Love Me Tomorrow (34 page)

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Authors: Ethan Day

Tags: #Gay Romance

BOOK: Love Me Tomorrow
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“I’m going to fuck you until you can no longer form a coherent sentence, baby.”

“Jesus,” Levi whispered, spreading his legs, allowing better access.

“You won’t be able to sit down for days without being reminded of the way it feels having me inside you.”

“That’s messed up, but I like it,” Levi said, softly. “No one can say you’re not a man with a plan.”

With that, Jake rolled him over onto his stomach and Levi surrendered himself all over again, craving that connection until Jake finally forced himself inside Levi, making them one, once again.

* * * *

Stumbling down the hall toward the kitchen, Levi was completely ravenous, to the extent it had been his own growling stomach that had awoken him. It was nearly one in the afternoon on Saturday and he’d not eaten anything other than cake and cum since yesterday afternoon before Julia’s party. He and Jake hadn’t slept more than four or five hours between all the talking and sex, so his head was also fuzzy… not to mention his hair. Initially upset at discovering Jake wasn’t in bed when he woke up, Levi said a quick prayer of thanks for that fact after catching a glimpse of himself in the bathroom mirror.

He’d literally jumped, frightened by his own reflection.

A quick shower had been the only recourse for that horrendous case of bed-head. There was the added bonus that the hot water felt nice against his sore muscles. His body had been forced into multiple positions over the last twelve hours, many of which Levi hadn’t utilized in well over a year.

Levi stumbled to halt, as he walked into the kitchen, seeing Jake decorating a Christmas tree that had been positioned into the far corner of the living area.

“Morning sexy,” Jake said, glancing his direction.

“That’s so nice.” Levi smiled, deciding he really enjoyed waking up to find Jake in his apartment wearing nothing but tuxedo pants. The whole tree decorating thing was an added bonus. “Wait, how the hell did you get that up here by yourself? And where did the ornaments come from?”

“It’s a Christmas miracle,” Jake said sarcastically, shaking his head disapprovingly as he continued hanging simple red and gold glass ornaments onto the tree. “This has got to be one the saddest looking apartments I’ve ever had the displeasure of witnessing, Levi.”

Levi seductively ran his finger slowly down the center of his own chest before grabbing hold of his bits and baubles through his pajama bottoms. “It doesn’t really feel like a sad apartment to me at this point.”

Jake grinned, visibly enjoying the insinuation that all the sex had permanently altered the chi inside the loft.

Take that feng shui.

“Seriously, though,” Jake said, “there’s nothing in your home that feels like a representation of you. It’s like apartment by ACME.”

“There’s me… and now you,” Levi reminded him. “And not for nothing, baby, but all I need to feel at home anywhere, is you.”

“That’s nice, you are quite the sweet talker. Now remind me again why you’re wearing clothes?” Jake asked, moving to the opposite side of the Christmas tree in an attempt to space out the ornaments.

“Said the man wearing pants,” Levi smirked, before heading toward the kitchen.

“Um… pine needles are a little prickly, you know,” Jake said. “Not the sort of thing I want anywhere near my own ornaments. What’s your excuse?”

“I’m cold for one, and hungry, and desperately in need of caffeine.”

“Are you always this needy?” Jake asked, smiling to himself as he examined the tree.

“Feed me, please,” Levi demanded sweetly, pausing his quest for coffee long enough to lift the corner of a foil covered pan sitting on the counter and discovering fresh baked cinnamon rolls. “Okay, that smells amazing.”

“Nothing better than a real tree,” Jake agreed before turning to see Levi was referring to the baked goods he was now shoveling into his mouth. “Oh, yeah, I ran down to that little market a few blocks away earlier, which is where I spotted the trees for sale and found the ornaments and garland.”

Levi tore off another large chunk of cinnamon roll and shoved it into his mouth, sucking his fingers clean as he crossed the living room. Caffeine and hunger be damned, he needed to kiss his boyfriend.

