Love Me (Trust Series #2) (28 page)

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Authors: Kristin Mayer

Tags: #contemporary romance

BOOK: Love Me (Trust Series #2)
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Mark and I walk over to the area with the team mascot in the background, and he takes his position. He listens well and is a natural behind the camera. No wonder why the women go crazy for him. At least, that’s what I’ve heard from Sam when she was briefing me on the team. We are just finishing up when I feel the energy in the air change, and I know Damien is close.

Mark walks up and shakes Damien’s hand. “You guys have a good day. I’m going to go for a run. Allison, thanks for doing this for the team.”

“You’re welcome. I’ll give Sam your message.”

He shakes my hand and makes his way back to the locker room.

I scroll through his pictures really quick as I walk toward my husband. I’m ready for his touch. The moment I’m done, I immediately embrace him.

He says, “I missed you, too. Are you ready for lunch?”

Moving my pelvis directly against him, I murmur back against his lips, “I’ve got thirty minutes, and I do not want to spend it eating.”

He immediately catches up to where I am going with this. Hell, he was probably already there, but he’s trying to be nice. I can immediately feel him harden at my words as he infinitesimally pushes his hips into me.

“I was hoping you’d say that.”

I knew it.

After adjusting himself quickly, he grabs my hand and hastily pulls me in the direction of some doors off the field. He stops and positions my body in front of him as we keep walking. Dressed in his normal boring suit and shirt, Ben is right inside the door as we enter the building.

Ugh, I really can’t wait until he is fired.

He seems shocked that we don’t stop as Damien continues moving us across the entryway.

“Mrs. Wales.”

I nod and smile. I do not want to be interrupted by Ben right now. I need Damien inside me—pronto. Once my fire is lit, I’m an insatiable force, and there’s only one person who can put it out.

Even though it’s obvious we are on a mission, Ben continues on, “Mr. Wales, I have the notes you requested from the earlier—”

“Ben, I’ll be with you shortly. I’m spending Alli’s lunch break with her. We’ll discuss later.”

As Damien finishes his last word, Ben is standing there, looking at a loss, as the door closes.

We are in an office with a desk at one end and a round cherry conference table in the middle. The walls are done in the team colors of blue and black. When I hear the lock click, I spin around and jump into Damien’s arms, wrapping my legs around him. It takes him by surprise as he thuds against the door, causing me to let out a giggle. Anyone on the other side of that door is going to know that Damien is getting lucky right now. My need is raging so badly that I don’t even care.

He bites my lower lip as he pushes his hardened length against me, creating that delicious friction I crave. Pushing off the door, he takes my mouth with his as I grab his shirt and pull. It causes the buttons to rip off, but it gets me immediately to his lean, hardened chest. Damien is walking across the office in a zigzag manner.

Between kisses, he mumbles, “Shirt off.”

I comply. Leaning back in his embrace, I pull off my bra and sweater over my head at the same time. He rewards me by sucking my already pebbled nipple into his mouth. Finally, we make it to the desk, and he sits me down on the edge. I start kissing on his neck as he takes one swipe behind me, his hands knocking all the papers to the ground.

He immediately goes to my pants, unbuttons them, and pulls them off. I lean back on my elbows, and he immediately goes between my legs and starts sucking my clit into his mouth. An erotic-sounding noise erupts from me as my bud tingles. He sucks me harder and harder.

My thighs tense as I climax, and I collapse back on the desk. I’m trying to be quiet, but when we get together, it’s as if the entire world slips away. The only thing I can even think about focusing on is the man standing right in front of me. As I’m coming back down into consciousness, the sounds of his belt and zipper being undone penetrate my haze. Finally, I’m about to get that relief I need each and every moment his dick is not inside me.

He pulls me to where my sex is exposed in midair. In one stroke, he slams home, and I scream at the sensation. I love when he savagely takes me. He continues pushing into me, and we climb faster with each thrust.

I’m just about at my limit when I clench down on his dick.

He yells, “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” with each thrust.

I lose myself in my orgasm as he spills himself into me.

He collapses on me, but then he thinks better of it and brings us both to lie on the floor while he’s still semihard inside me. This is what total satisfaction and pleasure feel like as we both calm our breathing down. There’s a fine sheen of sweat on us both.

I lift my head up to look in his eyes and love his sex-mussed black hair with his sex-hazed blue eyes. “I’d say that this was a very successful lunch date.”

“You became quite possessed.”

At that, I remember ripping his shirt and recall where we are. My face heats instantly. “Oh no, I didn’t mean to do that here. I completely forgot where we are, and…” My face is burning as I think about the noise we just made. “Damien, they all probably heard. Oh no…geez.” I bury my head in his chest as I try to calm my thoughts down.

He pulls my face back up to meet his. “First off, I love how you lose all control when I touch you. Second, security automatically clears a large perimeter around us when I take you anywhere behind closed doors. It’s in the protocol, so we can be together whenever we want.”

Oh. My. Gosh. They must all think we are totally sex-crazed.

“Hey, if we have to have them, I might as well make it work to benefit us somehow.”

I cannot stop the giggle that escapes before it is too late, but I give him a light slap on the chest for good measure. He brings us to the floor. He’s still twitching within me as I’m lying on top of his chest.
I love the full feeling after sex when we stay connected afterward.

He gives me another kiss and says, “And last, I’ll have a shirt delivered before I go to my next meeting.”

“Oh geez, Damien. They’re going to know I ripped your shirt off you.” My face heats at the thought as I bury my face into his chest just below his chin.

“Well, you did.”

