Authors: Peyton Reeser
Swooping in on his target, Nick swirled his tongue around a beaded nipple before kissing it sweetly while his labored breathing against the wet path he left on her breast caused Shannon to shudder from head to toe. Lifting the prized flesh, he pulled her deeply into his hot mouth and sucked hard as he greedily devoured her aching flesh.
Shannon clung to his shoulders, mewling softly, as Nick feasted on her woman’s body. Desire, basic and greedy, rushed at his senses, while she writhed sensuously against his rock-hard frame. She speared trembling fingers into his hair, holding his head and hungry mouth at her sensitive breasts, asking for more.
Moving to her other breast, Nick repeated in exquisite detail the same oral assault he’d visited on the first while Shannon shook and moaned in his arms. She was on fire, of that there was no doubt, and while he could have stayed at her magnificent breasts till the end of time, there was so much more that he wanted to do to her, so much more that he needed to share with her.
Suddenly abandoning her breasts, Nick slid to his haunches and hooked his fingers into the sides of her tiny panties before Shannon realized what he was doing. With a firm tug, the sheer fabric peeled away, leaving her completely naked and vulnerable to his gaze. When he leaned in and breathed deeply, she knew he was picking up on her arousal and wantonly tilted her pelvis in his direction. Dazed and more turned on than she ever thought possible, she watched with labored breathing as his nose disappeared in the blonde curls at her thighs as he kissed her aching mound with firm lips. The feel of his big hands holding her backside so he had complete access to her woman’s center was more exciting than anything she’d known to this point. Shannon felt feminine and incredibly powerful by the unmistakable effect that her arousal had on his response when she was guided onto the big bed while her cowboy pirate enjoyed her sensual dishevelment with glittering male satisfaction.
Nick had wanted to love her slowly this first time; tasting every inch of flesh and drinking in her arousal until she was mindless and out-of-control. Unfortunately, he hadn’t considered the siren’s song her naked body was subjecting his one-track mind to. How he kept from simply dropping her to the floor where they stood and plunging into her heated core was a mystery to him. He had more control than he thought, but the sight of her naked and panting on his bed and with the tangy aroma of her excitement invading his brain, Nick’s determination to go slow was effectively shot to hell.
The big man looming over her made Shannon’s senses go haywire. Whatever poise she hoped to bring to their reunion was long gone, as was her ability to do any more than moan and tremble under his appreciative gaze and sensual touches. Her chest was heaving from the deep, excited breaths she needed to keep her brain functioning, and while she wanted to take her time and enjoy what this second chance had given them, her greedy senses overrode that resolve and whipped her response level to a fever pitch that could only end one way.
“Oh god, Nick. Please,” she moaned in surrender to the passions that threatened to sweep her away. “I need you now.”
Her hips undulated in an age-old invocation that begged for his possession and drove all conscious thought from Nick’s brain. With his fat, throbbing cock leading the way in search of her unique, wet heat, he used his knees to push her thighs open wide, grabbed her rolling hips in both hands, and pulled her forward at the exact moment he let loose with a thunderous growl, plunging deep in one mighty thrust, sinking into the hot, creamy depths of her body.
The cry that broke from her he quickly swallowed as he plundered her mouth with his own while he held fast and still as her clutching woman’s sheath adjusted to his presence. It was a transcendent moment, rather like coming home, with Nick struggling not to let it overwhelm him.
They clung to each other in that sumptuous bed while flying at thirty thousand feet on a journey that paled in comparison to the emotional one they were lost in. Her body wept in endless surges of creamy delight as her inner muscles tightened and released with each delicious stroke of his body inside hers.
Kissing, clutching each other close, whispering erotic words of delight and joy at their joining, they set a rhythm as old as time, riding on waves of intense excitement as they built a fire of searing heat that was leading them both to a cataclysmic finish.
Shannon’s hips rose and fell with each delicious plunge of Nick’s manhood as he churned them both into a feverish frenzy of increasing desire. Sinking deep, he held perfectly still and watched her until she opened dazed eyes to look into his. He wanted her to see what he was feeling and he wanted to watch while she came around his bursting flesh.
When the first faint flutters of orgasm began rushing through her senses, Shannon’s inner muscles clenched on a ferocious spasm, bringing a shudder of awareness from the man buried in her body and a groaned, “Oh dear god,” that ripped through her senses like a flash of lightning.
Crying out in helpless wonder, Shannon tightened the grip of her legs around his waist and thrust herself against him over and over as a shimmering climax shattered her senses. Frantically clutching his cock with her body in time to each mighty thrust that his thundering possession wrought, Shannon arched her back and flung herself over the edge of the world when he met her climax with one of his own, spurting his heated desire deep into her womanly core.
