Love Lost (14 page)

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Authors: Maria DeSouza

BOOK: Love Lost
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Jason got closer and leaned in to whisper in her ear.

“You want to make things up?”  She looked into his eyes and didn’t respond.  He grabbed her waist with both hands and she didn’t stop him.  He pulled her close, leaned down
, and kissed her.  When he tried to back away, she grabbed his shirt and shook her head no. 

“I’m not done apologizing yet.”  She grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him in for another kiss.  Her lips were soft and luscious.  Her hands traveled down his chest as his hands found their way to her behind.  He gave her a gentle squeeze in which she gave a slight moan that drove him nuts.  “Maybe we need to take this back to our place.”

She paused at his words.  “Our place?”

He pulled an extra set of keys and placed them in her hand.  “You already belong there.  I’m just making it official.” 

Jason felt her hand as Selene reached into his pocket and grabbed his bike keys to hand to him. 

“Let’s go home.”  He jumped on the bike and they took off.  As they reached his place, Jason opened his apartment door and led Selene into the apartment.  There were candles everywhere.  She looked around as he stood by the door.  She turned to him, a shocked look plastered on her face. 

“How did you do this?”

“I had some help.  Do you like it?”  He pulled her in for a kiss and she obliged. 

“I love it.” 

He grazed her lips.  “Good
, because I love you, Selene.  Now and always.” 

Selene looked up at him and he could see the tears forming in her eyes.  “I love you with all of my heart, Jason.” 

Selene unbuttoned Jason’s shirt and tossed it on the floor.  Jason unzipped her jacket and it joined his shirt.  He grabbed her butt and picked her up as she wrapped her legs around him.  He propped her up on the kitchen counter and pulled the thin straps from her camisole down, bringing her shirt toward her waist.  Jason kissed her lips as his hands explored her breasts.  He kissed her neck and slowly made his way down her body.  She arched toward him when he started to suck on one of her nipples and she moaned in pleasure as he continued teasing her.  Jason grabbed her shirt and pulled it above her head and threw it behind him.  She started to kiss his neck, working her way down his stomach. She jumped off the stool and pushed him toward it, a wicked smile on her face.  She started to unbuckle his belt and lowered herself to her knees as she brought his pants down.  He grabbed her hair and gently pushed it away from her face as she took him into her mouth.  Jason let out a moan and had to grab the stool for support.

  After several minutes that seemed like hours to him, he almost reached his orgasm
. If she hadn’t started to kiss her way back up he would have. Starting to unzip her jeans seductively, Selene walked backward and Jason followed like a predator about to attack its prey.  She let her jeans fall to reveal a white lace thong, as he lowered himself to his knees  He kissed her belly and went down to remove it, kissing her legs as he did.  He picked her up as he stood and walked over to his bed and laid her beautiful naked body on his bed before kissing her again.  Jason loved kissing her. Every moan drove him to the breaking point, but he managed to pull himself back.  He wanted this to last, not end in minutes. 

As he entered her, he felt an overwhelming sensation of emotions hit him.  Every thrust was slow and deep and a part of Jason didn’t ever want it to stop.  They started on the bed and ended up on the floor on his soft furry rug.  Jason turned over on his side with Selene as she lay on his chest
, fast asleep, her curly hair sprawled all over her shoulder and him.  He played with her hair as she stirred next to him, pushing herself closer to him.  Their hands were interlocked together and he drifted off as she sleepily whispered his name.



Lucio unlocked the door to Selene’s apartment and dragged Mimi’s body inside before placing her on Selene’s bed.  He opened her closet and grabbed a pair of shoes.

“These would be perfect with that dress.”

He placed the shoes on her feet and dragged his hand over her body.  When he reached her face, he bent down and kissed her cold lips.

“Soon you will be mine.”

He walked over to the kitchen and started to make himself something to eat.  As he sat down at the kitchen table and waited, he counted the minutes until Selene would come home and would finally be his.   They would be together very soon.   Lucio reached for his phone to initiate his plan to get Selene back.  He dialed and waited for the answer. 

“Hello, Captain. I’m calling in a favor and I’m expecting it to be done quickly.”

Lucio smiled at the silence on the other end of the line.  “This is what I need you to do.”



Selene dressed while Jason was fast asleep.  She leaned over and placed a soft kiss on his lips and he grabbed her in for more.

