Love or Justice (14 page)

Read Love or Justice Online

Authors: Rachel Mannino

Tags: #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Suspense, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense

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Dante felt the muscles in his neck and shoulders tighten.

“Maybe.” Laurie shrugged.

“What kind of books do you like to read?” John clasped his hands in his lap.

“Well, I’ve almost finished my law degree, so I read books related to that, but I’ll read almost anything.” Laurie shifted away from John and Dean.

“Wow, law school. We have a very smart woman here gentleman.” John tapped her on her shoulder.

Laurie gave him a half-smile.

“Didn’t I tell you two you were starting a shift in a few hours? What happened to getting some sleep?” Dante interrupted.

“Come on, Dante, you know I don’t need much sleep. I can stay up for hours, no problem.” Dean winked at Laurie.

“I had two team members on last night who thought the same thing, and they both ended up in the hospital. Now, I need you both alert tonight. I’m not joking. Go get some sleep. Now.” Dante gripped the pillow next to him to keep him from launching out of his seat.

“All right, all right, boss. We’re going!” Dean got up.

John stared at Dante, not moving. Dante stared back. Neither budged for a minute. Then John gave up and slowly got to his feet. He walked out of the living room, disappearing into the hallway.

“That was a little harsh.” Laurie turned to him. Dante looked at her.

“I don’t have the luxury of being lenient anymore.”

Laurie lowered her gaze, staring at the remote again. Her cheeks were pale, a frown creased her forehead and the corners of her mouth. She poked at the remote buttons with her long, slender fingers. Dante sighed.

“Why don’t we fix dinner?” He forced a smile. “We can make that tomato sauce you wanted to try.”

Laurie’s gazed flicked up to meet his. She considered him for a moment, then put the remote down on the coffee table.

Relieved, Dante put away the laptop, leading her into the kitchen. He got out the pots they needed.

Laurie pulled out the magazine she saw the recipe in. She took the ingredients from the refrigerator. Conversing little, they set about chopping onions, tomatoes, garlic, and herbs for the sauce.

Dante stirred until he got restless, then Laurie took over. He started boiling the water for the pasta. By the time the noodles were ready, the sauce bubbled merrily.

They sat next to each other at one end of the long kitchen table. Laurie’s somber expression finally got to him, and Dante covered her hand with his.

She looked up at him and gave him a small smile. It was a start.

“I know it’s been hard.I know loosing David was awful, but we’ll get through this.”

Laurie’s smile brightened. She leaned over, kissing him on the cheek.

Warmth spread through his chest, and he smiled back at her. He continued to hold her hand as they ate dinner, both trying not to say or do anything that would further upset the other.

Dante didn’t attempt to work after dinner. Laurie wanted to watch TV to get her mind off everything. Dante agreed without much protest. She sat on the couch, close to him. He stretched his arm over the back of the couch. Around 10:00 p.m., Dante heard a door open down the hall.

Laurie scooted over to the end of the couch.

Dante threw her a smile right before John appeared.

Laurie said hello to him. She pushed herself up from the couch to go the bathroom and get ready for bed.

Dante was relieved. He didn’t want another scene like the one earlier. Dante followed shortly thereafter. He entered his room, and then crept through the adjoining closet into Laurie’s room. He waited.

When she returned from the shower, Dante stood just inside the bedroom door. The moment the door closed, he tugged her to him, wrapping his arms around her. They stood there like that for several minutes, as Dante kissed her forehead, her cheeks, and her lips. He nuzzled her neck, licking her freshly scrubbed skin. When he started moving her toward the bed, Laurie chuckled at him.

“Shhhh. We have to be quiet. They’re right down the hall.” Dante kissed her silent.

“Sorry,” she mouthed.

He gave her a lingering, slow kiss. One of his hands tangled in her hair, while the other slid down to the soft curves of her backside. He was amazed at how her touch could make him feel so alive. Heat washed over every place they touched. He ached for her.