His groans of surrender to the massive tidal wave that was his orgasm matched hers, and while the tempestuous storm began to pass, they didn’t back off from the sexy grinding aftermath that followed. It wasn’t enough, would never be enough, and before their mingled cries had disappeared in the air, the exquisite desire they’d unleashed exploded once more as they barely lost a beat and started the whole thing all over again.
This time they did go slower, now that the initial excitement had been fed and satisfied. Shannon cried and clung to Nick’s massive body as he sent her up and over again and again until she’d come so many times she nearly passed out from the pleasure he had given her. When he finally couldn’t hold back any longer, she grabbed his butt in both her hands and went wild, grinding against him when he stroked deep and sure and urging him back with each retreat. She could feel him deep inside, against her womb, and hurtled to a mind-blowing completion when at last he grunted in her ear and poured himself into her seething depths as his body shook and trembled with his release.
It was a long, long time later before either of them had the strength or desire to move. Shannon who found her voice first, surprising Nick with a simple, declaration, sighing
softly, “I love you.” She hadn’t said those words yet, and his joy at hearing them now knew no bounds.
Tightening his arms around her, he fought back tears, quietly adding, “I have always loved you.
, little one.” When she put her mouth to his chest in an open-mouthed kiss, he was pretty sure that if the world ended right then, he’d die a happy, happy man.
If they were at his home, he would have hauled her off to the Jacuzzi tub for a long, relaxing soak where he could enjoy her body some more by subjecting her to a thorough washing at his hands. Unfortunately, even a private jet had its limitations, making a bath out of the question and a shower for two impractical in the small enclosure designed for a single person. Releasing a heavy sigh of regret, Nick suggested she avail herself of the bathroom, alone.
Shannon giggled at the obvious disappointment in Nick’s voice when he told her they would have to shower separately. The idea of her hands all over his massive body, washing every inch of exposed flesh was tempting, indeed, and she secretly envisioned a graphic montage of sensual delight, which she stored away in her mind for future reference.
When she climbed off his chest where she had been contentedly curled up, he playfully swatted her rump and let her know in no uncertain terms how lucky she was that the plane’s shower was too small for him to ravish her again. She grinned at his choice of words and decided that they would definitely have to indulge in some shower play in the near future.
Thankfully, in Nick’s opinion, it took many hours to fly eastward, so their timeout of time as they hurtled through the sky allowed them the opportunity to settle into the realization that they were very much a reunited couple. With Shannon’s surrender and their shared desire to begin anew, neither was in a hurry to see this special moment of togetherness come to an end. Day-to-day reality would intrude before too long, but for the time being, they were content to stay quietly wrapped in each other’s loving embrace until at the last they were forced to return to the main cabin to prepare for landing.
Upon reentering the common space of the front cabin, Nick immediately inquired of their flight attendant to the comfort of the Reyes family and, satisfied that the flight had been calm and uneventful for his guests, had turned his attention back to the beautiful woman at his side. Now that they had reestablished the intimate side of their relationship, Nick was eager to show her his life in New York and mentally set about making definitive plans for their future.
They sat side by side as the big jet made its final approach to the east coast with Nick holding her small hand in his much larger one as he simply enjoyed being able to touch her. An overpowering sense of possession where she was concerned crowded his senses, making his desire to protect and worship her radiate from his being. When she turned shy, adoring eyes his way, the smile of male satisfaction that lit up his face reached into his soul. She made him feel primitive and virile, and going by the way she subconsciously pressed her knees together as if responding to the sheer carnality of his thoughts, he guessed she was feeling the same, only from a woman’s point of view.
He had to hand it to his pilot because their descent and landing could not have gone any smoother. Reluctant to move from Shannon’s side, Nick remained in his seat until they had taxied to the private hangar area for the Barrett jet. The presence of a large black limo told him that his PA, Claire, and his always-punctual driver, Mr. Allen, were standing by for their arrival. Time to end their sensual sojourn and join the human race again. He had to stop himself from sighing in regret.
As soon as they could move safely around the cabin Shannon realized she had left her bag in the bedroom, which much to Nick’s delight meant he could draw her away in private for a few more last-minute kisses before the real world intruded. Before that, though, Nadia had quietly appeared to ascertain their status.
“Is there anything you require help with, sir, Ms. Reynolds?”
the efficient attendant inquired. “Mr. Allen is standing by, sir, and Ms. Dennison is settling things with the flight and hangar crew.” Smiling pleasantly in Shannon’s direction, “I hope your flight was comfortable, Ms. Reynolds. It was a pleasure having you onboard.”
