Love, Laughter, and Happily Ever Afters Collection (174 page)

Read Love, Laughter, and Happily Ever Afters Collection Online

Authors: Violet Duke

Tags: #Fiction, #Contemporary, #General, #Collections & Anthologies, #Romance

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He’d just opened the door and seen her and his body had responded without running the play by his brain. What the hell was wrong with him? Eddie had been so worried that if anything happened between the two of them Haley wouldn’t be able to handle it. That things would be different between them and Emily would be affected by it. But Haley seemed to be handling things just fine. He, on the other hand, was not.

The sliding door opened and he turned to see the object of his tortured affections step out onto the deck. Their eyes locked for a moment. A blush rose up her cheeks before she dipped her head and then looked out over the grass.

“All right, pretty girl. Favors are all done. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

His daughter stopped mid gymnastics routine and ran up on the deck as he stood from his seat. “You’re leaving?” both he and Emily asked in unison.

Haley’s baby blue eyes darted between Eddie and his daughter. Leaning down to hug Emily, she said, “Yep. I gotta go, but I’ll be here bright and early to do your hair, princess.”

“Okay.” His daughter’s voice was filled with disappointment and she hugged Haley.

Eddie was definitely feeling his daughter’s pain. He even felt a twinge of jealousy in his chest because Emily got to hug Haley and he didn’t.

He needed help. Serious. Mental. Help.

As she stood and brushed her hair back over her shoulder, Eddie’s fingers itched to reach and touch its soft strands. If he closed his eyes, he could still feel it brushing across his chest as she moved up and down on him.

She smiled in his general direction without making eye contact. “All right. See you guys later.”

“You got a hot date or something?” Riley asked as he sat beside Eddie.

Eddie had always considered Riley his best friend. He would even go as far as calling him a brother. But he’d never loved him as much as he did in this very minute for asking the exact question he wanted—no, needed—to know the answer to.

“None of your business.” Haley’s voice was high as she lifted her hand and wiggled her fingers above her head.


She passed Chelle, who was coming out with baby Mya as she headed back into the house, and said goodbye, giving the baby a kiss on the head as she did.

Emily ran back onto the grass to continue her flips, handstands, and back walkovers.

“Where’s she going?” Chelle nodded in the direction of the house after the screen door closed.

Riley shrugged as he pulled Chelle and Mya onto his lap. “She didn’t say.”

“Be right back.” Eddie had one foot inside when he called out as an afterthought, “Watch the burgers.”

Not waiting for a response, he rushed through his house and opened the front door just as Haley was almost to the end of his driveway. “Hales.” Stepping outside, he shut his door behind him.

She turned around, and when she saw him, her face scrunched in worry. “What’s wrong?” she asked as she rushed back up the drive.

Good question

“Nothing,” he answered.

“Oh.” Now, instead of worry, she stood before him and just looked confused. “Are you okay?”


“Yeah. I just wanted to thank you for coming over tonight.” What the hell? Had he really just said that? When had he turned into a nervous teenager? Shit, even when he was a teenager, he hadn’t been a

“No problem. I was happy to do it. You’re sure you’re okay?” She smiled even as her brow furrowed. She tucked her hair behind her ear and tilted her head in a questioning pose. When she did, he smelled the fresh, fruity scent of her shampoo. God, he loved that smell.

“Yeah.” He stared down into the clear blue pools of her eyes and he knew, in that moment, he was lost. Totally and completely lost. And he had no idea how the fuck to find his way back.

“All right then.” She lifted her hand again in a slight wave as she turned to leave.

Reaching out, he caught her wrist in his and spun her back around. Looking up at him with wide eyes, she sucked in a breath. He backed her up against the cove of the garage door. Releasing her wrist, he cupped her face with his hands and covered her mouth with his.

A soft, needy moan escaped from her mouth as she parted her lips. Her tongue met his lick for lick as he ravenously kissed her, pouring every ounce of passion, need, and frustration into it. Her hands wrapped around his shoulders and she melted against him.