Dante laid her down on the bed. He pulled the nightgown off her then kneaded her breasts with his palms, grazing the nipples with his thumbs. He ran the back of his fingers down the smooth skin of her abdomen, and then massaged the sensitive flesh of her thighs. Every stroke was careful, deliberate, as he sought to heighten her desire.

Laurie ran her hands up his chest, sliding her hands underneath his t-shirt. He worked himself out of his own clothes. Then he made love to her again, but this time it was slow and sweet. They savored every minute as if tomorrow would never come.














Laurie woke up in a haze. She lay in a ball on her side, knees drawn up toward her chest. She could feel Dante behind her, his chest pressed against her back. His right arm draped over hers, his hand covering hers. She curled under his chin, so his head rested lightly on the back of her head. She wondered if he was subconsciously trying to shield her from the door. She smiled at the thought.

Laurie felt his deep, even breathing. He was fast asleep, and she didn’t want to wake him. She studied his strong hand. He had knobby knuckles; strong, thick fingers, and a fleshy palm wrapped in his caramel complexion. How on earth had she ended up with such a lover? He was nothing like the previous men she dated.

She had dated rarely, but when she did, the men were bookish types. Frail, thin men who wore sweaters into class because of the air conditioning. She didn’t date gun-toting, life-saving, strong, and silent types. Yet she felt a profound sense of comfort and ease tucked beside this man she hardly knew.

Laurie found herself wondering what it would be like starting a new life without Dante around. He had been her guide in this horrifying adventure. She would only have a few more days with him. Would he have the opportunity to write to her, to call her? Would he want to? Was this was just a mindless fling for him? Laurie sighed. Being lovers for a few days seemed insufficient. She felt a pang of loss more sharp than giving up her friends and her life at the resort. The cost of testifying at this trial rose every day.

Dante stirred, coughed. Then he nuzzled the back of her head. Laurie stretched out her legs for a second and Dante moved his head so he was cheek to cheek with her.

“Morning.” She turned her head to kiss his cheek.

“Go back to sleep,” he whispered back.

She chuckled at him, but she didn’t move.

He pulled her flush against his naked body.

“Isn’t the new guy supposed to come soon?”

“Yes.” Dante’s eyes remained firmly closed.

“Don’t you have to change shifts with John and Dean?” Laurie prodded him with her elbow.


Laurie chuckled, rolling over onto her back beneath him.

He growled at her.

“I’m trying to sleep, Ms. Shelton.”

“I don’t want you to get in trouble.”

Dante opened one eye to survey her pointed expression. Then he opened both eyes and yawned, stretching out his limbs. Dante gave Laurie a lazy smile before he brushed her lips with his. Then he rolled over to look at the clock. It was almost 10:00 a.m.

“You’re right. Time to get up.”

He rolled out of bed and grabbed the jeans and t-shirt he had worn three days earlier. He buckled his gun into place and ran his fingers through his hair.

Laurie sat up on the bed, her arms wrapped around her knees. She watched him, still wondering at how they came to be together.

He walked over to her. He ran his hand over her crown of sunlit hair. Then he bent down and kissed her forehead.

Laurie leaned back so he could brush her lips with his.

“Gotta go to work.”

She laughed.

Laurie dressed slowly, taking pains to look nice. She brushed out her hair, her thoughts filled with the man who just left the room. When she went into the living room, she waved a greeting at John and Dean. They were absorbed in their TV show.

In the kitchen, Dante was sitting at the table. He was so engrossed in his thoughts, he didn’t hear Laurie come in behind him.

She took one look at him scowling at his phone and became concerned.


His head snapped up. He straightened himself. Then he forced a smile.

“It’s nothing,” he replied to her questioning look. “It was just Rick calling to say the new guy would be here any minute.”

She looked him over for a moment, but decided to let it pass.

“What do you want for breakfast?” She came up beside him.

“Anything is fine.” He got up and went to the coffee maker, avoiding her completely.