Nick stood by with an expression of utter delight and approval when Shannon stepped up and offered her hand in thanks to his senior flight attendant. Ever the lady and always mindful of those around her, she gave Nadia a bright smile. “Thank you so much, Nadia. I’m not all that fond of flying,” she added with a sidelong and mischievous glance in Nick’s direction. In a cute conspiratorial voice that women used with each other, she laughed and said, “Of course the private jet and friendly crew wasn’t exactly a sacrifice! This is my first time, you know! For a lot of things.”
The two women chuckled and swung their eyes his way while Nick had the good sense to say nothing as he basked in Shannon’s wicked gaze and puffed up, rather like a man who was well satisfied with himself, under his employee’s shrewd regard. He had no doubt that Nadia knew exactly what had been going on in his private cabin, not that anything even remotely similar had ever happened before, at least not while he was onboard and certainly not in his private cabin. The woman had the good sense to recognize Shannon’s presence as something completely out-of-the-ordinary and definitely of tremendous importance to Nick.
Sending Nadia off with a directive to assist the Reyes family in any way she could, he let her know with a smile that all was well in the world of Barrett.
Shannon had been silently observing his discussion with the flight attendant as she pretended to check around the cabin for anything they might be leaving behind. Nick knew that she still felt a bit uneasy about the lifestyle a man in his position was accustomed to. With their newly forged intimate connection, she was probably also searching for how she would fit into his world and in what capacity. The best and most effective way to ease her worries was to kiss her senseless, and that’s exactly what he intended to do in short order.
It took but a moment to usher his delicate beauty behind the closed doors of his bedroom and sweep her into a full embrace that went on and on while Nick plundered her mouth with hungry kisses that reminded them both of the sensual storm still raging inside that had not been doused by their earlier lovemaking. She clung to him in that sweetly, trembling way she had, fueling up his senses with male satisfaction.
The kitten-heeled sandals she wore did nothing to add to her height, so when Nick wrapped her in his warmth, she melted against him, willingly letting his size and power overtake her. It was hard not to fall hard and fast each time his hunger for her burst into flames around them. She rather liked that he was insatiable where she was concerned. Knowing that went a long way toward calming her anxious nerves as they embarked on a new and unknown journey into a world that she had closed her heart and mind to a long time ago.
Reluctantly and with tremendous effort, Nick eased them out of their blistering kiss until she was cradled against his heaving chest while her arms clung helplessly to his neck. When she rose up briefly on tiptoe to place a delicate kiss on his neck, he tightened his hold on her. With glittering eyes, he teased her by saying, “We better find that bag of yours in a hurry, young lady, or you are likely to find yourself on your back, legs over my shoulders, with a desperately randy man between your thighs.”
Shannon smiled, giggled, and then laughed out loud at his evocative words before giving his hard body a feeble and girly shove. “Don’t you dare!” she chirped with glee. “People will think I’m only in this for the sex if you insist on keeping me buck naked and ever ready for your wicked ways.”
Mmmm, I like that. Wicked ways” Licking the delicate shell of her ear, he whispered, “Let’s be wicked together, little one. First you and then me and then…” The flagrantly erotic kiss that followed pushed the envelope of control each tried to maintain.
Sounds outside the cabin began to make their way into his lust-filled thoughts, making Nick end their kiss rather hastily. He’d forgotten completely where they were and had almost succeeded in his earlier taunt of “on your back with legs over my shoulders” before he came to his senses. She did that to him. Made him forget everything else but a bewitching feeling of bottomless desire.
Slowing the frenzied kiss, Nick brought them both back to earth with a gentle landing as smooth as the one their plane had performed.
My god, Shannon thought. She loved this man from a depth in her soul that somehow made all the painful regrets of yesterday fade into insignificance. Knowing that meant she had to admit that she would have willingly gone to him this time around even if he had been the heartless bastard she’d made him out to be. The thought was sobering and scary, too. No matter what had gone on before, she had been less than whole the entire time they’d been apart. It wasn’t until she was face-to-face with him again that she felt any sense of completeness about her life.
When he ended their kiss, she swiped her lips with a shaking hand in a lame attempt to pull herself together. What had they come back to the bedroom for? She couldn’t remember. Couldn’t focus on anything except his damn, sexy mouth and those irresistible dimples.
Catching sight of her bag flung beside an armchair Shannon went to retrieve it before he distracted her with more sultry kisses. The way he watched her move about the cabin almost made her laugh. A week ago she had been sad, lonely, and nursing a still-broken heart. Today, a very hot and ever-aroused male was all but panting after her and making her feel like the most desired woman on the planet.
My, my how things have changed.