Jake was so freakin’ sexy, eyebrows arching and the corners of his mouth curling up as he watched Levi walking in his direction.

“Morning,” Levi said, wrapping his arms around Jake’s waist and kissing the man.

Jake groaned approvingly, though unable to reciprocate the hug fully because his hands were full. For Levi, kissing Jake had become the end-all-be-all of life as he now knew it. He tasted like coffee, which mixed well with the chunk of cinnamon roll Levi had just snarfed down. He caught a healthy scent of pine from the tree as he inhaled; his tongue waging war with Jake’s—which now felt both familiar and foreign at the same time.

He was instantly hard and could feel that Jake was getting there as well. The fact Jake was so easily turned on by him made Levi’s entire body tingle, as if tiny electrical currents were running just underneath the surface of his skin.

“I kinda like this,” Levi whispered in between kisses, “having your hands occupied so I’m able to have my way with you.”

“I was right, you do like things pervy.”

Levi cocked his head to the side, unsure over the exact context of that statement, while thinking it still sounded vaguely familiar.

“A topic of conversation during the Thanksgiving night tequila-fest,” Jake clarified, apparently able to tell Levi was confused.

“Alrighty then.” Levi felt his face flush with heat, still embarrassed over making a spectacle of himself that night.

Levi straightened up hearing his phone start to vibrate. Releasing Jake, he walked over to the bench and peered down to see who was calling. “Mommie dearest.”

Jake laughed. “She’s called several times.”

Levi did a little double take and Jake’s face went red.

to have noticed the caller ID once or twice as I was passing by.”

Levi squinted at the man, trying not to smile. “A nosy fiancé, what every boy longs for.”

“It was completely innocent, I swear,” Jake said, his tone getting slightly defensive until Levi began laughing. “And you’re giving me shit.”

“So gullible.” Levi began tapping on the screen in order to call her back, laughing harder when Jake called him an asshole. “I forgot to call last night, so she’s probably afraid something happened to me.”

“Something did.” Jake was grinning, like he was plenty pleased with himself.

“Something bad,” Levi clarified.

“Oh, we were very bad,” Jake added, laughing when Levi shook his head at him.

“It’s about time you returned my phone call,” Ruby blurted out, immediately scolding him without so much as a hello.

“Sorry, Momma.” Levi grinned, ogling Jake’s lean muscular body all stretched out as he strained on his tip-toes trying to hang an ornament toward the top of the tree. “Something came up.”

Jake started snickering over his word choice and Levi placed his hand over the microphone, shushing him.

“Who are you shushing?” Ruby asked, sounding more irritated.

Levi glanced down to see he’d covered the wrong end of the phone with his hand.

“What is going on, Levi, you never called after the party like you were supposed to and I’ve been worried sick.”

He rolled his eyes over his own buffoonery and took a deep breath. “I was with Jake last night and I forgot to check in with you, I’m very sorry, Momma.”

Jake stopped decorating and stared at Levi who was beginning to fear she might have fainted since she hadn’t offered any response. He tapped the screen, turning on the speaker phone so Jake could hear.

“With Jake?” she finally asked. “Exactly what does that mean?”

“It means exactly what you hope it means, Momma.”

There was nothing but silence again and Levi frowned, hoping he hadn’t turned the speaker on prematurely.

“So you and Jake are going to be together?” she asked, sniffling, which made Levi think she might be getting a little emotional.

“Yep, he’s with me now.” Levi smiled.

“With you now? In your apartment?” Ruby asked.

He rolled his eyes, wondering if she needed to have her hearing checked. “Yes Momma, he’s currently trimming my tree.”

“Don’t be crude, Levi Goode,” Ruby said, her tone becoming slightly irritable again. “I know damn well you don’t have a tree to trim.”

Jake came over leaned into the phone. “Good morning, Miss Ruby.”

They heard Ruby gasp. “Good
, Jake.”