He heard the thumping sounds of Emily running through the house and knew that at any moment his little girl could open the door and catch them in this compromising position. Reluctantly, he broke their kiss, leaning his forehead against hers for a moment as he tried to steady his breathing.

Haley was doing the same as she asked, “Not that I’m complaining, but what was that for?”

“I missed you,” he simply stated. It was the truth. He’d missed her so badly he’d felt it in the marrow of his bones. Stepping back before he
her some more, he said, “Sorry. You better get going.”

Her lust-fogged eyes cleared as she said, “You don’t ever have to apologize for kissing me like that.”

“I wasn’t apologizing for the kiss. I was apologizing in case I made you late,” he explained.

“Oh. Okay.” A huge smile spread on her face as she brushed past him.

He stepped back up on the porch. The sun was setting. The smell of barbeque was in the air. And he had the best view in the world as he watched Haley walk across the street in her tight blue jeans.

He might not know what he’d gotten himself into, but life was still pretty good.














“I NEED TO GET in the bathroom.” Haley stood in the upstairs hall and pounded on the door.

The sound of the dryer stopped abruptly as her sister Jessie called out, “I’m almost done.” Before she even got the last word out, the muffled hum of the dryer flipped back on.

Haley closed her eyes and slumped back against the wall, sliding down until her rear hit the floor. “Almost done” in Jessie-talk could be at least fifteen more minutes. If there was one thing she did
miss about living in house with three sisters…this was it. Someone was
in the bathroom.

She tried to suppress her frustration. It wasn’t that big of a deal. She just needed to grab a quick shower before she put on her princess dress and headed back across the street.

This morning, Eddie’s house had been bustling and busy in full party readiness mode. The blow-up bouncy house castle had already arrived as well as the balloons and cake.

When she’d headed over to do Em’s hair, Eddie had been outside in the backyard setting up tables and chairs. Shirtless. Seeing Eddie doing manual labor, sans shirt, had not been a bad way to start her birthday.

Every time Haley closed her eyes, she could feel his skin against hers. Feel his hands touching her. His mouth on her. His length buried deep inside…

“Good morning, birthday girl!” Haley opened her eyes just as Becca plopped down beside her. Her sister’s dark brown hair was pulled up in a ponytail and she was wearing Lemonhead pajama bottoms and a yellow tank top. She was such a cutie pie.

“Good morning. Did you sleep okay on the couch?”

“Like a rock. That couch is way more comfortable than my futon.”

“You have to get good nights’ sleep, Bec. You need a
bed.” Haley hated to think about her little sister sleeping on a lumpy futon.

“I’m fine,
,” Becca teased.

Haley knew her sisters all thought that she was overprotective, but she couldn’t help herself. She was a nurturer. It was her curse.

Her sister scanned the length of the hall, looking at the pictures hanging on the wall. “I love this house. Krista said you just picked it to be close to Eddie, but even if that’s the case, it’s adorable.”

“Thanks.” Haley wasn’t about to argue her reason for wanting the house. She wasn’t even going to attempt to pretend that her decision to move here hadn’t had anything to do with her neighbor across the street. Why would she when it was the main reason she’d moved here?

“How are things going with Eddie? Krista said something about a kiss.” Becca wagged her brows.

Haley normally told her sisters everything. They were more than just her siblings; they were her best friends. But what happened between her and Eddie, their night together, was private. Intimate. Just for them.

She wasn’t going to lie though. A small—large!—part of her did want to shout it from the rooftops, take out an ad in the paper, start a blog, and make t-shirts announcing the momentous, life-changing, occasion.

“They’re going good.” Haley tried to keep a neutral expression. Her sisters could read her better than anyone. She figured a diversion tactic was her only hope at keeping her carefully guarded secret. “He’s done at Tempting, so I won’t be seeing him as much now. Oh, and Jason promoted him to V.P.”

A look of shock crossed Becca’s face. “What about Bobby?”

Haley shrugged. “I guess he hated it. Even Uncle Bob said he knew that Bobby was miserable and was just waiting for him to say something.”

“Seriously!” Krista pouted as she joined the two girls, sitting on the other side of Becca. “You guys are here one night and there’s already a line for the bathroom.”