Laurie stared at his back for a moment. Then she sighed and made her way to the refrigerator to get out the eggs and bread. She made them both omelets, while Dante stared at the toaster like it had offended him this morning. They sat down at the table. Before they started eating, Laurie reached over and squeezed his hand. As he looked up, she gave him a reassuring smile. It worked. The scowl on his face slipped away. He smiled back, and squeezed her hand before he let her go.

“Boss, I think the new guy’s here.”

Dante excused himself from the table and went into the living room.

Laurie listened from the kitchen, wondering what could possibly be bothering him.

“I take it you’re Jason,” said Dante.

“Yes, sir,” Jason said. He had a deep, booming male voice.

“Welcome. I’m glad you’re here. You can put your things in one of the rooms on the right down the hall. Then come back here. I’ll brief you.”

Laurie wandered in from the kitchen.

Dante introduced Jason to Laurie when he came back from putting down his bags, and then Dean and John decided to head to bed.

Jason was a quiet character, solemn.

Laurie sat on the couch reading.

Dante sat writing his report beside her.

Jason sat in the chair, reading a magazine or the newspaper.

Laurie did manage to draw Jason out a tiny bit. She learned he was from San Francisco, and he was divorced from his first wife. He had a four-year-old boy he showed Laurie pictures of on his phone.

“He told me yesterday he wants to be a police officer for Halloween.” Jason grinned, but Laurie thought of David.

Jason put his phone back in his pocket. He stood up from where he had perched on the arm of the couch beside her.

“Wonder where he got that idea from.” Laurie toyed with the remote.

Jason’s smile stretched up to his eyes, but he didn’t say anything. He excused himself, as he retreated into the hallway toward the bathroom.

Laurie stared at his retreating back as the young man strode away.

Laurie’s eyes fell to the cover of her book, sitting in her lap. It had worn edges and dog-earned pages, but Laurie saw none of it. She saw David’s face, then the picture of Mary he had shown her, and she thought of the son David would never get to see. She swallowed hard, taking a deep breath. Pain lanced her heart. She looked up and met Dante’s steady gaze. She looked back down at her book, then back to Dante.

“Can we try to call Cheyn and Max again?”

“Yeah.” He reached into his pocket for his cell phone.

He dialed what was supposed to be Cheyn’s number, she prayed for it to connect. It rang once, twice, three times. It just kept ringing until the machine picked up. She saw worry flicker across his face as he left another message. Max’s line just did the same. Dante’s concern transformed into her anxiety.

“We’ll reach one of them soon, Laurie. Rick said they’ve both been on a lot of painkillers, but they’re both fine,” he said.

Laurie nodded, but she didn’t meet his gaze.

“Are you calling the guys who survived?” Jason asked, as he re-entered and took his seat.

“Yes.” Dante looked up, his mouth set in hard lines.

“That’s bad business,” Jason said. “But with two former Marines, you’ll be just fine, ma’am.”

“That’s not what worries me.” Laurie shifted in her seat, looking at Dante.

“Maybe I’ll just try the hospital switchboard.” Dante looked up the hospital’s number.

He dialed. A machine picked up. Dante punched in the numbers to spell Cheyn’s last name. He jabbed at each number with his index finger, each hit increasing in vehemence and pure annoyance. The computer confirmed Cheyn’s name, but it gave him a different room number than the one Rick had given him. He hit one to transfer. The phone began to ring. Dante let out a breath in a whoosh of air from his mouth.

“Hellooo?” Laurie could hear Cheyn’s answer. She leaned towards Dante, her heart lifting. His voice was raspy. He sounded drugged or half-asleep or both, but to Laurie he never sounded better.

Dante smiled at Laurie.

“Cheyn! It’s Dante. How are you? I’ve been trying to call but Rick gave me the wrong room number.” Dante swatted at Laurie’s hand as she tried to take the phone.

“Dante, man. It’s so good to talk to you.”

“How are you doing? Are they treating you right over there?”