I groan as I feel the vibrations in his chest from his light laughter. We lie there together for a few more minutes.

I look at the time. “Oh shit, I’ve got to get back on the field.”

I immediately sit up with him still inside me, and I start looking at my clothes as they are scattered everywhere. I go to get up when I feel both his hands on my breasts, rolling the nipples between his fingers.

I start to slap them away. “Damien, I’m about to be late. I’ve got to go. I’ll screw your brains out this evening.”

I go to get up and feel his length harden inside me as his hands pull me back down. Fully sheathing him again is all it takes. I don’t care how late I am if I get to have him pleasing me like this again. I completely succumb to the rhythm as I ride him like my life depends on it. Quickly, we both find our release again, and I collapse onto his chest.

When I return to reality, I immediately get up, dislodging him from me, and he emits a grunt from the sudden movement. I start to scramble as I put on my clothes. He’s chuckling from behind me. I refuse to look at him right now because if he even has round three in him and gets me to meet him in the eyes, I will never get back on the field.

“What are you doing in such a hurry, baby?”

I shimmy into my skinny jeans. “I’m getting out of here as fast as I can because”—I look down as I snap my bra, not being able to multitask—“if I stay near you, I know what’s going to happen”—I pull my shirt over my head—“and I won’t be able to do a damn thing about it, and you know it.” I run my hands through my hair, trying to make myself look presentable again. After slipping on my heels, I run over and give him a quick peck while staying just out of his reach. I spin around and start heading for the door.

In his low sexy voice, he says, “You know, I’m still going to take you up on your offer and have you screw my brains out tonight.”

I turn around, and in the most sexy voice I can manage, I say, “That was a given. I’ll be wet, thinking about all the things we’re going to do together.”

I hear him groan as I disappear through the doors with a smile. He’s such a sex fiend.

My sex fiend.

We are in the car, headed to Damien’s parents’ house this evening. He’s stressed beyond belief from Bane’s discovery of his sister’s pregnancy and his parents attempting to cover it up. The impending visit with his parents isn’t helping matters. When he’s stressed, there are two things that happen—he becomes combative with work problems, and his sexual appetite reaches an all-time high. He’s still tender with me, and he’s always the romantic lover, but I am sore today after breaking every record last night. I love the feeling though. It’s satisfying.

His cursing also gets a little excessive when his aggressive side comes out. He’s on the phone right now, “That fu—”

I lay my hand on his knee and give it a squeeze to stop his rant as I continue to look through my magazine.

He takes a deep breath and continues, “Have Monica contact them to schedule the interview. Thanks.”

He hangs up and starts reading his emails on his phone. All of this is just his coping mechanism, and I respect that because I know I need time to excessively process everything in my own way. If it gets to be too much, I might just have to sacrifice myself and let him have his way with me again in the back of the car.

Oh, what a hardship that would be.

I stop my train of thought because this is not the time or the place, and he will know if I’m having any thoughts of car sex. Right now, he’s like a bloodhound.

He’s so engrossed in typing a response to an email that he doesn’t realize where we are and that the car has stopped. I tap his shoulder to get his attention, and he immediately stops what he’s doing.

He looks at me. “What is it, baby?”

“I need to talk to you for a second.”

I love how he stops absolutely everything for me. I would do the same for him.

He’s looking curiously at me, still not taking in his surroundings. “Absolutely.” He lays down his phone. “I’m sorry. I’ve been so caught up in business this morning. I shouldn’t have neglected you like I did.”

“Damien, I’m fine. I recall receiving a lot of your undivided attention last night and then this morning again.”

He gives me that devilish grin I love.

On a more serious note, he asks, “Are you sore?”

I pause just a moment too long before I go to respond, but he cuts me off.

“I took you too many times last night, Alli. I’m sorry if—”

I put my hand on his mouth. “Trust me, I enjoyed every minute of it, and I expect many repeat performances of last night in the future.” I could facepalm myself right now. I am not supposed to be getting us both worked up. I clear my throat and continue on before the sexual desire builds too much in his eyes. “Damien, I’m here for you. Before we get to your parents’ house, I wanted to make a stop along the way. In all this madness, I thought it would be good for us to remember that we are righting a wrong in all this.”

Damien starts looking around and immediately knows where we are. Warningly, he almost admonishes me, “Alli…”

I know this is something he needs. Putting my hand on his face, I lock my eyes with his. “Damien, it’s time you forgave yourself.”

He doesn’t break eye contact as he leans in and gives me a kiss. I can see the warring emotions crossing his face.

I press on. “Damien, Rebecca would not want you to keep punishing yourself like you have been. We all make mistakes, but you both were hurt and coping in different ways. Look at how I coped for an entire year after my parents died. It was because of you that I came back and started living again.”

He closes his eyes. “Alli, I should have been there for her to talk to me about what she was going through.”

“Damien, she probably felt the same way. She was trying to handle the loss of your grandparents along with a pregnancy.”

His eyes snap open to meet mine as my words sink in.

I rub my thumbs along his cheeks and say, “It’s time to release this burden you’ve been carrying all these years.”

It’s the most vulnerable I’ve ever seen him. He nods, and we get out of our car. He slowly leads me to his sister’s grave. My eloquent man is probably trying to figure out what he’s going to say. I know it might seem weird that we visit our families’ graves like we do, but it makes us feel like what we’ve lost is still there in a sense. It’s peace. That’s sometimes hard to find when an empty feeling invades your soul as if you’ve been robbed of time.

He leads us to Rebecca’s tombstone. The caption on it reads.

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