Love of Her Lives (19 page)

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Authors: Sharon Clare

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Romance, #Paranormal

BOOK: Love of Her Lives
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Her breasts rose and fell, slowly, heated with desire and aching for his touch. She had never felt such exquisite anticipation. Starting at the top of her shirt, his fingers slid into her buttonholes to leave each button undone until her blouse lay open. Her belly tightened with an exquisite sexual response when he opened her blouse.

His lips parted as he gazed down at her breasts rising and falling inside her bra. She watched while he ran his fingers under the edge of the cup, touching her skin. His expression never wavered from confident as she imagined him determining the fastest way to get her out of that bra. Would the warrior search for the clasp? Would he find it between her breasts? Would he notice she’d stopped breathing?

A quick flick of his fingers and her breasts sprung free.

“Every time, Beth, you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Your body is always perfection.” He traced patterns on her breasts with his thumbs, down her belly, up to her throat, her lips. She pulled his fingers into her mouth, wanting some taste of him. The firelight cast him in a soft glow as he savoured and soothed, both rough and gentle.

“Mmmm, let me help you out of your shirt, Calum.”

He shook his head and the wicked smile came down on her nipple. She gasped as the sensation shook her. She had never felt an erotic pulse go so deep and spread through her with such intensity. The man was magic, as if he knew exactly what she craved, how much pressure, where, when.

“Oh Calum,” she moaned, weakly. He was sending her over the edge with the flick of his tongue, his fingers a gentle compress. Artfully adapting to exasperate every peak he brought her to, he then brought her to the next one. Her whole being rose to meet a surge she had never fathomed finding there. An intense rapture rippled from her breasts to the swelling nub between her thighs, to her womb, and she drew her breath in a long gasp as her climax left her panting against the pillows.

“Oh, I never … Calum, w-wait.”

“You don’t like it, or you need to catch your breath?” His smile was pure seduction, glinting with self–satisfaction. Although he’d pleased her, the look in his eye suggested she should think twice before asking him to stop.

“That’s never happened to me before.” Her heart was still racing. “I didn’t even know it was possible. You … . How did you do that? How did you know how to touch me so precisely?”

His expression turned soft. “Because I know you,
. For a thousand years, you’ve been my study. I’ve learned to tune into your peaks, your valleys and to bring you through them, and back and through them again. Having those memories is gratification in the most sensual sense.”

It would take a few minutes or months for her to wrap her head around that. “I’d like to see if I have any memories.” She slipped her hand under his shirt.

He got up on his elbow. “No. This isn’t about me tonight.”

“It is now.” She dove back under his shirt.

He laughed and grabbed her wrists startlingly fast.

“Do not think you are going to manhandle me into compliance.” She struggled uselessly against his iron hold. “Let go. I’m taking your clothes off whether you like it or not, and it’s happening right now, Bucko.”

He looked at her through narrowed eyes. “You need some lessons in romance, lass. That’s no way to get a man out of his pants.”

She dissolved in a pool of laughter. He couldn’t have hit that nail any squarer on the head.

“I’m sorry.” She started to laugh again. “You’re right. I was frenzied for a moment. So … let me start over.”

“Beth, wait. You don’t know how badly I want you to … but no, the time isn’t right. That is …”

“What is it, Calum?”

“Damn. I know I brought this on. I can’t keep my hands off you, lass.”

He picked up Beth’s shirt and wrapped it around her shoulders.

“I wasn’t complaining.”

“I know, and if it wasn’t your first time, it wouldn’t matter so much.”

“What wouldn’t matter so much?” She hated seeing him struggle with this. If only she could tell him he had nothing to worry about, that his restoration lay in her hands.

A look of resignation crossed his face. He stood and took her hand to pull her up to sit on the couch. “There’s something I need to tell you.”

• • •

“Would you like a whiskey?” Calum asked, retreating to the counter for a glass. In all their years together, he couldn’t remember once stopping in the middle of lovemaking for a glass of whiskey. What a fine predicament. Indebted to an immortal trickster so he could make love to his woman. No turning back now — in for a penny, in for a pound.

“No thanks,” she said. “I thought you wanted to talk?”

