Love of a Marine (The Wounded Warriors Series Book 2) (21 page)

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Authors: Patty Campbell

Tags: #contemporary romance

BOOK: Love of a Marine (The Wounded Warriors Series Book 2)
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“That’s what she said.”

“Beachy? You talked to her about me?”

“Not by design, it just happened. She sat next to me to eat, and I asked her how long she’d known you. She’s smart, she sensed my insecurity. She told me she loves you, and you’re her best friend. ‘Friend, period.’” Graciella gave him a weak smile. “She also told me that anybody who ever hurt you would have to answer to her, and did I get her meaning? She was fierce. That was the end of the conversation, because you came up to us at that moment and gave her a sopping-wet hug.”

“Timing.” He stroked her cheek. “I gotta tell you, being the shallow male twit I am, I’m flattered you were jealous, but, sweetheart, you have nothing to worry about.” He punctuated his declaration with a soft kiss. “Nothing.”

“I want to believe you, Cluny, because I care for you and I haven’t been dating all these years. I’m no kid, but my experience is limited. I know there are no guarantees, but you’ve been out there and I haven’t.”

He smiled in a way he prayed would reassure her. “It’s true, I never took a vow of celibacy, but I’m far from the tireless Romeo some may think. I’ve had lots of dates over the years, but you’re the first woman I’ve ever dared think might be the right one for me.” Yes, he wanted her to be the one. She had it all.

“Why me?” Doubt filled her eyes.

“Why you?” He grinned and held up a fist, releasing one finger at a time. “You’re smart and strong. You’re self-reliant. You don’t need a man to take care of you. You’re beautiful and sexy, and best of all—you’re a mom. Baby, you have everything I love in a woman. Believe it.”

She rose to her knees and put her arms around his neck. “Kiss me, amor, because when you kiss me all my anxiety dissolves.”

He didn’t need any more encouragement that that. Embracing her, he laid her across his lap and smiled into her perfect face. This woman took his breath away. Having her in his arms was heaven on earth. He kissed her thoroughly, again and again. When he finally broke away, he whispered, “God, I need to make love with you, Graciella. Please tell me you want that too.”

She sighed softly. “I do.”

He set her on her feet and kissed her on the mouth. “I don’t only want to kiss you here,” he turned her in his arms and pulled her back against his chest and cupped a breast, “but here,” cupped her other breast, “and here.” Her trembling sent him soaring. He slid a hand down her front and pressed against the mound at the juncture of her legs, “And here.”

His heart nearly stopped beating when she pressed one of her sensuous, soft hands against the hard bulge in his jeans and whispered his name. She took his hand and led him down the short hallway to her bedroom, not bothering to turn off lights or close doors. A small lamp dimly illuminated her room.

Cluny took a deep breath, told himself to slow down. “Please, I want to undress you. I have to see you, all of you.”

She shyly raised an arm, revealing a long zipper at the side of her strapless sundress. Hands trembling, he lowered it and her dress drifted to the floor. She wasn’t wearing a bra, just pale bikini panties. His hands covering her bare breasts, he dropped his head, groaned, and then fell to his knees and embraced her around the hips. For several seconds he stayed there brushing his lips across her abdomen. He slid her panties to her ankles; her knees trembled against his chest.

“Don’t be afraid. I won’t hurt you. I have protection.” His last words got muffled in the thatch of dark curls where her legs met. “Oh, God, oh, my God, you’re so sexy.” He gazed into her face. “Am I alive? Tell me I’m still alive.”

She knelt before him, smiled and said, “Very much so,” while tugging his T-shirt over his head. She brushed her lips on the center of his chest. “I’ve wanted my mouth here ever since I smoothed sun lotion on you at the beach.”

Her hands felt more wonderful sliding over his chest and shoulders than in his wildest imagination. Unable to drag out this delicious torture any longer, he stood and pulled her to her feet. Before he had a chance to unbutton his jeans, her hands were at his waist fumbling against the fastener. “Whoa, baby. I’ve got this.” He pulled a small packet from the pocket and held it between his teeth as he kicked off his shoes and stepped out of his pants and boxers.

“Cluny, stand still so I can look at you.”

He held his breath, more nervous than the last time under enemy fire. She took her time. A big grin grew on his face. “Do I pass inspection?”

She twisted her lips and tapped a tapered finger on her chin. “Um hum. You’re standing at attention I see.”

