Love or Justice (23 page)

Read Love or Justice Online

Authors: Rachel Mannino

Tags: #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Suspense, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense

BOOK: Love or Justice
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“Let’s get back for super, shall we?”

“Yeah.” Dante shook out his anger.

“If your mother asks, you were helping me nail the new posts together for the upper field.”

Dante nodded with a grimace. Downcast and worried, he followed his father back to the house.













Fall descended on Nebraska. The days grew crisp. The leaves in the orchard turned a brilliant yellow and began to fall. The world turned to cracking at every turn, from the dried corn stalks underfoot, discarded after the harvest, to the wind whipping the bare branches of the trees.

Laurie and Dante settled into a comfortable life on the farm. They rose right after the sun, ate breakfast with Emma and Albert, and went over to the orchard. They harvested apples and pears all day, then came home for dinner. In the evenings, they would watch TV for a little while. Dante would often use his parent’s computer to surf the internet. Ultimately, they would fall in bed together at the end of the day exhausted.

Dante would have been at peace, but at the end of the week, Dante and Albert heard nothing from the CIA. Nothing at all. The silence stretched into another week.

Finally, Albert pulled Dante aside one Saturday while Emma taught Laurie how to can applesauce. They went out to the barn.

“What did they say?” Dante closed the door, his breath steaming the chilly air.

“The raid came up empty. They’re not done sifting through all of the information yet, but they’re not even sure Kaimi was ever there.”

“Great, perfect.” Dante ran his hands through his hair as he began to pace the cement floor of the barn.

“Patience, son. You have to—” Albert started.

“I know, Dad. I know. But it’s not your job that’s on the line.”

Albert, leaning over the table, looked up at his son. His expression was stern, his eyes impatient. Dante clenched his jaw. Then he heaved a sigh of frustration. He came back to the worktable and Albert continued.

“The agency has two other leads on Kaimi. An agent identified him here, in a house outside Honolulu. It seems Kaimi is still able to check-in on some of his business associates. They didn’t overhear where he is staying. They couldn’t get information out before he left. A citizen called in a tip that he may be here in Maui.”

Albert pointed to Kahului, at the neck of the island’s west end.

“With a boat at his disposal, he can get back and forth between Maui and Honolulu. It would only be a few hours between the two.” Dante frowned.

Albert scribbled a note in shorthand beside Maui. Then he shaded in the areas where Kaimi was spotted.

“Who was this business associate Kaimi met with?”

“Classified.” Albert continued to make notes on the map.

“Dad, I have a level three security clearance. I’ve had it for years.” Dante put his hands on his hips.

Albert smiled.

“I’m sure you do, but that doesn’t even begin to touch this.”

“If it’s relevant to Kaimi’s whereabouts—” Dante started.

“Then I’ll tell you, but as of right now, I’m not sure that it is.”

Dante’s face tensed. His jaw ached. Anger settled in the pit of his stomach, making it burn. He left the table and went back to pacing.

“When is the FBI going to move on the Kaimi tip?” he asked over his shoulder.

“Their putting surveillance in place now. They’ve had no real evidence he’s there, so they’re looking at all additional known associates in case he’s checking in on them.”

Dante nodded.

“Anything else?”

Albert shook his head.

“Not yet.”

Albert put the map back into the hidden safe. Dante went back to pacing. He tried to choke back his disappointment. There was nothing he could do to find Kaimi from here, and he knew it.

“Who are your contacts at the agency?”

Albert turned around from replacing the fake panel. He looked surprised.

“You know I won’t tell you. It’s classified.” Albert’s brow furrowed.

“Can they be trusted?” Dante stopped pacing to stare at him. “Are they working the Kaimi case now?”

“Of course they can be trusted. They wouldn’t be at the agency if they couldn’t. The second is irrelevant. They have access to the information we need.”

“They’re not going to have the best information if they’re not working on the Kaimi case. Can you talk to the agents working the Kaimi case?”

“What should I tell them? That my son, who’s suspected of being a mole in the Marshals Service, wanted to inquire after Kaimi?” Albert planted his feet on the floor and crossed his arms over his chest.

“Well, maybe I should just call some contacts if you’re not willing to get the job done.”

Albert took several quick strides to close the gap between them.

Dante saw his jaw tense, and his brown eyes shot sparks. Dante’s system flooded with adrenaline. Every muscle tensed as he prepared for battle.

“I’ve been getting this job done since long before you were born, young man. How dare you suggest anything else.” His father pointed one long boned finger at him.

Dante pulled himself up to his tallest height. His face screwed up in anger. He was nose to nose with his father. He could feel his hot breath fanning his cheek. Dante wouldn’t retreat one step—not one.

“Really? Did you get the job done the last time you went after Kaimi?”

Albert curled up his fists, as he stared into his son’s eyes. His lips contorted into a sneer, as his cheek muscle jumped with barely controlled anger.

“You were always a stubborn child. Arrogant, even. Talking about things you know nothing about.”

“How would you even know? You weren’t there. You wouldn’t know anything about my childhood.”

A flicker of remorse and pain crossed Albert’s face. It was brief, but Dante saw it before Albert regained his composure. Albert looked down at the cement floor of the barn.

Dante felt ashamed. His dad was trying to help him. Here he was, throwing a tantrum because it wasn’t the information he wanted to hear.

Dante took a step back. He ran his hands through his hair, cursing.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. It was a low blow.”

Albert nodded. He paused for a few minutes, thinking. Then he put his hands on his hips, and gave a rueful smile, still looking at the floor.