“Hon, I have a doctor’s appointment to get to before I head to work.” 

Jason lifted his head and made a face.

“What time will you be back?”

Selene looked at her watch. “I’ll be back around 6pm, but I might drop by to see you before I head to work.”

Jason gazed deeply into her eyes, cradling her face in his hands.  Moments like this made her want to stay in bed with him all day. 

“How’s your stomach?  Is it still bothering you?” 

Selene smiled.  “It must have been a stomach bug, but I’m going to see the doctor just to be safe.  What are your big plans for today?”

“My brothers were worried about how things were between us and asked to hang out, so I’m meeting them for lunch.  I think they just want to make sure I’m still breathing.”

She touched the scar on his chest. It was healing, but it would remain a constant reminder to her of almost losing him.  They were also healing in their own way and Selene was happy about that.  Jason kissed her tenderly.

“You should go before I find a few reasons for you to stay.”

“Mmmmm.  Fine.  See you later.”

“I love you, Selene.”

She smiled.  “I love you more, Jason.”

“I doubt that.”

“I will have to prove it to you later.”

“Looking forward to it.”

After o
ne last look at a smiling and happy Jason, Selene walked out the door.  She had planned on taking her car but the sun was out so she enjoyed the short walk to the doctor’s office.  She arrived with five minutes to spare and the office staff showed her to her room.  She sat on the table and was playing with the stethoscope when the doctor entered the room.

“Hello, Selene.  How are you feeling today?”

“Much better today, Dr. McGrath.  I think I had a stomach bug but it seems to have gone away.”

The doctor checked her vitals and listened to her heart.  The blood pressure was next and the doctor frowned as she watched the monitor for the results.

“Your BP is a little high.  Are you under any stress lately?”

Selene could hardly contain the laughter.  “That’s a bit of an understatement.”

“Well, we will just monitor that for now by taking your blood pressure at home and calling in the results.  I may have to put you on something if this continues.”

“It should get better, so I’m not too worried.”

“That’s a positive attitude I wish all my patients had. Lie down for me so I can check your stomach.  Some patients confuse stomach bugs for other things.”

Selene felt panic start to set in.  “Other things?”

“Yes, like ulcers, cancer, or even pregnancy.”

“Oh, I can’t get pregnant.”

Dr. McGrath pushed on her stomach and looked at Selene.  “What makes you think that?”

Selene watched as the doctor reached for the ultrasound.  “What’s wrong?  Why do you need to use that?”

The doctor put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.  “Nothing is wrong, Selene.  It is probably just some scar tissue related to the scars on your stomach or a cyst that may need to be removed.  I am going to use the ultrasound to confirm my suspicions.”

Selene lifted her shirt and the jelly was cold to the touch.  Dr. McGrath pushed the probe down on her stomach and off to the side.  Selene heard a sound and turned to the monitor.

“Selene, why did you say you couldn’t get pregnant?”

“I was severely injured when I was 16 and I was told by the doctors that I would never be able to get pregnant or have a full term pregnancy.  Too much scar tissue.”

The doctor stared at the screen and turned to Selene.

“Did you ever get a second opinion?”

“No.  I never thought to question them.  Doctors are never wrong.”

The doctor laughed.

“We all make mistakes and it seems like your doctor made one.”

“Mistake?  What do you mean?”

“The doctor was wrong, Selene.”

Selene started to panic.  “Why?  What’s wrong?”

The doctor gripped Selene’s hand to calm her down.  “Selene, everything’s fine.  You’re pregnant.”



Jason sat across from his brothers and watched as Jesse flirted with the waitress.  The waitress was ignoring his efforts
, but Jesse was quite persistent.  He laughed at his younger brother’s efforts.

“Give it up, Jesse.  She doesn’t seem interested in you.”

“She wants me, Bro.  She just doesn’t know it yet.  You’ll see.”

Julian slapped Jason on the shoulder.  “Are you sure about this?”

Jason nodded his response.  “I have never been more sure in my life.”

“OK.  Here.”  He handed Jason a bag and he tucked it into his back pocket.  “I guess you worked everything out after we left.”

Jason nodded as he took a bite out of his sandwich.  “She finally told me everything.  It’s complicated, but we’re working through it.”

“That’s good to hear, Jason.  She seems good for you, and you are obviously happy with her.”

