Love & Loyalty (24 page)

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Authors: Tere Michaels

Tags: #LGBT Erotic Contemporary

BOOK: Love & Loyalty
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“I'll be there opening night…”

“You don't have to.”

“I want to, Daisy, honest.”


Tere Michaels

“Okay. I'll get you two seats.”

“Three, please—Dad's coming down with us.” They had plans, visiting up in Albany, then driving down to the city to see Daisy's play. Dad was excited to meet his new “son-in-law,” a charming assessment that made Jim go bright red with embarrassment whenever they were on the phone.

“That's…that's wonderful, Griff. I'm so glad to hear that. Three of the best seats in the house, just for you. And a hotel room if you need it—whatever you need, just ask, okay?”

“Just a kiss from the star afterward.”

“It's yours.” Daisy's voice cracked painfully, and Griffin's heart squeezed.

“Listen—I might have mentioned the Ed Kelly project to Bennet, and he might want to talk to you—after opening night, but still.”

“Wow, okay.” Griffin had a momentary blip of trusting anyone with Ed's script, but Bennet Aames was no Hollywood player. He was an ass, but you could count on him. “I'll set something up when we're in New York.”

“Great. I know how much this means to you.”

“Yeah.” There was a lingering moment over the line when memories and betrayals seemed to sizzle up—but Griffin shook it away. Dwelling would get them both exactly nowhere. “I have a lot in my life right now, and it's all good.”

“I'm envious.”

“It'll happen for you, Daisy Mae. I know it.” She laughed. “Being a big girl on my own sucks. But thanks, Griff. For everything.”

* * * * *

“How's Daisy?” Jim asked when he reached the porch. He shook himself off like a big fuzzy dog, droplets of saltwater flying everywhere.

Love & Loyalty


“Not great but handling it. I'm kinda proud of her, actually. She's standing on her own two feet for a change.” Griffin smiled as he leaned on the railing, ogling Jim without apology. “Need a towel and a hand?”

“Among other things.”

* * * * *

Later on, Griffin got out of bed and collected his laptop, leaving Jim to sleep a few hours while he and the Ed Kelly script sat on the porch for a while.

This was everything now. His script and his boyfriend. He'd never felt this way in his life—about a man or a script, he thought with amusement. Technically Griffin was unemployed, no longer owned any real estate or a vehicle, and his savings were just about depleted. His lifelong best friend was thousands and thousands of miles away, and that wasn't just a geographic reference.

But then again, there was an amazing man snoring a few feet away and a gorgeous sunset in the other direction and a script about a hundred words away from being excellent (and he didn't mind thinking that).

He'd take the trade-off.

Other Loose Id(R) Titles by Tere Michaels

Faith & Fidelity

Tere Michaels

Tere Michaels began her writing career at the age of four when her mother explained that people made their living by making up stories—
they got paid. She got out her crayons and paper and never looked back. Many pages and crayons later—she eventually graduated to typewriters and then computers—Tere has article clips from major magazines, a thousand ideas still left to write and a family in the suburbs. She's exceedingly pleased every time someone reads her stories and cries, laughs or just feels happy.

Check out Tere’s website at
to see what she’s up to.

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