Levi cringed over the time of day correction.

“I’m afraid I’m responsible for the tree and all the trimmings,” Jake said. “I went out for breakfast this morning and I couldn’t resist.”

“So you spent the night with my boy?” Ruby asked, not giving anything away about how she might feel about this news through the tone in her voice.

Levi felt his face flush and opened his mouth to speak only to be cut off by Jake.

“I did indeed, Miss Ruby,” Jake said. “I hope to be doing that a lot more in the future.”

“We sort of got engaged last night,” Levi blurted out, shrugging at Jake who seemed unsure how Ruby might take that news.

There was a moment of silence before Ruby squealed so loudly that Levi nearly dropped the phone. Jake started laughing, out of relief Levi was guessing considering the man exhaled dramatically before taking a seat onto the sofa.

“Way to give us both a heart attack,” Levi said, rolling his eyes when he realized she wasn’t even listening to him. He could hear her voice all muffled from having her hand over the receiver as she was no doubt informing Keith of the happy news.

“I’m so happy,” she gushed after finally coming back to the phone. “This is the best Christmas gift ever, you two. I’m over the moon. I have two sons!”

Jake nodded, looking a bit emotional as Levi sat down next to him. “Thank you for saying that, Miss Ruby.”

“Going on the assumption no one will be able to rouse you from your love-den for the foreseeable future, I’m calling dibs on Christmas morning,” Ruby said. “I expect to see each of you bright and early so you’ll simply have to keep it in your pants for the day.”

“And you call me crass?” Levi asked, noticing Jake was frowning. “Though I think Jake might be working that day?”

He nodded. “I am scheduled to work, sorry Ruby, though I’m free all day on Christmas Eve?”

“Then that will have to do,” Ruby said, “I’ve always preferred Christmas Eve over Christmas Day anyway.”

Jake smiled, slipping an arm around Levi. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

Levi kissed the side of his head, running his fingers through Jake’s soft hair.

“Love you, Momma,” Levi said.

“I love you both!” Ruby squealed once more before hanging up on them.

“I think it’s safe to say she’s excited about the news,” Jake said, kissing Levi on the cheek, then on the chin and finally delivering one last kiss to the corner of his mouth.

“Sorry for blurting that out to her without talking about it with you first.”

Jake grabbed his hand after Levi tossed the phone onto the bench. “I was only worried because I wasn’t sure how she was going to take it, considering Victor and all.”

Levi decided not to share Ruby’s philosophy on love with him. “I never really asked due to the sexual aftermath from you showing up at my door last night, but are you okay, you know, with Victor and all?”

Jake stared into his eyes intently, as if trying to gauge whether or not they should be talking about Victor.

“I want you to talk about it…
… assuming you want to,” Levi said, threading his fingers through Jake’s as they each leaned back into the sofa. “It’s not as if I’m ignorant of your life before me.”

“I’m okay,” Jake said. “Would I feel less skeezy had my circumstances been different when you and I met? Sure. But I need for you to understand that Victor and I weren’t going to make it either way—even if you and I had never met.”

Levi nodded that he understood. “I believe you. I’m not going to pry for any details, but I do want you to know that we can talk about anything.”

Jake grinned, cocking his head to the side. “That your way of telling me you’re all in?”

“Well, I kinda thought the acceptance of your marriage proposal might have been a solid indication of that, but yeah, I’m all in, Jake.”

Jake nodded, and Levi sprang up off the sofa and headed for the kitchen.

“You want coffee?”

Jake shook his head that he didn’t.

“I’m dying for some caffeine,” Levi muttered, grabbing a mug from the cabinet and pouring himself a cup. He glanced back over at Jake who was still sitting on the sofa, staring out the windows, seemingly lost in thought. “I’m not really sure if this is the right time or if it’s even the best idea, but here goes anyway. Would you… um… I mean, silly as it likely sounds, would you want to move in… here, I mean?”

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