Love, Lies and Scandal (19 page)

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Authors: Earl Sewell

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #General

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esse sat far away from JoAnn in the courtroom. He was angry about her summoning him to court once again to try to get their custody arrangement amended. Jesse knew that her request was just another attempt to make his life miserable. The judge finally called their case, and both Jesse and JoAnn approached the bench. JoAnn stood at the plaintiff's podium and Jesse stood at the defendant's podium.

"Ms. Walker, you want to make an amendment to the custody arrangement you have with your ex-husband, Jesse Robins," the judge began.

"Yes. I want it to be written down that Jesse can't have other women around when my daughter visits him at his house."

"And why is this?" asked the judge.

"Because that's what I want," JoAnn stated. "He shouldn't be dating around anyway. I just don't feel comfortable with other women being around my daughter."

"Ms. Walker, do you know of any direct threat or danger posed to your daughter by anyone who has been visiting Mr. Robins?" "No."

"Your Honor, may I speak, please?" Jesse asked.

"Yes, you may," the judge said.

"Your Honor, this is an attempt by JoAnn to make my life more difficult, which she's been trying to do for the past three years. She's placed a restraining order against me, but then violated it by coming unannounced to my home. A friend came by my house for a visit and JoAnn showed up at my home drunk and belligerent. I have a police report of the incident right here." Jesse handed a copy of the report to the bailiff who handed it to the judge. "Your Honor, for the record, I want to say that I value the time I have with my daughter, and I've never had other visitors at my home when she's there."

"Ms. Walker, why were you at his house when
placed a restraining order against him?" asked the judge.

"I wanted to see who he was dating and to make sure that whoever it was wouldn't harm our daughter."

"Do you have any record or written reports that show any harm has come to your daughter while she has been in the care of Mr. Robins?"

"No," JoAnn said.

"Case dismissed." The judge slammed down her gavel and called the next case. Jesse exhaled a sigh of relief and began walking out of the courtroom.

"Jesse," JoAnn called after him, but he wouldn't stop walking. "Jesse, wait." JoAnn finally got him to stop outside the courtroom. He was angry and breathing hard.

"What do you want, woman?" Jesse snarled at her.

"Calm down, okay?" JoAnn tried to ease his tension. "You look good." JoAnn made small talk.

"I'm not in the mood for cheap talk, JoAnn. Don't you call me again unless it has something to do with Trina. You understand me?" Jesse pointed his index finger at her.

"Okay. I'm sorry."

Jesse turned to leave her where she stood when she asked, "Jesse, um, is there still a chance for us?"

Jesse began to laugh. "Are you delusional? No."

"Are you married to your friend?" she asked.

"That's none of your business," Jesse said.

"I'll take that answer to mean no, you're not married to her. That being the case, there
still a chance for us to work things out and get back together. We can do it for Trina's benefit, don't you think?" Jesse was stunned that after JoAnn had hauled him back to court, she had the nerve to ask him for a reconciliation.

"Trina is sixteen now and soon she'll be eighteen years old and on her way to college. I am doing everything that I can to make sure she has every opportunity to succeed. One thing that I know for sure is we are no good together. I almost lost who I was because of your intolerable behavior. I'm going to be the best father that I can be to my daughter but I'll never ever be your husband or lover ever again."

"Jesse, wait!" JoAnn pleaded.

"Bye, JoAnn. I'm going to pick up Trina from school," Jesse said and turned his back on her.

"Jesse! Don't do this. I need you!" JoAnn's voice trembled with emotion. "I need you, Jesse. Do you hear me?" Jesse didn't look back as he rushed out the door.

Trina was scheduled to stay with Jesse for the weekend. He'd made prior arrangements with JoAnn to pick their daughter up from school instead of the police station. He pulled up in front of Trina's high school and waited for her to exit from the side door. When the bell rang, a flood of teenagers rushed out of the building. Jesse spotted Trina and waved to her. Trina acknowledged him and headed in his direction.

"Hey, how are you?" Jesse asked Trina as he held the car door open for her.

"Fine," she answered as she got in. As they drove home, Jesse began asking a series of questions.

"How was your day?" he asked.

"Fine," Trina answered.

"Anything exciting happen?"


"What were your friends talking about today?"


"Come on, Trina. Cut me some slack here. Talk to me," Jesse pleaded with her.

"You're driving the wrong way," Trina informed him.

"What are you talking about? We're driving to your mom's house so that we can get your bags for your stay with me this weekend," Jesse said.

"We don't live on that side of town anymore. We live in Westside now."

"Westside!" Jesse's voice was filled with surprise.

"We live in an apartment on the corner of Laramie and Augusta."

"Wait a minute..." Jesse was trying to process this new information as he made a U-turn and began heading in the opposite direction. "When did this happen?" Jesse asked.

