Love Redesigned (18 page)

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Authors: Jo Iles

BOOK: Love Redesigned
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Miranda’s face dropped ever so slightly and he realised this must be a big deal for her. Unlike him, she hadn’t already been married, and she obviously wanted to have the works.

‘Okay,’ she replied sweetly, and kissed him. He knew for a fact by her immediate acceptance that there was no way she was going to listen to him about having a small party.

‘I’ve had an idea,’ she added excitedly, pulling away from him slightly.

‘That was quick,’ he laughed.

‘Why don’t you invite Holly?’

‘To our engagement party? I’m not sure that’s entirely appropriate,’ Daniel said, finding the idea abhorrent.

‘Of course it is. She’s the mother of your child. If this is all going to work, then we are all going to have to be adults about this less-than-ideal situation. Plus, you want Harry to come, don’t you?’

‘Well, yes… but I hadn’t given it much thought, to tell you the truth. You’ve changed your tune. I didn’t think you wanted me to have much to do with them,’ he pointed out.

‘Yes, I know I didn’t. But I’ve been thinking a great deal about it all. Harry is your son—and I’m going to be his stepmother, whether I like it or not. I can be mature about this. At first, I felt a little excluded because of your past with Holly and the fact that you have a child together. But now that it’s all very nearly done and dusted… well, it puts my mind at rest. I trust you, of course. I just didn’t trust
. I thought she might try to win you back.’

‘Really? You thought she was trying to win me back?’ Daniel asked, surprised.

‘Honestly. You men are utterly clueless. I saw the way she was looking at you, and how she’d gotten herself all dressed up for your party, and then again when she came here the other day.’

‘Everyone gets dressed up for a party,’ Daniel said, finding it hard to believe what Miranda was saying.

‘Yes, but… trust me. I’m a woman. I know these things.’ And that was clearly the end of that discussion. ‘Oh! You know what we could do? Just to show there’s no hard feelings anymore, you could get Holly to design the party!’ Miranda suggested.

‘Umm, I’m not sure party planning is really her thing,’ Daniel countered tactfully, not wanting to hurt Miranda’s feelings. Her heart was in the right place.

‘Nonsense. She’s a designer, isn’t she? And I’m sure she can’t be
busy with her little projects. Promise me you’ll ask her,’ Miranda said, bringing her face close to his and opening her eyes wide.

‘Fine, I’ll ask,’ he said, but only to keep the peace and let Miranda think she was getting her own way. He had zero intention of asking his very nearly ex-wife to come up with a party concept for his
wife. That was just plain weird.

* * *

For the rest of the day, Daniel kept coming back to this conversation he’d had with Miranda. Whether deliberate or not, Miranda had used some quite belittling language in describing Holly’s business—referring to her small projects and assuming that she wasn’t that busy. Miranda obviously hadn’t done any research into what Holly had going on at all—which was strange, because Miranda was normally paranoid about staying abreast of what the competition were doing. In Daniel’s mind, Miranda had significantly underestimated Holly. Perhaps they all had. Two more people had handed in their notice at Delamonte Developments recently, both remaining conspicuously silent with regard to their next jobs. Daniel couldn’t prove anything, but he had a sneaking suspicion that he knew why. If he was right, then they were soon going to be hearing about Holly and her business on a much more frequent basis.

Although Miranda obviously didn’t see Holly as a business threat, she
alluded to the fact that she felt she had been in personal competition with her. That surprised Daniel greatly. For one, Miranda had never before felt any sense of rivalry from other women; she always appeared so sure of herself and her own magnetism. So she
have been worried for her to even mention her fears to him. But she said she’d trusted
, just that she didn’t trust
. If only she knew: it was Daniel who wasn’t to be trusted.

Could Holly be trusted? Did Miranda have a point that Holly had been trying to win him back? This utterly baffled him, as he hadn’t gotten that impression at all. He’d thought they’d been having a bit of fun for old times’ sake. But… could Miranda be right? She usually was.
Holly been trying to get back together with him? She’d said as much in the office the other day, but he’d just laughed at her, thinking it preposterous—and she hadn’t been the same since. She’d been pleasant enough, but… guarded, more reserved around him.