“All set now?” Nick
eventually asked as he offered her his arm. Gracing her with a very satisfied
King of the World
expression when she placed her hand in the crook of his arm, they moved as one, drowning in each other’s eyes, as they returned to the main cabin.
The copilot had left the flight deck and come looking for Nick just as they made their way through the cabin. “Ah, Nick, there you are,” he said, rushing forward to offer his hand. “Was everything alright for you and your guests? Tom and I had our hands full with that new onboard GPS system, so we were unable to make the rounds during the flight.”
“No problem, Gary,” Nick replied. “Everything seemed smooth as can be from our vantage point. I’ve authorized Claire to handle whatever you need done from a maintenance standpoint since we won’t need the jet in the next week or so.”
Remembering how pleased he was with everyone from Nadia to Tom to Gary, he felt overly generous, due in no small measure to having been subjected to some immensely satisfying transcontinental lovemaking. Seizing on one of those pieces of information that his ever-alert mind had stored away for reference, he made a snap decision and, slapping Gary fondly on the back said, “I’m going to have Claire get you, Tom, and your kids into that new Broadway show nobody can get tickets for! That spot-on landing didn’t go unnoticed,”
he added with a big smile. “And don’t worry about Nadia. The theater isn’t her thing, but I’m willing to guess a day at the Peninsula Spa will crack a smile.”
Gary offered a grin, thanking his employer profusely for the opportunity to enjoy a special occasion with family. Nodding solicitously in Shannon’s direction, he closed by
saying, “It was a pleasure having you onboard, Ms. Reynolds. We hope the experience didn’t disappoint.”
Nick was sure his copilot thought them both a bit addled when for no apparent reason they both choked back a laugh, which in Shannon’s case was an embarrassed giggle, and quickly made their good-byes before heading to the rear of the plane. Out of earshot, Shannon tugged on his arm and coyly teased, “I hope the experience didn’t disappoint, Mr. Barrett.”
He let go of her hand then so she could precede him through the doorway, making sure to grab her butt in playful response, growling low next to her ear, “We aim to please, Ms. Reynolds. However, if there was anything that fell short of your expectations, just let me know. After all, practice makes perfect.”
Shannon turned happy eyes to his while wiggling her backside against his marauding grip, recovering her dignity a split second before finding herself in the rear cabin, which at the moment was bustling with activity and noise as the
Reyes’s made to depart the plane.
A woman, someone she hadn’t seen before, was deep in conversation with Alejandro. Her back was turned toward them, making this stranger unaware of their approach. A sudden and wholly unexpected surge of possessive jealousy coursed through Shannon as she took in the stylish female standing just feet away.
Busily keying information into a small tablet, the woman, who looked to be about Shannon’s age and height, was perfectly coifed in that urbane New York City way that made her feel twitchy about the simple, relaxed California-style outfit and dainty heels she had chosen for the plane trip.
Dressed in a deep, dark-green pencil skirt topped by a fitted white blouse, the slim brunette with the layered-bob haircut seemed engrossed in whatever she and Mr. Reyes were discussing. It was uncharacteristic of Shannon to react so sensitively when she had nothing to be defensive about. Nadia hadn’t bothered her in the least, but there was something about this woman that turned up the dial on her senses. Glancing at Nick’s face, he looked exactly as he had for the past week, completely focused on and engrossed in Shannon alone. Relief flooded her system, sending the butterflies that had erupted in her tummy back to calm.
* * *
The moment Nick felt Shannon stiffen when they entered the main cabin, his ever-alert senses searched for a reason for the hesitation, slight as it was. Catching sight of his PA, Claire, doing what PA’s do best, organizing the myriad details of his all-too-busy life, he knew instinctively what had caused the reaction. Claire Dennison was easy on the eyes and exuded a confident and sophisticated New-York-Wall-Street style down to perfection. Always impeccably dressed, she had a take-charge attitude that made her invaluable in his nonstop world of business, business, and more business. Like him, Claire had a unique skill set in that she could put out a fire with the best of them and could find a solution for any problem or situation that needed one.
All that said, he hadn’t looked upon the woman as any more than a highly valued employee but, being the man he was, had to admit that her flawless style and über-efficient work ethic had earned his respect. Shannon’s reaction to the woman’s presence made him smile. She was clearly not happy to find a beautiful, young woman in their midst. The thought which shouldn’t have been so satisfying was, and he was glad to discover that, after his ridiculous reaction to every man who had so much as looked at his Shannon in the last week, including the faultless surfer-dude doctor and his own best friend Ned, the playing field had pretty much leveled with her reaction, which he guessed was liberally doused with a flood of jealousy.