"Recently. Didn't you talk to Mom today?" Trina asked.

"Not exactly, Trina."

"Well, she told me that you guys were going to get back together. Is it true?"

"Oh God." Jesse's heart began to ache. "Honey, it's complicated. Your mom and I haven't been together for three years and--"

"Well, my life is complicated, too, Daddy." Trina's chest began heaving and her breath came in spurts. She started crying, and in a trembling voice began to explain what was going on. "We live in a horrible place. It's not safe. We've only been there a week, and the first night someone broke into Mom's car and snatched out the radio. On the second night, the neighbors below us got into a massive fight in the hallway. I was walking down the street headed to the corner store to get something to eat on the third day and a group of boys started following me. They were talking about my butt, my breasts and my vagina. They said that if I didn't date one of them they'd all break into the apartment and catch me and all of them would have sex with me. One of them even said that he had a gun." Trina swallowed heavily and then continued to speak. "And our apartment isn't safe and I don't feel safe in it. It's old, musty and infected with rodents. It's a real shit hole, Dad." Trina's chest continued to heave uncontrollably, making it all the more difficult for her to speak.

"I had no idea. What happened to all the money?" Jesse asked.

"It's gone, Daddy. She's broke. She gambled it all away, I guess. She's been trying to find a job but hasn't had any luck. I don't want to go to school in that horrible neighborhood, Daddy. If those boys find out that I go to school over there they're going to catch me. I don't want to live over there. You have to take me and Mommy back. We're not going to make it in that neighborhood. We're two girls who live by ourselves and those people are crazy."

Jesse felt as if someone had poured a pail of ice water down his back. For a moment he felt as if his heart had stopped beating. He was in shock and he was numb. He managed to pull the car over and put it in Park. He unlatched his seat belt, reached over and embraced Trina who finally let out all her emotions. Jesse stroked the back of her head.

"It's okay, baby. Daddy is going to make sure that you're safe." He comforted her as he held back his own tears of fear and anxiety.



ngela and Regina were at the gym sitting side by side on exercise bikes pedaling slowly before their cardio spin class began.

"Girl, I am in love," Angela said to Regina.

"You're in love with Jesse?" Regina asked.

"No. The man on the moon." Angela was being sarcastic. "Of course, Jesse."

Regina laughed. "Well, I'm happy for you. I know he feels the same way. He's always cared about you."

"He is such a good man. He's smart, he's caring, he's ambitious."

"He must've been thrown down on that cruise you guys took," Regina whispered so only Angela would hear her.

"Forget you, Regina. This isn't about lust." Angela wanted to be perfectly clear about her feelings.

"I know, girl. I'm just teasing you. So what does all of this mean? What are you going to do?" Regina asked.

"Well, I wouldn't say no to him if he asked me to take our relationship to the next level."

"And what's the next level?" Regina wanted to be clear.

"Marriage," Angela said. "I'd marry Jesse. Settle down again. Plan a pregnancy, become a mother." Angela smiled. "We'd have a pretty baby."

"Does Jesse know how you feel?" Regina asked, as she took a gulp of her water.

"Yes. He knows exactly how I feel. And I know exactly how he feels about me. I'm not one to make bold predictions but I know Jesse is going to ask me to marry him."

"Okay, now you know that I'm going to charge you a finder's fee if y'all get married," Regina joked.

"Whatever." Angela dismissed her comment. "What about you? I haven't heard you talking about anyone special in a while."

"Girl, please, these brothers out here can't handle this on a 24/7 basis."

"Oh Lord." Angela laughed. "You'd better settle your hot ass down soon."

"Well, I'm working on it. I'm dating this new guy, Nick, who teaches English over at DePaul University. He's thirty-five, single, no kids and has never been married. He's a handsome brother and loves to travel. Every year he takes a group of students to visit a different country. He's been to Egypt, Italy and Kenya."

"Wow. How come you haven't mentioned Nick before?" Angela asked.

"It's still a new relationship. But so far, so good," Regina answered truthfully.

"Well, I'm so glad that Jesse and I have reconnected," Angela said, just as the instructor began the class. After working out, Regina and Angela went to get a quick bite at a nearby cafe, and Regina started talking about a few local news stories to get Angela's viewpoint.

"So, what do you think about the police discovering the body of that judge who has been missing for all of those years?" Regina asked.

"What do you mean, what do I think about it?"

"I mean, how do you think they found the remains after so long?" Regina asked.

"I think someone tipped off the police as to where the body was buried. I've heard rumors around the television station that the new state prosecutor is making deals with felons to solve the backlog of unsolved cases. Criminals can get their sentences reduced depending on how helpful the information they give is."