“A Marine endeavors to give his all, ma’am.” He winked. “You interested in finding out what my

She flashed a wicked smile and took him in her hand. “Would it have anything to do with this?”

She screeched when he grabbed her around the waist and lifted her high. Through a couple of caveman style grunts, he carried her to the bed. “Woman! Me want you. Me have you. Now!” With that he tossed her on the bed to her scream of laughter and pounced.


* * *



Graciella’s excitement was nearly unbearable. When this beautiful man came down on top of her, every nerve in her body burned with a fire she felt could consume her. Where had this passion been hidden in her for so long? Her desire for Cluny was all-consuming. She gasped when his teeth nipped her throat and collarbone. Mere seconds after, his hand cupped her and she felt his probing fingers, she bucked against him and a massive orgasm exploded. She fell back in shock, gasped as tears welled in her eyes. “Oh, querido. Oh, Deus.”

Intense blue eyes sparkled above his smiling lips. “Now that we got that one out of the way we can take it nice and slow.” Kneeling between her legs, he lifted her knees and kissed her sensitive inner thighs.

Afraid she might swoon, Graciella grabbed handfuls of his hair and lifted his head. “Cluny, stop. I have to breathe. I can’t…”

He lay down next to her and rolled her to face him. “It’s OK, baby. I need to breathe too.” His big hand stroked her back and bottom then he threaded fingers through her hair and pulled her in for a breath-stealing kiss.

She stroked his chest and sighed. “That was so fast and incredible.”

“Sweetheart, you make me so happy.”

“I want to make you happy, Cluny. I don’t want to disappoint you.”

“You can’t disappoint me. You amaze me.” He stroked her breast. “Every inch of you amazes me, makes me grateful to be alive, here, with you.”

Against her will she thought of fierce little Misty Beachy, Cluny’s former lover. How and why had she ever left him? Men like Cluny McPherson were few and far between. Graciella couldn’t get her mind around why no other woman had claimed him for her own. Her heart swelled with the knowledge that he was here with her, in her bed, telling her she made him happy. Was this fleeting? Could this last?

His hand cupped her chin. “My love, look at me. Nobody is in this room but you and me. I want you. I want us. I don’t want any other woman. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

Her breath stuttered. “I want to understand. I want that so much. More than anything.” She stroked the stubble on his cheek. “I’m trying to stay in the moment. It’s hard.”

“Yes, ma’am, it is. So if you’ll allow me…” He quickly sheathed himself and rose above her emitting a long groan of satisfaction as he pushed himself slowly, ever so slowly inside. “In you, Graciella. This is where I belong.” His mouth covered her eager lips. And he moved.

Yes. Oh, yes. Here, he belonged here.





“Baby, I have to go.”

“No, amor.” She clung to him. “I want you to spend the night.”

“I can’t. I don’t want to disturb your sleep. I thrash around.”

Her heart cracked at the distress in his voice over his ongoing struggle with PTS. It couldn’t be that bad, could it, a few nightmares? “I’m willing to lose a little sleep to have you here beside me.”

“Sweetheart, I can’t leave Queen in the car all night, and I have to open the shop at seven this morning. You’ll need to pick up Santos in a few hours.” He stroked her cheek. “I don’t want to leave you, your bed. Not after what happened between us tonight. I’d rather cut off an arm than leave.”

She rose on her elbow and gazed down at him. “Go get Queen and bring her in the apartment. Nobody will see you at this hour. I don’t want you to leave me.” She feathered her fingers across his lips. “Please?”

He sighed. “I’ll do it, but against my better judgment. You have to promise me something.”

“What?” She’d promise almost anything to keep him with her for a few more hours.

“If I have nightmares, you’ll get up and leave me and Queen in the room. Don’t try to wake me by talking or touching me. I’m afraid I might accidentally hurt you. Do you understand?”

“Yes, querido. I promise. How can we be together if you always need to leave?”

“You know I don’t want to go, but I’m not willing to risk losing you before we’ve had a chance.”

“Go get her. I’ll do what you say.” She slipped out of bed and donned her robe while Cluny pulled on his jeans. She could barely see him in the dim light, but didn’t need to. She knew every detail of his body.

Not bothering with shoes or a shirt, he padded from the room with her close behind. “I’ll be a couple of minutes.” When they got to the door, he leaned in and kissed her. “I hope this isn’t a mistake.”

