gaze. “I love seeing you happy.”

All I can do is sigh. He’s so freaking thoughtful and sweet, and funny.

He helps me up into the carriage, climbs in, and snuggles close. The driver takes off almost as soon as he’s seated. The clip-clop of the horses’ hooves, mixed with the night’s quiet bathes us in a sweet tranquility. I lean against Brad’s shoulder and he softly kisses my hair. Bringing my hand to his chest, I feel the rapid beat of his heart.

He inches closer and whispers, “Do you feel that? That’s what you do to me.” His hand moves to the back of my neck before he brings my lips to meet his. He gently strokes my tongue with his and we taste each other’s sweetness with each tender flick. His breath heats my skin while his scent hovers in the night air, intoxicating me.

This moment with Brad in this carriage, surrounded by the stars dancing in the sky and the brilliance of the moon, is just perfect. I’m discovering that every moment I spend with him is nothing less than perfect. It’s almost too good to be true. I just hope it’s not.

We talk quietly amidst the steady clip-clop. “So, how’s your brother doing?”

“He’s great. I spoke with him the other day and he’s coming in for a visit in a couple of months. I want you to meet him.”

I’m excited to meet Matt. I know he’s the only family Brad has, aside from his dad, of course, who doesn’t speak to him. That tears at my heart, but he never seems sad; maybe he hides it well.

He’s grinning widely. “I’ve mentioned you to Matt a couple of times.”

I stick my bottom lip out in a pout. “Just a couple of times?”

“Yup,” he says.

My excessive curiosity gets the best of me. “So what kind of honorable mentions did I get?”

“Who said they were honorable?”

I bump him with my hip and give him my most intimidating glare.

“Hmmm…let’s see. Well, I told him how witty you are, and adorable, and I couldn’t leave out feisty.”

I smack him on his shoulder.

“See, I told you…feisty.”

“Oh, I’ll show you feisty.” I grab him and kiss him furiously, something he didn’t see coming. I have a few surprises up my sleeve, too. I pull away. “How’s that for feisty?” I whisper.

He smiles and holds his hands out in front of him, palms up. “I’d like more of that, please.”

And then I punch him again.

He continues the conversation, unruffled. “Oh, by the way, I passed by Parsons The New School of Design today and it made me think of you. I’m not sure if you’ve ever considered it, but they have a really great Master of Fine Arts program. Matt got his Master’s there in architecture and it’s a really good school.”

“I’ve heard about the school, but never thought about it before.”

He kisses me on the nose. “Well, it might be worth checking out. I know you’re hoping to stay in interior design.”

I lay my head back onto his shoulder and smile at our linked fingers. It’s quiet again, except for the clip-clop of the horses. I lean up and his lips meet mine. This carriage ride with Brad doesn’t begin to compare to my dreams. It’s a million times better.

When we hop off the carriage, I take his hand and kiss it softly. “Thank you for adding something magical to my list.”

Brad’s shy smile is back again, the one which makes my insides melt. I just sigh; it’s all I can do.

We walk for a while until Brad stops short. “Are you hungry? I’m kind of in the mood for some Double Chocolate Brownie ice cream.”

“Oh no,” I say incredulously. “You’re more of a Monkey Ripple kind of a guy.”

“I’ve decided I like
flavor better,” he declares with a cocky grin.

We walk for a while until we hit Liana’s Ice Cream Shop and make our way inside. There aren’t too many people tonight, so we don’t have to wait. We both order Double Chocolate Brownie except I get whipped cream and he orders hot fudge. I’m in heaven, because besides coffee and candy, chocolate is my other secret addition. I crave it and can’t go a day without it. Hmmm…there’s something else I’m starting to crave daily.

Brad sees me smirk. “What’s going on inside that pretty little head of yours?”

My eyelashes flutter. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

He leans over and licks some chocolate from the corner of my mouth. “You know, I wanted to do that when we came here last time.”

“Do what?” I ask innocently.

“Lick chocolate off of those pouty lips of yours,” he replies with a sexy smile, and I want to freaking jump his bones right here.

That dimple is driving me crazy. I divert my attention elsewhere. “So I was thinking maybe next weekend we could spend some time with Fran and Kyle. Fran wants to get to know you better.”

“She does, does she?”

“Yeah. I gave you a couple of honorable mentions too.”

“Well, if she’s important to you, then I definitely want to get to know her,” he says sweetly.

As we’re finishing our ice cream, I stifle a yawn and Brad notices. “You’re tired; do you want me to take you home?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Then what do you want to do now?” he asks.

“I don’t know. What would you like to do?” I ask coyly.

Brad seems to be deep in thought before he decides to speak. “Well…we would go back to my apartment? I could give you the grand tour and you could give me your unbiased professional opinion on the overall design scheme.”

With a little too much eagerness, I agree. “I’m interested to see how a superhero lives.”

We’re both carrying around these ridiculous smiles as we head back to Brad’s apartment. I can’t deny I’m a bit nervous. I’m not sure what to expect, but I know my heart is finally open.

Brad lives in a one bedroom apartment in Central Park North. It’s a nice location. Certainly a bit different from mine, as his place lacks the delightful view of the back alley. He ushers me through the door and I’m instantly taken aback by what I see. It’s not the typical bachelor pad I expected. It’s incredibly neat and he has real furniture. Tasteful artwork fills the walls accompanied by framed landscape photographs.

“I’m impressed,” I blurt out.

“Really…why is that? Were you expecting empty beer cans and clothes all over the floor?”

“Maybe.” I grin. “This really is a great place. In fact, I don’t think there’s much I could do here to improve it.”

“You just being here improves it.” He throws his keys on the kitchen counter and gently reaches up to cup my face, his gaze moving intently from my eyes to my lips. Pulling me in, he wraps his hands around the base of my neck, my smooth skin settling underneath his fingers and causing tiny shivers to run through me.

I grab handfuls of his hair, drawing him in so close that his warm mouth layers mine. His soft breath teases the sensitive space between my lips, causing me to open and take in the wetness of his tongue. It feels like heaven inside and stirs my need for his touch, my desire to touch him.

I slowly let my hands roam from his waist to the thin cotton of his shirt and ease my palms underneath to feel his smooth, supple skin. Bursts of air float from his lips and land on the nape of my neck, making me feel lightheaded. My toes curl, and my knees weaken.

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