"Isn't that going to upset people?" Regina asked.

"Probably, but that's politics for you. Will taught me that with the right amount of money, clout or damaging information, a lot of things can get done or undone, which seems to be the case with the state prosecutor." At that moment, Angela's cell phone rang. She looked at the caller ID but didn't recognize the number.

"Who is that?" Regina asked.

"I don't know. I don't recognize the phone number." Angela was perplexed by the odd phone number.

"Well, are you going to answer it or just look at it?" Regina asked.

"Hang on," Angela said and answered the phone.

"This is Angela," she greeted the caller.

"Hey, baby," the voice said.

"Who is this?" Angela asked.

"Come on now. It hasn't been that long, has it? Surely you still recognize my voice."

Angela stopped breathing for a moment.

"Angela, what's wrong? Did something happen?" Regina was filled with concern when she saw the look on Angela's face. Angela held her hand up for her friend to be quiet and to listen.

"Will?" Angela asked to confirm.

"Yes. How have you been?" he asked.

"How did you get my phone number?" Angela asked.

"Come on, Angela. You know that I have connections and I still have a few friends that I can call in favors to."

"Okay, so you called in a favor. Why are you calling me?" Angela said, feeling irritation rise.

"I want to see you," Will said.

"I'm not in California anymore, Will, and if I were I certainly would not be coming to visit you in prison."

"I know you're not in California. You're in Chicago. And so am I," Will said.

"What! You're in Chicago?" Angela's heart began beating hard.

"Yeah, baby. I'm out of jail now, and I want to see you."

"That's not a good idea, Will," Angela said.

"Why? Are you married now?"

"No," Angela answered him.

"Good." Angela could hear Will exhale.

"Will..." Angela paused in thought. "I am not going to see you. Our relationship is over. We have nothing to say to each other."

"Wait a minute now. I've traveled a long way to see you. I think you could at least see me once. Just for old time's sake. I just want to explain things to you and set the record straight."

Angela could hear the anger in his voice. "Goodbye, Will. And don't call me anymore."

"Angela. You don't want to hang up on me. You do not want to piss me off," Will barked at her. Angela felt a bolt of anxiety flow through her.

"Whatever, Will," Angela said and then hung up.

"Please tell me that wasn't the same Will you were married to." Regina was sitting on the edge of her seat waiting for Angela's response.

"Yes, it was," Angela whispered softly, her mind still in a daze.

"What the hell is he calling you for?" Regina demanded.

"He said that he wanted to talk and set the record straight." Angela captured Regina's gaze.

"Well, that fool should know that there isn't shit to talk about. It's over. Finished. Done."

"I know," Angela said. "I'm not going to tread old waters or even entertain a conversation with him," Angela said. "I've suddenly lost my appetite." Angela excused herself and headed toward the bathroom.

Later that evening, Angela was resting comfortably in her bed watching a Will Smith movie. As the movie was drawing to its conclusion, she decided to give Jesse a call.

"Hey, babe," Jesse greeted. "Sorry I didn't call you earlier, but it's been one hell of a day."

"You can say that again," Angela agreed. "What are you doing?" she asked.

"Lying in bed and watching television," Jesse said.

"You sound really sad. What's wrong?" she asked.

"As much as I hate to say this, I've got baby-momma drama."

"Well, come on. Talk to me about it. What's going on?" Angela pried for more information. There was a long moment of silence. "I'm petitioning the court for full custody of my daughter. Her mother has run into some catastrophic financial difficulties. She's not able to provide a safe environment for her," Jesse said, and then went on to explain everything that had happened and how Trina had broken down in tears.

"You should become the custodial parent. It's a damn shame that JoAnn has fucked up that much money in such a short amount of time."

"That's only part of my problem. Trina doesn't want to leave her mother behind. I've tried to explain to her the best way that I know how that her mom can't come live with us. It's been a very long and difficult night," Jesse admitted.

"Well, do you want to get back with her?" Angela asked, fearing that Jesse was trying to find a way to end their relationship so that he could go back to his ex-wife.

"I am done with JoAnn. No. I don't want to get back with her," Jesse answered.

"Well, I mean, you have a child to consider in all of this." Angela was being honest as well as supportive.

"I know, and I want to be a good father to Trina, but I can't raise grown people. I can't raise JoAnn. She has deep issues and more baggage than I'm willing to carry."

"Well, since we're both talking about our exes, Will called me today." There was a long moment of silence once again. "Hello? Jesse, are you still there?" Angela thought she'd lost the call.

"Oh my God!" Jesse exclaimed.

"Jesse, what's wrong?" Angela was confused by his exclamation. "Are you mad that he called me? I didn't give him my phone number--he called in some favors to get it."