He poured the drink and turned to face her. “No, well, yes, uh no.” He didn’t. He couldn’t think of any topic he would rather discuss less. What rationale would explain why he was all over her like bees to a flower head but fended her off if she touched him?

“Whatever it is, I’ll help you with it. Trust me, Calum.”

“Trust you?” He smiled wryly. He’d asked no less of her, given her no option but to trust him.

“Come on, out with it.” She buttoned her blouse and crossed the room to the kitchen table. Pulling out a chair, she sat down. He had her full attention.

He studied her expression. She wasn’t going to give it up. Admitting to his impotency was one thing, but he’d best not admit he’d bent her will.

He began by sitting down across from her. “All right then, this is the way of it. I was granted a human body by Finn, the trickster, but the Old Ones of the Upper World weren’t pleased I’d gone behind their backs. For some inhuman reason they thought I’d be of better service to you, if I was not so distracted by my, er, intent to get you into bed.”

“No kidding? And you hide it so well.”

He ignored that sarcastic truism. “I suppose I need not tell you that it didn’t work. One look at you, lass, and I’m like a rutting buck.”

That confession brought a smile to her face. “You poor man — slave to the nature of a beast.”

“Well, in my defense I do carry salacious memories.”

“What did these old people do to you to focus your attention away from your penis?”

“I’m getting to that. Beth, first let me remind you that I do want you.”

“I know that, Calum.”

“I could happily spend my life pleasing you in ways we’ve only begun to explore.”

“I don’t doubt that. Calum, just spit it out.”

“I’m impotent. Do you know what that means, lass? I can’t,” and he couldn’t help but grimace, “that is, we can’t join as man and woman are meant to.”


His woman didn’t look nearly as distraught by the news as he’d imagined. She must not understand.

“Like you said before,” she said. “You and I have a unique bond. Let’s just try and see what happens.”

“Ah no. Believe me it doesn’t work, and I’ve no desire to suffer any further on that account. But there’s no need for you to do without. Pleasing you gives me pleasure enough.”

“I don’t want a gigolo. I’m not keeping my hands to myself. I want to please you as well.”

“And you will, just not yet. I need a couple more days.” He would not tell Beth about Finn’s three tasks. She’d think he’d abducted her from her home to seduce her, not protect her. Until she felt what it was like to join in love, she’d not understand why he’d relentlessly pursued it.

Beth stood and came around behind him. She rested her elbows on his shoulders, her chin on his head. “You’re not having a couple more days, minutes maybe, but not much more. I’m turning the table. You are to put yourself in the same position you put me. Hands up, Mister, let me play with your nipples.”

He laughed. “You think I’m going to say no.”

“Yes, I do.” She kissed behind his ear and tickled his neck with her tongue like he’d done to her.

He had no choice. The lass was inexperienced, and she didn’t have the memories. First times were always delicate and Beth deserved better. If he couldn’t live this life with her, at the very least he would leave her with the memory that no man would ever please her as he did.

“Watch yourself.” Calum pushed back his chair and pulled her down on his knee.

“Feel this.” Her voice was soft and seductive as she leaned forward to kiss him. Her lips were an invitation, warm and moist, they met his in a slow kiss, then she pulled back. “I don’t have your vast experience, but on the other hand, who does? Frankly, I’ve never been in a more bizarre situation, but being with you feels exactly right. I’m here, Calum, offering you what I’ve never offered any man. Whatever happens between us will be beautiful enough for me.”

It hadn’t occurred to him she wouldn’t offer herself. That wasn’t the issue. It would be beautiful to say the least, but not like this. Finn had asked for patience. Calum had no choice but to give it. If Beth wouldn’t take for herself, they would have to find something else to do.

She kissed his nose and then stood up. “Why don’t you put another log on the fire?”

Chapter 21
Make Love Not Comedy

No chance Calum was getting out of this. Could she tie him down and have her way with him? No, he’d see that coming.

She considered what tactic to employ. Seduction might be his area of expertise, but she was a fast study, and he’d been a proficient teacher. He might be warrior tough, but she could make him tremble, she’d felt the fine tremors run through him. Besides, he’d just shown her his weakness. The man suffered a serious lack of restraint. He tended to get caught up, so she would distract him enough to catch him off–guard.