“It’s just like old times,” Becca said as she laced her arms through both Krista’s and Haley’s. Then, elbowing Krista, she said, “Come on. Admit it. You missed us.”

Krista let her head fall back against the wall with a thud. “I did miss you guys. I did not miss having to wait forty-five minutes to take a shower.” Then, leaning forward, Krista pointed at Haley with an accusatory glare. “This is all your fault. We looked at a ton of places with two
baths. But
wanted to spy on Hottie McHottster so we
to get this one.”

“Okay, first of all, I don’t spy on Eddie. And second, it’s fine when it’s just us here. Don’t worry. I’ll make a bathroom schedule this week.”

Both Becca and Krista looked at each other and rolled their respective eyes. Haley knew that her schedules had never been a big hit when they were all growing up. But the facts spoke for themselves, and once she had implemented the schedule, it had totally alleviated half-hour-long lines for the bathroom.

Jessie walked out in a puff of steam. “All yours, birthday girl.”

“How is it still steamy in there?” Krista asked as she waved her hand in front of her face and turned her head.

“I keep the window closed and the water hot,” Jessie stated as if it were obvious.

“That could cause mold,” Becca, the science geek in the family, pointed out.

“True, but it does wonders for my skin. Beauty comes at a price.” Jessie smiled and batted her eyes.

“Yeah, and I’m the one who’s going to pay if you make mold grow in my bathroom.” Haley stood and, in an authoritative tone she hadn’t used in years, said, “Open the window from now on.”

Jessie, being her usual smartass self, saluted Haley. “Yes, sir,

Haley smiled and shook her head as she stepped into the bathroom. Leaning on the marble countertop, she sighed. She loved her sisters, but with them all in the house, it was going to be a
six weeks.


* * * * *


“SO RILEY SAID you had a hot date last night?” Chelle whispered conspiratorially as she sat in the fold-out chair beside Haley. They were relaxing on the deck, watching the kids happily bouncing in the rented jumping princess castle.

“What?” Haley turned to look at her, fanning herself with a makeshift accordion fan she’d crafted out of Emily’s construction paper.

It had to be pushing at least ninety in the shade and Haley was roasting in the puffy princess dress she’d promised Emily she’d wear. For a moment, Haley honestly had no idea what Chelle was talking about but then it dawned on her.

She shook her head, laughing. “No. I didn’t. I had to go pick Bec and Jess up from the airport.”

“Oh.” Chelle tilted her head in question. “I wonder why Riley sai—”

“Because,” Haley interrupted, explaining, “when he asked if I had a date, I told him it was none of his business. I get so sick of my cousins playing overprotective big brother.”

“I see.” Chelle nodded in understanding as she bounced baby Mya on her knee. The baby giggled, waving her arms. “Well, speaking from experience of having my own overprotective brother, I don’t think they’re playing. So are you seeing anyone? I won’t tell Riley. Pinky swear.”


Haley wasn’t sure how to answer that question. No, technically she wasn’t seeing anyone. And even as soon as last night, before she had left to go pick up her sisters at the airport, Haley would have said a confident ‘no.’
after Eddie had backed her up against the door, kissed her senseless, and told her that he’d missed her, it had given her a glimmer of hope that something could come of them. Still, she wouldn’t be changing her Facebook status to ‘in a relationship’ anytime soon.

“Nope. I’ve been so busy with the store.” Haley wasn’t technically lying. She had been busy with the store.

“Good, then this will be perfect because
is right across the street.” Chelle gave Haley a knowing grin. “Location is everything.”

? Was she talking about Eddie? It had to be Eddie. He was the only person under fifty who lived on this side of the street. Oh boy. Haley did not think Eddie would appreciate his sister trying to play cupid. In fact, knowing Eddie, that would only give him one more argument as to why he and Haley shouldn’t be together. He hated when people meddled in his life. She needed to nip this thing in the bud and do it fast!

“I don’t really like being set up—” Haley tried to explain just as Amber and Katie sat down across from Haley.

“Oh!” Katie rubbed her hands together. “Are we talking about ‘Operation Set Up Haley’?”

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