“It’ll be OK.” She wasn’t as confident as she sounded but wanted it to be true. This man had baggage, and she was willing to help him carry it. Down deep in her soul she felt he was worth it.

When the door clicked shut behind him, she went to the kitchen for a glass of water and got a big mixing bowl to fill for Queen. A few minutes passed and she heard a loud rap on the door. Smiling, she moved with a light step to open it. “That was quick.”

Jamal loomed in the semi-darkness. “Where’s Krystal?”

He took a step forward, and she tried desperately to close the door. “She’s not here!”

He shouldered the door open and knocked her back. She fell to the floor. He grabbed her by the hair. “Where is she, bitch?”

“I don’t know. Stop!” Terrified, she struggled upward to keep him from pulling her hair out by the roots. “Please, stop,” she screamed. “You’re hurting me!”

Loud pounding footsteps sounded on the stairs and hallway, followed by Queen’s bark that turned into a menacing snarl. “What the hell!” Cluny threw himself forward, knocked Jamal to the floor, and dragged him out the door onto the landing. Jamal screamed when Queen clamped her powerful jaws on his crotch.

Graciella heard somebody shout, “Call the police!”

“Get this dog off me! Please!” Jamal yelled desperately.

Deaf to his plea, Cluny pounded his fist over and over in Jamal’s face as Queen growled and shook her head, undeterred by his flailing legs. Jamal stopped struggling. Blood gushed from his nose and mouth. Cluny pounded him relentlessly, seeming not to notice Jamal had stopped fighting back.

“Cluny! Stop!” Graciella shook his shoulder. “Stop, you’re killing him.” Terror and helplessness screamed in her brain. She was powerless to stop him from hitting the semi-conscious, bleeding man.

Shouting and footsteps rushed to her door. How had the police got there so fast? Three armed officers dragged Cluny off Jamal. He screamed, “You bastard! I’ll kill you, you bastard!”

“Whose dog is this? Call off this dog!”

Cluny commanded, “Queen, release!”

Graciella put out a shaky hand. “It’s OK, Queenie.” The dog stared at her, released the torn pants, and bared her teeth.

Reaching gingerly for the dog, Graciella said, “No, Queen. Good girl.” In an instant the dog sat back on her haunches, ready to spring on the officers subduing Cluny. Graciella grabbed her collar and, scared to death, held on as hard as she could, knowing she didn’t have the strength to control the powerful Malinois if she charged.

Cluny stopped struggling, aware of what was happening. “Down, Queen, stand down.” He tried to shake off the officers, but one of them yanked his hands behind his back, slapped on a pair of cuffs, then hauled him to his feet.

When they began to drag him away, Graciella screamed, “What are you doing? He was protecting me! Wait! Where are you taking him?”

“Devonshire station.” An officer held his hand in front of her face. “Take your dog and step back inside the apartment, ma’am. An officer will take your statement.”

“Cluny!” She pushed against the officer blocking her way, screaming at them because they were arresting the wrong man. She was so distraught she didn’t notice she’d reverted to her native Portuguese.
“Escala! Escala, por favor!”
The officer held her back.

“Graciella, call Gunny. Tell him where…” The uniforms shoved him toward the short flight of steps, and she didn’t hear the rest of what he said.

She shouted, “I’ll call him right now!” Shaking off the officer’s restraining hand, she stepped back inside. “Come, Queen. Good girl.” She slammed the door in the man’s face and turned the deadbolt. She went to the kitchen, grabbed the wall phone, and realized she didn’t know Dwayne Dempsey’s number.


* * *



Cluny struggled against the rough handling of the uniformed officers. “What’s wrong with you guys? That sonofabitch attacked my girlfriend. Don’t hurt my dog! You better not hurt my dog, goddammit!”

“Yeah? And what are you going to do about it? Shut up and get in the car.” The man shoved Cluny’s head down and pushed him into the back of the black and white and slammed the door.

Cluny leaned forward and saw two more officers dragging Jamal across the parking lot and putting him in another car. In a fury, he reared back and viciously kicked the panel protecting the front seat with the bottom of his bare foot. “Goddammit! Let me out of here!” They ignored him, got in the car, and drove.

Five minutes later the patrol car pulled in the lot in front of LAPD Devonshire station. The officers went inside and left him in the car. The second car pulled in. The uniforms extracted Jamal from the backseat and hustled him inside. Cluny waited briefly and began to shout and kick again.

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