Daniel suddenly felt unsettled; unable to concentrate on anything for long periods of time. He knew the right thing to do would be to continue with his life, just as he had done for the past few years. With Miranda. But there was a niggling voice in the back of his mind. A voice that was inspiring images of Holly right where there should have been images of Miranda.

Daniel could accept that he had feelings for Holly. But were they simply on account of their shared past and their son? Or were these new emotions—emotions that were stronger than those based on memories? He wasn’t sure.

And what worried him even more was: What if his feelings for Holly weren’t reciprocated? The fact that she had now signed off on their marriage for good, after weeks of stalling, spoke volumes.

Chapter 7

It was the morning of the engagement party, and Daniel hadn’t done a thing to stop the wheels that he’d set in motion a month or so ago. His doubts had been growing, but the coward in him had done nothing to slow Miranda down. She’d been in her organisational element, throwing what he fully expected to be the engagement bash of the year, as well as ploughing headlong into wedding preparations. It didn’t help that he’d barely seen or heard from Holly, aside from a quick hello when she’d dropped Harry off for a couple of afternoons of father-son bonding. She hadn’t even been around to oversee the ground floor redesign, or if she had, she’d timed it when he’d been at work. If he’d seen her a bit more, then maybe it would have spurred him into action, but a lack of contact had left him unsure of what to do.

Further compounding his state of emotional confusion was the fact that the house now looked
. The contractors had worked down to the wire to get Holly’s designs realised in time for the party. As Daniel surveyed his finished home on his way down to breakfast, he couldn’t help noticing the changes Holly had made, large and small, that now made the place feel more like a
. His home. There were now personal touches where none had been before—family photographs, even one of his mother, and lots of comfortable soft furnishing, all with incredibly tactile qualities. It was still modern and chic, but now it also had a personal and comfortable feel about it. The only downside to all of this was the fact that, as he took in all the changes for the first time in the daylight, the essence of the place said nothing about Miranda, and everything about Holly.

The pièce de résistance was the kitchen. Stephanie had been initially quite put out that her sparkling kitchen was going to be ripped out, partially reused, and altered—but as he entered the bright space, with its wall of light, he could see from Stephanie’s beaming smile that she very much approved of the changes.

‘Good morning, Daniel,’ she almost sang.

‘Hello, Stephanie,’ he said, taking a seat at the new breakfast bar. ‘What do you think?’

‘Oh, it’s wonderful. Beautiful. Such a clever use of space,’ she practically gushed. And he’d never known Stephanie to gush before.

‘I’m glad you like it.’

‘Now, what would you like for breakfast?’ she asked, looking keen to get her hands on the new appliances under her fingertips.

‘A full English, please,’ Daniel answered obligingly. He wasn’t overly hungry, but he knew it made Stephanie happy to feed people. She was such a good employee, he was happy to indulge her.

‘Coming right up,’ she said, smiling broadly, as she fired up the stove and began busying herself. ‘Are you looking forward to your party?’ she asked happily, as Daniel thumbed through the morning papers.

‘Yes, I suppose so,’ Daniel replied automatically. He knew he was going to have to lose the downbeat attitude at some point that day, but with Stephanie, he could be himself.

‘Well, that doesn’t sound too cheery. Will Holly be making an appearance this evening?’ she asked, throwing a raised eyebrow in his direction.

‘Yes, apparently so,’ Daniel sighed. ‘She said she’d come over after lunch, so Harry could spend a bit of time with me.’

‘Well, that’ll be nice,’ Stephanie said, as she began cracking eggs. ‘She’s a lovely girl. I’ve gotten to know her a bit over the past few weeks, what with the renovation and all, and I think she’s been marvelous.’

‘Has she been here a lot?’ Daniel asked, surprised.

‘Why, yes, at least a couple of times a week. Didn’t you know? She was overseeing most things and putting those workmen in their place. What I
say is, she’s an absolute perfectionist. I had my doubts about this new design idea of yours, but she knew what she was doing, all right. I know it’s probably not my place to say anything, now that you’re marrying Miranda, but that Holly is one hell of a catch, and I hope she finds true happiness. She deserves it,’ Stephanie said almost wistfully.

‘When were you going to tell me?’ Daniel asked, having listened to every word—and all the other words, that were left unsaid.

‘Tell you what, Daniel?’ Stephanie looked lost.

‘That I’m in love with Holly,’ Daniel said simply. He felt vulnerable for saying these words, but at the same time, he was glad they were out in the open.