“I am.”

“Did she let you in on her case?”

“Yeah, she did.  She gave me everything on this asshole.  I was right about us working on the same case.  She has a past with him.”

Jesse turned to face Jason.  “Past
; like what?  Are they related?”

Jason took a sip of his vitamin water.  “Nah.  She used to date him.”  He watched as his brothers slowly looked at each other.  Jesse spoke up first.

“And you’re ok with this?”

“That was before I came into the picture, Jesse.  It has nothing to do with me.  So yes, I am ok with it.  She wants him behind bars more than I do.”

Jesse brought his hands up in defense.  “I’m just looking out for you.  If you’re ok with it, that’s all the matters.”

“I have a lot to do today before Selene gets home and I want to surprise her. I hate to cut this short, but I gotta go!  Later.”  A few slaps and goodbyes, and Jason was almost running back to the apartment to get ready for Selene.   He walked into the apartment to find her sitting on his bed holding something in her hand, her eyes puffy from crying.

“Babe, what’s wrong?  Did something happen?”

She shook her head no, but
was still unable to say anything.  He wiped her tears and glanced at what was in her hand.   It looked like…an ultrasound?  She pushed it into his hands and he sat on the floor, unable to move.

“What’s this?”

Selene sat next to him on the floor.  “A baby, apparently.” 

Jason didn’t know how to react.  She was crying so she obviously wasn’t ready for this.  This was his child and he would do everything right by her and this baby.  He just needed to convince her to keep it.

“Selene, I don’t-”

“Jason, before you say anything, I need you to know that I’m keeping this baby.  I know everything has been crazy and this seems insane, but I-”

“Marry me.”

She stopped talking and Jason had to face her to see how she was reacting. 

“What did you say?”

“I wanted to surprise you and be romantic, but Selene we haven’t done anything right since the day we met.”

“Please don’t ask me because I’m pregnant.  I don’t want to force you into anything because we’re having a baby.”

She watched nervously for a reaction and he took her hand in his.

“I love you, Selene Mendez, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.  You are everything to me.  You’re the only thing that makes sense in my life.  Not my boys, not my family, not my job…just you.  Well, you and our future child.”  His hand went to her stomach and she covered it with hers. 

“Will you give us the honor of being a family?”

She laughed and nodded yes.  “YES! YES!”

He kissed her lips and wrapped her in his arms.  She wiped the last of her tears and stared at the picture.

“What’s wrong?  Did the doctor say something was wrong?”

“No, nothing’s wrong.  It’s just that after what Lucio did to me, I was told I couldn’t get pregnant or stay pregnant for that matter.  The doctor said that everything looks good and I will be closely monitored during my pregnancy.  I was just in shock and I wasn’t sure if you wanted kids.  We never really talked about it.”

Jason pulled her close. “Sel, I love kids and I will love each and every child we have.”    He watched as she raised her eyebrows at him. 

“And how many are you thinking?  I’m not a slot machine you know.” 

Jason couldn’t help but laugh. “We can have as many kids as you want.  My job is the easy one, remember?” 

“Yeah, yeah.” 

Jason reached into his pocket and pulled out the bag.  She turned to look at it. 

“What’s that?”

“It’s my grandmother’s ring.”  Jason removed the ring from the bag to reveal a large blue diamond surrounded by smaller white diamonds set in a platinum band covered in more diamonds.  The ring was breathtaking.

“Her birthday is in December so the blue represents her birthstone.”

Selene smiled.  “The baby is due in December.”

“I guess it was meant to be then.”  He reached for her left hand and placed it on her ring finger.  He kissed her hand and then her stomach.  “I love you
, little one.  We’ll see each other soon.” Jason looked up at Selene.  “Can we call him Jason Jr.?”

Her laugh
ter and happiness echoed in his bedroom and into his soul.



A knock on the door startled Lucio.  He rose from Selene’s bed and grabbed his gun from the nightstand.

He reached the door and the knock came again.

“Who is it?”

“You know who it is because you’re the one that called me.  So stop being so damn paranoid and open the door.”

Lucio opened the door and pointed the gun at the captain.  The captain rolled his eyes and pushed through the door.

“You need to get a grip, Lucio.”

“I have a grip.  Did you bring what I asked for?”  The captain dropped the bag on the table and looked over at the counter.

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