“You were always fiery as a kid. Every time I came home, there were sparks flying. I thought you would just outgrow it. When you got older…well, I just started to guess it was because I couldn’t be there for you and your mom. As if you were perpetually angry at me.” Albert spoke softly, and let out a breath.

Dante closed his eyes. Never in his whole life had he imagined his father as vulnerable. Here it was before him, exposed and hungry for his attention. It felt good for a brief second that his father finally broke, but now Dante just felt like a bully.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be a pain-in-the-ass kid. I don’t mean to be a jerk now. I’m just frustrated. I need Kaimi to be caught so I can go back to my job. So I can take care of Laurie.”

Albert nodded. His fingers twitched as he stared at the floor. Then he looked up at Dante.

Dante felt like he was ten again, standing around, waiting for his father to notice he was there.

“We’ll get him, son.” Albert’s voice took on a tone of newfound determination. “We’ll bring him in. We’ll get your job straightened out.”

Dante nodded back. After a few moments of staring at each other, Albert broke away to lead the way to the door. Gratefully, Dante followed.






“They’ll find him, Dante,” Laurie said to him as he drove. “They will. It just takes time.”

“They should have found him by now. It’s been months. Something’s not right.”

They were in the truck, driving back from Fremont. They had gone into the small town to shop for winter clothes with the money they earned from the apple and pear harvest. The fall had melded into the holidays, and Thanksgiving was at the end of the week. They both knew buying winter clothes couldn’t wait anymore. They were already freezing half the time as it was, and they didn’t fit into the heavy coats his mom insisted they wear.

It had been a relief for them to get off the farm for the day. It was nice for them to see someone that wasn’t Albert or Emma. Laurie hadn’t been shopping in months, and it was the first time she and Dante were out in public together as a couple. She enjoyed being able to hold hands as they walked down the street. She loved the way Dante placed his hand on the small of her back as they walked around the stores. It gave her a small taste of what life they could have had together if they had just met under different circumstances, if they weren’t forced to hide all of the time.

Now, driving back, for Laurie the farm felt like home. On Thursday, it would be her first Thanksgiving outside the resort in over a decade. She would be with a family, a family that felt like her family.

She glanced over at Dante’s profile. He was tense, worried. He seemed that way more and more lately. They no longer spent their days roaming around the orchard, and it seemed that Dante felt caged. He paced around the farmhouse, he fidgeted almost constantly. She placed her hand on his shoulder. He glanced over at her. She gave him a reassuring smile.

“They’ll find him. It just takes time.”

He half-smiled. He took one hand off the wheel and picked up the hand she laid on his shoulder. He kissed her hand. He brought both of their hands to rest on the console between them.

“I know, I know.” He sighed. “I’m just frustrated.”

“I know. You can’t do anything about their investigation from here. They’re doing the best they can.”

“I don’t know. I don’t think they are.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, if he had a mole in the Marshals Service, what’s to stop him from having a mole in the FBI? They could be derailing the whole investigation, tipping him off every time they’ve got a lead on him.”

Laurie nodded as she absorbed that theory. He was right. If they didn’t catch Kaimi, then they may never find Katherine and Easton James. That is, if they were still alive. Laurie turned her gaze to the passing farms, lying dormant for the winter. The thought of Kaimi escaping justice while the Jameses suffered made her furious.

The other half of Laurie almost hoped they never caught Kaimi. That was a terrible thing to want. After all of the people he’d killed, she wanted him behind bars for the rest of his life, but she also wanted to stay here with Dante for a long time. Maybe even forever.

“What does your dad think about this theory?”

“Haven’t talked to him about it.”

“Maybe you should.” Laurie squeezed his hand. He squeezed hers back.

Then he pulled into the driveway. With the corn stalks now cut down, you could see the house half way down the drive. As Dante approached, Laurie’s heart stuttered. There was a van parked out front. His parents hadn’t told them about anyone coming over. He slowed the truck down, so it wouldn’t make as much noise pulling in.

“Who’s here?” Laurie sat up taller in her seat.

“I don’t know.” Dante released her hand.

He pulled up behind the van. There didn’t appear to be any disturbance around the yard, or the front porch. The van had Iowa plates, which made Laurie even more nervous.

“Stay here. Take the keys, and don’t come in until I come get you.” He through her a pointed look as he handed her the keys.

“Okay.” She nodded and sank down into the seat.

“I mean it. Stay here.”

“I will.” She waved him away.






Dante took his gun out of the console. He got out of the truck, closing the door slowly until he heard a soft click as it latched. Walking in the blind spots created by the vehicles, he went around to the front door. He turned the knob. He moved inside, but the house was silent. He heard no one, saw no one. He cleared each room on the ground floor until he reached the kitchen. He opened the pantry door, but nothing stared back at him but potatoes.

“Looking for someone?” came a voice from behind.

Gun ready, Dante spun around.

“Marshals Service,” he yelled. “Oh, dammit Uncle Bob!”

Bob burst into laughter.

“It’s not funny! I could have shot you!” Dante holstered his gun. He heaved a sigh of relief.

“Nah, I trust you, kid. Where’d you hide your lady?” Bob was grinning from ear to ear.

“She’s out in the truck. Why didn’t you tell us you were coming?” Dante put his hands on his hips. Bob shrugged.

“Didn’t know that I was. Gabriella and I decided this morning. Packed up the kids, threw ’em in the van and came this way.”

“Next time, call first.” Dante clapped him on the back in a bear hug. “Or else next time I will shoot.”

Bob chuckled at him as they walked toward the front door.

“Where’s everyone else?”

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