“There are some very sweet nurses here, man. They have me all patched up. I should be released tomorrow.”

“Good. I’m relieved. You had everyone pretty shaken.” Dante reached for her hand, surprising her.

She glanced at Jason, but he was reading his newspaper.

“How are you, boss? Did you make it out okay?”

“A bullet grazed me, but I’m fine. After they put you in the helicopter, I grabbed Laurie and got the hell out of there.”

“How’s Miz Laurie? Is she okay?”

“Yeah, she’s fine. We drove to the other safe house. She’d like to talk to you, too.”

“I’m so glad she made it out. I should be able to come back soon. Real soon.”

“You don’t need to worry about that. You can’t come back to active duty that fast.”

“Aww, come on boss. You know I live for the job.”

“I know you do, Cheyn, but you gotta rest up for the next one. I’ll take care of Laurie.”

“Yeah, I bet you will.” Cheyn let out a drug-induced giggle, and it made Laurie nervous. What if Cheyn said something to Rick?

“Uh, well, we got a new Marshal from California. He flew in this morning. Dean and John came last night. So I’m all set. You need to go back to your place and get ready for the next assignment.”

Cheyn chuckled on the other end of the phone.

“Can I talk to him? Please?” She gripped Dante’s hand, while holding out her other one for the phone.

“Cheyn, Laurie’s about to wrestle me for the phone. I think she wants to talk to you now.”

Dante turned his head away from Laurie, as she tried to snatch the phone from him. His hand still held one of hers, so he held it up to block her.

“Yeah, let me talk to Miz Laurie.”

“All right, all right. I’ll give you the phone,” he said to Laurie. “I gotta go, Cheyn. She’s getting insistent. You take care of yourself. I’ll see you soon.”

“You take good care of her. Be very careful. Real careful with these Kaimi people.”

“We will. I’m giving the phone to Laurie before she attacks me. Bye.” Dante handed over the phone.

Laurie gave him a light punch on the shoulder. She turned her head away as she took the cell phone.

“Cheyn! I’m so glad you’re okay! I’ve been worried.”

“Aww, Miz Laurie. Of course, I’m okay. Are you okay?”

“I’m good. I’m good. Getting a little stir crazy, but I’m okay.”

“How’s Dante been treating you? You know if he gives you any trouble, you can tell me. I can take him out.” Cheyn giggled.

“No. Dante’s been good to me. Saved my life the other night. You both did.”

“I was just doin’ my job.”

“Well, thank you. Thank you for protecting me. I’m sorry you were shot, and Max, and…David.” Her voice had lowered to a scratched whisper.

Dante put his hand on her back to soothe her.

“I know, Miz Laurie. I know. I’m fine. I’m leaving the hospital tomorrow. So don’t you worry about me, okay?”

“Okay. I’m glad you’re going to be fine. We were concerned when we couldn’t reach you.”

“They just kept switching my room around. Must’ve been in three rooms already. I’m just fine, Miz Laurie. You need to take care of yourself.”

“Yes, yes, I will. Dante will take good care of me. They all will.”

“Well, you take good care of him too. That’s my partner right there. Someone needs to have his back while I’m out of commission.”

Laurie smiled into the phone. She looked up at Dante. His eyes were a dark chocolate she wanted to loose herself in. Her heart constricted under his tender gaze.

“I will. I’ll take good care of him too.”

Dante smiled at her. His fingers contracted on her back in an imperceptible caress.

“Have a good night, Miz Laurie.”

“Okay, Cheyn. You have a good night too. Feel better!”


“Aloha.” Laurie hung up the phone.

Next Dante dialed the operator again and got Max’s new room number. Max didn’t pick up the phone, but Dante saw the hospital care pages. He decided to try to reach Max that way. He and Laurie wrote a very nice ‘get well soon’ message to him, which made them both feel much more lighthearted by the end of the day. The hospital still had Max listed as a patient. Even if he couldn’t pick up the phone yet, he was at least alive.

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