‘Ahh,’ Stephanie said, and continued making breakfast as though Daniel saying he was in love with his ex-wife was an everyday occurrence. ‘I thought you knew that much already.’ She fixed him with a steady gaze. ‘Honestly, you men are all the same,’ she then added, clearly exasperated by his ignorance, and began turning the bacon.

Daniel didn’t say anything. He looked like a little lost boy.

‘Poor Daniel Madison.’ Stephanie laughed as she clocked his sad face. ‘Supposedly in love with two women, and now you’re not sure who to choose. Am I about right?’ she asked, like an all-knowing mother hen.

‘Maybe,’ Daniel replied. He thought he sounded like a surly teenager.

‘Well, if you want my tuppence’s worth, you’ve got two options,’ Stephanie began. ‘Stay with Miss M and live an easy life, enjoying your money, the business, and each other. Maintain the status quo, so to speak. Or… are you willing to take a risk on option two, with Miss H? To risk your safe and secure life for one that might
work out again, and could potentially give you a lifetime of headaches along the way? But it
work, and you
have a family. You could be truly happy and fulfilled with a selfless woman.’

‘You’ve made it perfectly clear who
rooting for.’ Daniel smiled and shook his head. ‘Hold on a minute. Why did you say
? Before. Why did you say I was
in love with two women?’

‘Because, Daniel my dear, for as long as I’ve known you, you’ve never been in love with Miranda. It was your mother who pushed you two together. You were just too broken-hearted at the time to notice.’

‘Did she?’

‘Yes. She thought Miranda would do you good, would help you move on after Holly. That’s why she wouldn’t fund your business. She wanted to push you ever closer to Miranda.’

‘The interfering old…’ Daniel began, feeling his temper ignite.

‘Don’t waste your time thinking ill of your mother. It’s futile. What you
be thinking about, now that you know you’re in love with Holly, is: What are you going to do?’ She sounded impatient for him to make a decision.

‘Oh, I don’t know. You’re assuming here that both Miss M and Miss H are in love with me. I’m not so sure,’ Daniel said, still feeling frustrated and distracted by the discovery of yet more of his mother’s meddling.

‘Of that, I’d say you have nothing to fear,’ Stephanie said with a wink. ‘Don’t worry so much. These things often have a way of sorting themselves out.’

‘I wish I had your optimism,’ Daniel said, and tucked unhungrily into his breakfast.

Part 3
Chapter 1

Holly was feeling good. Fantastic, in actual fact. She’d been working harder than she had done in her entire life, and it looked like her plans were all about to come to fruition. Using Delamonte Developments as a blueprint, she’d gone off after that meeting with Daniel in his office and set up her own property development company as a sister company to her design office. And since she already had her own business up and running, it wasn’t the bureaucratic nightmare she had originally imagined. Of course, she didn’t have the funding to throw at it that Daniel and Miranda had, but she was using their model just the same. The bank had been surprisingly supportive of her business plan and had given her the loan she’d asked for on the spot. She already had two projects commissioned—creating modern new build homes—but the difference between her enterprise and Daniel’s company was that
clients didn’t need to be the super-rich breed that Delamonte Developments courted. That worked to her advantage, and she could aim at the considerably larger group of middle-of-the-roaders who wanted to build their own chic and comfortable homes, even though they didn’t fit into the millionaire bracket. She’d even poached a few of Daniel’s staff right from under his nose—much to her satisfaction.

Her personal life was also going well. It had been a couple of weeks since Chloe had introduced her to Jake, a friend of Chloe’s brother, and they’d been seeing each other quite regularly. He was a nice guy, good-looking, kind and generous with his time. Harry got on well with him, which was another positive. Jake was just an all-round good egg.

For the first time in her life, Holly really knew where she was going, and the feeling of having taken such a huge, bold business risk—and having pulled it off—gave her a level of professional confidence she’d never felt before. Well, she’d mostly pulled it off, and she was mostly confident. A part of her found it a little bit harder to sleep at night knowing she had stretched the company finances—and that if it all ended in tears, she’d have a whopping great big bank loan to repay. But it
going to go wrong, she kept reminding herself. She could and
make this work. She had set out to prove to herself and the world that she was more than just a designer—that she could be a good businesswoman as well. Of course, time would tell, but so far things were going well.

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