After arranging a candlelit periphery, she put on soft music. The sight of him fixing the fire rendered her motionless. One side of his face was aglow, his jaw darkened by his light beard angled into a square chin, his hair flecked with gold brushed his neck. He stood up and leaned into the mantle, arms stretched above him, the hard lines of his body graceful. The dusky room cast his broad back in shadow, and the scent of sandalwood candles mingled with wood smoke enticed her. She let out her breath.

A few steps brought her up behind him where she ran her fingernails down his back lightly in waves. The sexy low noise he made in his throat prompted her to knead the muscles in his shoulders.

“That feels nice,
.” Knowing he treasured her was a direct turn–on. She stayed behind him, slipped her hands under his shirt, around to his chest and down to feel the gentle ripples of his abdomen. Touching his bare skin intensified the pulse beginning to beat low in her womb. The strength of the sensation felt completely new to her.

When she lifted his shirt, he went perfectly still, so she kissed his back, inching the hem up and up, running her fingernails in lazy circles over his skin. When the position was just right she swept the shirt over his head, and while he could have stopped her, he didn’t. Nothing like a good back scratch to distract a man. He turned and gave her a wry look.

“A shirt for a shirt is only fair. Of course you know where it leads.” She used her most sultry voice as she clamped down on his nipples.

His chest drew a slow inhale.

, lass.”

“You have a beautiful body, Calum. Did you truly look like this before?”

“Yes, when we gave our oath to each other. Shall I tell you about those days?”

“Not now.” That story could wait, like she’d been waiting to have his flesh at her mercy. And she did have him there. His breathing deepened as she kissed him from shoulder to shoulder, and she hadn’t released his nipples. This was fun. She was going to play with him, tease and arouse, exactly as he’d done to her. She tasted every inch of warm skin, slid her lips over hard muscle, titillated each nerve ending, and brought the blood surging to the surface. He stood still all the while. His hands didn’t move to touch her.

Calum made that sexy noise in his throat again, the voice of a wildcat struggling with what he would allow her to do. The pulse in her grew, and she used it like a rhythm to move her body against his.

“You keep doing that to me, and you will find yourself naked on the rug, lass. I’m giving you fair warning. One of us will find some release.”

She didn’t stop. She couldn’t. Her desire was a newfound gift and she wanted to explore. Up and down, across and back in a slow dance of her lips learning his chest, her fingernails travelling his back. Like her insides, the man was hot and fierce and wildly aroused. Perfect.

“Lie down with me,” she whispered, letting her lips touch his earlobe. He pulled her down and tried to place her in a sweet cuddle that would position him behind her, out of reach. Not what she had in mind. Before she thought about what she was doing, she grabbed his groin.

Her gentle squeeze stopped him cold.

“Let go your hand. We talked about this, no? Tonight is for your pleasure.”

“I’m not letting go, and I’m not waiting.” She had a substantial handful for a man unerect. “You don’t seem to be lacking any endowments here.” She palpated him, discerning what was what.

“Bloody hell, woman, that feels good.” He spoke through his teeth. She smiled her best seductive smile, not nearly as refined as his tended to be, but enough to melt a sliver of his tension and pop one of his buttons.

The mixed look on his face of disgruntled and excitement gave her a heady feeling that translated to giddiness. He grabbed her wrist. “That’s enough, lass. There’s nowhere for this to go.”

She squeezed, feeling a fun sort of wickedness. He released the pressure on her wrist, but only slightly. Her desire grew like a wild thing inside her. “Lay back, Calum. I’m not stopping, and if you don’t do as I say, I’ll squeeze you into compliance.” She gave him a little compress as emphasis.

“Holy God, are you meaning to damage me, then?”

“Not permanently.” To have a hold over the rugged warrior was such fun. “What was it you said about some edge between pain and pleasure?”

“I didn’t mean
kind of pain. I was referring to the ache of anticipation.”

“Oh, I’m feeling that ache, believe me. Just lay back, I’ll have you aching too, in no time.”

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