"Angela, turn to channel seven." Angela picked up the remote and changed the channel. There, on the evening news, was Will, sitting in his hotel room giving an interview to a reporter.

"So, Mr. Rivers, what you're saying is you admit that you were wrong to have an inappropriate relationship with a minor, but you're saying that your ex-wife was also involved?"

Angela was speechless. She watched as Will repositioned himself in his chair and began talking.

"Yes. My ex-wife, the journalist Angela Rivers, was also involved in the sexual acts. So I'm not the only one who should've served time for that particular crime."

"What!" Angela shouted out. "You low-down, dirty, lying son of a bitch!"

"Angela, what is he talking about?" Jesse wanted to know.

"He's lying, Jesse. The bastard has crawled out from under his rock and is trying to ruin me." At that moment, Angela was notified of an incoming call. She looked at her phone and saw that Regina was trying to reach her. Angela figured that Regina was watching the news and wanted her to know that Will was on there slandering her. Angela decided to call Regina back later.

"Why would he do something like this?" Jesse asked.

"Because I refused to listen to his bullshit. He called me today and wanted to talk to me, but I said that there was nothing to talk about."

"But what's he doing here in Chicago?" Jesse asked.

"I guess he thought he still had a chance with me."

"Shit," Jesse hissed. "Now let me ask you the same question you asked me. Do you still want him?"

"No," Angela said with absolute certainty.

"Then why is he doing this?" Jesse asked again.

"Because he doesn't have shit else to do. But two can play this little game of his." Angela felt vengeance rise in her chest. "I'm going to squash this shit, once and for all. I am not about to allow him to get out of jail and fly across the country just to ruin my life and my new beginning," Angela proclaimed.

"So, what are you going to do?" Jesse asked.

"Something that he isn't expecting me to do," Angela answered. "Babe, let me call you back." Angela was about to end the call.

"Angela," Jesse called out to her before she hung up. "Love you."

"Love you," Angela said and hung up.

The following morning, Angela called Will first thing.

"Hello," Will answered. She could tell that he'd still been asleep.

"How long will you be in town for?"

"I have interviews scheduled for the rest of the week," he answered. "Everybody in this town wants to hear my side of the story."

"Your side of the story is twisted and filled with lies," Angela snapped at him.

Will laughed. "You've made a good name for yourself here in Chicago. If I keep on talking, you're going to lose everything--especially when I go on that new daytime talk show

"I know the show. When are you scheduled to go on it?" Angela asked.

"End of the week. But I'll pull out of my interview and stop my smear campaign if you'll come back to me so that we can rebuild our life together."

"Go to hell, Will," Angela said and hung up the phone. She called her office and took a few days off. She was thankful that the station's management thought highly of her and allowed her to take the time on short notice. Angela then logged on to her computer and booked a noon flight back to Oakland. She didn't care how expensive it was because getting back to Oakland was paramount. She landed in Oakland at 2:30 p.m., grabbed her luggage and then took the shuttle service over to rent a car. Once she got her car, Angela drove toward Oakland. She made one special stop before she continued on to Smoky's house.

When she arrived, she parked the car, grabbed the bag of goodies she'd picked up for Smoky and walked up to the house.

"Who is it?" Smoky called out, when she knocked on the door.

"It's me, Angela. Open the door," she said.

"Angela who?" Smoky asked.

"Your sister-in-law. Open the door, Smoky." For a long moment nothing happened, then the door finally opened up.

"What are you doing here?" Smoky asked. Angela could tell she'd surprised the hell out him.

"I need a favor from you, Smoky," Angela said as she stepped inside and shut the door behind her.

"A favor?" Smoky laughed as he wheeled himself to an open spot on the floor. He was thankful Will had picked up a little before he'd rushed off.

"You came to see old Smoky because you need some good loving, don't you?" Angela could see Smoky undressing her with his eyes.

"You might be a little too much man for me to handle, Smoky." Angela smiled. She knew exactly how to get what she needed from him.

"Yeah, that's true. Because I can get down all night long," Smoky boasted.

"So I've heard," Angela said.

"You know Will is in Chicago looking for you. I thought that's where you went. I didn't know you were still here in California," Smoky said.

"Smoky, I need to find out something from you," Angela said, completely ignoring his comment.

"Well, I know a lot of things about a lot of shit," Smoky said confidently.

"I need to find DaNikka, Smoky," Angela said.

"DaNikka. As in Will's woman on the side?" Smoky asked.

"Yes. Where can I find her?" Angela asked.

Smoky began laughing. "Girl, you're trying to set old Smoky up. It goes against the player code of honor to give up information like that." Smoky paused, and then looked at Angela lustfully. He moistened his lips with his tongue. "What's in it for me? Do I finally get to get a little taste of you?"

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